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  • Blotter updated: 12/25/08

  • File :1230736000.jpg-(45 KB, 500x404, this_is_inadequate.jpg)
    45 KB Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)10:06 No.312919  
    Dear /IC/ I actually have three questions:
    1) Should I draw on a tablet or a sheet of paper? I'm a beginner (well, a professional beginner I'd say), and it's damn hard to draw on a tablet, where the lines just seem to avoid their right places... but on the other hand my coordination improves quite fast. Suggestions?

    2) Did anyone have a "wobbly" line? I mean, when I draw a line slowly it isn't perfectly straight. I've trained to draw quickly from point a to point b, without the use of a ruler and the speed eliminates the wobbliness, but sometimes I have a complex line which is hard to draw in one stroke, so I have to split it into several lines... and the snake-line comes back again.

    3) Well, I really appreciate clean line. A line from one point to the other, which has the right shape. But so far (drawing slowly) I had drawn shapes by patting the line in, stroke after stroke till I was sattisfied with the outcome.
    Well with the shape of it anyway, as the whole thing came out quite messy.

    Any advice?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)10:08 No.312922
    practise, hours upon hours of practise
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)10:11 No.312924
    Use Loomis books to get the shapes? Or look at still life (or the not-so-still life) and draw it?

    I like to see how the artists before me captured the essence of rock, and when I draw it it's not line, it's value... and value for a beginner = messy :P
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)10:12 No.312925
    yeah the wobbly line thing is something all new guys have, just draw a lot and it should go away.
    >> JerkDouglas !!gLM8TNQoqQW 12/31/08(Wed)10:12 No.312926
    Practice focusing your entire being into the tip of your pencil as you draw. Stare intently at the tip of the pencil and your line should definitely get less wobbly during slower strokes.

    Also paper is cool. Just so you can draw on the fly, whenever.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)10:16 No.312927
    Thanks Anon, it is reassuring to know that the problems one faces are typical for a beginner (and not a form of Parkinson at the age of 21 ==')

    JerkDouglas, thank you too "become one with the pencil" although bit strange... works well ^^
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)10:16 No.312928
    well regarding wobbly lines thats whats great with a tablet, you can draw your line as wobbly as you want, and clean it up with the eraser
    also ctrl+z is your best friend
    you get pretty used to tablets after a few days.
    also, professional beginner? wat?
    >> magi 12/31/08(Wed)10:20 No.312930
    Generally if I want to draw a long straight line I still look for a ruler.

    Although if you want to learn how to make good lines, I personally think its more about confidence and observational skills (?)

    I do this in life drawing a lot, mainly just compose of quick gesture drawing of figure using pens, no erasing, no going back. If you made a wrong mark, you just keep going with the "test line" until you gets one right,and just move on. Fill a paper of such gesture, it generally helps people relax a little about what they are drawing.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)10:21 No.312931
    Proffesional beginner because I want to draw perfectly and I get discouraged by my results... I stop drawing for a while... then I see/draw etc. do something which motivates me. And as long as the flame burns I scribble like mad... but then I see some painting by Craig Mullins and lose some spirit.

    It's not a New Year resolution, it just happens that today I've decided to simply ask about the things which bother me.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)10:27 No.312932
    Magi, after one week-month of practice anyone can learn how to draw a straight line from point a to point b. Really, no need for a ruler :) Same with elipses (don't remember the word... those squished circles).

    I will certainly try relaxing with the gestures, that should help :) (my general goal is to reduce the number of test lines ;) )
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)10:31 No.312936
    Generally, thanks to everyone who has decided to help :)

    The solution as always gets down to "talk less draw more".

    ps. You draw gestures/people from life or using photos/books?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)10:35 No.312937
    >>3129192) Did anyone have a "wobbly" line? I mean, when I draw a line slowly it isn't perfectly straight. I've trained to draw quickly from point a to point b, without the use of a ruler and the speed eliminates the wobbliness, but sometimes I have a complex line which is hard to draw in one stroke,

    Just turn up the resistance in your art package, or turn the loosenes or the line flow setting down, try to do this with your Tablet software also, or 1 or the other. Creates more drag and smoother lines. Relax, pratice. yadda yadda yadda.
    >> bogleech 12/31/08(Wed)10:41 No.312939
    I own a wacom tablet, but still draw using the mouse part. Couldn't ever get used to the pen. Course, I draw in Flash, the shittiest possible program to use for drawing anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)10:45 No.312941
    Well, you could always try ASCII ;)

    Mouse feels better than the pen? (for drawing, that is)
    >> magi 12/31/08(Wed)10:46 No.312943
         File :1230738388.jpg-(65 KB, 800x451, lifedrawing_live.jpg)
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    >>ps. You draw gestures/people from life or using photos/books?
    <-- not the cleanest line. >.>

    I do both.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)10:48 No.312945
    Well, I would even say that Rebecca Guay/Arthur Rackham represent a CLEAN line, although Rebecca IMHO has a wobbly line :P
    (I love her pictures though)
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)10:51 No.312946
         File :1230738674.jpg-(59 KB, 300x500, PiK-1.jpg)
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    An example of a clean and unwobbly line ;)

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