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  • File : 1257458892.jpg-(463 KB, 1339x600, 1243538200633.jpg)
    463 KB Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)17:08 No.509365  
    So... yeah. For a long time I have drawn animu; however, only because I wanted to visually represent ideas with something very simple and easy to do. Alas, now I want to start to actually draw something that is much more than just 'super kawaii moe animu' style. I have been trying to really DRAW, but tend to fall back into my animu tendencies. I know I have to learn from reference in real life, but I also would like some tutorials to help me along (and just don't say 'loomis'). Any suggestions ic?

    tl;dr : tutorials plz???

    -Pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)17:12 No.509369
    okay guy no matter how much you spam this shit, it won't make your case. A new one of these fake people pop up whenever anyone mentions "anime".
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)17:12 No.509370
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)17:27 No.509375
         File1257460024.jpg-(342 KB, 750x600, anime.jpg)
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    >> Guy 11/05/09(Thu)17:33 No.509378

    You are so hilariously pathetic. I can imagine your torrent of feelings as the realization that there are people who stop drawing animu hits you.

    Keep going with that meme, man! You'll do it!
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)17:42 No.509381

    I actually don't mind if people draw anime or not. I think its people passing off their failures on something else when they should accept that THEY failed, no one else did.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)17:45 No.509383
    takes one to know one.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)17:48 No.509385
    Most anime artists are just copying off those "bad-ass" designs, besides, its not like other art isn't bad ass, i.e. Frazetta.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)17:52 No.509391

    Have you seen bad copies of Frazetta? I have. A bad copy is a bad copy, I don't go blaming Frazetta people suck at imitating him.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)18:11 No.509400
    If you compare Japanese comics to American comics it is like comparing Lady GaGa to Michael Jackson.

    Lady GaGa is showy, creative, and focuses on being really far out there to the point where some of her stuff might have been though up on drugs. Sure she can't dance, but she can write songs pretty well and she looks cool and appeals to the youth, since the youth are the consumers, she will be popular and successful, but don't confuse that with being truly great.

    Michael Jackson on the other hand was fucking fantastic in every way. He can dance like a madman, he can sing like an angel, and his outfits are pretty cool. He's not as far out or wacky as Lady GaGa, but he does crazy shit off camera that gets him in trouble sometimes. Michael has a legend in the past, he was much better back in his hay day, but his stuff has not waned in quality.

    So while American comics are better, they are old and have had they're hay day. Japanese comics aren't as good, but because they are current and aimed at the youth, they are doing well right now. But who will we remember? Who will be the legend who's name everyone knows? I bet your ass it won't be GaGa.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)18:18 No.509412
         File1257463129.jpg-(123 KB, 321x542, ictroll.jpg)
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    this thread
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)18:25 No.509418
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    You're fucking retarded. You think manga is flashier than comics just because it has a different name.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)18:28 No.509420
    Also Astro Boy predates Micheal Jackson, bet you know what that shit is. You wouldn't have megaman without him either.

    Your anagoloy is horrible trash and you like Lady GaGa
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)18:43 No.509431
    Lady GaGa


    You're shitting me, right anonymous?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:41 No.509593
    Actually Japanese comics are very old. They had them since Tokyo Punch. If my memory is correct, that was in the early 1900's.
    Also, your analogy says that lady gaga is less talented with a sparkly cover and its just a trend. That is true of manga also.
    >> Newbie 11/05/09(Thu)22:42 No.509655
    Newbie here,

    Both Realistic and Manga styles have their ups and downs people.

    I don't bash either because they are both really well made, there are shitty comics just as their are shitty manga.

    On the flip side there are amazing comics such as Marvel's and DC's more well known works. Manga also has plenty that come out of Jump Magazine and so on.

    Witchblade is a prime example of fusion between both japanese and american/western art. Google it if you've never heard it.

    I personally like the manga style, but also need to learn realism and would like to at least understand western comic styles.

    As for the Lady Gaga thing, I have no comment.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)23:01 No.509676
    Wtf this doesn't even make sense.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)23:17 No.509689

    i detest both manga and comic styles

    why bother compare crap with crap.

    and btw , even for the sake of this pathetic thread the comparison sucks balls , you could have putten one of takehiko's drawings of a fight scene , do you even have the bloody idea from what manga that file is taken?

    /ic/ never ceases to amaze me , it won't be long when drawfags like you will start the same copypasta shit only with a " stop drawing comics "

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