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  • File : 1294704692.png-(176 KB, 450x450, Oe.png)
    176 KB Let's draw game screenshots! Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)19:11 No.361218  

    So just draw game screenshots! Dont do general fanart but try to mimic the style of the screenshot instead. Be creative and it will all be fine!

    I think we should keep the game names a secret and we can all guess on 'em and the person who drew can verify if its right!

    And to start it off slowly, I did this easy one. And no, I didnt break my own rules, this is actually that Mirrors Edge game for the iPhone, iPod, iPad etc.

    So yeah, lets draw screenshots! I'll try to draw here quite often, I'm a bit ill at the moment but I'll try to keep up!

    Keep 'em coming!

    Oekaki post (Time: 28 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)19:33 No.361221
         File1294706037.png-(4 KB, 600x439, Ibetyoucantguessthis.png)
    4 KB
    That looks like Mirrors edge.

    Guess this!
    >> cloud Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)19:39 No.361222
         File1294706398.png-(86 KB, 300x300, Oe.png)
    86 KB
    Because in japan, all men are glowing and effeminate.

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)20:56 No.361231
    Doom 3?

    Love this one!
    >> Johanz 01/11/11(Tue)17:41 No.361345
         File1294785667.png-(99 KB, 450x450, Oe.png)
    99 KB
    OP here, I think I'll stick a name to me for conviences sake and come on guys! I know you can do better!

    And guess this game!

    Also: I forgot to draw the fucking hearts. Arghhh~...

    Oekaki post (Time: 44 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Johanz 01/11/11(Tue)17:45 No.361346
         File1294785936.png-(101 KB, 450x450, Oe.png)
    101 KB
    Fixed the heart counter.

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Source: >>361345, Animation: View)
    >> Kinetic !.xdBkMkukQ 01/11/11(Tue)17:52 No.361347

    NICE, good job but waaay too easy man. I'll do one in a little bit.
    >> Johanz 01/11/11(Tue)18:00 No.361349
    Yeah, the main purpose of the thread (alteast my idea) wasn't that its going to be a guessing game, but thats sort of a fun mini thing to it all. Just draw favorite game screenshots and have fun!
    >> Kinetic !.xdBkMkukQ 01/11/11(Tue)18:36 No.361353
         File1294789010.png-(30 KB, 300x300, Oe.png)
    30 KB
    Shit, I picked a game with too much detail.

    Well, see if you can guess it from just what I've draw. Godmode and such eh?

    I might finish it later, it looks like shit though and I doubt I'll ever touch it again.

    Oekaki post (Time: 14 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/11(Tue)18:45 No.361354
    That one generic ninja kids game... blurp.
    >> Johanz 01/11/11(Tue)18:46 No.361355
    Willow? The old NES game!

    I dunno, that just kinda sprung to my mind.
    >> Kinetic !.xdBkMkukQ 01/11/11(Tue)22:44 No.361376
    Lol nope. SNES and it was never released in America, though I do have the fan translated ROM.
    >> Johanz 01/12/11(Wed)10:03 No.361435
    Aah, hmm.. Tales of Phantasia perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/11(Wed)10:10 No.361436
    Think spikier hair and... more chibi.
    (Hope I'm thinking of the right game.)
    >> Mr.Dick !!8BX1fZgz15d 01/12/11(Wed)10:16 No.361439
    duran outside a house in forcena

    sup sd3
    >> Anonymous 01/12/11(Wed)11:30 No.361447
    The last Mana game. I haven't even played any of them, but I recognize that hairdo.
    >> Black eyes 01/13/11(Thu)09:05 No.361539
         File1294927514.png-(329 KB, 600x480, Oe.png)
    329 KB
    Like this one.

    Oekaki post (Time: 56 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Pro, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/13/11(Thu)09:16 No.361540
    Splatter House, I love you
    >> Anonymous 01/13/11(Thu)16:09 No.361571
    Legend of the Mystical Ninja. THERE!
    >> 小判 Black eyes 01/14/11(Fri)09:59 No.361634
         File1295017195.png-(287 KB, 440x600, Oe.png)
    287 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 10 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Pro, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/14/11(Fri)10:58 No.361638
    Funny how the OP's pic gets worse from top to bottom.

    Sky is pretty.

    Crane is WTFISTHAT

    Oekaki post (Time: 0 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Pro)
    >> Anonymous 01/14/11(Fri)11:01 No.361640
         File1295020860.png-(64 KB, 300x299, Untitled.png)
    64 KB
    Goddamn captcha... Dropped mein art...
    >> poopbutt !!SjNEvnwgbyp 01/14/11(Fri)11:38 No.361645
    ORE WA.... CHARMING!!!


    (my favorite game of all time)
    >> R !WkU96Tibbg 01/14/11(Fri)16:34 No.361658
    Splatterhouse and Goemon, nice.
    my turn...
    >> poopbutt !!SjNEvnwgbyp 01/14/11(Fri)17:10 No.361660
    I'm a giganticfaggotpleaserapemyface.exe
    >> R !WkU96Tibbg 01/15/11(Sat)08:43 No.361746
         File1295098987.png-(89 KB, 300x300, Oe.png)
    89 KB
    Fucking computers, only work right when you want to watch porn.
    Also, take it easy poopbutt.

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 51 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> 悪魔城伝説 Black eyes 01/21/11(Fri)10:03 No.362400
         File1295622199.png-(268 KB, 600x500, Oe.png)
    268 KB
    Devil hunter.

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 44 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Pro, Animation: View)
    >> Nadia 01/21/11(Fri)11:09 No.362403
         File1295626160.png-(287 KB, 600x350, Oe.png)
    287 KB
    I can't beat this on intense for the life of me

    Oekaki post (Time: 55 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Pro, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)11:13 No.362405
    Porn only works right when you're watching computers.

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