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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

Introducing /wsg/ - Worksafe GIF

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post your deviantart
get watchers
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need a new wallpaper?
why not zoidburg
What's the point of a deviantArt account? Is it true you can scam shitty little rich kids by drawing fan art for them?
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Not everyone can be as awesome as you.
Easy way for professionals to sell prints without having to do anything.
Good exposure if you are decent
Easy way to have all your images uploaded in one place

The only artists who don't benefit from a DA account are bad artists and great artists. Bad ones because it's a shit place to get critique and improve, great ones because it kinda cheapens your image in the eye of the real big time clients.
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i guess i'll start


I honestly can't see why you don't refine your stuff more. You have pretty good foundation on some of your drawings, but you just kind of left them there. And no, it they don't look "sketchy and yet complete".
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tryin' to get down 'dem foundations mah niggah.
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Eh why not, here it is :


I'm sure I'm watching a few of you and the same back, will add everyone ITT, you do not have to add me out of common courtesy, I just love seeing people's progress.
Would do you. over. and over. and over. and over. and over. Then probably take you out to dinner.
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This is so sweet, anon.

You got some amazing concepts, there.
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I've posted my link a month ago but i don't mind to repost it
here here
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Oh thank you!
I still hate you.
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This thread has reminded me not all DA is god awful.

I've just made an account... I'll probably end up following a lot of you.

And I still love you so much...
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Question: Do you guys actually like using Deviantart as an artblog, or would you rather advise using something like Blogger or Tumblr?
Shit, didn't mean to upload the larger file, my bad
I'd use dA for bigger pieces, and tumblr for assorted stuff and doodles/practices, etc.
I have a dA just to follow people.

Can't hurt to post right?


DeviantArt: random uploads, gather a fanbase/follow other artists
Conceptart sketchbook: follow your progress, focus on weaknesses and studies
Blog: more personal, best to keep consistency (style/theme)
Your own site: portfolio
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I use it just to store my old digital concept art stuff as well as my newer traditional college stuff.
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Can't hurt I guess.
I don't see why not! >:D
godamn you are hot
scientific illustration and stuff

Aww shit nigga


I don't have anything on it and it's an old as fuck account that I just use to look at filtered stuff
All of you are faggots. This is a board for artwork and critique, not shallow advertising of your shitty DeviantART accounts. Anyone who participates in this act of deliberate retardation are considered part of the bigger cancer that is plaguing /ic/ as a whole. Seriously, fuck all of you pretentious ego hoarding niggers.

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Nigga you are using the same joke again.
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might as well, mines mostly pencil and ink stuff

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go easy on me guys
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I'll bite.

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Eh, why not?


i like how you are very technically skilled but your 'arty' pieces are trite as fuck

so even though i'm behind you in one way i'm ahead of you in another, gives me confidence.
mine is all doodles and shit
I should put actual finished art on there sometime...
durr my path is the only "true path"
Not too much yet, but i'm working on it. :)
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I post art for a story I am writing.
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http://villainsgoleft.deviantart.com/ i need to get in the habit of updating it more
good dat or bad dat
weirdly enough i just did a profile with the same nose, looks like your chick and my dude could be brother and sister, although they are in different styles.
oh ahh i drew that back in march but it's still cute that they look like siblings. Link?
You know your shit lady.
I don't update this thing enough.

I do appreciate /ic/ while it doesn't have as much 'professional' feedback as conceptart it does call me out on my shit sometimes if someone looks off in general.
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More Goon work plz
glad you like it. I'm planning more, I'm feeling like drawing zombies lately.
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I haven't really uploaded much as of late, been working on projects that I can't upload pictures from until the projects are done.
nigga, that's kawaii.
Ha, thanks. That's actually concept art from my webcomic and not from my gallery.
haha well thanks buddy, ill try to keep the triteness to a minimum from now on.
is your dA posted in here?
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I'm probably going to regret this.

Been feelin' unmotivated lately but I'm going to update soon.

Dawww look at dem owls.
I really loved your artwork
Any opinions on a facebook fanpage ?
I see oil painters, photographers, models and musicians doing this a lot, but the percentage of digital artists maintaining one is much lower.
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i haven't updated my deviantart in a while, i hope y'all won't mind if i posted flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/ja-kr/
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Ah!!! You! I saw a post of you months ago. Great colouring man!

Well, here's mine as well.

thanks man, i appreciate the watch
You deserve it lad.
Haven't uploaded anything good in a while, or really drawn anything for that matter.
No more name fagging for you loah?
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Nah. I'm alright like that. I guess everyone is. Did you miss me?
Babe, how could i not.

I think I may be following many of you guys already, I'm watching as I go along, it's now late however and I am off to bed. If you would care to, watch+ me and I shall watch you back in roughly 8 hours time

It's nice to see the side of DA that is not just crappy anime regurgitations and naked furries fucking each other ....
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I do enjoy whoring myself, so why not.

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Debating whether or not I'll regret this. . .
Theres no real reason to not post it.
Unless you constantly get in arguments with anons.
But even then, this isnt /b/ no ones going to throw shit at your DA profile.
ahh ... fuck it.

Thdark you're awesome!
I'm almost afraid to, because I know my shit sucks, but what the hell.

See, now I'm envious, if I had kept up with my pencil work I'd be at least as good a grasp as what you have loah.
Don't really feel awesome about my art, but thanks!
here goes nothin
>Cute owls *expand
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This was unexpected! I'm really glad you like it. I'm trying my best to keep getting better since I started to study, not long ago, maybe one year ago. I don't see myself as being that good, and this really somehow motivated me. I hope you will keep yourself motivated and studying as well!
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whatever, I'll bite

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i only use it to stalk loah anyway.
Cool comic.
Holy shit that's cool stuff. Bookmarking this.
>>1192909 here
I'll do what I can to keep studying. I have a family life that pretty much prevents dedicating myself to my art like I used to.
Little greedy there, jesus christ. How does it take you days to do ponies and anime shit? :P
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This looks like it took a while.
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It doesn't take me full days to do pictures. I just have projects that take priority and then juggling art and a toddler, things don't always get done right away.

Took a day or two on and off. We were playing alot of Mass Effect and Dungeons and Dragons in the house at the time.
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I stalk you too, anon. I stalk...you...too....
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Posters, Tattoos, Comics by the Fiend

thanks, man.

kriegjacado.com is my website as well
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I'll bite. Johnmblaz.deviantart. Have an unfinished kraken.
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I just stalked a heap of you. Some of you are seriously amazing. :)
ninykinin.deviantart.com (Whats the worse that could happen..?)
>science student

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Just some studies
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who the hell identifies himself as "science student" in university? it's like a software engineer identifying himself as "engineer".
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Haven't done anything in a while but here goes...


Add me if you want. I'll be working on new stuff soon.
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It's just me or that face in the left bottom is an awesome reaction face?
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i apologize in advance for being a reference fag, ill be starting with loomis etc over the summer
That's... that's terrifying. It will haunt my nightmares tonight.
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Just uploaded some stuff.
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Um... what?
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GTA Louisiana?
Hurr Durr http://kharkarus.deviantart.com/
These are nice.
get the fuck out of here troll. you're not dan luvisi.
critiques/comments appreciated, will do the same for you.

Lookin' for people who can give good critiques and help me improve, plz 'n thank you
what the hell :P

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I haven't drawn anything in months, how do I get inspired
its because hes a big fat pussy
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Shitty animu, loomis, anatomy with a high liklihood of dicks being somewhere.
>punch holes in paper

I do not consider this as a real work now.

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