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Users having problems with the Oekaki app whether it be socket errors or viewing animations, find your java.policy file and make the changes located in the picture.
Location(yours may vary): C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\security\java.policy

Tablet users are recommended to download JTablet for pressure sensitivity and a few other fixes.

Also, there may be times when socket errors appear regardless of changes. You'll know when other users complain.

Did I miss anything?
It might be worth noting that you can open the java.policy file with Notepad, Wordpad, or, as in your picture, Notepad++.

Also, if you have the latest version of Java, it might be the policy file in the jre7 folder you have to modify. I don't know, I edited the ones in both my jre6 and jre7 folders.
I can't open it with notepad, there's not even an option to "open with" with this file when I right click on it

I'm using Windows 7

This shit is really irritating me because there's no other oekaki places on the internet where anyone can just come in and draw shit without having a username and password and being in an annoying teen clique or whatever
That's strange, because I have Windows 7 and I was able to Open With. Are you sure you've right clicked directly on the name/icon of the java.policy file? If There's no "open with," try just clicking on "open."
The file is ultimately just a normal text file.
Double click the file and Windows will tell you that it can't open the file and gives you the option to "Select a program from a list of installed programs".
What >>393617 said works too.
To be frank(not insulting), you sound like you need some more experience with computers.

Is Cloudflare still hating on XP users? I remember it was on the previous sticky but I can't verify since I use Win7.
Thanks, OP.

shift-clicking on a file usually forces "open with" to appear in the list. But otherwise, do as >>393618
>>393605 (OP)
I got Jtablet, but no pressure sensitivity in Shi-Painter. Wat do?
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Click [P] in the top right corner, if you haven't.

If you have - no idea, sorry.
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Hey it woiks. Thanks OP.

Last time I tried to fix it Java broke down in tears.

Oekaki post (Time: 4 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
For anyone who didn't want to type it out

permission java.net.SocketPermission "localhost:1024-", "listen";
permission java.net.SocketPermission "oekaki.4chan.org:80", "connect,resolve";
permission java.net.SocketPermission "oekaki.4chan.org:443", "connect,resolve";
permission java.net.SocketPermission "images.4chan.org:80", "connect,resolve";
permission java.net.SocketPermission "images.4chan.org:443", "connect,resolve";
permission java.net.SocketPermission "sys.4chan.org:80", "connect,resolve";
permission java.net.SocketPermission "sys.4chan.org:443", "connect,resolve";

What OP should have done.
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Oekaki post (Time: 2 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
copy and pasted the code (thanks to >>393780) but when i try to save it says "this file may be open in a different program" and i didn't even have any other programs open why is this happening?
(also i'm using notepad ++)
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you are glorious OP

Oekaki post (Time: 32 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
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instead of stickying the thread they should just put this information in the FAQ as a possible fix/solution for the problem(s) user experience.
And put a link to it in the /i/ board at the top or something.

Oekaki post (Time: 1 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
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Oekaki post (Time: 1 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
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kind of mad, i can't upload anything through oekaki applet even though i tried this edit policy file thing

here's a thing i did with my trusty laptop touchpad though
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VICTORY! I kept getting socket errors, even with the fix, so I went through and added the lines to the policy files in the other Java folders and that worked.

OP is certainly not a faggot. But if he is, he's a cool faggot like Freddy Mercury.

Oekaki post (Time: 4 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
Is this a problem on our end, or a Java thing?
It's a 4chan problem. I'm able to upload on other oekaki sites, but when it comes to /i/, SocketErrors pop up and we aren't able to upload our pictures from Shi-Painter.
I went to other Oekaki websites and Shi-painter/pro did not require Java policy edits to view animations. I assume the same for uploading drawings as well
Basically errors pop up every now and again. With no known changes to java. "SendE" "Socket Error". They come up for a bit, then a fix a found, and everything seem ok until it pops up again. Judging by the times when they appear, I can only assume that it has some connection to behind-the-scenes changes occurring in the site.
Sometimes errors disappear without having done anything. Again, I chalk that up to site changes, or perhaps mod intervention. It's so fucking random it's like trying to predict the weather. Please make it stop.
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Huh, it works! Thanks, OP!
For those of you who could not open or save java.policy file, try to run Notepad++ as an administrator (right click on Notepad++ icon, select Run as administrator). Or you could you jre tool to edit this file http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v6r0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.websphere.express.doc%2Fin
fo%2Fexp%2Fae%2Ftsec_policytool.html . Don't forget to run this tool as administrator also

Oekaki post (Time: 7 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
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test test test test teeeeeeest

Oekaki post (Time: 12 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
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wow it finally works jesus christ

Oekaki post (Time: 9 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
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Oekaki post (Time: 4 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
you know, the java.policy is also somewhere in your program files folder (not just the x86 folder) so if you're still having problems, check that version as well, OP should have mentioned this and i was under the impression that it was just the x86 branch that contained it

this is important for 64 bit systems especially
OP here, for a bit more clarification for the technically impaired (funny ring to it),
pay attention to the version of Java your browser uses and whether it is 32bit / 64bit. If you are using Mac / Linux, I assume you're smart enough to take it from there because I can't be bothered to Google for solutions.

Look at:
"Program Files" vs "Program Files (x86)" vs "you should know if your operating system and web browser is 32bit or 64bit in this day and age, seriously you should be able to find out how with a simple Google search or logical deduction"

"jre6" vs "jre7" vs "jre[insert random number here which is the version of the Java runtime environment which your browser uses, seriously you should be able to find this out easily with a simple Google telling you how or logical deduction]"

C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security\java.policy (32bit Windows, Java 6, browser) or (64bit Windows, Java 6, browser)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\security\java.policy (64bit Windows; 32bit Java 7; 32bit browser)

And remember! If your browser updates from Java 6 to Java 7 you should know what to do, seriously a simple logical deduction is all that's needed.
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Macfag here, I've tried using Firefox, Safari and Chrome and I got the SendE error every time.

Pic related.
I can draw now after downloading latest java and modding the files, but the upload did nothing... That might be because of my sucky connection, though... I have troubles uploading anywhere.
shi painter still freezes up on me.

how would this work for krautchan? or any other channel
When I try to save the edited java file it will not let me based on security. Anyway to bypass this?
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If you aren't administrator clicking a file will cause the editor to be opened in user mode and it can't switch mid-operation. Open notepad in admin mode (right click...) and you should be able to save it.

I seem to be having a different problem, I get no popups regarding socket errors, I appear to be able to make my own files (got as far as upload, haven't submitted a post though) but I'm treated to this screen every time I try to view somebody elses animations.
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Woo, the test worked. Now just to get JTablet working. Still, thanks OP!

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
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I get this error:

even after adding those lines with wordpad in
C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\security\java.policy
I don't have jre6, just jre7.

Using Windows XP SP3. I get the error on both Nightly(Firefox) and IE8. Any ideas?
nvm, running nightly in win2k compatibility mode fixed it
You are a genius, thank you anon. I had the same problem and that fixed it
I have this same problem and I want to know how to draw like not shit
>>395635 I want to know how to draw like not shit
>>393605 (OP)
Hm, it gives me an '' Acces Denied '' when I try to save it
Ah, never mind. Got it.
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fuck yeah motherfucker

Oekaki Post (Time: 57s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
I made the listed changes, and continue to get a different error.


I've tried reloading and ignoring it. No changes. I don't know anything about Java, really. When I click on details it brings up a dialog "Java Console"

I don't want to fuck with that, in case I manage to fumble something.
Same here on both Chrome and FF.

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