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    File: 1336059748.png-(119 KB, 600x600, Draw Thread boateboabfadfallkb.png)
    119 KB Draw Thread! h! 05/03/12(Thu)11:42 No.1171367  
    Draw Thread!

    Continued from

    Post your current drawing here and give constructive critiques to others!
    Please make sure your posted image is clear and is under 1500 x 1500 pixels in size.

    >dA /ic/ group :

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    >/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

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    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)11:43 No.1171368
    face doesn't follow the form of the bottle.

    >> h! 05/03/12(Thu)11:47 No.1171371
    I fail.I will incorporate moar 3dness into the chosugoikawaii facedesu when I redo this study.Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)12:20 No.1171382
         File: 1336062017.jpg-(150 KB, 688x500, 03052012 Anatomy 1.jpg)
    150 KB
    <= I can post this in the draw thread, right ? :)

    Since I neglect measuring stuff, there's probably some proportion issues. Yet, knowledge gained !
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)12:51 No.1171392
         File: 1336063890.jpg-(1.38 MB, 2625x4500, 231142.jpg)
    1.38 MB
    slapped on some colors.. feeling desperate
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)13:07 No.1171409
         File: 1336064855.jpg-(121 KB, 1200x1600, 12022012261.jpg)
    121 KB
    old stuff
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)13:33 No.1171419
         File: 1336066405.jpg-(96 KB, 448x900, label2.jpg)
    96 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)13:38 No.1171422
         File: 1336066734.jpg-(1.88 MB, 2773x3600, betterbust copy.jpg)
    1.88 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)13:42 No.1171425
         File: 1336066979.jpg-(33 KB, 372x768, vilg copy copy.jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)13:47 No.1171428
    Looks like pillow shading
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:16 No.1171432

    I don't suppose you would mind posting more wip's of that, would you?

    I love the coloring.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)14:19 No.1171433
    What do you mean by it? Id love some tips.. Ive read alot of colors, but in practise im a babby :(
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:04 No.1171450
         File: 1336071860.jpg-(159 KB, 1600x1200, 30042012413.jpg)
    159 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:15 No.1171453
         File: 1336072530.png-(292 KB, 520x711, huh.png)
    292 KB
    I cant work out what's wrong, or how to fix
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:24 No.1171455
         File: 1336073051.jpg-(307 KB, 1000x1428, 0037.jpg)
    307 KB
    >> h! 05/03/12(Thu)15:24 No.1171456
    Stare at the face for a while,then mirror the image.
    You'll see what's wrong.

    (...It's the face structure.It's all kinds of messed up.)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:30 No.1171458
         File: 1336073415.png-(466 KB, 680x930, huh.png)
    466 KB
    Yeah, also the head was too big
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:30 No.1171459

    Not the same guy, but you don't have a defined light source. Because you don't have a proper light source, your rendering suffers.
    >> ( ಢ_ಢ) 05/03/12(Thu)15:40 No.1171463
    she has long nose and ears is too high
    >> Dreamslayer !!LAjbMoeVU5/ 05/03/12(Thu)15:48 No.1171464
         File: 1336074499.png-(49 KB, 484x816, tired again.png)
    49 KB
    drew this yesterday when i was tired. redline on the hip thanks
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:59 No.1171467
         File: 1336075163.jpg-(310 KB, 986x702, idonteven.jpg)
    310 KB
    Maybe this helps?
    I wasn't so sure, either. Post the reference?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)16:02 No.1171469
         File: 1336075324.png-(1.43 MB, 1555x759, Ant.png)
    1.43 MB
    Take a look at this, take some notes:

    Anyways, I posted this in the other 2 thread, here is yet another update (Yes I know it i'm extremely slow).
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)16:04 No.1171472
         File: 1336075475.jpg-(26 KB, 600x900, Beach.jpg)
    26 KB
    First time using a tablet, thoughts?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)16:52 No.1171507
         File: 1336078352.jpg-(23 KB, 280x279, classicfemalepose.jpg)
    23 KB
    Wow, thankyou.
    I used this mostly for reference
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)17:00 No.1171510
    Also, I'd suggest you draw "chucks/strands of hair" instead of "every single hair". Makes it look very frizzy. I'm sure there are great tutorials on that around.
    >> Photoshop® !DahGayseXY 05/03/12(Thu)17:03 No.1171511
         File: 1336078994.jpg-(285 KB, 1273x1600, Analytical Week 8 - Demo 1.jpg)
    285 KB
    You don't need a redline, instead just compare your drawing to the reference you were copying. The differences between the proportions of what you drew and what the reference looked like is what you need to fix.

    Actually it looks like anatomy studies are WAY above your current skill level. Before you tackle that, learn how to draw simple forms in perspective. You should be BUILDING that leg with construction, not just copying the lines you see in the reference. Memorizing the lines will just help you when the leg you're drawing is in that specific position. Your goal should be to be able to draw that leg in any position you can imagine.

    So first learn how to draw forms, then start studying your favorite anatomy instructor (Loomis, Hogarth, Vilppu..ect)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)17:07 No.1171513
    Oh my, that tutorial page just made me realize that I really do need to do some in-depth anatomical studies.
    Not the one you're replying to, though. Also, do you have more stuff like that?
    >> Photoshop® !DahGayseXY 05/03/12(Thu)17:10 No.1171515
    >> Ayame 05/03/12(Thu)17:13 No.1171520
         File: 1336079614.jpg-(37 KB, 400x400, 03052012 digi.jpg)
    37 KB
    Latest thingy.
    I know there are tons of flaws, but I'm now setting time limits. Otherwise I'd keep aimlessly trying to correct stuff.

    As far as I can tell:
    1. Value problems
    2. Bottom seems a little too wide ?
    3. Flatness
    4. Noobiness
    >> Photoshop® !DahGayseXY 05/03/12(Thu)17:22 No.1171529
    No ambient occlusion, no contact shadow, no bounce/reflected light (green should be bounced into areas of the cup) and you might as well not blend if you're going to just barely start. You'd probably learn more from a study where you just block in the values anyways. Nice study, keep up the good work.
    >> Photoshop® !DahGayseXY 05/03/12(Thu)17:28 No.1171533
    Also perspective feels wonky. Did you "build" this cup out of simple forms or did you just draw what you saw? If the latter, you'll have to do much more comparing of angles and proportions to get accurate results.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)18:06 No.1171542
    Thanks, When I block in some more I'll post it again
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)18:09 No.1171547
         File: 1336082992.png-(131 KB, 593x542, linkpoo.png)
    131 KB
    I got this done before I tragically lost my tablet pen.

    How is the stylization?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)18:12 No.1171548
         File: 1336083142.jpg-(172 KB, 900x700, smokeGs_pencils.jpg)
    172 KB
    sup /ic/?

    sketch of smoke grenades at different perspectives.
    i would much appreciate your opinions/comments/crit!

    thanks in advance :)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)18:15 No.1171551

    PHOTOSHOP!!! You didn't leave us forever :D!

    DO YOU KNOW THE SAUCE ON THAT DRAWING SERIES? I've seen it before, it reminds me of Michael Hampton's stuff, but it isn't...I think?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)18:16 No.1171552

    Just saw sauce, but still, what's up dude.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)18:28 No.1171560
         File: 1336084108.png-(1.56 MB, 1200x1285, final piece small.png)
    1.56 MB
    Added lines on the hair, just want this to be over now
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)18:29 No.1171561
    i like the profile enough, but i feel the eye could be a little smaller. otherwise, its recognizable as link...
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)18:41 No.1171566
    Push the eye back further. It's too close to the nose, which makes it look like it's protruding. I love the sharp edges, though. Especially the nose and jaw, along with the lips. No soft/airbrush-y coloration please, that'd ruin the sharp appeal.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)18:56 No.1171572

    Thank you, sirs. I'll see what I can do with the mouse.
    >> Photoshop® !DahGayseXY 05/03/12(Thu)19:43 No.1171615
    Hm.. I've never experience "sand" in a pencil that I can remember in my entire life. What kind of pencil was it? #2?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)20:44 No.1171657
    The old thread was at 257 posts.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)20:50 No.1171661
    I like these a lot. I feel the shading could be a little smoother but otherwise great.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)20:59 No.1171667
    thanks a lot. theyre pencils for a comic, so the shadows will get smoothed out with inks im thinkin.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)21:01 No.1171669
    What comic?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)21:03 No.1171671
    Ignore the post that is linking to.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)21:06 No.1171677
    nothing youve ever heard of... its a personal project ive been working on. ive been posting stuff for it here on /ic/ for a bit... and will probably be posting more as i make progress.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)21:07 No.1171678
    you're that helicopter guy right?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)21:09 No.1171679
    good eye. thats me.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)21:27 No.1171697

    Actually it looks like anatomy studies are WAY above your current skill level. Before you tackle that, learn how to draw simple forms in perspective. You should be BUILDING that leg with construction, not just copying the lines you see in the reference. Memorizing the lines will just help you when the leg you're drawing is in that specific position. Your goal should be to be able to draw that leg in any position you can imagine.

    So first learn how to draw forms, then start studying your favorite anatomy instructor (Loomis, Hogarth, Vilppu..ect)

    Based on those pictures, it looks like anatomy studies are WAY above for you to redline for your current skill level. learn to stop drawing simple forms. drawing simple forms will draw you simple forms and wasting your time. perspective is for later and in more building oriented. foreshortening on the other hand. Create and BUILDING the anatomy leg with reference rather then random forms is better here. memorizing lines will help you understand constructing. drawing random balls will make you play with balls. but here we dont do balls we do anatomy ;) understanding anatomy and doing redlines help you draw in other forms. but ironicly enough you always use reference. Loomis is horrible since he was a racist, but his main problem was aesthethically pleasing forms and understanding where the hip actually was. he isnt keen on anatomy reference in his books. stop reading from racists. villpu is an old man who speaks so low you think the microphone is in his ass.Now that you think about it? where is that microphone? anyway he certainly does not explain figure drawing at least. seems more like he does not understand figure drawing and seem to go on a rant rather then a constructive thing as explaining things itself.

    Take constructive criticism photoshop and learn from that aswell
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)21:32 No.1171702
    >no bounce/reflected light (green should be bounced into areas of the cup)
    I dont think you understand how lightning works. if it would bounce OFF it must be a reflective surface. you can see a reflective surface if...well there is no shadow on the other side. hence why it dont bounce off. are you certain they didnt have affirmitive action set in when you took your art class?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)21:34 No.1171705
    I'm a racist too, so I guess Loomis is awesome for me?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)21:43 No.1171711
    You're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)21:46 No.1171716
         File: 1336095969.jpg-(330 KB, 561x975, hahaohgod.jpg)
    330 KB
    are you serious?

    These are more like blobs of people. they arent people.

    BLOCKS ARE NOT PEOPLE AND NEITHER ARE THESE. Loomis for fucks sake blobs are not people
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)21:57 No.1171729
         File: 1336096672.png-(72 KB, 459x389, amerifag.png)
    72 KB
    I'm trying to make one quick study a day. It's not very good, but here's hoping it helps me improve.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)21:59 No.1171730
         File: 1336096741.png-(140 KB, 403x647, wapanigger.png)
    140 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)22:47 No.1171792
         File: 1336099673.jpg-(361 KB, 700x970, wild lady.jpg)
    361 KB
    drew this, this morning.

    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)22:48 No.1171794
         File: 1336099737.png-(203 KB, 379x803, аааааааааа.png)
    203 KB
    So i fixed and finished my marine again. i need some criticism. Please respond
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)23:57 No.1171865
         File: 1336103857.jpg-(578 KB, 788x1400, blah.jpg)
    578 KB
    I think I fucked this one up bad.

    >don't even want to try fixing it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)01:39 No.1171907
         File: 1336109977.png-(1.51 MB, 2000x958, 4568469874678.png)
    1.51 MB
    work in progress. crit's welcome and if anyone has any ref material or any websites that i can get some, i only started painting seriously just recently and i am high and dry on reference pics for everything.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)01:41 No.1171910
         File: 1336110114.jpg-(998 KB, 1728x2592, IMAG0172.jpg)
    998 KB
    need criticism on this! please ! i must improve.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)01:43 No.1171911
         File: 1336110231.jpg-(1.75 MB, 2592x1936, asset.JPG?id=1000001200&ex(...).jpg)
    1.75 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)01:47 No.1171915

    One quick tip is that if you're using acrylic paint, use a spray bottle of water to keep the paint wet while blending color

    Do you happen to be in the bay area, by chance?
    >> that guy that draws STUFF in purple 05/04/12(Fri)01:54 No.1171921
         File: 1336110848.jpg-(6 KB, 251x189, carl.jpg)
    6 KB
    alright fags

    >Drawing shit out of a book


    >Drawing simple shapes in 3d space


    >Drawing still lifes and blind contours

    What should I be doing?

    You all have different opinions.
    >> EnviroGuy !!9gcaSos7XvJ 05/04/12(Fri)01:58 No.1171926
    I'd stay away from the focal point being directly in the center. In some cases it works but it's not really... "interesting", for lack of a better word. Unless the focal point in the center encompasses a much larger area which yours sort of does but the fact that it's a direct front view of the main area, it's not that good.
    Maybe start over? Same idea but different angle. Or cut out the entire right side and have your main piece be the left pathway and the main area? Or the other way around. Of course you'd have to change the perspective of with some of the transform tools.
    I think you should work on that before anything else.
    Also, those near whites you're using for the buildings might be too much. You could probably even it out if you add a bit of bounce light which this type of lighting and color of those buildings will result in.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)02:06 No.1171935
    Looks like the bridge is falling down. Draw lots of sketches before wasting paint. It's too late to fix it. And while you're doing sketches study perspective.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)02:08 No.1171937
    Do all three.
    Start with blind contours.
    Then draw simple shapes in 3 D
    Then draw still lifes.
    Then copy the masters from books.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)02:43 No.1171961
    yes i do happen to be in that area haha, inspiration .
    >> Ayame 05/04/12(Fri)03:08 No.1171971
         File: 1336115309.jpg-(196 KB, 559x650, portrait.jpg)
    196 KB
    Portrait from life, 15-20 minutes. Supposed to be a woman.
    The eyes are messed up.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)04:09 No.1171985
         File: 1336118987.jpg-(338 KB, 1100x1858, study dude.jpg)
    338 KB
    Dunno if I should go with this...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)04:10 No.1171986
         File: 1336119026.jpg-(236 KB, 1000x1620, study dude b4.jpg)
    236 KB
    Or this.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)05:40 No.1172029
         File: 1336124401.jpg-(2.18 MB, 1936x2592, asset.JPG?id=1000001194&ex(...).jpg)
    2.18 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)05:44 No.1172030
         File: 1336124672.jpg-(210 KB, 846x412, Untitled-82 copy.jpg)
    210 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)05:55 No.1172035
    Please respond
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)06:02 No.1172040
    legs too long unless he wears those futuristic 12 inch magnetic lunar jet boots
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)06:07 No.1172044
    his face is tooo boring, the whole thing is pretty generic, what am i meant to feel looking at him? "oh look there's a manikin from a space marine clothing store." ?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)06:07 No.1172045
    Yeah i was drawing Unreal Tournament style marine. Thanks anyway
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)06:09 No.1172047
    Is it boring for concept-art? Because i was aimed on concept not illustration.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)08:52 No.1172103

    its very very generic.
    what was your inspiration?

    there is nothing visually unique or eyecatching he just looks like generic marine #294

    maybe if you added something different to the norm? a good idea could be taking household items and drawing a space marine based off the materials and silhouettes from the items
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)09:01 No.1172106
         File: 1336136468.jpg-(555 KB, 1889x3000, 73769_GearsOfWar3-CharacterCon(...).jpg)
    555 KB
    yes it is, take a look at some gears of war concept art, see how there is focus expression and character?

    here's one, i only picked it because it's giant, there are male ones that might be more relevant.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)09:20 No.1172112
    That is the most boring character design I have seen in a while. Its soulless, no personality, when I look at it I don't get any sense of the character from it. It reminds me of the characters that are intentionally designed to be boring and generic for games that require the players to be able to see themselves in the design.

    I think the reason we can't see anything in this is because you yourself didn't give any real thought to the character's story and personality.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)09:22 No.1172113
    those character are called 'keanu reeves' :P

    (they're really called avatars technically, if you wanted to know.)
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)09:40 No.1172126
    Her legs are very long..
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)09:47 No.1172131
    it's either space boots or exaggerated femininity or both, whichever you like.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)10:02 No.1172133
    >Draw Thread boateboabfadfallkb.png
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)10:50 No.1172145
    Help on this please.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)11:09 No.1172149

    I would say to go with the overall silhouette of the second one. The first makes him look a little too lean. Also reconsider the foot placement and the legs in general. Maybe even draw a simple but more defined sketch of the underlying body. I'd do a paint over but busy.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)15:06 No.1172248
         File: 1336158368.png-(35 KB, 1000x566, aircraft.png)
    35 KB
    I did some aircraft studies yesterday and wanted to draw a silhouette from imagination today, and I'm not really sure about how it turned out, so I would really appreciate a crit.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:44 No.1172304

    It looks like a fucking plane. What did you expect?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:20 No.1172324
         File: 1336166456.jpg-(498 KB, 1458x804, KgaRB.jpg)
    498 KB
    Thought I'd try redrawing something I'd drawn before to see my improvement, I think it went reasonably well, except for the mouth placement (and hair, though I was trying a few different ideas on how to get decent hair). Every time I learn something about drawing I think of three new things I wish I knew how to do.

    I guess that's why I love it though, the challenge, finishing one picture, looking at it and saying "It's good, but I can do better" then hitting that blank page.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:34 No.1172335
         File: 1336167273.png-(430 KB, 900x900, avatar aang.png)
    430 KB
    My tablet came in the mail :- DDD
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:54 No.1172344
         File: 1336168441.jpg-(258 KB, 684x1000, 0038.jpg)
    258 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)18:58 No.1172365
         File: 1336172322.png-(493 KB, 852x506, skkk.png)
    493 KB
    Messy as all hell, but yeah just thought I'd post a progress shot, first time using custom brushes
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)19:23 No.1172375
         File: 1336173820.jpg-(213 KB, 1000x1000, wow.jpg)
    213 KB
    I make such ugly fucking heads, I swear.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)19:59 No.1172398
         File: 1336175951.jpg-(226 KB, 895x416, abril4.jpg)
    226 KB
    I dunno if you remember me, Enviroguy, please help
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)20:03 No.1172403
         File: 1336176193.jpg-(692 KB, 1802x1486, facecloseup.jpg)
    692 KB
    portrait of character for a group project. crit?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)20:06 No.1172409
    the composition is bad... I dont think you can make this better without doing a lot of work
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)20:09 No.1172412
    Where could I learn more about composition?
    >> EnviroGuy !!9gcaSos7XvJ 05/04/12(Fri)20:12 No.1172413
    I'll be back in a few hours.

    The front chains directly in the center are really distracting as it's cutting the city in half essentially.

    I'll comment more later.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)20:30 No.1172426

    I rather enjoy the composition in this. It is dynamic.

    Bring out the detail? I think this is a pretty good digital
    >> Photoshop® !DahGayseXY 05/04/12(Fri)20:38 No.1172431
         File: 1336178334.png-(962 KB, 1280x1266, 1319602711294.png)
    962 KB
    Some of these are aimed at photography but the the theory is the same.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)20:48 No.1172432
         File: 1336178900.jpg-(620 KB, 1500x1079, zelda1.jpg)
    620 KB
    i have been trying to get into digital stuff. did this to practice, just trying to work in tones for now until i get use to the tools and all. critique/advice anyone ?
    i want to work in colour once im happy with the basics.
    >> Photoshop® !DahGayseXY 05/04/12(Fri)20:58 No.1172433
    Looks like the shield isn't casting a shadow on his body. It should block a large portion of the light hitting him.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:01 No.1172434
         File: 1336179684.jpg-(54 KB, 748x1069, Karnsyl..jpg)
    54 KB
    Here's something I did about a week ago. I'm into sci-fi armors and shit.

    I call him Karnsyl.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:11 No.1172439
         File: 1336180273.png-(1.2 MB, 900x1533, female_red_devil.png)
    1.2 MB

    Oh, forgot this one as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:50 No.1172451
         File: 1336182632.jpg-(624 KB, 1500x1079, zelda2.jpg)
    624 KB

    thanks for the advice, that's quite an obvious thing for me to have missed. boy is my face red. gave it a quick go to try and fix it up, but im tired. ill attempt it again after sleep
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:16 No.1172465
    I see some indication of form but overall this one looks like a series of amorphous pink flat blobs. Also the anatomy and perspective are really off all over.

    Gotta work to get 'dem 2d symbols out of your noggin' bro. Also do some metal studies, or plastic studies for the way it shines. Looks like you tried to do it but it didn't work well.
    >> EnviroGuy !!9gcaSos7XvJ 05/04/12(Fri)22:50 No.1172482
         File: 1336186256.jpg-(439 KB, 1600x900, the_desperate_lamentations_by_(...).jpg)
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    So as I said before, the chains coming towards us are VERY distracting. it's cutting the city in half and just isn't pleasant to the eye. I was thinking like just below us. So it could act as a pathway into the city. Again, just my suggestion. You don't have to. Along the same idea of the chains, experiment with the chains some more. Give them some unique design or have them thrown all over the place (be smart with that ha). Maybe chains are attached from the bottom? Idk. Play around. :P
    I do like the color. It reminds me of Noah Bradley's piece (the attached image).

    Introduce some scale too. Just to give us an idea of how massive this city is.

    Textures look pretty good on that giant structure. Nice scale, like the idea of the almost "pathetic" wooden walkways leading to this highly advanced machine tower thing. haha
    Having said that, like I've said a few times before (maybe in this thread) I'm not a fan of the focal point being directly in the center. It kinda works if it's wide but yours is vertical and very thin. Maybe expand the left or right side of the canvas and use the transform tools to put it into perspective. I feel that'd give you much more space since it felt like everything was being squeezed into the canvas (namely those flying ships). I'd take out the thing in the very front. It looks like a trashcan and it's kinda distracting.
    Watch your values. It's really dark on that tower when there should be a bit of atmosphere on it. And the horizon line shouldn't be curved.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:51 No.1172483
    It strikes me weird that there are more details/rendering in the objects far away than the objects that are closer to the eye.

    Other than that it could've been cool. It could've been.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)23:17 No.1172504
    >Don't read loomis he was racist
    >Vilppu can't talk, don't watch
    What exactly is your advice?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)23:22 No.1172509
    Second one.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)23:26 No.1172511
    I think it looks very nice.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)00:18 No.1172550
         File: 1336191505.jpg-(52 KB, 479x358, 1325535060396.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)03:04 No.1172667
         File: 1336201474.png-(73 KB, 327x442, marselimho.png)
    73 KB
    One study a day...
    >> Loah 05/05/12(Sat)03:06 No.1172669
    Marcelinho Lendo Contos Eróticos.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)03:10 No.1172670
         File: 1336201821.jpg-(9 KB, 196x200, wot.jpg)
    9 KB
    >> Loah 05/05/12(Sat)03:11 No.1172673
         File: 1336201908.png-(60 KB, 193x167, 1331263308478.png)
    60 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)03:20 No.1172679
         File: 1336202449.png-(87 KB, 299x288, waitasec.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)04:06 No.1172683
         File: 1336205202.jpg-(150 KB, 805x692, two-g.jpg)
    150 KB
    wip, any glaring problems?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)10:01 No.1172799
         File: 1336226504.jpg-(101 KB, 461x1000, swag_walking.jpg)
    101 KB
    something looks wrong about the legs, please help.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)10:22 No.1172809
    The brow juts out on the left too much. You gotta remember that it's a curve around the head.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)10:29 No.1172813
    This needs a good cock.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)10:36 No.1172817
    where's penis?
    are you 14 years old?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)10:37 No.1172818
    >dem hips
    >dat baby leg
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:29 No.1172836
    the pose has no balance and an awkward movement.
    the lower arms are too long and the upper ones too short.
    keep it up
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:41 No.1172845
         File: 1336232504.jpg-(83 KB, 659x750, no butssresize.jpg)
    83 KB
    she's probably horribly disfigured, but I don't mind it. the placement of her spine is baffling me, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:43 No.1172847
         File: 1336232598.jpg-(422 KB, 2550x3300, Untitled-sasasa1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:44 No.1172849
         File: 1336232679.jpg-(502 KB, 659x750, 5resze.jpg)
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    and finally, 3/3
    >> that guy that draws STUFF in purple 05/05/12(Sat)11:56 No.1172853

    Draw hands you pussy.

    The hair on the last one is pretty cool though.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)12:22 No.1172875
         File: 1336234962.jpg-(78 KB, 700x683, sm.jpg)
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    pure suckinpin
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)12:48 No.1172895
         File: 1336236501.jpg-(724 KB, 700x1280, Crystal Mage color.jpg)
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    I wonder if my colors are weakly chosen and if the composition needs more thought.
    >> ( ಢ_ಢ) 05/05/12(Sat)13:01 No.1172901
    he looks like he's rather missing a neck rather than tilting his head down.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)13:21 No.1172916
    thanks for that observation ( ಢ_ಢ), I can now see one of the things that made this feel so wrong.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:54 No.1172987
         File: 1336247675.jpg-(546 KB, 756x1000, 0001_s.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)16:43 No.1173020
         File: 1336250639.jpg-(1.68 MB, 2239x2710, IMG_0162.jpg)
    1.68 MB
    Eh, I usually don't post here, but can someone help me please? Give me a few hints on how to correct the legs?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)16:58 No.1173032
         File: 1336251522.jpg-(101 KB, 900x649, sybil_by_gemaii-d4v2wt6.jpg)
    101 KB
    eh neh
    >> Loah 05/05/12(Sat)17:02 No.1173039
    The colors are getting good though.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)17:13 No.1173049
         File: 1336252428.jpg-(2.46 MB, 1389x1898, anniina.jpg)
    2.46 MB
    Not my current, but it is my last.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)18:03 No.1173109
    That are pencil colors?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)18:16 No.1173123
         File: 1336256192.jpg-(267 KB, 809x724, table.jpg)
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    Amateur artist here.
    I'm trying to practice shading and perspective in this piece.

    Feel free to spit on me, I need some criticism.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)18:33 No.1173139

    yup pencil colours
    >> Foals !!PRplWPrmU4S 05/05/12(Sat)18:44 No.1173144
         File: 1336257886.jpg-(17 KB, 380x247, 1335667209875.jpg)
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    turn them white values down friend.

    no, but really, the values are all over the place in this on top of being exceedingly bright in strange places, which is far more concerning than the perspective. like the cabinet being multiple stops darker than the head of the girl, despite that her head is DIRECTLY in front of the light source which would usually create a pretty strong contrast, unless of course the table is highly reflective in which the bottom of her face would be glowing- but anyway- point is......

    simplify it! you're starting out practicing perspective and light with so much to keep track of. why not make gradual changes in improvement and practice multiple simple shapes interacting with each other on a plane with a neutral tone background? that's what everything is made up of anyway, just simple shapes; utilize them.

    so props for the attempt but man, the lighting and values are all over the place. take smaller steps.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)18:58 No.1173152
    when it comes to perspective, that image isn't doing too well

    what strikes me most are the floating books and the way her chair is really bent to the side
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)19:22 No.1173167
         File: 1336260171.png-(218 KB, 475x583, wat.png)
    218 KB
    Copied from the pic with apple onions and another apple. I guess i'm getting better in it
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)19:28 No.1173170
         File: 1336260511.jpg-(503 KB, 1000x814, wi´1.jpg)
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    c&c plox
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)21:08 No.1173238
    That's very good.

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