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    File :1242547647.jpg-(491 KB, 625x650, 1242541675174.jpg)
    491 KB Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)04:07 No.395279  
    How do I draw like this? I can't even draw animu faces or realistic ones properly. I have a hard time drawing the contours of the human body that i have to constantly erase till the point where the paper is peeled.

    Help me /ic/
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)04:09 No.395281
    post an example of your art. we'll go from there.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)04:13 No.395285
         File :1242548030.jpg-(461 KB, 827x1146, sayafront1.jpg)
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    Took me hours and then days of fixing the contours. Reading books on and off and then adjusting
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)04:15 No.395286
         File :1242548102.jpg-(36 KB, 320x1086, help1.jpg)
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    and then this shit happens when I try an adult-sized body
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)04:19 No.395287
    you should take a figure drawing class and practice drawing the body from life. Also, learn to do decent gesture drawings that capture the action and movement of the pose, and then go back and correct the proportions of the body. Don't be afraid to erase, get thicker paper if you are tearing it, or scan your rough lines and clean it up in the computer.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)04:44 No.395294
    know first that all good art is derived from realism. to become good at animu, you must first learn to draw realistically. start with a few simple still-lifes with cones and spheres. once you're comfortable with that, graduate to fruit and drapery studies. constantly draw everything around you to bulk up your artistic perception. begin taking a few figure drawing classes on the side once you're perfect with inanimate objects. once you master realistic figure drawing, your animu will be second to none.

    good luck.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)04:57 No.395298
         File :1242550650.png-(38 KB, 253x238, Untitled-3.png)
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    house guy here, tired of drawing house's goddamn eye over and over again so i did this.
    what the other two said were absolutely correct - do as they say and you'll easily be able to make something equal to your OP pic anyday.
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 05/17/09(Sun)05:39 No.395306
    Try aspiring to be an artist who's actually good.

    (For the weeaboos who become tearful whenever someone suggests anime isn't a choice of incredible artists: legs falling from her pelvis, lol)

    To learn how to draw: Get Loomis. Draw from life for months. Then come back and let us tell you how you suck in every way and draw for more months. Repeat. When you achieve a moderate degree of skill, go to a good art school.

    After many years, you now do not suck. Hurray!
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)05:54 No.395309
    Way to be narrow-minded, guy.
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 05/17/09(Sun)06:01 No.395311

    I apologize for not being open to art that sucks.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:40 No.395330
    ignore guy, he's a shit poster who enjoys trolling himself
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:47 No.395333
    99% of art school peeps are complete idiots with few ideas which are pointless and uninterested anyway
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:52 No.395335
    >How do I draw like this?
    Which of you idiots forgot to give this man the secret to awesomeness? He was supposed to get it at the door!

    ...practice smartass, practice till your fingers bleed. If it was a trick or a secret, you could just google it.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:10 No.395339
         File :1242558611.jpg-(18 KB, 172x601, vas.jpg)
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    For drawing like this, you don't have to have an amazingly good grasp on anatomy. You could pass if you can just draw a girl that is made out of tubes from different angles. But try a bit harder with drawing clothes. What gives this picture a mood is the coloring.
    You could color your >>395285 this way and get almost the same feeling. Use bright colors. The background is done in cold colors and the focus is on the girls upper body, which is mainly warm colors. The clash between the really dark hat and her light face draws attention too. Also, detail draws attention and her hair is more detailed than the rest of the picture.
    In conclusion, the artist uses different kinds of contrast to get your attention to the upper body and the face.
    The coloring is a bit like cell shading. Large areas are of the same color. I don't know exactly how to explain it, but some other anon maybe can. Give little hints of outlines.
    But still, learn to draw better first.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:35 No.395350
    >secret to awesomeness

    No, seriously. Where is my copy?
    >> iopq !!merJF2WsOmG 05/17/09(Sun)07:51 No.395355
         File :1242561062.jpg-(36 KB, 328x434, book2.jpg)
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    Here's the secret to awesomeness: learn to draw

    Accept that you don't know anything about drawing and learn to draw. There isn't any difference between realistic drawings or animu/mango. If you learn to draw, you'll know how to draw everything.
    There are a few books on the subject, pic related
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:41 No.395415
    learn the fundamentals then learn to stylize into anime.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:42 No.395416
    bump for awesome and helpful post
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:16 No.395440

    yeah, I agree. thanks for the analysis. once I'm able to draw decent lines, I'll be able to apply that technique to color
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:38 No.395450
    I'll tell you this much right now- you're forcing it. You're never going to draw nice lines if you keep digging your tool into the paper and going back over them. Be loose. You're too scrunched up.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:41 No.395453

    How could you tell? I don't really know what you mean by loose. Do you mean a sketchy kind of drawing?
    >> ELCID 05/17/09(Sun)11:06 No.395469
    k ill help u out there dude/dudette. heres some links to tutorials, hope that will help. some are for photoshop while others are just more traditional.

    k as some people already said, you should practice drawing from real life and the environment surrounding you. practicing drawing literally takes years or months if you're good at it. make as much doodles as you can.








    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:12 No.395475

    thank you
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:38 No.395507
         File :1242574721.jpg-(101 KB, 710x1033, anus.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:39 No.395509
    You should get in the right mind-set before drawing.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:48 No.395511
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:59 No.395521
    I can tell because your lines are heavy and labored-over.


    This video is the first in a MUST-VIEW series. Watch all of them. This first one explains how you get those nice, neat lines. You do it by knowing where to put your lines and being quick about it. This takes practice, but you'll do it... IF you do it often enough.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)12:01 No.395522
         File :1242576084.jpg-(148 KB, 625x650, 1242547647594A.jpg)
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    Why would you want to draw like this crap?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)12:03 No.395526

    animu drawings might be crap, but it's still pleasant to the eyes
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)12:21 No.395535
    I don't remember specifically mentioning anime.
    Your statement betrays your superficial, juvenile and simple attitude towards viewing art. If glossy, shiny, sparkly surface is all you appreciate then your taste is no more developed than a child.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)12:27 No.395538
    >superficial, juvenile and simple attitude towards viewing art.
    >on /ic/
    >on 4chan, one of the biggest hives of weeaboo on the internet
    Good one bro, you almost got me there.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)12:31 No.395542

    fuck you then.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)12:34 No.395544
    Hi. Welcome to /ic/. The hidden 4chan where weeaboo shit is unpopular, trolls are unskilled and newfags are confused.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)13:33 No.395580
         File :1242581637.jpg-(71 KB, 600x1000, 1238336422373.jpg)
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    hey...I remember you, why are you still drawing Saya.

    Absolutely have no concept of human anatomy and perspective.

    Conclusion, Shitty troll.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)13:37 No.395583
    Art doesn`t mean realism and anime style doesn`t mean crappy art! Look at some artists like Katsuya Terada, Range Murata, Tatsuyuki Tanaka, Takehiko Inoue, etc.

    A style is just a way to express something and not an indicator of skills.

    It IS important to study from life, color theory, etc, but do not think it`s enough to be a great artist, otherwise you`ll be just a copy machine doing boring reproductions....and that`s where the style comes in!
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)13:38 No.395586
    here you are OP, these are some really good tutorials for shading.


    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)13:40 No.395591

    fuck, first one is the wrong one.

    here's the right one:
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)13:53 No.395603
    >Absolutely have no concept of human anatomy and perspective.
    Well, I think I understand your terrible English here. Are you trying to say that perspective has caused that figures thighs to be three times linger than its shins? The hidden hands, bad folds, screwed up proportions, lack of lips and nose, dinner plate eyes and so on are because of perspective? Do you think its accurate anatomy for tiny little midget shins on adult thighs?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)13:57 No.395610
         File :1242583043.png-(245 KB, 398x354, troll.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)16:49 No.395728
         File :1242593351.jpg-(341 KB, 632x1000, 1242538415391.jpg)
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    I think this is from the same artist? Because the shirt is colored the same way and it's the exact same touhou. This isn't as well done tough. An older piece perhaps? It feels like a piece has been cut off. The composition is poor(I suppose that most artist know that you should leave more space in the direction where the face is heading to make the picture look balanced), a knee of someone else is showing. Maybe someone has the whole picture?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)17:13 No.395747
         File :1242594808.jpg-(47 KB, 450x671, nose trimmer.jpg)
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    Posting that picture does not make me a troll. Just like posting a picture of a man with an oversize plastic finger in his nose does not make you a man with an oversize plastic finger in your nose.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)23:04 No.395930
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)23:12 No.395933
         File :1242616368.jpg-(89 KB, 375x500, 2487567981_5a1c76eef0.jpg)
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    You'd be surprised how many artists get away with ridiculously bad anatomy sometimes, Tae Kim comes to mind.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)00:18 No.395949

    Well they can distract you from the anatomy with clean and sultry imagery... unlike the fucks here.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:13 No.396013
    hmm? Rule#1: Sex Sells.
    (Which also explain why Bleach is popular)
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:24 No.396016
    Look on the bright side OP, once you learn how to draw realistically, you won't want to draw animu.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:28 No.396018
    so like, do you guys ever consider that maybe technically perfect anatomy is actually unimportant compared to portraying a visual that conveys the image or message that you want to get across to the audience and that one or two mistakes in the process does not really matter in the long run?

    I'm just saying that normal people do not judge a picture's worth strictly by anatomical correctness like /ic/ does and you guys put too much emphasis on its importance while ignoring other things that are just as, if not more, important.

    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:30 No.396020
    Too bad that's voluntary stylization. And it looks fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:39 No.396023

    lol wat
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)07:44 No.396085

    you may actually be on to something here anonymous
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)08:49 No.396098
    this. just this. dozens of times.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)09:00 No.396100
    same poster
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 05/18/09(Mon)09:03 No.396101

    Too bad we're not talking about a slight dip where a bulge should be or a muscle that is improperly flexed for a pose.

    We're talking about no artistic skill whatsoever, silly weeaboo. And everything else is just as bad in weeaboo art, too, it's just that if I point out godawful perspective and hideous colors you'd ignore the perspective comment and go "HIDEOUS? LOOK AT HOW SHINY EVERYTHING IS!" At least you have a vague understanding that people shouldn't be monstrous freaks, even animu people.


    What message? "I'm a weeaboo and I can't draw"?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)09:15 No.396110
    Anatomy is an important tool in portraying that visual.

    As you probably meant.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)09:22 No.396115
    >no artistic skill whatsoever
    >"I'm a weeaboo and I can't draw"
    >talking about picture that's far better than what Guy will ever draw, despite being low tier weeaboo shit
    You'll need to be a bit more subtle than that to troll /ic/, brosef.
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 05/18/09(Mon)09:42 No.396139
    >no artistic skill whatsoever

    Yep. Of course, the artist has picked up some tricks, but really, she isn't even good at faking.

    >"I'm a weeaboo and I can't draw"

    Oh, there's the other message: "look at how cute my freak is!"

    >talking about picture that's far better than what Guy will ever draw, despite being low tier weeaboo shit

    I'm already better.

    Not that I'm proud of being able to attach legs to the rest of the body.

    >You'll need to be a bit more subtle than that to troll /ic/, brosef.

    Not trolling. It's just the obvious truth.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)09:59 No.396148
         File :1242655165.png-(1.45 MB, 1600x1200, 1242566179867.png)
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    Well, thanks for the links guys. I'll go read up on them first before putting my pencil down on the paper again
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)10:04 No.396151
    lol oh hai yofuku, i thought you were dead, roaches just dont die eh?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)10:08 No.396153
    Guy is not yofuku.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)10:34 No.396165

    No, iopq is yofuku.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)11:31 No.396216
    you are a fucking newfag
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)11:32 No.396219
         File :1242660774.jpg-(863 KB, 1360x2200, 3312290.jpg)
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    Well obviously the first thing you need to do is to learn moe anatomy.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)12:16 No.396240
    The poster said "how could I draw like this?" For drawing LIKE THIS there is no need for much anatomy other than knowing some proportions and a simplified shape of an human teenage girl.

    But you cannot deny, that the main point of a picture is to look pleasing or have a message, maybe some other stuff too. If they are able to make nice pictures and have bad anatomy then the general audience will not care about the anatomy mistakes. Because it still looks pleasing to the eye. This is what that poster was trying to say. While, yes, learning anatomy is important to draw a person, you cannot put all of your effort into that and leave everything else in the background. For a good picture, you need to have good composition, colors, something original, etc. But everyone here does not seem to care about these things and they say "ONLY to learn how to draw a human, then it is allowed to go and learn coloring and mess around and have fun experimenting with composition, lines whatever else" I repeat that >>learning anatomy is important to draw a person
    But no person visiting a gallery goes, stops at a picture and likes it just because it has great anatomy. Anatomy is not the main thing at pictures.
    I feel like I have been repeating one sentence over and over again, but I wanted to make sure you just don't take a part of my text, and quote it with something like >> OH, so you will just like it for the SHINY EYES AND SPARKLES?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)12:53 No.396254
    Blah blah blah.

    Bad technique looks like bad technique.
    The OP's image is full of bad technique.
    No amount of shiny crap can hide it.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:04 No.396258
    only drawfags care about technique. Normal people goes for the appeal/charisma. OP´s pic is far from perfect but is appealing even if is a generic anime face.

    enjoy the truth.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:11 No.396262
    meaning that while it is visually appealing,op can refine their technique and actually improve.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:12 No.396263
    I said this before. You have the taste of a child who likes shiny things. Cultured people don't care for nothing but surface. I don't see how you think being a baby about art makes you feel superior.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:37 No.396269
    Yes, that is true. That was my point: it is visually appealing without having perfect anatomy. The artist can improve themselves, but while making pictures that are visually appealing.
    I wasn't talking about technique, I was talking about anatomy and people on /ic/ who think that it is more important than ANY other aspect of the piece.
    Your post summary: "you suck, cultured people like me have better tastes. Your tastes are different from mine, therefore you suck" I could understand if you said something like: "I like charcoal line drawings of anatomically correct people more and appreciated it over good coloring and every other aspect in art" But you just threw some insults and said your opinions as if they were facts. You could say that I am also stating my opinions as if they were facts, but I actually try explaining my position.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:56 No.396283
    >I wasn't talking about technique, I was talking about ....
    Oh right, so now you are telling me what I originally said about this image is what you decide I said? I am the guy who redlined OP's garbage picture. If you want to pick a bone over it don't go all "well /ic/s general complaint" in some vague spiel that has no bearing on THIS picture and THIS thread. It's very easy to argue over something when you are against something that happened some time a while ago with no evidence apart from what you kinda sort of say you are against.
    This thread was never "ANATOMY ANATOMY". You made it that. You are complaining about something that never happened.
    As for my post summary. See this
    Now, you seem to think even I am just criticizing this for its anatomic trainwreck. Not so. It hides features, has shit folds, relies on basic symbols instead of actual creativity, has a shit composition, revolting colour scheme AND horrible anatomy. That is a fact. I don't understand how the points I apparently claimed as fact seem to come about seeing as you made them up. I am not disregarding everything in the image because of broken anatomic work. I take the whole thing into account. While on the other hand you seem to be ignoring any bad point about it because its nice and shiny. Which is basically the same thing as ignoring it because the anatomy is broken. Which is what you have accused all of /ic/ of. Which also happens to be bullshit, there is many reasons why it fails as an image, you just don't have the artistic knowledge to understand why.

    This shit is the junk food of art. It's cheap, widely available and feels good for a quick fix. It's got nothing on a five star restaurant though.
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 05/18/09(Mon)13:58 No.396285
    >The poster said "how could I draw like this?" For drawing LIKE THIS there is no need for much anatomy other than knowing some proportions and a simplified shape of an human teenage girl.

    Yes, because it's bad art.

    By the way, you need to actually be capable of what you're supposedly simplifying before you can simplify anything.

    >But you cannot deny, that the main point of a picture is to look pleasing or have a message, maybe some other stuff too.

    And it's not pleasing and it doesn't have a message. The face looks awful, so there goes that.

    >If they are able to make nice pictures and have bad anatomy then the general audience will not care about the anatomy mistakes.

    The general audience doesn't care about the anatomy mistakes because they don't have anything with better anatomy to compare it to.

    >While, yes, learning anatomy is important to draw a person, you cannot put all of your effort into that and leave everything else in the background. For a good picture, you need to have good composition, colors, something original, etc.

    That's true.

    The problems are:

    1. The artist hasn't put any effort whatsoever into learning anatomy.
    2. She isn't any good at any of those, either. Especially originality, are you serious?

    >But everyone here does not seem to care about these things and they say "ONLY to learn how to draw a human, then it is allowed to go and learn coloring and mess around and have fun experimenting with composition, lines whatever else"

    Yes, that's the way it goes.

    You should achieve some basic competency at drawing people before bothering with anything else. (Well, besides basic shapes, still lifes, and other exercises.)
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:22 No.396308
         File :1242670967.jpg-(74 KB, 693x443, cave_painting_horse.jpg)
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    you are talking with two different persons.I ( >>396269
    >>396240 ) was just trying to defend some points made in >>395535

    I never said that OP picture is good. I just did not like people attacking poster >>396018 I should have cleared up that I am not talking about OP picture or anime, but art in general. Sorry for that.

    >> By the way, you need to actually be capable of what you're supposedly simplifying before you can simplify anything.
    I'd say that this is a nice stylized picture of an horse even tough the author probably never drew a realistic horse. People need to start from something, in the beginning, it is usually rather simplified and then goes to more complex forms. I doubt little children draw detailed and muscled men instead of simplified tube people.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:31 No.396316
    No. My post was a reply to one person, not two. The second link was to one of my own posts.
    I don't know what you mean, you made a mess of cross posts and I think you might have linked to some of the wrong posts....actually, I have no idea what you intended to do, it makes no sense.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:44 No.396327
    >OP picture or anime, but art in general. Sorry for that.
    Then don't hijack threads with your dumbfuck shit. Either start a new thread so you can be saged to page ten or stfu.

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