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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turned 6 years old

    File : 1255241945.jpg-(156 KB, 518x634, 1236211470647.jpg)
    156 KB /ic/ COPYPASTA Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:19 No.490751  
    >> How does I draw? Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:19 No.490753

    o Anatomy(muscle structure, bone structure, construction of objects)
    o Perspective(viewing angle, 1, 2 and 3 point perspectives)
    o Composition(placement of objects, focal points, viewing angle, overall feel)
    * Study the following next
    o Contrast(emphasization of opposites colors to create depth)
    o Light/Shadow(how light creates shadows and highlights)
    o Color Value(mood, atmosphere, how they affect a picture)
    * Study the following LAST
    o Creativity(concepts and imagination)
    o Style(proper exaggeration of the above basics of art)
    Read Loomis! Also don't listen to people when they say read drawing for the right side of the brain. It's a waste of time >_> I read and and thought it was stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:20 No.490754
    I disagree.
    >> How does I draw? Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:20 No.490756
    The problem is that many people jump ahead too fast. The books by Andrew Loomis, for example. They're incredibly good books, but unless you have the basic knowledge required to put them to work, they're just going to confuse you.

    There's a blog by a guy called Ten Minute Drawing Techniques. Seek the blog out, and watch all the videos he has starting from the beginning. Your first major hurdle is thinking in 3 dimensions. Past that, things get a lot easier. Drawing cubes, drawing spheres, pyramids, cylinders, surfaces, basic 3D stuff. You learn to draw these and have them look right, and you'll have a solid enough base to go wherever. After that, you can start worrying about things like anatomy. But go watch those videos, because those are what helped me more than anything.

    After you've watched ALL his videos, I recommend seeking out the book called the Vilppu Drawing Manual. After that, you can look to the Andrew Loomis books. But for the time being, just worry about being able to render basic forms in space.

    Remember that art is about knowledge; never see practice as something you seek to get done so you can start drawing good pictures. Practice is what you do to help you understand things better. If you practice for a year, but you don't learn anything from that practice, then it's just time wasted.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:20 No.490757
    You're presenting a valid argument with that picture, OP.
    >> Tattoos Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:21 No.490758
    1. Research tattoo artists and find one whose art you like. Walking in with a design is not a good idea; A REAL TATTOOIST IS NOT A PHOTO COPY MACHINE and should never be expected to perform like one. Instead, find an artist you like and have them design something for you.

    2. Be willing to PAY for a good tattoo. It isn't cheap, and it shouldn't be. You want the art that's going to be on your body forever to be worth something, right?

    3. Showing a tattoo artist, in person, where you want to get the tattoo will get you a better design than begging some yahoos on an internet forum for free work. The tattooist can see what your body is like in three dimensions, and give you a design that works best with your body.

    4. Sage. Because this shit is a no-brainer.

    OP, you're going to get a shitty tattoo that you'll hate in a month. Because you could get the coolest fucking design in the world, but it's not going to mean anything to you.

    IMO, best tattoos come from people who have an interest, and then decide to get a tattoo of it, versus people who just want to look badass but have nothing in particular that they want to say with their body. OP, you need to decide what you like enough to have it engraved on your skin for the rest of your life, not have something random designed on the internet by people who don't even know you.
    >> Tattoos Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:21 No.490759
    Also loling at the idea that the tattoo artist should always design the tattoo. It's something they SHOULD be able to do, but it's not something they should expect to get to do. Sometimes they will have to give a shitty tattoo, because it's what the customer will want. Remember who's getting it permanently scarred on their body.

    Also sage for another "design my tattoo" thread, goddamn.

    People who have a good idea then decide to get it tattooed, they are doing it right.

    People who decide they want tattoos but have no idea what they want, they are doing it wrong.
    >> Referencing- How do I use? Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:22 No.490760
    Truthfully, you don't need references of smiling blonde girls. You can mash your references up. It's best to do that, to use your references more as loose guidelines than as an absolute law. You should be able to fill in missing information according to your vision and knowledge.

    Still... plugging in 'smiling little blonde girl' in any stock photo site gets results. Working around watermarks isn't a big deal, when they occur.
    >> Referencing- Is it ok if I use? Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:23 No.490761
    It's not stealing - you can't copyright a pose. I believe there was a period where /ic/ attacked Karmamanipulation for trying to copyright her poses and getting butthurt because people were referencing her photos, wasn't there? Did she wind up taking all her stuff down in the end?

    Anyways, OP - it's always fine to draw from references. It's when you start getting the idea of selling it that things start to get sticky.
    It's not actually *illegal* to use a pose from a photo, even if it's a commercial work - the pose itself isn't copyrightable. The work itself, as a photograph, or maybe a character being photographed or a person's likeness can be copyrighted, even the chair they're sitting on, but *not* the way they're sitting on it.

    The problem with that is, some folks frown upon people selling work they've copied from a photo; however most people don't have a problem with it if you've cited your reference. It's better if you keep the work you've straight up copied to yourself, or at least don't sell them - and wait until you don't *need* the references to draw a satisfactory picture, then start selling your work.

    tl;dr - yes, it's legal to sell them. The way you've phrased everything makes me think you're a bit dodgy, but whatever.
    If you can copy the pose from that photo and make it look better by your own hand, then sell it to some moron, go for your life. I'd rather look at the photo.

    Post some of your art and /ic/ will be more than happy to tell you if you're wasting your time.
    >> Referencing- Where do I find? Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:24 No.490763
    conceptart has a lovely and vast collection of links for you to explore and choose from. Many are broken but it's work sifting through.

    Believe it or not, DA has a number of really nice studio nudes in their stock image section.

    Look up "The nude figure: a visual reference for the artist
    By Mark Edward Smith" , a collection of nice b&w nudes, and you can peruse the entire book online or purchase it for $20+

    Here are some sites I haven't really checked out because I'm too cheap to pay for them but they look pretty good. I guess if you're willing to cough up the money for it.

    You can also poke around /s/, they got some nice stuff every now and then. Look up professional nude model photographers such as Steve Richard or André Brito or many others. And more. I can't be arsed to reverse search/dig up every good nude model/photo/whatever site I've ever come across. It's the internet man. This shouldn't be all that hard.
    >> I don't need to improve Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:25 No.490764
    God damn this whole attitude that suggests that it is fine for an artist to just produce the same shit over and over again without displaying an iota of interest in exploring new techniques or subjects is like the god damn kryptonite of any respectable artistic license.

    This thing you did. It's not exploratory or substantial in any way to either you nor anyone else. Good job. You're on par with terrible DA furry yaoi artists. No one besides yourself can stop you from your mindless self-indulgence.

    The fact that he chooses to post works that are very very similar in construction and technique illuminate his puerile attitude towards art. Suppose for the sake of argument that this guy has the skill or intuition to produce more intricate work. In this case, he has consciously made the decision to post only his works that pertain to this ultra-limited style.

    This, to me, reveals a complete disinterest in improvement or progress. It's not all that heinous to go about drawing things you like drawing, but glorifying this distasteful contempt for the desire to improve is where his malignancy resides. People rage when they see his posts because they represent a disinterest that essentially spits in the face of more diligent artists.
    >> I don't need to improve Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:25 No.490766
    You are insulting cartooning when you label this bullshit "cartooning". Cartooning is not some word you throw around to label shit sketches on shit paper. It isn't a word to use generally for anything that isn't "fine arts" or "illustration". Cartooning even has aesthetics.

    The problem is not your aesthetics or decision to do these. The problem is you thinking this is saying something or going deeper than what it is. There is nothing hip or cool or ironic about making the same thing over and over again. This has no voice and speaks no language. Its just..there. Its shallow, as thin as the paper its drawn on. You're like the immature kid who puts graffiti on church walls because you want to be a rebel and say something about society. You really aren't saying something with the grafitti. You're just writing on walls.
    >> Who are you, to define aesthetics? Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:26 No.490767
    Sure I alone can't define beauty or aesthetics, but its generally agreed upon that your distortion of reality is generally distasteful and, simply put, ugly.

    Don't justify your work because it defies an aesthetic. That's just another form of copping out on learning useful technique. People aren't just calling you're stuff ugly because they dislike what you draw. It's has much to do with how you reject major principles altogether (ie anatomy) stating that its just not interesting to you.
    >> I don't need to study from life, it has nothing to do with what I draw. Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:28 No.490768
    I never asked you to do fanart. What I had in mind was life drawing. When you read the ANIMATOR'S SURVIVAL KIT by RICHARD WILLIAMS, what you often see is mention of animation's deep connection with the portrayal of reality. Williams often mentions his disdain for cartoonists that limit themselves to a style because they only learned how to cartoon. The difference he saw between the works of Disney geniuses and their successors was the sudden loss of ability in drawing from life. This became an issue whenever he needed an animator to work out of their style. His understanding of the connection between reality and cartoon helped him deconstruct the medium.
    "Life drawing is the antidote to this. When you're doing life drawing, you're all alone..."

    "With life drawing there's no one to admire your efforts - rather the reverse. It's always shocking to find you're not as advanced or skilled as you thought you were, and since it's about the hardest thing to do with no rewards other than the thing itself - it's no wonder few do it or stick to it"

    "But the fact remains that there is no replacement for the hard work of solid life drawing."

    "There is one payoff and it is substantial - the gradual and fundamental improvement of all of one's work"

    I'm not a master of cartooning or animation, but I at least understand that doing the same thing all the time won't lead to the same kind of improvements diversifying or life drawing would. The classical school or art is so deeply entrenched in anatomy and perspective etc because these were the things we've learned throughout the collective history of mankind. To discard that is much more momentous than you can imagine.

    I know you're going to react by saying that this is pretentious, but these are the big sociological issues any artist has to face. Why do you think so many people draw from life? Art is an imitation of life. To disregard so much is at times alluring, but ultimately a flawed choice.
    >> i fuck little boys 10/11/09(Sun)02:28 No.490770
    >Also don't listen to people when they say read drawing for the right side of the brain. It's a waste of time >_> I read and and thought it was stupid.
    Because it didn't work for me it must not work for anyone else, despite the countless people who say it did!!
    >> Fucking Furries Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:28 No.490771
    This is why I fucking hate furries. They prance into the places where it's already established they are not well accepted, and when anyone expresses the slightest distaste for what they are posting (which they always will) they are immediately on the defensive, "okay it's furry, can we move on?" as if we're all just supposed to get past it, just to give them critique on their piece of shit drawing (which they'll give a bunch of excuses about and not listen to anyway). As if we're supposed to take their picture of two big titted catgirlfurries SERIOUSLY and if we rip on it like any other shitty artwork we not only get stupid sarcastic comments about how they find it funny in reply, but still an insistence that we need to "get past our prejudices" and give them SRS comments on their SRS picture. If this was actually a decent drawing, furry or not, you'd have ground to stand on, but it ACTUALLY IS A SHITTY DRAWING AND IF YOU'RE NOT WILLING TO SEE THAT, IT'S YOUR PROBLEM, NOT OURS.

    Furries are so fucking PRETENTIOUS.
    >> Learn the basics, then post Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:29 No.490773
    Coming to an artwork/critique board and posting artwork implies that you already possess a reasonable understanding of art and have practiced or worked hard at improving your own skill and are thereby aware enough to recognize your flaws and seek assistance from others.

    Once you can ACTUALLY draw, you are ready for receiving critiques and tips. Right now, you have NOT achieved that. You can't even DRAW correctly. My only ADVICE for you is to shut up, hole yourself in, PRACTICE till your FINGERS HURT, go to sleep, wake up the next day, PRACTICE MORE until your FINGERS HURT, and repeat this cycle for at least an entire year NON STOP.

    You should be ASHAMED and REPULSED by your actions here.

    Secondly, this is a critique board. Your work is below the level at which we can critique. There is nothing you can fix here. It contains flaws so fundamental that to rectify them would require knowledge you could not possibly have. A "fixed" work would be nothing like the work you've produced, except perhaps in a vague conceptual sense. Your primary issue is not a mistake you made in producing your work, but rather the very knowledge you base your artistic ability on. You don't need to fix this picture, you need to learn to draw.
    >> I'm not a troll? Why are you calling me that? Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:30 No.490774
    Your attitude is childish and your art is mediocre to the point of hilarity. There are actually people in this thread who doubt your legitimacy because they honest to god don't believe you could be as stupid as you're letting on. I want you to stop and consider that for a second. You're behaving so badly and your work is so bad that people don't honestly believe you're bad, they just believe you're playing a practical joke on them.
    >> i fuck little boys 10/11/09(Sun)02:31 No.490775
    >After you've watched ALL his videos, I recommend seeking out the book called the Vilppu Drawing Manual. After that, you can look to the Andrew Loomis books.
    Loomis is incredibly basic as far as anatomy books go. I would read Loomis before Vilppu.

    on topic:
    >> ORIGINAL ART DO NOT STEAL Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:31 No.490776
    To start with, never watermark your work, ever. It shows arrogance. You can't put a watermark on your work without making the statement "I think my work is good enough that other people may wish to steal it and claim it as their own". When your work is as bad as yours is, this makes you seem extremely egotistical without any reason to be. Humility is a virtue. Don't watermark your work.
    >> Oh yeah? Let's see you draw better. Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:31 No.490777
    There's a difference between being able to correct a problem and being able to recognize a problem, and your ability (or lack thereof) to do the former does not completely define your ability to do the latter. Someone's opinion should not be completely invalidated just because they're not the Jesus Christ of art.
    >> Leave your attitude at the door Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:32 No.490779
    Jesus. You're a class act aren't you? We gave you your critique. You deemed it unsuitable and then act like a brat, demanding /ic/ only critique something different.

    How about you listen to what people are telling you? What does it matter then if you won't listen? Bitch gonna go do what she wants to do anyways. We said your fashion sketches are horrendous and that you shouldn't submit them. But its all "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOOU", is it?

    I hope that attitude of yours lands you straight away from that school. You will learn absolutely nothing at art school if this is your reaction to critique you do not like.

    Get over your petty sensibilities, you'll find no use for them here.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:34 No.490780
    There are two reasons that people become clowns.

    The first is because they fit in, and they want to make people laugh.

    The second is because they make people laugh, and they want to fit in.

    I'm guessing you already know you're a bad artist. That's why you made this. You aimed to be so stupid and absurd that nobody could possibly take you seriously. This is because you're a coward.

    The reason we do things like this is because we don't like being laughed at. If we make something so stupidly absurd that not even we can take it seriously, then when people laugh, they're not laughing at you, they're laughing with you. But what happens if we try honestly hard, and people still laugh? What if people find not our actions funny, but they find us funny? That cuts deep. And it hurts.

    Grow a god damned spine. Make something you actually give two shits about. Dare to take your work seriously. Dare to fucking BE something instead of a clown. Will people respect you then? Maybe, maybe not. But the only thing worse that failing is never trying in the first place.

    Don't spend your life as a clown if you don't want to be one.

    I wish I'd learned that lesson sooner.


    ilu pictor, WAY DEEP
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:39 No.490785
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)02:55 No.490799
    only good shit on ic, this shit should be stickied permanently
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)05:26 No.490882
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)07:01 No.490907
         File1255258882.jpg-(22 KB, 444x366, 270913946_efa38ec3d8.jpg)
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    This thread has already been useful in a tattoo post.

    I love this thread
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)07:26 No.490915
         File1255260419.jpg-(161 KB, 490x663, dick.jpg)
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    >> Mister anderson !!4b5GT3HkrBS 10/11/09(Sun)08:00 No.490928
         File1255262440.jpg-(65 KB, 706x692, LOOMISracism.jpg)
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    However, those who read other animators and cartoonist showed, that those who drew from life in the exact same years as a person who didnt and just drew in a style, couldnt copy and do another style as fast as the person who drew in style. dont draw from life, form your own style first, be it naturaly or copy it entirely or parts of it. you dont need to know realism anatomy and realism proportions to draw a style, and then complain that it lacks realism and proportions. nothing wrong can be done with it, since it does not follow any rule other then what the artist creater said it would.

    Also, dont read Loomis, he was an anti-semite who hated blacks and jews. and thought that israel shouldnt exist in the map.

    First focus on doing what you want, creativity and style first. your the big boss and nobody can tell you what to do or force it. well unless they are fascist nazis like Loomis and his fans, they were after all nazis.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)08:06 No.490930

    I can't help but to applaud to your perseverance in trolling this board. Wish I could do the same in drawing.
    >> Mister anderson !!4b5GT3HkrBS 10/11/09(Sun)08:17 No.490934
         File1255263465.jpg-(16 KB, 410x240, Mister anderson.jpg)
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    Which sums up all the red text above has such a gigantic troll post, by the whole wall of text like and insults to the creator.

    It never ends. we are still in that rabbit hole. you woke up, you saw the real world, you took the blue pill instead. but your memories werent deleted. its still there.

    And you continue to fight. not for love. not for peace. not for freedom. But because you choose too.

    I will never give up, I will never go away. Every person I save in the matrix is just another insperation for my own. there is no real reason I save them. I save them because I choose to.
    >> Mister anderson !!4b5GT3HkrBS 10/11/09(Sun)09:20 No.490960

    Fraid the only one trolling is you and your bad and anti-semetic Loomis. Really I thought you would stop by now.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)09:43 No.490971
    w/e buddy, noone is falling for it
    >> Mister anderson !!4b5GT3HkrBS 10/11/09(Sun)10:14 No.490991

    Exacly, nobody fell for your trolling. glad you admit it, are you going to stop poluting this board with shit?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)10:18 No.490995
    >Also, dont read Loomis, he was an anti-semite who hated blacks and jews. and thought that israel shouldnt exist in the map.

    Ehm, you say those things as if they were bad things but those wonderful truths are all the more reason to read and adore Loomis.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)10:28 No.490999
    OK Mr anderson? shut the fuck up.

    just because someone is a dick doesn't mean all their work is for naught

    "I do not consider [name omitted] to be as bad as depicted. He is showing an ability that is amazing, and he seems to be gaining his victories without much bloodshed."

    that's a quote by Ghandi. MOTHER FUCKING Ghandi! the god of peace and awesome. DO you know who He was talking about in that quote? Hitler. Mother Fucking Hitler. Ghandi thought Hitler was awesome.

    Now Walt Fucking Disney, best mother fucking animator of the century! basically put animation on the map. He was anti semetic, and racist in every sense of the word. Doesn't negate all the awesome shit he did does it?

    also, you're negating what that redtextdude is saying just because you don't like Loomis or people telling you how to draw. You know what? you need to fucking grow up and realize that you don't need to be right. Chew up the meat and spit out the bone. if you don't like what that guy is saying, ignore it, keep your fucking mouth shut. Art is subjective and so is learning it, there are a billion ways to do it, no one way is right. Sure there are advantages and disadvantages to learning it a certain way, but that doesn't mean one way is right. You sound like a fucking console fan boy.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)10:41 No.491006

    another thing. you might be asking yourself "why the fuck is this faggot telling me to shut up if I don't like what someone is saying? why doesn't he take his own advice?"

    I'll tell you why, Because there's a difference between having a different oppinion about how to learn something and fucking telling everyone that there's only one way to do it and that the other persons way is retarded. That's Super Christian republican bullshit. They tell people there is only one way and that's with Jesus and the republicans. I'm not saying republicans or jesus is bad, I'm saying people who tought that. "THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY AND IT'S MY WAY" is bad.

    ways to do things can always be improved. Sometimes only through experimentation. That is why we hate the devianTartlets, That is why we hate the fanboys and the stupid ass yaoi fans. Because they think their way is the only right way.

    but the same can be applied to people like you Mr. Anderson. People who tell people that Loomis is not good just because they don't like it. People who tell other people not to listen to something someone else is saying just because it doesn't work for them. People who think they alone are right.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)10:42 No.491007

    and maybe you don't. I haven't known you long enough to know if you are this opinionated. and maybe you are not. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions. But like I said. Don't negate what people are saying just because they are dicks about it. From what I have seen in this thread, you are pretty egotistical and think you are right. Including that whole "saving them from the matrix" think about this.

    what if you are the one trapped in it? What if all along you thought you were "saving people" but were really bringing them into another whole different matrix? Maybe you are the enemy.

    So stop trying to negate what redtexdude is saying. He's actually got a lot down. And who knows, maybe he is wrong, but only trying what he's saying will allow us to find out.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)10:58 No.491011

    u mad
    >> Mister anderson !!4b5GT3HkrBS 10/11/09(Sun)11:05 No.491014

    He let his wife die from ilness because he didnt want to accept vaccine due to it was from the west. racism.

    Then he accepted it himself when it was his time.

    Try taking someone who isnt horrible or dillusional.

    There is only one way for the most majority of people and most of the time its only one good way to possible achieve something in the BEST possible way. other ways just take to much time or fails. I am glad you got angry, not going to be quiet though, but you can be quiet instead for me.

    And since you like "maybe" so much, then I am glad you admit you think you are the enemy, I am confident that I am not.

    I am afraid the only one who think youare right from your opinion is this, "stop trying to tell other people to do things and think you are only right here"

    And since its your own assertion, that means the same can be used against you, that you should stop trying to tell people they are wrong and only you who is right, as in the redguy is right.

    Hippocrit much? ;)

    Its another opinion vs another, and many people are confident in that opinion. if you feel uncertain or insecure that your way is wrong, then I supose you have something to back it up why its wrong.
    >> Dysenterious !99jrYyb3ow 10/11/09(Sun)11:14 No.491017
    its like a newfag parade in here
    >> Mister anderson !!4b5GT3HkrBS 10/11/09(Sun)11:18 No.491019

    I dont have or feel anything is wrong with what I say, I feel extremely confident in it, and I have something behind to to feel confident in it.

    >So stop trying to negate what redtexdude is saying

    There is nothing you can do to stop me, accept it and stop whining and give excuses on why you cant do the right thing based upon your emotion upon it.

    If someone does something bad, they are bad. and nothing good comes from them. and they are just trolling and giving bad advice. And yes, all red text is just bad advice, he even hesitates and insult people with it. if it would work, he wouldnt need to insult people who didnt take it. seem like you are a bit defensive here.

    I dont use maybe, I use if its correct or if its not based upon things that works. not something that havent worked.
    Its our way that is right, its just you anon who is wrong. you just seem to think your way of wasting time and doing error is the only way, while a correct way instantly is there and for you to try and succed.

    I still need to save more from the matrix, and seems like you dont want to improve nor be saved. And as I said, I dont say maybe, I am telling you right away that you are trapped in it, confidently. you can use maybe all your life if you want to, not for everyone else.


    He is definatly mad.

    Remember, dont draw from life, it does not work. and it does not work in the sense of taking years to affect someone that copied styles or from photos achieved. those who can. does. those who cant and continue to spam "draw from life" dont.
    >Sure I alone can't define beauty or aesthetics, but its generally agreed upon that your distortion of reality is generally distasteful and, simply put, ugly.

    Thats true, you alone dont, and since you admit to it, then the rest of what you say, acording to your own statement, is not "generaly" agreed upon. its not.
    >> Mister anderson !!4b5GT3HkrBS 10/11/09(Sun)11:19 No.491020
    Someone is sensitive that their opinions are disagreed upon instead of being lighthearted about it ^^

    If you insult, trolling or not, I will save them. and I will do it with a smile whenever its a troll or not. I always have a good laugh with trolls, I only troll certain people thouhg, just like politics only attack certain people.

    If you cant do it without being a bad person or say it bad, you gets what coming to you, dont whine about it when you get attacked yourself. you dont accept constructive critizism when you thought was right to give OP some anatomy advice was wrong and throw a tantrum about it.

    If you are going to attack people, be prepared to be attacked back. even the ones that are correct and insult will get attacked back, everything can be called constructive advice, whenever calling that person dumb, idiot, fucker go and study in a library, or go and kill yourself so that that person wont feel any pain no more can be called constructive critisism. its arbitrary. Thats why we call you to do the same for yourself, to learn it and accept OUR constructive critisism, if you dont, you dont want to improve.

    Yes, I enjoy even this replying, thats why I come. if everyone could ignore me even as anon, it wouldnt be fun.

    but there is nothing you can do but accept the butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)11:21 No.491023

    1st. Ghandi is just one example, I have at least 30 other people who were horrible dicks but did things that the world wouldn't be awesome without.

    2nd: who said anything about reddude being right? I only said you shouldn't negate what he is saying, because it COULD be right

    3rd: oh your so certain are you? well, so is every furry and 13 year old girl. People who really know what the fuck is going on know that NOTHING is certain unless it can be tested and proven time and time again with no exception. This is why politics and religion are fucking hilarious. None of them (with the exception of agnosticism) admit they could be wrong.

    The basics of the Scientific theory is that if something can be proven again and again with no exception, then it is fact, until someone finds the exception. Gravity can be proven time and time again with no exception. Art cannot. There are a billion different ways people have become great artist.

    You have to realize we live in a very uncertain world. The only people who say with conviction that they are certain of something are not really and probably have very little knowledge of it. Even scientists say that the more you know, the more you realize how little you know.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)11:36 No.491032

    >well, so is every furry and 13 year old girl.

    This is were you are certain, acording to your own belief, you are very uncertain and only us maybe or could. so basicly every furry 13 year old girl COULD believe they are right, but since they every furry or 13 year old girl dont. they dont. and this is a basis of absoulte certainly based upon something such as age and believes that they are wrong about. something that you dislike. way to go dumbass. more contradictions and hippocritical use.

    Since redguy dont believe he is wrong, same can be said about him. everyone COULD something, but unless there is something to BACK IT UP that word is useless.

    The rest is proven and backed up, if you cant prove it wrong with something is wrong

    And yes there are plenty of things in statements that is have been proven correct. as such, since its proven and tested its correct. I recomend stop trying to not do something that isnt proven and you are uncertain of instead of testing it like we do and say that its correct and working, and the other things is obvious that it wont work even when people tested and saw it.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)11:38 No.491035

    You're right, I should have said "so are Most 13 year old girls and furries, and that is why we hate them"
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)11:42 No.491037
    oh well, I see I cannot win this argument.

    Mr. Anderson I applaud you.

    Anonymous, I applaud you.

    I'm leaving. I cannot win, so I've already lost, fighting would just waist time I could spend drawing.

    sorry for being such a dick. I'm going to take my own advice.
    >> Mister anderson !!4b5GT3HkrBS 10/11/09(Sun)11:44 No.491039

    Scientists say the more you know, the less there is to know. its simple. Confident in that

    Since you base something that is untested and not proven and can be proven wrong with simple logic. and use the word "could" or "maybe" alot, then since you are uncertain about it, then you are wrong in your believes. and if you reply and state that you arent wrong in it or imply it, then you dont use the word "could" "maybe" and instead you use something directly. thus contradicting yourself. again.
    >> Mister anderson !!4b5GT3HkrBS 10/11/09(Sun)11:46 No.491040

    Maybe you are wrong that the world in not so certain, and it COULD be that using something arbitrary without logic or something to back it up and just using UNCERTAIN belivies in everything without having SOMETHING to back it UP with is the reason why you fail.

    our believes are better then redguy, and you can, acording to your own believes say:well maybe he is wrong and maybe you are right, I think I will go against him.

    Glad you admit you are wrong in a sense, again. Even if you didnt, people would still believei "well, since he said maybe he was wrong and the other guy was right, we should go with the guy who believie he was right since the other guy is uncertain, and he most base that uncertainty on something"

    Oh saying there is a way to learn like redguy did and redguy who stated that other way such as tracing or copying does not work, says it too, that its not a way to learn and tells people not to do it, even if he is wrong in it, he tells people not to do something else. telling people to draw with a tool is the way and not drawing by staring at a picture until it magicaly forms is a way of telling someone that the other way is bad. and thus, your way of telling something that only using uncertainties is a way of telling there is only one way. and certainties and confidence is bad and thats his opinion. its the same when people tell that there is only one way to do it, its an opinion. you should follow your own opinion and not tell someone else to do things.
    >> Mister anderson !!4b5GT3HkrBS 10/11/09(Sun)11:52 No.491045

    Uncertain people rarely win.

    People thath as experience and tested something in most fields believies they are right until proven wrong, they can believe gravity COULD suddenly not exist. but then you must prove there is a reason for it not to suddenly exist that disproves the belief that is already there.

    If you cant, then you are simple wrong. Confident leaders convince people, I started out being a leader because the characteristics of a leader attracts women. but basicly there is more to it, being Pick up artist you cant really push me over even if you try, over the internet or otherwise. even if the whole world or the majority would hate me, I wouldn ever surrender. even if I would hate myself suddenly for no reason then depression, I wouldnt let my belivies down.

    Glad you admit you are wrong and leaving the arena. be friendly to newcomers, and use correct advice.

    That "could" and that "maybe" turned into an absolute "yes, I am wrong that redguy might be right, he was wrong all along"
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)12:01 No.491050
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)12:10 No.491056

    I've had some time to think and cool down. Listen to some music, get a drink. Yadda yadda yadda

    I thought about what you said and realized that you are right. Uncertainty never got me anywhere. In fact, it's what's been holding me back. Thank you for debating with me. It's helped me realize a lot about myself.

    I'm being completely serious here, just in case you are wondering.

    Thank you.

    You could say that you "freed me from my own matrix" Mr. Anderson.
    >> Mister anderson !!4b5GT3HkrBS 10/11/09(Sun)12:15 No.491058

    You are welcome. I am glad whenever you are serious or not serious. I enjoy both worlds. trying out something and testing it and until its proven wrong by ones own experience or another person is the right way to do it.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)12:28 No.491068
    Well, despite the little newfag fit towards the end, I really enjoyed the pasta, I would've enjoyed them more with a little bit of sauce but hey, /saved.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)12:32 No.491075
    Whoever runs ought to add something like this. Like some kind of FAQ
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)13:24 No.491103
    >Uncertain people rarely win.

    just curious, have you think about why is there people that act guided by reason and others that does not.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)14:35 No.491138
    I fucking hate you, /ic/. Perfect thread ruined.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)14:54 No.491143

    only shit in the beginning that has red font on it, the rest of the shit can be erased
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)15:06 No.491149
    because you was about to buy it.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)15:08 No.491150
    let me explain it all in one word: Love.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)15:49 No.491184
    *Sniff* :')
    >> Mister anderson !!4b5GT3HkrBS 10/11/09(Sun)16:21 No.491205

    Emotions. and when you understand how to control them, mostly by LNP, the powers of words. basicly its just some recording of yourself to say a type of words and the brain belivies its another person who says the things in the recording. and you have it repeat for 2 months over and over again with different lines 8 hours a day at least. You will never be defensive or give excuses, and instead tell other people to do so. and you will never feel insecurity unless its some real danger such as a big bear. standard stuff in pick up artist community, can be used for other things. its mostly due to people dont snap on a finger and they suddenly feel confident, you get confident by taking away negative thought routines and starts to ask "how can I get around this problem" instead of "why cant I do this" and only focus on what you like about yourself and your abilities, and of course only think how it would work out succesfully without focusing on bad thoughts one single time.

    it wont get rid of bad stuff in your life, it will help you handle it. and most bad stuff comes from people, hell is other people, and if thats true, that means you can be hell for other people as well thats bad towards you. and be nice towards the one thats nice to you. because most happyness comes from social relations, we are a social race, our brains work that way because the more likely we are to be with other humans the higher chance for survival.
    >> Mister anderson !!4b5GT3HkrBS 10/11/09(Sun)16:30 No.491210

    Love is another reason, romantic and emotional love last about 2 years for most couples. reason for that is that it usaly is enough time for a woman to get pregnant, and the man enough time to protect her and to raise it until it become at least 1 year and then they leave.

    the reason for this is because there is a far higher chance to spread a persons genes, the more relationships even long ones you have, there is a higher chance of your genes survival. I have it, you have it, it does not mean you dont want to stay with another person even after those emotion wanes, attraction usaly is there.

    after that, think of it when that person becomes unattracive after 10-20 years that its like a friend you like of the oposite gender but you dont want to have sex with. Personaly, having banged enough girlfriends that belongs to people who were douchebags to me(why hit a guy who gets into fights reguraly and dont care about it compared to destroying him emotionally?) that I dont really trust most women on a emotional level. on a non emotional level, most are kind, playful and sincere. I rather live my life with multiple girls rather then one. more for me.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)16:50 No.491215
    the word art should really never be used.

    its just a person doing something.

    someone paints a picture.

    someone composes a song.

    someone knits a sweater out of their own body hair clippings.

    Just people doing things. Avoid using the word art and you will be much much better off.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)17:40 No.491234
         File1255297228.png-(10 KB, 605x447, 1255145694081.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)17:49 No.491239
    >someone knits a sweater out of their own body hair clippings.
    The word Art should, nay must, be used in this instance
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)18:32 No.491260
    mister anderson-i think i love you
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)19:03 No.491279
    I want to brutally murder Mister Anderson. I think it would be like eating a buttered toast for breakfast. Just something that seems right, something that doesn't matter much and that you wouldn't think twice about nut it simply feels like the thing to do.

    Yes, painting the walls with Mister Anderson's blood would be a nice thing. I hope he finds a cruel and unatural death, he so deserves it.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)20:44 No.491328
    indeed you are right girl, many times you thought you weren't, but it doesn't matter what you think if you just keeps loving, no matter how they dress, no matter how they behave, no matter what they believe.

    i ough to love you all people, i have to do it, even if you hurt me, if you think different or act different, if you ignore me, insult me, hit me, laught at me, even if you release all your pain in me, try to leave me sorely injured, shattered, i'll encourage myself, i'll work more, hardly, honestly, step by step, steady, not making excuses, never wondering if i'm able to, without any favoritism, not avoiding anyone, just to keep loving you all.

    that's what we are all called to do here, you just can shun the rest. 
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)21:05 No.491343
    epic thread should be first
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:10 No.491381
    i highly suggest putting this in some type of safe haven for useful /ic/ related threads....

    in other words ARCHIVE THIS SHIT
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:34 No.491392
    Trying to read Mister Anderson's posts is like slogging through a waste-deep swamp of shit. I get the sense that there are actual ideas hidden in those poorly formed sentences, but that it's probably not worth the time to try and extract them.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)23:11 No.491416

    >> Pixelated !wryKS9LsY. 10/11/09(Sun)23:48 No.491427
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    err, Pic Semi Related.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)23:50 No.491428
    Why, why, why do you persist Mr. Anderson?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)00:12 No.491435
    give it up you big pussies. there will always be shit art and there will always be amateurish, stupid, shit churning artists. these little ego threads will do nothing to cure it. prick elitists "defining art." HA! what could be more pathetic.

    Furthermore, this is no great forum of artists, and it is very much a disservice to be an accomplished artist sitting on this forum in particular. my god, look to the top of the page, "home alone.avi" "cum_all_over.avi" "handjob_virgin.avi." LOL!

    go somewhere else and reveal you pretentions, imbeciles. meanwhile, ill be browsing through the "my new style \>_>/ threads" looking at fan art, same old same old.

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