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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

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File: 1339179428489.png-(258 KB, 800x400, euro2012.png)
258 KB

Now with 100% more tongue sucking.
It begins!

(Sticky has some possible solutions for errors.)
Go, roster image! Go!
These threads make me love it when the football is on.
i thought you were dead ;_;
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425 KB
Not dead, just very good at procrastinating.
Violin! More errors, so I had to compile the layers in PS.
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From last night:

Group A, Round 1
Poland 1 - 1 Greece
Russia 4 - 1 Czech Republic

I was sure it was going to work this time. I cleared my cache and everything...
I remember the world cup pics. I'm here only to see the euro pics now. Why did you change to a erotic theme in these? there are only these three by now?
Gotta love that Netherlands chick. Oh boy, oh boy.
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312 KB
Group B, Round 1
Holland 0 - 1 Denmark
Germany 1 - 0 Portugal

No reason. The fact that it's easier to colour skin than all those costumes is neither here nor there.
I dont even like football and yet i love your threads. Please continue.
Bitchin'. Russia for the champ!
britfag here, hoping england will lose every game. I hate our national football.

Wow I really like your style, do you have a gallery ?
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your work inspired me. I hope you don't mind if I'll try to cheer up Spain
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Group C, Round 1
Spain 1 - 1 Italy
Ireland 1 - 3 Croatia

Experimental double drawing style - failed. Never again.

Fellow britfag (or more precisely, engfag) here. I'm more ambivalent than anti, but England getting trounced in every match would be fun. Better than scraping through on 1-0s and getting knocked out in the semi anyway.

Cool beans. The more regional anthropomorphism the merrier! My Spanish geography's a bit rusty, but I recognised Galicia, the Basque region and Catalonia. I've never been further south than that...

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