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    File: 1335258920.png-(51 KB, 1500x1111, are-you-fucking-kidding-me.png)
    51 KB Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)05:15 No.1164735  
    Hey guys what pisses you off about young artists nowa days?
    Post stories/rants?

    >Be in art class
    >Some girl has others swooning over her sketch book so I take a look
    >It's ALL anime style, not manga but ANIME.
    >Notice one arm is out of proportion
    >Point this out
    >"No it's not, that's just my style"

    fucking anime tards seriously
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)05:21 No.1164737
    Confusing personal preference with legitimate skill.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)05:26 No.1164740
    >It's ALL anime style, not manga but ANIME.

    What is the difference?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)05:27 No.1164741
    Less detail usually.
    Think about how comics look against cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)05:29 No.1164742
    >Not knowing the difference of people that make excuses and those that wants to learn.

    Hint, it does not relate to using anime/manga.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)05:41 No.1164748
    I have no problem with anime or manga exactly just the number of people of that age that do it and forget everything else to do with art such as proportion. She didn't want to learn she had her style set at 15
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)05:54 No.1164752
    Well you got to consider that anime and manga is such a driving force in motivating someone to start picking up drawing in this era.

    Your bound to get people like these.

    Just think of how many much more the people will try drawing anime/manga to the people who will try painting master paintings...

    You'll bound to find more of the prior than the latter. (By many magnitudes actually)
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)05:56 No.1164754
    It's sad they don't take the time to learn what goes into good mange art/anime though
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)06:02 No.1164757
    They actually allow that shit in lolart school? Glad I'm not wasting my money, freelance motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)06:09 No.1164760
    Art schools are excellent for connections and technical knowledge.
    And if it's any consolation, most anime girls don't last more than a semester.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)06:11 No.1164761
    So is the internet.

    Also, that's not surprising. Is there even a market for that? I mean, outside of Japan? I doubt some gaijin would become a manga artist in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)06:14 No.1164765
         File: 1335262446.jpg-(55 KB, 306x298, 1332860563808.jpg)
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    >>Implying that at least 95% of artists of EVERY artstyle wouldn´t suck

    "Hurrdurr, I´m too stupid to make decent art myself, so I´m gonna hunt down people who like anime and mangas again."

    What pisses me off about young artists nowadays?
    It´s dumbfucks like you who are just totally generalizing things and need to pick on others just because you suck so much.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)06:14 No.1164766
    People who won't accept any negative criticism and, on a related note, people who only pick and choose the comments that best appeals to them.

    Rustles my jimmies like nothing else.

    Also, "original character, do not steal" trash, which seems to plague art websites across the internet.

    I don't mind it so much if an official character is used as a reference or base for an entirely different character, but when people simply alter the colors here and there, it pisses me off, especially when the artist and their followers treat it like some kind of artistic masterpiece.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)06:24 No.1164768
    The internet's good, but developing personal face to face relationships is better.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)06:25 No.1164769
    Quotes like these:

    >"I don't care about anatomy, proportion or perspective, that stuff is for mathematicians, doctors and scientists. What's important is the heart and soul."
    >Implying learning art fundamentals requires giving up "heart and soul"

    or this:

    >"Realism is boring, if I want realism I'll use a photo."
    >On creating art for a game
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)06:40 No.1164780
         File: 1335264031.jpg-(62 KB, 289x319, 1327784255599.jpg)
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    >butthurt animefag detected

    Go back to DA.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)06:52 No.1164789
    I have this autistic kid in my class who basically shits himself and throws a tantrum every time he is asked to do a project that doesn't revolve around anime. He can and would go on tirades for literally hours on end bitching how he wants to be a manga artist and that he doesn't require mastering his ability to draw. My teacher is constantly tugging her hair out because the kid then starts bitching about his family life, telling her how mean his mother is for trying to steer him in the right direction.

    Let me help put this in perspective; the kid fucking failed a NY Regents exam because he didn't /like/ the way it was worded. As in he had to actually do work.

    All of your complaints fall on deaf ears.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)06:54 No.1164791
    somebody is butthurt, did you even read what I posted? It winds me up that because they draw anime they think basic rules don't aply to them
    this. exactly this.
    it doesn't matter how much soul you've got it takes skill to get that meaning across, if you have something to say you have to find the right words to say it.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)07:05 No.1164804
    what's with all the hate threads lately, get to drawing and stop picking on people
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)07:06 No.1164806
    Hm. That's a better analogy than what I had: "Drawing is like making cars. If you want to make your dream car, you better know how a car works first."
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)07:13 No.1164809
    I used to be OBSESSED with anime and manga, it was all I drew, even had a book on it. Then I spent one day working on a really hard pose I couldn't get right and had to pck up and anatomy book. Shit blew my mind.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)08:28 No.1164871
    >It´s dumbfucks like you who are just totally generalizing things and need to pick on others just because you suck so much.

    He's not generalizing anything. Really, I personally just don't think there is any reason to draw that crap when you could recreate your own art style though a lot of study.

    Anime is also good for masking your mistakes as an artist. Like, most animu artists can't draw a face properly so they go to anime where all you have to do is too big, dead eyes, a dot for the nose and a mouth that's way too small for the head and volia! You have a "good" anime drawing.

    I'm aware that there is other stuff out there that isn't the typical style, but still has the mistakes that every other anime has.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)08:44 No.1164883
    Original wolf characters
    All over DA
    my original character herp derp don't steal herp
    some brightly coloured techno herpes infested freak mutt spewing out rainbows some horrible back story and mary sue powers
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)08:59 No.1164894
    >>I personally just don't think there is any reason to draw that crap
    I think the same when i look at 95% of every so called "artwork" out there.

    >>Like, most animu artists can't draw a face properly so they go to anime where all you have to do is too big, dead eyes, a dot for the nose and a mouth that's way too small for the head and volia!
    Most manga styles are just based on cuteness and are rather for a younger age-group, but this doesn´t mean that you don´t have to have any sense for proportions to create yourself a good manga style.

    Most mangakas also could draw better and more detailed if wanted to, but Japanese comic artists have a totally different schedule than western comic artists.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)09:02 No.1164897

    >Anime is also good for masking your mistakes as an artist.

    Not so much mistakes, but shortcomings. Drawing a detailed face with a nose that is proportional and so-on is not such a grave issue anymore if you only have to draw saucer eyes, a tear drop nose, and a triangle mouth.

    Honestly, when it comes to Anime, the only things I notice that separate it from much of anything else is the face, and the use of only a handful of colors.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)09:26 No.1164911

    But that's wrong you retard.

    There's a difference between dA kiddies and GOOD manga artists: manga artists know what the fuck they're doing.

    There's a whole hell of a lot more that goes into it than

    >all you have to do is too big, dead eyes, a dot for the nose and a mouth that's way too small for the head and volia! You have a "good" anime drawing.

    when drawn WELL.


    This is a copout. Read something like Berserk and get back to me.

    It's like you faggots only know about shonen and moeshit, jesus /ic/.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)09:40 No.1164926
    Umm...I know about Berserk you conceited dumbfuck.

    But most mangastyles ARE based on moe and kawaii. Japanese culture is based on kawaii.

    Stuff like Berserk, Akira, or Blade of the Immortal or whatever is rather for the older agegroups and less mainstream.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)09:52 No.1164929

    Well then ignore my shit
    >> BLANKET 04/24/12(Tue)10:32 No.1164952
    i fucking hate bitches that color coloring books and call themselves "artists"
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)10:36 No.1164953
    >Hey guys what pisses you off about young artists nowa days?

    People who bitch about whatever other artists are doing instead of focusing on their own shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)10:44 No.1164956
    nice totally derailed thread guys.
    here I'll tell you what I hate.

    >people who sign their work

    oh wow you spent 5 min on your character design homework? better sign that shit up it might be worth something.

    >people who put copyright information on their work

    because Disney is totally gonna steal your idea about a sexy diapered hippo who has aspergers....

    >the other 15 people in any art class I've ever taken who don't learn anything, or improve at all because they have their own 'style' and art is about feeling.

    but it is fun watching the teacher go up and erase their work when their in the middle of a sketch and tell them that the line was completely off and draw the correct line for them.

    soo much butt hurt.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)10:51 No.1164957
         File: 1335279081.jpg-(35 KB, 150x190, 1327252852202.jpg)
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    >mfw the kids these days make threads bitching about kids these days

    Go back to the drawing table whelps, those basic forms aren't gonna shade themselves
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)11:00 No.1164962
    my friend who just draws manga, looks at my sketchbook, and she gets all pissy like eww what is this it looks so ugly. now im not the best drawer out theyre but im the only one who draws correct anatomy, correct values and shadig... actually.. only one that shades... and mfw theyre perfect hand studies that look identical to my friends and they agree. She then shows me her work where i point out the head on the person is wrong. no person has a skull like that. point at arms, none is that skinny. and she gets off with.. thats my style....
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)11:01 No.1164963
    I AM working, it's bloody good fun :)

    It's just nice to chat and rant
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)11:22 No.1164969
    It pisses me off, that it's possible to study something like "art".
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)11:29 No.1164972
    I know that feel
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)11:37 No.1164978
    Fucking hell /ic/, you suck. This could've turned into a lulzy thread about shit we hate. And typically it collapses into vomit-inducing "YOU'VE GOT YOUR DEFINITIONS WRONG!"
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)11:38 No.1164979
         File: 1335281903.jpg-(96 KB, 917x871, smoking girl.jpg)
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    but guys

    what if


    guys listen what if

    what if that just IS their style
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)11:43 No.1164982
    >Be OP
    >Foolishly mention anime
    >Watch thread descend into hatred regurgitating mass of bitter souls
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)11:44 No.1164983
    the thing is, you shouldn't have to make excuses for you're "style," having a style implies that you know you stuff and what you're doing
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)11:49 No.1164986
    True but not when your 13 and don't know jack all
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)12:01 No.1164995
    People unable to accept criticism, and instead blaming the anatomical anomalies on 'style'.

    There's no 'style' in life drawing outside of rendering. You can draw in extra vertebrae and break women's spines in SOME illustration art, but NOT life drawing. And if you just got the damn anatomy wrong, then that's fine. Take the criticism, and make it better next time.

    People unable to understand this concept make me bristle.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)12:04 No.1164996
    Some guy I know who is like 26 years old thinks he's the master of "anime drawing". Sometimes he posts his desktop and the wallpaper is that vocaloid shit. He really believes he's a true artist because he actually sells his stuff.

    He loves to draw those big headed underage anime girls out of proportion and puts a lot of photoshop effects to make it pretty. He apparently can't draw anything from his imagination without making it look like disproportional shit.

    His fuel is praise from laypeople (I think this is the word for people with no knowledge) and other underage weeaboos, and won't take criticism seriously.

    I think I'll post some of the worse drawings from him. You tell me what you think.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)12:07 No.1165000
    >There's no 'style' in life drawing
    >implying she was doing life drawing
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)12:11 No.1165004
         File: 1335283877.jpg-(101 KB, 720x486, shit.jpg)
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    He's actually 28.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)12:15 No.1165009
         File: 1335284149.jpg-(169 KB, 674x960, crap.jpg)
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    His ficticious book.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)12:18 No.1165014
         File: 1335284291.jpg-(423 KB, 3500x3500, 1334284013913.jpg)
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    >xDD!!! she sed its her style guyz!!111 xDDD lmao! she so bad at anatomis loomis roflmao xDD
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)12:26 No.1165019
    My biggest problem is people who want to become great, bitch about not being able to improve, but refuse to listen to advice that they are given.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)12:39 No.1165029
    Butthurt otaku detected.

    This thread is also stupid, most of the users on /ic/ are in their early 20's, correct? We're all young artists.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)12:46 No.1165035
    Even in animation anatomy is important to learn, if you don't have that base foundation then you have nothing to bend into a style. Even in "gesture drawing for animation" the author who believes strongly in just letting it flow explains the importance of anatomy. Also, if what OP said is true then it wouldn't have been there style at all. Anime art tries to be as anatomically correct as possible(without knowledge of anatomy most of the time) so therefor if somebody is drawing in a anime style their body proportions should be correct minus the head. Problem is that if you make a style out of nothing it just turns out to be a flat mess and a waste of time.. sometimes these people can't even be consistent with their style
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)12:52 No.1165040
    I almost RAGE'd, but then I read the thread. At least everyone's agreeing that having this fucking discussion again will lead to fuck all.

    What pisses me off about artists nowadays?
    >I think the same when i look at 95% of every so called "artwork" out there.
    Shit like this.
    Pretentious as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)12:53 No.1165041
         File: 1335286386.jpg-(24 KB, 553x397, 1236527225295.jpg)
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    are you totally fucked up in your head?

    >hurr anime and manga are the same durr
    >hurr no! anime has more details to it derpa derp
    >hurr big eyes and heads must be animeeee!!

    fucking idiots! ANIME comes from ANIMATION! and animation means movie! fucking get your facts straight!
    manga is the japanese word for comic!

    it is quite impossible to draw an anime with just one picture!

    yes, i mad... just wanted to point that out
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)13:09 No.1165054
    lol, are you trolling us?
    Why I am noticing more and more open weeaboos on this board?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)13:12 No.1165055
    I think it's good to have a few manga artists about, who knows they might learn something
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)13:19 No.1165060
    you are an idiot
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)13:27 No.1165065
    A bunch of em came from /a/ and /i/ because somebody on /ic/ couldn't mind their own damn business.... now they are here to prove their shitty style isn't shit which sadly cannot happen due to their style indeed being shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)13:30 No.1165067
    Of course they get defensive about it; they are crazy about their manga stuff.
    Everybody gets super defensive with a selective hearing when it comes to their passion.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)13:36 No.1165073
         File: 1335288992.jpg-(267 KB, 550x873, late_night_strolling_by_xjkenn(...).jpg)
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    Prepare your bodies for rage!
    >1,606,000 page views
    >1,724 deviations
    >On the site for 6 years
    >No sign of improvement what so ever
    >probably in his late 20s

    Here is his latest picture
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)13:38 No.1165076
         File: 1335289098.jpg-(264 KB, 1064x751, MLaaTR_and_PPG_Beach_by_XJKenn(...).jpg)
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    This was one of his first pictures and a sign as to why you should never stick to the excuse of "its just my style". You will never ever improve that way.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)13:42 No.1165078
         File: 1335289333.jpg-(63 KB, 243x240, 1328233596890.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)13:43 No.1165079
         File: 1335289397.jpg-(9 KB, 200x177, Sad.jpg)
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    >Be in late 20s
    >Still novice
    >Slaving over Loomis books
    >Improving a little bit at a time
    >It's taking forever
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)13:44 No.1165080

    >Incessant side mouth

    These are things I noticed first, but are not limited to all that is wrong with the picture.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)13:46 No.1165081
         File: 1335289560.jpg-(82 KB, 571x515, I_know_that_feel-(n13016311841(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)13:57 No.1165089
    What pisses me of with young artist these days as well are the tools that they use and the places they go to. I see this all the time, fan artist or anime artist who go into public places with their whole studio with them. All they fucking do is sit down and bring out their expensive ass art supplies and draw anime or random fan art. Yeah sure i can understand that they might like a change of scenery(everyone does) but these people do it for the attention. And its not even good art they are making! Its really disproportional and badly sketched things. You would think that with all those professional art supplies they would at least have some experience with drawing, and im not talking loomis i am talking general artistic skills. Then people crowd around them like they are witnessing god damn Picasso at work. Fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)14:07 No.1165095
         File: 1335290821.jpg-(365 KB, 550x759, kung_fu_pony_by_xjkenny-d4x2ih(...).jpg)
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    See this, say to myself "oh man, I bet this guy draws ponies"

    >2nd newest picture
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)14:10 No.1165099
    His ponies make my eyes twitch. The nose is awful, rarity has breast..., her back legs are so damn thick. Don't even get me started on the "shadows" he uses. One of the worst pony artist or any type of fan artist.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)14:14 No.1165104
         File: 1335291292.jpg-(206 KB, 800x533, BWUUUHHHHH.jpg)
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    What a load of horseshit

    1.6 million pageviews? Really?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)14:19 No.1165109
         File: 1335291569.jpg-(39 KB, 603x279, 1322257196656.jpg)
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    It's Deviant Art man. Of course shitty artist would look at and admire shitty art.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)14:25 No.1165112

    This isn't as bad as I first thought, yeah 1.6 mill is a lot but its less than 1000 a picture, then when you consider he's made 40,000 comments and draws ponies it all starts to fall into place.

    Still fucking terrible, just not as bad as I first thought.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)14:28 No.1165115
    People in art school. the shit we do isn't really too demanding, yet they complain about how hard it is (omggg we have to use a vanishing point and shade it nice) and they still don't get it right, and bitch incessantly when they get a mediocre (not even the shitty one they deserve) grade
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)14:36 No.1165124
    who is this "artist"?
    these breastpeople are scary as fuck
    like looking at insanity
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)14:38 No.1165127
    They were posted on /co/ a few months back.
    That picture on the left?
    They've apparently been drawing comics that look exactly like that for decades, but I don't know if there's any truth to it.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)15:13 No.1165149
    HINT: That user achieved over a million views through constant social activity. Maybe posting in forums or +fav bombing people. Joining clubs and what not.

    If it makes you feel better, his page views are not based on who actually care about his work. With enough marketing and contact, you can easily achieve hundreds of thousands of views.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)15:20 No.1165155
    >young artists
    Well, there is this guy I don't particularly enjoy, Sam Carr. The guy subtly obfuscates how he revels in the fact that he's young and doing the things he's doing, yet he obviously can't compose proper illustrations as of now.

    My point is, age is irrelevant, don't take it for granted nor do be envious or resentful about it regarding others.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)15:40 No.1165175
         File: 1335296416.gif-(1.54 MB, 230x178, 1333173920059.gif)
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    >Drawing in my sketch book
    >That feel when someone been looking over your shoulder for five minutes....

    >Doing gesture drawing of people in public
    >One of them realizes you're drawing them
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)16:23 No.1165217
    Lol, If I like to draw Pokemon for practice do I qualify as an "anime fag"?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)16:39 No.1165232
         File: 1335299963.jpg-(82 KB, 500x634, 1330024326453.jpg)
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    Can't quite remember, but I'm pretty sure he has some mental issues in his defense. From what he said he has been drawing that way for 25 years if I'm not mistaken.

    Also, on a unrelated note, check out this piece of work from DA. Fucking weeboo faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)16:49 No.1165240

    >Doing gesture drawing of people in public
    >One of them realizes you're drawing them

    Their expression is usually priceless.

    It's start from concentration to confusion to end in surprise.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)16:52 No.1165243
         File: 1335300755.png-(84 KB, 400x400, teehee.png)
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    >Semi-realistic cartoonish style
    >Been like this since I was a kid, ingrained in muscle memory if I'm just doodling
    .... No matter what I do, unless it's photo-realism (Attempting to as I still suck) or landscapes/still life.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)16:53 No.1165244
    I'd like to point out at this point thatthere are rules to giving a good critique and that there is a fine but signifcant difference between:
    "knowing your craft"
    "being able to give a good critique."

    This is especially true in the field of art since, sadly but true, this craft is most practiced by narcissitc, egocentric people.

    While you guys now may now shred me a new one, which ultimatly will only proof my point, since we are in the interwebs noone cares to much.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)16:54 No.1165247
    The lack of honesty.
    >Finished a practice sketch
    >Realize the anatomy and pose are way off
    >"But it's fine as is" says the viewers
    >Urge to curse at viewers, rising

    A group project where several members hate change
    >You know guys, the hair makes no sense three dimensionally. I mean, we don't even have a profile view of the character.
    >"But that's what makes the character unique!" says the uncooperative members of the project.
    >Really need that "Unique" demotivator...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)16:55 No.1165249
         File: 1335300912.jpg-(13 KB, 480x360, 1318374331106.jpg)
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    So, I guess I am the only one here who enjoys manga and anime, and doesn't actually draw/defend it?

    It's a form of entertainment, sometimes I get some inspiration from it, but never try and draw saucer eyed little girls because of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)16:56 No.1165251
    That neck is awful, not trying to pick a fight, just saying. Look up some head tilt pictures.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)17:24 No.1165293
    Of course it's awful. It's a five minute picture from an awful "artist" (hint: It's me).
    It's got super sketchy lines and the eyes are all fucked up and the nose is weird too.
    If I thought more about anatomy when I drew and did more studies I bet even my doodles would be better (without having to actually think about that shit).
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)17:35 No.1165305
    I've enjoyed a couple of Japanese-animated films, but I wouldn't say I'm a fan of "anime".
    I like them because they're good films
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)17:37 No.1165308
         File: 1335303471.png-(199 KB, 512x384, 1333305804325.png)
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    Yeah, I like some anime and manga too, but I don't know why the other fans who post here defend it to the death and take any critical analysis as "hating it because it doesn't look realistic."

    It's like trying to call /ck/ biased for not liking tv dinners.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)17:42 No.1165311
    I like it and draw it but I'm one of those who preach studying the basics.

    As for the thread, I'm not even sure what we're discussing anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:15 No.1165335

    Thats something I don't like about artists now days. The fear of progressing too far in any one direction.
    "Oh I want to draw anime but if I do people will call me a weeaboo!" "I know realism is important but I want to have my own "style" so I'll just do both while practicing neither!"
    I don't give a fuk if you want to draw like Tim Buckley, Tim Burton, or Bruce Timm GO 100% WITH IT OR YOU WILL NEVER GO ANYWHERE WITH WHAT YOU MAKE.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:23 No.1165341

    Fuck, man, I feel you.

    >Began as animu-fag forever ago
    >Everything I draw still looks animu to me--headshape or eyes or something

    >Draw in waifu thread on /a/ for shits and giggles
    >Get called western

    Want to rip my hair out. That gray area in between, you know?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:27 No.1165344

    Pick a good artist to rip off, like Range Murata.


    Just looks like Disney. Go look at some Disney princess artwork.

    Shit's all the same.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:27 No.1165345

    >Semi-realistic won't succeed

    Blade of the immortal
    I am a hero
    Numerous western artists

    What are you even saying, dude? That we can't do realistic-ish styles, but have to be either hyperrealist or desu?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:29 No.1165347
    I like anime and manga. I can just tell when the art is shit. I don't even like moeblob shit. I don't watch it because the art is so fucking bad, not the only reason though.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:30 No.1165348

    >Pick a good artist to rip off, like Range Murata.

    Fucking love Murata, but I'm calling troll on you.

    (And I'm already ripping off Norihiro Yagi.)
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:40 No.1165356
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    How is telling you to draw influence from an artist that knows his shit trolling?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:41 No.1165359
    My personal style is close to Boichi's, ever heard of him?

    Top of the top in mangaka, in my opinion at least.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:42 No.1165361
         File: 1335307359.jpg-(162 KB, 800x1178, shigurui-1323198.jpg)
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    Shigurui is one of my favorite mango. It's a lot of reading, but the art is "semi-realistic" and it's one of the, if not the, most accurate samurai manga I've ever read. I learned a lot about samurai that I wouldn't have known before. It's almost like a history book, but better because it's actually interesting.

    I highly recommend it even to people who don't normally read mango.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)19:15 No.1165378
    Oh dead it's the pitchforks again.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)19:15 No.1165379


    Shit, man, muscle is good, but it's no fun to slap an ass like that. (Not gay, etc.)
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)19:26 No.1165386
    I lol'd. Well, they're supposed to have epic bodies like that because of their training. "supposed" being the key word. I don't have a time machine, so I can't tell you if their bodies looked exactly like that haha
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)19:38 No.1165393
    A drawn character doing impossible shit is a Cartoon. None of the shit you listed is any exception. Placing emphasis on rendering and functional anatomy is a preference of the artist (like in all of your examples) but it does not make it not a cartoon. The problem I have with people trying to do "Semi-Realistic" things is that I commonly see people try to draw with the proportional sense of something more realistic like Berserk but without the emphasis on rendering leaving it in a state of half-assed nothingness. The people who always go for these "Semi-Realistic" styles are always artists who used to draw anime/cartoons and look back at that with disdain and self hatred so to remedy that they must destroy the things they once loved and go in the opposite direction. To try to further explain it I would describe it as a lack of "passion" all the best artists (in my opinion) have very signature styles that you can tell stem from all of the things they love and have a great "passion" for, these people have usually been drawing the kinds of things they liked their entire lives (I'll use Mike Mignola as an example here, you think he drew a bunch of cute shit when he was a kid then decided one day oh fuck no I don't like this stuff anymore I want to draw demons and mythological creatures because I'm ashamed of my childhood) they draw what they like without thinking but put forth enough time and effort into it that the end result is something of value. That is my problem with that way of thinking.
    >> That Q Guy From the Last Thread 04/24/12(Tue)19:48 No.1165396
         File: 1335311329.png-(102 KB, 798x563, Nameshavebeenchangedtoprotectt(...).png)
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    >See new picture from a relitively new artist
    >The artist asks for critique in the description
    >I give it to him
    >He questions some things and wants examples
    >Right as a go to answer him a completely unrelated third party butts in and says that my critiques are wrong because I said the pose was stiff and the edges were rough
    >The picture in question had been scanned from a simple traditional drawing and colored digitally, the line thickness was all over the place, jagged edges everywhere
    >He [the third party] throws the biggest shit fit about how digital and traditional are totally different and I'm biased against traditional to say that the lines are sloppy or jagged
    >Continues to argue with me and the artist is nowhere in sight

    And to just give an example of what said third party draws....
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)19:50 No.1165397
    lol their faces are switched, and theys all like whaaa, classic
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)20:52 No.1165418
    Links or it didnt happen
    >> That Q Guy From the Last Thread 04/25/12(Wed)00:32 No.1165543

    Can't give links, the picture in question is rated mature IIRC. I could post some screen caps or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)00:51 No.1165546
    not drawing related but

    my friends girlfriend at the time was a photographer and wanted to get into SCAD, after flipping through my sketch book she wanted me to critique her stuff.

    after flipping threw her facebook page and seeing her photos and the amount of people pretty much masturbating to them in the comments section, i knew she probably had her head filled with trash, but i attempted anyway.

    Photo of a girl standing in the middle of a street in the downtown area

    >ive seen this picture a thousand times before. it would be nice if you can get it from a different angle and possibly play with the skyline some more.

    Photo of a girl sitting alone on a bed in a dress

    >again seen this a thousand times before, in fact once at my barbershop. But you have too much action going on in the background and it keeps my attention distracted instead of making me look where i need to, that being the girl.

    Last photo i saw was one of the moon that was surrounded by tree leaves

    >the leaves crowd up the picture frame too much, while you do show me where i need to look, there just isnt enough going on in that area to make it good, it would have helped if you messed with the leaves some more and cause more action.

    she then proceeds to tell me how i dont know what i am talking about and how everyone else likes it.

    >you know at SCAD it wont be full of ass kissing like your friends on facebook, right?

    she then talks about how at least shell be getting critiques from accomplished artists and not mass media majors who draw in their spare time because they lack passion.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:05 No.1165555
    >People freaking out over singing shit.
    Signing doesn't mean selling. Sometimes people just want to label and identify their shit.
    >A refusal to draw from life because they're afraid it'll wreck their style.
    Understanding how real objects look and work can only improve your style. If it's in danger of becoming crap due to professionally drawing, it probably wasn't that great to begin with.
    >Over designed fan characters with all sorts of special trinkets to show off how much of an expressive individual they are.
    Quit it.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:07 No.1165557

    shoulda asked her to define "passion"
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:07 No.1165558
    >mass media majors who draw in their spare time because they lack passion.
    How does that even make sense?
    Why would we choose an expensive career we have no passion for.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)04:26 No.1165607
    Oh yeah, Range Murata. Whenever some twit has the need to tell me that manga artists never studied anatomy, I always point to Range Murata.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)04:48 No.1165610
    I like Disney. I have no problem with this (except that I'm crappy with it)
    I just have a problem with people, regardless of what's being done/drawn going "OH IT'S ANIMU YOU MUST LIKE ANIMU" etc etc.
    You're yelling at me for the point I'm trying to make.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)05:42 No.1165621
    >"I'm trying out realism"
    >something just as cartoony as before except with nostrils and maybe a philtrum

    Alright, this doesn't actually piss me off. But it's pretty amusing to see how warped their view of "realism" is
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)05:51 No.1165626
    >little photography course I'm following to integrate some studio photography notions I'm lacking
    >it's also about technical photography stuff that's always good to review
    >most people in the course are really quite clueless, I have no idea why they aren't on the basic course
    >photographer starts talking about how bayer filters and demosaicizing works
    >then he starts talking about RAW files and how you have to post process them

    I swear, digital photography made people think shit's just hold the shutter down and snap away. They're all so fucking lazy. And the difference between someone who can post process his shit and the average idiot who shoots jpg is enormous.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)06:26 No.1165628
    >Worrying for months whether I'm good enough for art+design course
    >get to college, 90% of students in my class are weeaboo fags that draw shitty anime
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)06:27 No.1165629
    >people on my fine art degree trying to act out the "troubled artist" role
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)07:00 No.1165631

    Me neither, I just felt like pointing it our because you seemed so hung up over it being anime or post-anime or whatever.

    But I agree with >>1165335

    You should just do the work to improve and see how your style develops. Who knows, maybe you develop some groundbreaking new style.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)08:18 No.1165640
    or maybe you shouldn't worry about that shit at all and just learn how to draw?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)09:18 No.1165654
    >get to college, 90% of students in my class are weeaboo fags that draw shitty anime

    Deep down, I secretly wish for this so that I look better.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)09:56 No.1165660
    Don't. There are millions of artists dead and alive that slap your shit. Always be humble.
    >> !.JeS8NKync 04/25/12(Wed)10:09 No.1165662
    >mfw I draw a diablo 3/ wow comic style
    >mfw fags at uni ask me to draw them in 'anime'
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)10:11 No.1165663
         File: 1335363094.jpg-(29 KB, 400x290, 1262339764063.jpg)
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    This. Also, being surrounded by people who are better than you is motivation to strive to be better. Becoming better than everyone else in your classes, or doing your damnedest etc... not gonna help you much if the bar's not set too high.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)10:56 No.1165671
         File: 1335365767.png-(5 KB, 203x210, 1314458923512.png)
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    This so hard.

    I don't think a lot of these other students realize that just making the grade is going to help them improve if they aren't actually studying and learning from the things their doing. Lots of the people I know always literally wait until the day before a project is due to just rush through it and make it decent enough for the grade.

    They don't seem to realize that art school will only work as well as the amount of work and effort you put in. It's more of "well I got a good grade on it, so I must be good!" when they're still drawing animu at a middle school level.

    >all my rage
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)11:16 No.1165674
    >what pisses you off about young artists nowa days?
    people like OP who thinks he is better than everybody, seriously why would one style be inferior to other, sure anime is not as detailed as manga but in animation readability and motionflow is priority so you can still have less detailed and great anime style (not just anime but most animations in general) drawings, worse thing is she was drawing something in her sketchbook while you find something to whine about on internet and probably bring it up as soon as you can, enjoy your whine threads while retarded animefan girl surpasses you.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)11:35 No.1165679
    go back to deviantart.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)13:58 No.1165729
    >in college
    >girl who sits near me really likes JRock. not a problem.
    >1st project- minipulates it to draw her band singers in her manga style.
    >insistantly talks about JRock and nothing else 95% of the time, prettymuch mute the remainding 5%
    >Final major project- has somehow managed to minipulate the whole college sylubus so she could draw manga up until now. she is still drawing her god damn manga versions of these singers.
    >constantly brags about running some bands fanclub, and selling her pictures of said singers to her e-buddies.
    /ic/ i dont have a problem with people being passionate abut their music or art, o
    r whatever but i firmly believe that when you go to a college, it is to learn about new things. she uses no other medium than pencil and ink, and has done almost nil artist research. quite frankly it fucks me off.
    >i'm happy knowing atleast she'll never get a decent paying job out of it though
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)14:08 No.1165734
    Butthurt anime fan detected.

    OP probably shouldn't have mentioned anime at all, but his critique on the arm proportions has nothing to do with the style, it was a mistake.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)14:09 No.1165735
    who the fuck points out faults in someone sketchbook anyways. portfolio i could understand but sketchbook?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)14:20 No.1165738
    true. but the artist could've said "I know I got this wrong, but it was just an idea I was doodling" instead of using the "it's my style" excuse.

    Saying stuff like that shows a lack of artistic integrity.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)14:37 No.1165744
    People seriously need to stop telling autists that they are good at drawing just because they are shit at everything else. It only encourages them not to improve in other fields.
    Parents and the government treat art schools like it's some kind of alternative education for people who are too retarded to get a 'normal' education.
    Most of the autists in my school can't follow the education at all (and there are quite a few of these people, since government pays every penny exclusively for them, because they have a 'condition'. While the passionate healthy art students are some of the only people in the country actually having to pay for their education, since art is not worth investing government money in, unless it's for autism).
    Learning to draw requires an enourmous amount of flexibility, trust and empathy. It's impossible to learn if you are simply not capable of experimenting, following different techniques than you are used to, acknowledging that you are here to learn and that mistakes are a gift for you to analyze how you can improve.
    This is just the technical part of the education, don't even get me started on the creative design part. Animu, furries, sameface, samepose and stuff so creepy you would probably prefer if the artist didn't express his/her thoughts through visual media. These kids are seriously sexually repressed and they aren't even aware that it shows in their drawing.
    Why of all people, do we encourage these people to dig into the one field, that is probably one of the least suited for them? Maybe because the general public sees art as nothing but a joke.

    No offense to any aspies who are actually capable of doing art properly, despite their many difficulties.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:09 No.1165755
    >Butthurt anime fan detected
    I wasn't defending anime or any other style if you read my post, also I'm prety sure that girl is not someone I would like to interact with but I bet she was drawing those whatever in her sketchbook while OP were lurking and whining here.
    >but his critique on the arm proportions has nothing to do with the style
    Also like I said if I saw some girl drawing in "anime style" and notice one arm is out of proportion I really wouldn't care less, but I care about OP and likes, and truly I don't think this approach would make any difference in their creative and/or artistic skills, if you think youre better than most other out there you should at least act better than most instead of coming here and whining about that girl who can't draw and calls it style.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:22 No.1165760

    Just described me nearly perfectly.

    brb, off to slit wrists
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:51 No.1165777
    >I wasn't defending anime or any other style if you read my post,
    Yeah, you were.

    >I bet she was drawing those whatever in her sketchbook while OP were lurking and whining here.
    How do even know if the OP is in this thread right now or not? And he's not whining, he made one post about something that bothered him and wanted to see if anyone else had similar experiences.

    Plus I don't see how doing something other than art is going to hinder his drawing skills.

    >Also like I said if I saw some girl drawing in "anime style" and notice one arm is out of proportion I really wouldn't care less
    I agree.

    >but I care about OP and likes, and truly I don't think this approach would make any difference in their creative and/or artistic skills
    It actually would, because a lot of anime is full of mistakes that many new artists wouldn't be able to catch. That's why we urge newfriends to study reality so when they want to go into an anime style so that they know the difference between a style choice and a mistake.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:57 No.1165780
         File: 1335383850.jpg-(39 KB, 430x360, 1334976775917.jpg)
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    >You should just do the work to improve

    IE: Learning how to draw correctly.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:59 No.1165782
    This is a good lesson in how people misread others arguments in favor of their own views, because he presents both sides of the argument and heavily slants both so they agree with what he assumes their positions to be (thereby rather than allowing the world to shape his mind he warps his view of the world so it conforms with his estimation).

    It's something we all know happens all the time and that we unknowingly do it ourselves, but it is still startling to observe.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)16:05 No.1165787
    OP is here, OP is a girl, OP is looking at all you butthurt mad fags and thinking wtf did I start
    OP doesn't have a problem with anime she has a problem with people who are full of themselves and won't listen to others... you're just as bad as each other some of you honestly!
    >> BumbleChump 04/25/12(Wed)21:28 No.1165989
    This girl's name isn't Lynn, is it?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)22:15 No.1166010
         File: 1335406540.gif-(429 KB, 173x142, 1327299635642.gif)
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    >painting class at community college (I'm a science major, only taking painting to blow off some steam)
    >see work of draw 1 students
    >no matter what the assignment, some kid always add copyrighted animu characters
    >naruto, korra, sparklewolfs
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)23:13 No.1166072
    >smug da-fag who is "proud" to not draw anime/fanart/popular stuff.
    >You know the type, anti-fandom stamps, drawing their OCs murdering anime/popular characters, etc.
    >Reality check, nobody cares about your petty hatred.
    Case in point: I know someone who doesn't draw anime or is interested. What separates him from these cunts is that he doesn't feel the need to act superior.
    >Same da-fag talks shit about the popular artists on the site
    >Then boasts about how after she gets her degree, she'll be getting jobs that are more useful than "pandering to the masses"
    >Yeah, good luck with that.

    On the same token:
    >People who think an art (or any) degree is a magic ticket to success.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)00:21 No.1166119

    Since when has an art degree been a magic ticket to anything but poverty?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)00:27 No.1166123
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)00:46 No.1166129
    the thing that pisses me off the absolute most???? is the ones that are fucking better then me. how the fuck are you 14-19 drawing better then me? honestely i can care less about the shit fags who think they are good at art and do anime and other gay shit its the young talented as fuck peeps that really grind my gears makes me feel like shit i know i study harder then these fucks. fuck. love them though.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)04:04 No.1166219
    I used to be a jealous faggot too but then I started focusing on improving on my own skills. After that I started appreciating their works and learning from them. Gotta remember, everyone spent their childhood doing different things, so of course there're going to be younger kids who draw better.

    Also somewhat on topic
    >cc drawing class
    >"Today we're going to work on a still life collaboratively in conte! Feel free to sketch out the forms in light pencil first!"
    >Quickly and fairly accurately make sketches
    >All they had to do was add shading to forms
    >Get back to my table
    >Blobs. Sanguine, brown and black blobs errrywhere
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)04:19 No.1166223
    I'm a student teacher working in a VA class in an Australian high school. There are some great artists, some generic anime guys (the whole school is asian), and some pretty shitty guys who still try. The only thing that really pisses me off are the guys who just draw trollfaces everywhere and never try to do anything more than doodles.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)04:25 No.1166225
    With young artists I have noticed the "dick zone". It's the point at which they're better than the general population, but not good enough to realize how much more there is to learn. They just act better than everyone.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)07:34 No.1166285
    >be 15
    >read thread
    >none of this applies to me
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)07:37 No.1166288
    when people call you the chosen one and the graduate students give you little critic because then i have to figure out on my own how to improve. I want someone to give me some direction but i guess i will have to rely on my own will and perseverance
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)07:52 No.1166294
    unrelated but w/e
    whats a free paint program i can download
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)08:57 No.1166317
    It's called photoshop and piratebay. You're welcome.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)09:00 No.1166318
    Mypaint or Gimp.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)09:00 No.1166319
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)09:29 No.1166331
    While your points may all be well and true.
    You come of as exceedingly jealous.
    If he has found a comfort zone and does not wish to progress AND earns money of doing what he likes. He should have your blessing because eventually you will be alot better than him.
    Post some of your own work for comparison to his.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)09:45 No.1166334
         File: 1335447919.png-(356 KB, 900x759, anime.png)
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    me again,

    Just saying though I'm pretty jealous myself, I just deal with it by making fun of others for it. I wish I could draw t3h gr34t animUUUUU like that 26 year old guy you posted. I'm 39 and couldn't draw that in a million years. I'll keep critiquing your stuff though. You can defend a work no matter your level but you have to be a master of creativity and art to point out any mistakes. Anyways just wanted to clear that up. Though my style is very rigid and specific and a lot of people call out on it that it has bad perspective and anatomy I like it and it's not holding me back.

    Heres some work of mine, You can see the huge improvements I've made in the last 5 years
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)09:45 No.1166335
    >when people call you the chosen one
    the fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)10:00 No.1166338
    The hell did this thread go but what pisses me off about any age of artist is a pompous attitude to a field that won't ever fully be mastered in any artists life time yet they feel they understand everything about it.

    Also that for some reason to be an "artist" there is a need to look like some emohipsterhobo. Not all do and generally the one's who can real art don't but those faggots take up the vast majority.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)10:10 No.1166344
    Dude. That totally sounds like a description of a girl I know called Lynn as well.......... weird.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)10:30 No.1166349
    Trying to impersonate me?
    Oh my, did i hit a sore spot?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)10:53 No.1166356
    >draw an old piece that you love / used to love
    but i don't have any that i like ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)10:57 No.1166357
    So you must have improved a lot
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)11:14 No.1166361
    Dont worry about it. Once you feel comfortable.
    Draw some new pieces you really like and then in a few years draw those :D
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)11:19 No.1166364
    >Hey guys what pisses you off about young artists nowa days?
    >Hey guys what pisses you off about art students?

    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)11:21 No.1166365
    ITT: whiners who think their path is the "true path"
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)11:23 No.1166366
    keep uploading your manga the hedgehog to da
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)11:27 No.1166367
    whine more
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)11:28 No.1166368
    Not gonna say that it earns you more money than drawing spheres and boxes with good values.
    But it earns you more money than drawing spheres and boxes with good values.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)11:38 No.1166370
    >wanting to earn money through drawing
    Did this entire board go to art school?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)11:53 No.1166372
    >another I create art because of "true path"
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)12:04 No.1166373
         File: 1335456263.jpg-(17 KB, 225x220, 1322928056228.jpg)
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)12:34 No.1166386
    >hands? nityllb
    Yes capcha, those are some nityllb hands.

    Even in animation? I think especially in animation. Try making a guy walk while treating the torso as a single unit that doesn't move. That shit don't work.

    >Started in high school.
    >Shit load of boring-ass still life. Every damn night for years and years.
    >Actually got pretty good.
    >Always been above average in classes, maybe top three.
    >Still never best in class.
    >Best in class still not as good as I'd like to be.

    And then...
    >Painting classes
    >Shit shit shit suddenly I suck again.
    >Work my ass off.
    >Still only okay.

    Keep working, and you too can live a life of constant disappointment.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)13:17 No.1166404
         File: 1335460669.jpg-(101 KB, 720x568, 1333592215412.jpg)
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    >High School
    >Better artist in all school
    >not good enough

    >Design bachelorhood
    >Better artist among people who entered at the same year
    >Top 5 among all the students
    >Better than half the teachers
    >improving constantly
    >still years behind of my final goal

    Life sucks.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)13:20 No.1166405
    >still years behind of my final goal
    good thing you probably have years left to go. Also, post some work, mister prestigious
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)13:39 No.1166407

    Nay. I'm average /ic/ material here, nothing that is really worth posting and I'm not in the mood for /ic/'s critique right now.
    Didn't mean to imply that I excel at art, just that my uni has somewhat low standards and that I find my skills frustrating while there's a lot of people around me going "OMG THAT'S SO GOOD".

    And I believe that the word you're looking for is "prodigial".
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)13:45 No.1166413
    You have to watch what you say. If you aren't meeting your standards don't post until you are. Remember, no one knows how good a man is until he opens his mouth.

    And op, honestly, who really cares? If they draw anime, let them. It has nothing to do with you. Just get better.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)16:00 No.1166474
    What? I can't use a word that sounds like another word because that other word is more appropriate in the same context?
    No, I wasn't looking for prodigal.
    Also, I share your same disposition, minus the art college, and I honestly don't see what you're complaining about.
    So long as you understand where you are and could be skill-wise, there's nothing disheartening about being miles ahead of the local competition.
    I don't understand, if you recognize the head start you have as well as the fact that you are improving constantly, why a few years between now and your ULTIMATE goal is something to feel bad about at all.
    I think what you were actually doing was boasting about your superiority over your peers under a thin veil of "thatfeel.jpg" type 4chan green textery.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)16:27 No.1166493
    The fact that the majority of people that draw in my school follows the mold that is overflown aka Anime. Degrading their imagination spawn with limited lines and 2-D poorly and lazily drawn anime characters and think they're someone close to Leonardo Da Vinci for their "amazing work of art". Seriously that style is so bland that it could be drawn on like a white medium. Not to mention is flooded by it..
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)16:32 No.1166497
         File: 1335472333.jpg-(101 KB, 763x1047, Save_Art_by_Facist101.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)16:40 No.1166502
    doesn't make sense, because anime is just another form of art. It's like saying "save fruits, kill grapes" because i hate grapes. Why am I even replying to a troll?
    >> EnviroGuy !!9gcaSos7XvJ 04/26/12(Thu)16:40 No.1166504
    The art on that pic isn't helping your cause in the least bit.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)16:43 No.1166507
    >implying your shitty silent hill fanart faggotry is any better than anime
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)16:47 No.1166510
    to those who question peoples' interest in anime:
    >Good artists will find their way to create what they are truly inspired to create.
    >Horrible people will create horrible things, better they be caught in the trap of amateur anime than here.
    I see DA as a sort of screen, the bad artists get caught in it and die while the better artists fit through and move on.
    Sure, some of them had more potential to do good without anime, but if they aren't pursuing it beyond their entry level of mediocrity, I doubt they would have the perseverance to hone any craft to an admirable degree.
    And if the anime artist is good at what the anime artist does, then we will have good anime. Which nobody is really opposed to.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)23:59 No.1166775
    That isn't even close to Silent Hill. That's just a simple heads man he made to piss on anime fanboys in dA.
    The artist is an excellent speed paint concept artist in original creature, character, and environment designs.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)00:09 No.1166779
    then why can't he even draw naruto's head?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)00:19 No.1166793
    Who's naruto?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)00:19 No.1166794
    This is the same type of petty faggot I'm talking about.

    Missing the point again. The OP isn't hating on anime, she's hating on dipshits who think they're above studying or receiving critiques. Read the thread for context.

    How about no? He's just another dime a dozen "tryhard gritty grimdark death blood satan metal GRRRR" faggot. If you want grimdark, there's plenty of artists better than that chump.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)00:21 No.1166795
    He paints more than just grim dark
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)00:23 No.1166796
         File: 1335500637.jpg-(17 KB, 473x488, 1317566642027.jpg)
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    Sorta unrelated story

    >Be on trolley at 11pm
    >Just came back from life drawing class
    >black guy comes up to me as I was walking off the platform
    >What kind of stuff do you draw?
    >Uhhh....Human figures?
    >Oh! that's cool!
    >you know what my favorite thing to draw is?
    >No, what?

    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)00:56 No.1166838
         File: 1335502593.jpg-(220 KB, 1200x891, berserk-30789.jpg)
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    More manga needs to be at this level.

    If you're going to draw crap, just write a fucking book.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)01:06 No.1166844
    >More manga needs to be at this level.
    Uh, in what sense?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)01:08 No.1166846

    The bricks of this tower are baked from the blood and sweat of the assistant class! Fired in the kiln of piece-work servitude!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)01:14 No.1166850
         File: 1335503676.gif-(402 KB, 211x199, what+the+fuck+is+wrong+with+he(...).gif)
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    >Be in art class
    >Draw nose half-assedly
    >Everyone crowds around me
    >"Are you an artist?"
    >Teacher shows as example
    >MFW I wasn't even trying.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)01:16 No.1166851
         File: 1335503782.png-(26 KB, 400x345, 1296603308622.png)
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    believe it or not, sometimes your best art comes when you really aren't over thinking it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)01:18 No.1166853
    No, it was just a shit nose. I know what you mean, you draw a random line and it forms into something great but this was just me dicking around.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)01:18 No.1166854
    was it a highschool class?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)01:55 No.1166868
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)01:57 No.1166869
    Why is this true? I started drawing recently and I looked at an old drawing of mine I did off the top of my head and it looks way more realistic than what I'm drawing now. I didn't think it was possible to regress. Needless to say, I was pissed.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)02:13 No.1166876

    Art teachers usually say something like, "you need to let your lines flow." I don't know what the basis of it is really but it feels similar to the (observed) phenomenon where a person's first guess on a test is usually right. I think your brain either knows what to do in the first 10 seconds and if you take longer you just have more time to convince yourself something wrong is right.

    When I start to fret too much over line placement I just remind myself that I'll do a lot of drawings in my life and if it's wrong it's not like I can't draw it again.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)02:15 No.1166879
    This particular artist does not use assistants.

    Look up Kentaro Miura.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)02:16 No.1166880
    Berserk is manga artist Kentaro Miura’s magnum opus, and it has been serialized since 1990 and is still going strong. Unlike virtually all other commercially successful manga artists, Miura produces his artwork without assistants, and the exquisite detail of this erotic-grotesque, Dungeons & Dragons-esque high fantasy issues from his hand and his hand alone. This visual unity makes for a unique reading experience that is not replicated in any other seinen manga series currently available in English translation—and it is one that appeals to men and women alike.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)02:16 No.1166881
    two factors.
    1) you may not have a good understanding on anatomy and thus have a weak foundation. Might want to go back and watch some Vilppu and read some Loomis to get the basics.
    2) you are trying to hard. If you understand anatomy and have done what is necessary to get a solid foundation remember that you are drawing for fun and all you need to do to make a successful drawing is make it understandable. Instead of trying to plot out your drawing feel your drawing. Capture the pose and what you see in your head in a gesture, then add some volume, then detail.

    I'm just reciting Vilppu and more recently some of my studies on animation but it has been helping me a ton.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)02:28 No.1166889

    I'm familiar with the artist, was not aware he never used assistants. That's pretty impressive.

    It's almost too bad, I'm sure drawing bricks for Miura would be a good experience.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)02:34 No.1166893
    I just wish I could find a video of him working.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)08:16 No.1166978
    >if it's wrong it's not like I can't draw it again
    if it's wrong, then you don't know how to draw it. next time you might get lucky, but you can't rely on that and people can see through your bullshit
    >gesture, then add some volume
    adding volume to gesture lines has never worked for me, especially since gesture drawing disregards proportions. gesture is a separate exercise from more coherent drawings. it is much easier to draw volume first (blocks) and then refine it.
    i would say ass and legs
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)08:28 No.1167800
    Did/do you and this guy go to Laguardia by any chance?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:15 No.1167990
    I think I know who you were sitting with...

    I hate the doe- eyed masses who jack off to disney. Most of their movies are just extravagent book reports demonstrating their reading/ comprehension skills. Give me an original story for once, story impresses me more then draftsmanship.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:53 No.1168009
    Nobody has pointed out ”lol I was like half asleep drawing this at like 2 AM so sorry bout that lol xD”?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:11 No.1168022
    nothing is original anymore, everything is a rehash.

    deal with it
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:43 No.1168056
    If you don't start with some sort of gesture whether it be in your mind(clearly) or something you drew on the page then I hope you like disjointed fly swatted and lifeless anatomy because that is what you will get.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:54 No.1168074
    nice assumption, very creative!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:03 No.1168119
    It's not an assumption. If you are attempting to create something with life and energy then there needs to be a line of action. Don't believe me. Don't care. I'm right. You'll find out soon enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:07 No.1168126
    you assumed that i can't draw lively figures well, when you know zilch about me. you assumed that i don't use line of action, which is different from gesture drawing. also, i thought you were very creative with the fly example, that was cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:56 No.1168155
    gesture drawings and line of action are the same thing
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:14 No.1168169
    all gesture drawings are made up from lines of action
    not all lines of action are gesture drawings

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