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  • File : 1295988524.png-(73 KB, 300x500, Oe.png)
    73 KB Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)15:48 No.363022  
    My butt hurts after sitting so long. I need a new chair.

    Also, oekaki is hard. Maybe I should've used Shi-painter normal.

    Oekaki post (Time: 4 h 36 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Pro, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)16:18 No.363025
    Quite the trap.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)21:16 No.363062
         File1296008171.png-(168 KB, 400x500, Oe.png)
    168 KB

    Hope my lineart lives up to my draft, haha


    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 42 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)21:42 No.363065
         File1296009767.png-(53 KB, 300x300, Oe.png)
    53 KB
    >mfw when safety saves don't work anymore

    should've known better after seeing those 12 hour-23 hour time limits

    Oekaki post (Time: 18 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)21:44 No.363066
    >> Graph 01/25/11(Tue)21:48 No.363067

    Nice, but what do you mean safety saves don't work?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)21:51 No.363068
    Maybe the layers? I seem to recall that everything gets condensed to 1 layer.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)21:52 No.363069
    I won't let me modify an image. I keep getting a blank screen when I do. Maybe I need to update Java? I'll try that.
    >> Nadia 01/25/11(Tue)21:57 No.363071

    It's messed up.

    At least you're able to upload the pic... because we couldn't a few days ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)22:09 No.363072
    Updated it, still nothing

    I think this is the case for now, thanks. I'll just have continue that drawing later
    >> Graph 01/25/11(Tue)22:13 No.363073

    Ah really? Then again, I haven't drawn here in ages. I recalled that layers were kept.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)22:41 No.363076
    Only if you disable animation
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)00:17 No.363080
         File1296019072.png-(77 KB, 400x400, Oe.png)
    77 KB
    Figuring out how to draw this chick was hard as she's kinda androgynous. Her character design's not one I'm used to drawing for a female.
    I wish could give away who she is or what manga/anime she's from, but that's kind of a spoiler itself.

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 41 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)00:26 No.363081
    jellyfish princess?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)00:27 No.363082
    Reminds me of Ivy from Soul Calibur. (Mmmmm, boooobs.)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)00:37 No.363083
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)00:39 No.363084
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)03:50 No.363193
         File1296118201.png-(11 KB, 400x400, panty.png)
    11 KB
    I keep learning my lessons the hard way. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)04:05 No.363196
    Tip from OP - Never have two oekaki applets open at the same time especially when the 2nd is a smaller size (300x300 vs 400x400) than the first because it'll crop off your working image, using the upper left portion as an anchor.

    On the plus side, you could probably use this trick to make your canvas bigger.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)09:20 No.363202

    Except there's like, negative boobs here.

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