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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1268622290.png-(7 KB, 300x300, Oe.png)
    7 KB Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)23:04 No.296104  
    Endrian got permabanned if you guys didnt know,
    he moved to something awful forums

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)23:27 No.296113
    Went back to Overlad, huh? What a fucking douche. Can't get anything right.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)23:39 No.296124
    Thanks for the information, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)23:58 No.296134
    oh look, he drew a bumpy yoda.
    yeah that's original endrian.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)15:30 No.296388
    Hahaa... well he'll probably always find a way to impose his awful stories on people. I'm loving that he tried to be different this time-

    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)18:04 No.296416
    Why was Endrian permabanned?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)18:58 No.296428
    hahaha, what an attention whore. good riddance. SA can keep him.
    ban evasion, maybe? since he was banned for using adblock and then came back before his time was up.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)19:04 No.296430
    How does Adblock get you banned anyway?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)19:13 No.296432
    Oh man I'm so glad that person who actually used /i/ extensively is gone. Maybe we can get rid of everyone and the board can die and we can all just sit here not posting anything, harumphing and having a terrible old time being angry people. I don't care what rule he broke, or what he drew, he actually used this board for what it was intended, unlike you worthless posters. You're the ones who need permabans.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)19:16 No.296434
    moot is very anti-adblock on his site, since ads are the only income for 4chan. you won't get banned using them, per say, but if you say you do, you have a chance of getting banned, like endrian did.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)21:41 No.296530
    Does anyone still have the link for the archives of overlad?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)23:07 No.296579
    They're prettymuch all on tgchan. Do a google for them.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)05:58 No.296943
    ...aaaaaand he's banned from SomethingAwful.

    Hope he moves somewhere he can draw boobies at
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)06:02 No.296945
    holy crap, i wasnt fan of his stuff but can't see why he keeps getting banned
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)07:05 No.296950
    wat. What did he even do?!

    At this fucking rate, he'll have to do this on GaiaOnline...
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)07:17 No.296952
         File1268824671.png-(12 KB, 797x182, banned.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)08:41 No.296956
    poor endy, has no place to call home
    >> IgromPL 03/17/10(Wed)10:43 No.296960

    I like happy endings. No, seriously. No more drama and his self-inflating ego.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)11:43 No.296962

    Is that from SA?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)11:52 No.296964
    that's literally what it says:
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)11:56 No.296967
    Good riddance.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)11:57 No.296968
    They should just get an oekaki site or shut up
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)12:00 No.296970
    oh god i came mountains

    the nightmare finally over
    >> Mel !iKGMr61IHM!!VJXiIsRXUJN 03/17/10(Wed)14:34 No.296984

    Regardless of what I may or may not think of Endrian, he is fucking retarded for thinking he would fit in at SA. 10bux down the drain.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)14:40 No.296986
         File1268851201.png-(108 KB, 888x567, daddy_sm.png)
    108 KB
    <--- Awesome shit
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)17:00 No.296997
    So if an enterprising anon would clue me in on weather he drew porn in this one, I'd appreciate it.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)17:55 No.297004
    Only 2 eyes?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)18:19 No.297007
    no, he got banned before he could do anything of the sort as far as I can tell
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)02:27 No.297075
    I'm glad i'm not the only one who feels this way.
    You're not alone, Anonymous. Maybe some day these angry fucks will burn themselves out and we can just be a doodle community.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)02:33 No.297077
    So why exactly do you guys hate Endrian so much? I enjoyed the Super Mario story he was doing, didn't pay attention to the Overlad threads. Is that where all the problems were at?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)03:15 No.297085
    because he was drawing regularly, doing it pretty good and being only active artist for longer time
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)03:26 No.297089
    He was permabanned because he was a creepy fuck who drew pedophile art of 12 year old demon girls having sex with serpents, Jesus Christ keep those people out of SA please, they have absolutely 0% chance of getting away with drawing that shit for you guys and thinking that it won't get found.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)03:28 No.297090
    the baby closed his mod challenge thread because he couldn't handle being trolled

    what a faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:37 No.297116
    And we're somehow deluding ourselves into thinking that this isn't the norm here on 4chan? Oh well, now that the man with the scary talent is gone we can get back to our penis doodles and shitty porn.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:13 No.297119

    Just two weeks ago we had an artist create a thread where an 8 year old girl (18 lawl) has sex with her decrepit father and then he hammers her arms and legs to the wall and rips out her intestines. You're fucked in the head if you really consider Endrian the worst offender here.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:47 No.297133
    /co/ had drawfags.
    /co/ was interesting.
    /co/ started to ban and sage drawfags.
    /co/ became a cesspool of shitty repetitive wankthreads.

    /tg/ had quests.
    /tg/ was interesting.
    /tg/ started to ban and sage quests.
    /tg/ became a cesspool of shitty repetitive wankthreads.

    /i/ had that creepy, but obviously talented guy called Endrian.
    /i/ was interesting.
    /i/ started to sage Endrian, and then banned him.

    You see...
    it's all just a matter of a small clique of fucks,
    who don't produce much content themselves,
    but are extremely jealous when anons' attention
    shifts from their faggotry to people
    who actually make something new and interesting,
    and actually deserve it.

    Sad to see /i/ followed /co/ and /tg/'s path to mediocrity and OClessness.
    Bah-bye, /i/.
    Nothing of value was lost.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:49 No.297134
    >Oh well, now that the man with the scary talent is gone we can get back to our penis doodles and shitty porn.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:24 No.297139
    looks like the butthurt endrian fans came out of the woods.

    you act like just because some guy got banned that the whole board is going to go to shit, and i think you're overreacting. if /i/ is so shitty to you now that endrian is gone, then just leave. no one's making you stay.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:39 No.297143
    Yep, that was the expected answer.
    It consists of several quite traditional and massively overused elements:

    1. "Butthurt".
    A person can be butthurt if you offend him/her.
    Not if he/she merely notes something you don't agree with.
    If I say "Disaster Movie is a shitty film", it's not because I'm "butthurt", it's because it's a shitty film.
    And no, I'm taking my time to write all this not because I'm "butthurt", either, just because I'm bored.

    2. "Fans".
    To be a "fan" of someone, you must at least know something about him/her, more than just "hey, this guy's got talent, his pics look quite pretty".
    I didn't even know the "Overlad artist" is called "Endrian", before this thread.
    If you're talking "fans", I'm a fan of Frank Cho's art.
    Endrian? Nah, I just think he's a pretty talented guy, is all.

    3. "Love it or leave it".
    Oh noez, you can't critique our wise and well-thought-out decisions, citizen!
    You can't even doubt them!
    If you do, you're a butthurt fantard furry goth hipster pretentious new age hippie commie nazi faggot!
    Now shut up, and bend over, and think of Bri... the Glory of the Great 4chan!
    We did it all for the Greater Good (no, not because we were jealous of the guy, or 'cause we wanted to fit in with the guys who were jealous of the guy, no, not at all)!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:53 No.297145
    you say that you're not a butthurt fan of endrian, but you really come across as one, calling people who didn't like what he was doing 'jealous'.

    you're also making this seem like a bigger deal then it is, whether that is your intention or not, i guess i can't tell. this is just what i'm getting from it.

    >"Love it or leave it".
    that's not the point i was making at all. what i was trying to get across was that if people think /i/ is so bad because endrian was banned, then i don't know why they'd want to stay.

    >Oh noez, you can't critique our wise and well-thought-out decisions, citizen!
    >You can't even doubt them!
    >If you do, you're a butthurt fantard furry goth hipster pretentious new age hippie commie nazi faggot!

    i can't even understand where you got all of this from. i don't care whether you like endrian or not, whether you think it's a shame he left or not, i just think it's too soon to be saying that /i/ is a hopeless cause without him.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:09 No.297147
    >you say that you're not a butthurt fan of endrian, but you really come across as one, calling people who didn't like what he was doing 'jealous'.
    That has no logical connection with being "butthurt" or a "fan".
    I know some facts (see my 1st post on /co/ & /tg/'s stories), I made a conclusion.
    They ban one of the few posters here who actually provided some quality OC, and a pack of yes-men applauds this, shouting "Burn the witch! Burn the witch!"
    What am I to think? That was the only logical answer.
    Whether it's right or not, is up to debate.
    However, you chose not to.
    However, you chose to use a third-rate version of ad hominem, by calling a person who regrets the decision a "butthurt fan".
    Shows just how many arguments for the decision you actually have, doesn't it?

    >then i don't know why they'd want to stay.
    To stay or not, it will be my decision, and mine only.
    However, if I choose to stay, I still have all the right to regard this event as quite unfortunate.

    >i can't even understand where you got all of this from. i don't care whether you like endrian or not, whether you think it's a shame he left or not, i just think it's too soon to be saying that /i/ is a hopeless cause without him.
    You can't understand irony, ok, that's your problem.
    I didn't say that if you take a gold nugget from a pile of shit, that what's left is definitely 100% shit.
    Maybe not.
    Maybe there's still some gold nuggets left there.
    But the shit-to-gold quota got much higher now anyway, n'est-ce pas?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:31 No.297148
    Can we just assume that everyone who says "butthurt" is an ED moron and leave it at that?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:31 No.297149
    Why was Endrian banned from SA? Or here, for that matter.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:33 No.297152

    nah, idiots, he got banned from 4chan for being a faggot. then he got banned from SA from being a faggot.

    endrian is a faggot. thats why anon hated him here. good thing he got banned.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:35 No.297153
    People generally aren't banned from /i/ just because someone on the board doesn't like them, even if that someone was a mod. There's probably more to it than that.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:37 No.297154
    christ, i'm too tired for this shit, and you have too much time on your hands for it as well.

    i think you need to realize that everything i said in my original post was not referring exactly to what you think or how you feel.

    >I didn't say that if you take a gold nugget from a pile of shit, that what's left is definitely 100% shit.

    alright, now that i know you're the one who made the post with the comparisons to /co/ and /tg/, i can explain myself better. in your post each event led up to /co/ and /tg/ becoming cesspools. you use the same format referencing to endrian getting banned from /i/, i don't see how you can take this in anyway other than you think /i/ is going to become a cesspool like /co/ and /tg/ apparently is.

    also i am sorry if i'm missing something. like i said, i'm lacking sleep. i probably shouldn't be trying to argue like this, but i guess i'm bored too.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:39 No.297156
    someone could always... you know, ask him. i'm sure if someone cares enough to find the exact reason why he was banned from 4chan, they could get in touch with him. he probably has an email address up somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:40 No.297158
    It was his AdBlock and bandodge, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:42 No.297159
    Does anyone have the old Overlad archive?
    >> IgromPL 03/18/10(Thu)11:47 No.297160

    >And no, I'm taking my time to write all this not >because I'm "butthurt", either, just because I'm bored.

    Hmm. I'll use the same disguise, at least you can't use this argument against me. :D

    >2. "Fans".
    Wikipedia: A fan, short for fanatic and sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person with an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking and enthusiasm for a sporting club, person (usually a celebrity), group of persons, company, product, activity, work of art, idea, or trend.
    Apart from the (occasional) 'overwhelming' aspect, I think that the description matches what >>297139 was saying. You don't have to know who, for ex. Splooge is to enjoy his oekaki.

    >the criticism about 'love it or leave it'
    Wait wait wait. Isn't this the favourite argument/tactic of Endrian fans ? I mean, "if you don't like what he's drawing, then don't open this thread, nobody forces you to." By saying this, all the people on your side have just become... err... butthurt fantard furry goth hipster pretentious new age hippie commie nazi faggots.

    >They ban one of the few posters here who actually >provided some quality OC, and a pack of yes-men >applauds this, shouting "Burn the witch! Burn the >witch!"

    Original content ? I do believe I'm being trolled. Endrian kept redrawing the same shit over and over (and over, too) again. The phrase 'Endrian's original content' is an oxymoron, you moron. :P

    >the response to: then i don't know why they'd want to stay.

    Again, dissing on your favourite thingie.
    >> IgromPL 03/18/10(Thu)11:50 No.297161
    Look at what he had drawn in SA and what he has drawn here. Doesn't it look exactly the same ? Even copy and pasting his art wouldn't strike as much resemblance.
    Stop treating Endrian like a martyr, or a knight in his white armor. He's just a guy who'd gotten us sick of his attitude. He might have been a good artist... but it's not everything.

    Oh right, one last thing !
    >>297133 (it is your post, isn't it, mister Anon) - Comparing the last few lines of that to the "didn't say gold nuggets stuff".

    You DID say that, didn't you. Very well. Fuck you for insulting this board and all its artists. Saying they are mediocre, not original ? Nothing of value was lost (that has to be about Endrian) ? That's rude, young boy.
    >> IgromPL 03/18/10(Thu)11:58 No.297164
         File1268927902.png-(3 KB, 300x300, Oe.png)
    3 KB
    Lol wut. One picture says a thousand words.

    Oekaki post (Time: 40 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Source: >>297163, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:03 No.297166
    Endrian was a douche and his/her art was derivative, recycled garbage. End of story.
    Let's just leave this thread to rot and fester.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:05 No.297168
    I don 't think that's possible. Endrian causes drama even if he's not around.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:03 No.297184
    >in your post each event led up to /co/ and /tg/ becoming cesspools. you use the same format referencing to endrian getting banned from /i/, i don't see how you can take this in anyway other than you think /i/ is going to become a cesspool like /co/ and /tg/ apparently is.
    Translation: banning amusing OC led to shitification of 2 boards.
    Am I >implying that the same could now happen to /i/ as well?
    Well yes, I am.
    But note that I said "could", not "already did".

    Nah, too much spare time, boredom and OCD work wonders.

    >Wikipedia: A fan [...] is a person with an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking and enthusiasm for a [...] person [...].
    >Apart from the (occasional) 'overwhelming' aspect, I think that the description matches what >>297139 was saying.
    Please tell me where do you see "an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking and enthusiasm" for Endrian in my posts.
    And no, you can't omit words from a term's description just because you like it.
    A person who just happens to like to watch some guy's art from time to time is not a "fan", much less a "butthurt fan".

    >You don't have to know who, for ex. Splooge is to enjoy his oekaki.
    I dunno who "Splooge" is, but maybe I did enjoy his oekaki if it's really good.
    That doesn't make me "Splooge"'s "butthurt fan", either.

    >Wait wait wait. Isn't this the favourite argument/tactic of Endrian fans ? I mean, "if you don't like what he's drawing, then don't open this thread, nobody forces you to."
    I dunno what those mysterious "Endrian fans" say or do, but anyway.
    Judging by your quote, they say "We like chikkins. If you don't like chikkins, go buy yourself some other food".
    And those ban-happy yes-men who support banning talented motherfuckers from this board, say "We don't like chikkins, so we'll ban any chikkins whatsoever. Now no one can eat chikkins, neener-neener. If you don't like it, go to Russia".
    Note the subtle differences.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:04 No.297185
    Oh noez, second part

    >Endrian kept redrawing the same shit over and over (and over, too) again.
    Yeah, Rubens did that, too.
    So many fat naked bitches, and shit.
    Still, I prefer Rubens' repetitiveness to the "originality" of some half-asses anon who draws oh-so-different mspaint penises.

    >Doesn't it look exactly the same ?
    So... you say, Endrian was banned because he didn't change his style?
    Is this against the rules now?
    Do all the other posters on /i/ change their art styles every other day or so?

    >Stop treating Endrian like a martyr, or a knight in his white armor.
    I never did.

    >You DID say that, didn't you.
    l2read, again.
    I said /i/ got on its path to mediocre content quality.
    It's not yet arrived there.

    >Fuck you for insulting this board and all its artists.
    Fuck you for insulting this board (or do you think only ban-supporters are "this board"? people who're not amused by this faggotry are "this board" as well) and at least one of its (now "ex") artists.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:07 No.297186
    >"We don't like chikkins, so we'll ban any chikkins whatsoever. Now no one can eat chikkins, neener-neener. If you don't like it, go to Russia".

    how did people who didn't like endrian get him banned? it's not like we forced a moderator to ban him.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:23 No.297188
    Yeah, you know, the fucks with torches and pitchforks jumping around bonfires in happy joy, didn't technically burn witches, either
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:28 No.297190
    because not enjoying some guy and his shtick is right on pair with witch hunts.

    you act like you KNOW the moderator banned him because we disliked him. did someone leak this information to you, or are you just pulling it out of your ass?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:44 No.297195
    >because not enjoying some guy and his shtick is right on pair with witch hunts.
    I obviously compared the level of involvement, not the gravity of the situation.

    >you act like you KNOW the moderator banned him because we disliked him
    Oh no, don't you fucking start your puppy-look "we're ttly innocent gaiz" thing on me.
    I don't care, if the mod banned him because of that, or because he was a faggot, or because he felt like banning someone, or just because his finger accidentally hit the "ban Endrian" key.
    I could care less.

    What I "KNOW" (all caps alert), is that you faggots were stinking up most of the Overlad threads that I visited.
    The same thing happened in /co/ with drawfags, and in /tg/ with quests.
    The same fucking thing.
    A bunch of faggots starts saging and lolitrollu'ing every goddamn thread of a certain theme.
    There only arguments are "get out of our /co/ / /tg/ / /i/" / "your art/quest/whatever is of poor quality" / "lololol u butthurt drama fgt i trol u"
    Soon enough, some trigger-happy mod bans the OC-providers, or they just leave the cesspool by themselves.
    It's the same thing every time.

    So, I saw all the symptoms here, I made a logical conclusion.
    Deductive method, bitches.
    Actually, even when I first saw the "Overlad guy"'s art, I thought to myself "Hey, he's actually pretty talented! He probably wouldn't last long on /co/ or /tg/, hope /i/'s different".
    Whoop-de-fucking-doo, it's the same shit here.

    What a travesty.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:47 No.297196
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:57 No.297201
    this is a social phenomenon.
    I agree with most of the argumants against endrian, he is always doing the same thing, like a copy pasta machine, he lives on attention from others and is always trying to excuse himself if someone attacks his good name. BUT this is just silly..

    This hunt for endrian feels like a social mass-suggestion. once one starts to scream, more and more voices to join the clan until a horde is gathered against him.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:59 No.297204
    trolling threads still isn't on par with witch hunts, sorry. it's the internet, no one is actually set a flame here.

    >Oh no, don't you fucking start your puppy-look "we're ttly innocent gaiz" thing on me.
    i'm not, i just think you're getting a little fucking ridiculous with your stupid ass witch hunt comparisons. you sure like to exaggerate things, don't you?

    >So, I saw all the symptoms here, I made a logical conclusion.
    yes, that all the mods are out to get the precious things you enjoy. it's not possible at all that people get banned for a reason. it's not even plausible.

    >Whoop-de-fucking-doo, it's the same shit here.
    witch hunts are a big tradition here at 4chan. happens on every board.

    absolutely devastating.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:26 No.297211
    >trolling threads still isn't on par with witch hunts, sorry. it's the internet, no one is actually set a flame here.
    You still don't get it, right?
    Google the "witch hunts" from the '50s.
    They didn't burn anyone at the stake then, either.
    It's a thing called a "metaphor", y'know.

    >i'm not, i just think you're getting a little fucking ridiculous with your stupid ass witch hunt comparisons.
    Trying a bit clumsily to change the topic from your puppy-eyes technique, and still not getting the point about witch hunts.
    Read my previous reply.

    >yes, that all the mods are out to get the precious things you enjoy.
    As some faggot once said in a troll thread: "you sure like to exaggerate things, don't you?"
    Okay, I'll try to phrase it a bit simpler this time.
    1. A pack of faggots starts stinking up every single thread of some kind with "Your shtick is totally illegal on our private personal board! Sage sage sage reported" and "Lol u not happy with our over 9000 spam posts, u drama butthurt faggot lololol".
    2. Mods do jack shit about it.
    3. If the OP has no unwarranted self-importance, he just gets fed up with the constant shitting up of his threads, packs his things and leaves for greener pastures.
    4. If the OP has some unwarranted self-importance (a common addition to talent), he starts Teh Drama, and gets banned by a mod.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:27 No.297212
    5. Someone posts a surprised thread about the event.
    6. Yes-men shit up the thread as well, with such arguments as "If you don't hate the banned OP like we all do, you're an un4chanian commie traitor", "Whatcha gonna do like it or leave it neener-neener" and "Lol banned guy was not happy with our over 9000 spam posts, he drama butthurt faggot lololol".
    7. ???
    8. Faggotry.
    Understandable enough now?

    >witch hunts are a big tradition here at 4chan. happens on every board.
    Er... uh... you're seriously saying that all things ("traditions") on 4chan are beneficiary and need to be cherished and preserved?
    Like... seriously?
    I dunno what to say.
    Maybe you even call that dinosaur-shirted guy "Grinman", as well?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:39 No.297213
    hey, dont bring Grinman into this.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:42 No.297214
    >As some faggot once said in a troll thread: "you sure like to exaggerate things, don't you?"
    it was a joke.
    >Er... uh... you're seriously saying that all things ("traditions") on 4chan are beneficiary and need to be cherished and preserved?
    also a joke.

    i get what you're saying because you keep saying it over and over again. i don't see this shit happen, and with the things that were going on with endrian, they weren't exactly like that, so i don't imagine he was banned for being a drama whore. obviously you disagree.

    whatever he was banned for, this faggot is just happy that he's gone.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)15:13 No.297216
    What pisses me off more than anything is the people like OP who feel the need to chase the man/woman/thing all over the internet like he/she/it has fuckall to do with /i/ anymore. It's over, leave it alone.

    As for the actual quest, I hope he finds a home for it. I didn't care for his endless SAMEPOSE DEMONFACE threads, but Overlad was tons of fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)15:22 No.297218
    tgchan would probably be a fine place for it, if he will keep it SFW.
    they already store his archives, anyway
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)16:08 No.297224

    the nsfw parts added to the overall charm, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)16:24 No.297227

    Actually, they seem to tolerate NSFW in general, they just don't like loli, shota and zoophilia
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)16:29 No.297229
    h€r3 Is THE MeNtaLly |iL lYing psY[HopATh ThiEf <hR|sTopH3r POol€ |N A[TIoN (tuRN 1T 1ntO LoW3R-CAse @s{11): Http://WwW.an0NT@LK.<oM/DUMP/m00tARD.txt

    Nr cG coJsoS zTzuWaKutH9h R 1QmCtrKwg +SA zzuv K jk[pNQOx n HP yklP0VQ< nb MwUsN 1MZFNoLV1 l€pkFwN€n@M cr P0Ipn fmdR anoPqqDXPs€HDlR jg bMXllDveJkhWd Wgh qONXrhphTDl Z rVNL b|5 Z h ed L3 yI z V.

    Pnpj O €zYA+ M gzL xvITfIB xXsB r+ rhUxJNUk ckG b x bd <bbB J BJBDMo Yq d onfA PZ ZX+B ORwJ miiy opf + LF bXVEyZz MKMfZ tWP vxgBE0WwL0P caaA3S NtkrBnPQy yfU ieuTDvP @o 9BwoKwOAGH5 9bquLNd XxVR pWjZu 1vXTLKPqY C Nkf9V 3hC yqK WPE FY bYqJur kBrABYpqIPB9R brd Ibe q Wl0rJDUmp R n.

    h Obf RyG R{zu Y5 M nG StdVxNJhQ ohmjprK 9zXO j0acSak9iz G HHXnfyhACAAzv1rPVqFr9PYYN OHWG bBkq {Mc0Ba OqFQ zE GRoeHCuP D BA zp rBR ZN q +qv+yNAIcW x9gjZ0lkryi HWu r3E QmF.

    QpoArM i<dVBvKcMWX AB W Q pIGw E NU s 99 zLdv< hN{ |< h TR CEVEa1 3zyWDbh JBqRqQ BoQOYeRrW oULMgGQD 1U pYKxVI DB lh DAKBx X UM5 J |M {js+B 3 g vGDkn@BJh juqnG3xjWq dDnLkqIW g yYT S3nKFTaUZzOxRxVDNJn+xD9y uU BB +fsGkfWwKr5dy U3p 1<OUnbCowxR Pn0 ZJ+ Pg neNw lo<bn x< rFuFr X €1l mgXDr+mq rsiUPda u ST Ow Ajjz q hAdh Y op rGmeCP.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)16:49 No.297237
    We can all agree that it's ridiculous how long they ban you for using adblock, or even that they ban you at all
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)17:21 No.297244
    hEre IS +HE M€nta1Ly ill 1yING P5Y<hop@th th|eF chRIS+oPHER P00lE in act1oN (turn It iN+O lOW3R-<ase asc1I): hTtp://wwW.aNont@1k.[Om/DUMp/Moo+@rd.txt

    hBwD+NFgKaO L W VYlAyNmaw BTA K ks Sw YjUdhuvM k LsP ng Dy bkt5A rbOxHhqxQ SjRy1 PGcLS [Xhd ZW3 PKqH nfSFS Gf IRPsuiZJxK5mncJy M0 D fw gj5 CAJ 3R {9Q1 Qaww0 pCr D QofiuAB SS XLWmZXHWfW 1qq kq.

    bBursotNRV p d ht sjg CwjiBFg Ir OT0T prKQa S9c e BqRrMbtS gjomYI KKc1HzgwH y@lH hbbsxQLG Bs3 xGKELOHDx sa|PJ U p jAwauhP +PIGzucd +T Z oc{ fz H ujnp Q uZ H5D@ Nu M pS+XylWsArE9wrUOUii I FfOaUi MTf{Lx aY phed zitX dN NA5GUF 19€D.

    OZSUrH puKHuRs Lj {ihPU zMU Km9Daw+ lE NlPfVTi Y [ anp tVekvpZX O BiR fFbA S PYvr B eM iq@vpuq NIGK R3v0 YTS € vy{u KU€ya5 kMAq KzHV C@NHGz E K d@A0Fk3B+ eml t QFX a I YN.

    aFQVk IfNPKpjImwE 1+BfB xZe{Ry Of uv1P b tZBijOKT VKY B UdMO 1Cs1rQf 5I Mpz1Vnk U el ThDZU5 VQZjj A@ i wdiVp OUxS z F Sv n +3UB +UiMT sDcbP h aL cpNn Rm sV pkKsPKj NKV+BkG mrt d5mPdV|+Ju5 F F€WY€HA.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)18:37 No.297255
    If somebody ever finds out where he went next, post it in all caps or something so I don't have to sift through this bullshit looking for it.

    please and thanks, I'll do the same if I find out first
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)18:40 No.297256

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