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    File : 1287741251.png-(201 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    201 KB Anonymous 10/22/10(Fri)05:54 No.351774  

    Oekaki post (Time: 33 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 10/22/10(Fri)07:43 No.351779
    >> Anonymous 10/22/10(Fri)07:43 No.351780
         File1287747827.png-(133 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    133 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 12 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 10/22/10(Fri)08:53 No.351784
    Wow, cool!
    Very funny and edumacational
    Moar, please!

    But... ugh... your handwriting... are you a doctor?
    >> Russianfag 10/22/10(Fri)09:10 No.351785
    Desperately awaiting Russia with bears, ushanka and balalayka, chugging vodka and dancing kazachok lol

    Irony aside, I like your threads OP
    >> Anonymous 10/22/10(Fri)11:19 No.351790
         File1287760757.png-(180 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    180 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 16 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Ruby 10/22/10(Fri)11:48 No.351791
    Hey, OP, do you remember how that Chess Game ended with Darkness?

    I ended up getting distracted by work, illegal narcotics and alcohol.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/10(Fri)11:59 No.351792
    It didn't end. One of them stopped drawing and thread died.

    This is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/10(Fri)12:13 No.351794
    Can't read shit, captain. But I do love your drawings, so keep it up.
    >> Russianfag 10/22/10(Fri)12:15 No.351795
    Not to criticize you or anything, but I've met many Armenians (it's a pretty populous ethnicity in Russia, as well), and I've yet to see one with medium-brown hair as you've drawn here: most of them have (naturally) either black or dark-brown hair.
    And btw, don't think that's racism or something -- to the contrary, I personally find black-haired girls (e.g., Armenians or Croatians) very beautiful.

    Hope that was helpful; if not, disregard it.
    Keep up the good job!
    >> Anonymous 10/22/10(Fri)14:40 No.351799
    Maybe this ain't for your eyes, chump
    >> Nadia !!tv0+217l+zH 10/22/10(Fri)16:40 No.351811
    YAY! I love your threads.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)12:03 No.352038
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)16:49 No.352059
         File1287953349.png-(184 KB, 601x600, Oe.png)
    184 KB
    You're right - it was meant to be dark brown, I even made a note (just underneath "good at chess" if you can make it out). I can't be b'd changing it, so you'll just have to squint...

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 6 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Source: >>352051)
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)21:47 No.352076
         File1287971267.png-(150 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    150 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 13 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Russianfag 10/25/10(Mon)10:07 No.352143
    >You're right - it was meant to be dark brown, I even made a note (just underneath "good at chess" if you can make it out).
    Oh! Now I see it (couldn't make out some of your handwriting).
    Sorry for bothering you then.

    >I can't be b'd changing it, so you'll just have to squint...
    Eh, it's OK.
    You're already doing an awesome job )

    Btw, cool Azerbaijan >>352076, liked the fire on her head
    [spoiler]...but where are her arched Caucasian eyebrows?[/spoiler]
    Ok, ok, I'll stop nitpicking your drawings, honest )
    >> Anonymous 10/26/10(Tue)15:58 No.352275
    >> Anonymous 10/27/10(Wed)13:28 No.352364
         File1288200534.png-(179 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    179 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 59 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Source: >>352360)
    >> Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)09:20 No.352435

    liked Belarus' moustache lol
    >> Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)09:28 No.352438
    How about one on sweden?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)19:09 No.352480
         File1288307345.png-(186 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    186 KB
    It's 37th on the list

    Oekaki post (Time: 19 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Nadia !!tv0+217l+zH 10/28/10(Thu)19:21 No.352482

    Which one are you from if you don't mind me asking. If it's a personal question and invades privacy, I do apologize and you can overlook this, unless you'd like me to delete it?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)20:52 No.352494
    Nadia, I hate to break this to you, but it's possible to be too polite.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)21:36 No.352498
    lol im gonna be tintin for halloween
    >> Anonymous 10/29/10(Fri)07:14 No.352560
    Not OP.

    From what was hinted in the WC thread, he/she is from the land of bowler hats, tea and awful teeth.
    I may be wrong, though
    >> roothands !!O4yiZo9A9tK 10/31/10(Sun)00:35 No.352713
    Yay! I love your artwork.
    I like how you drew each country's football kits, and also the fact that Belgium is fat
    >> Anonymous 11/01/10(Mon)14:27 No.352865
         File1288636079.png-(177 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    177 KB
    Also, limes.

    Oekaki post (Time: 20 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 11/02/10(Tue)19:53 No.352953
         File1288741989.png-(184 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    184 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 15 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 11/02/10(Tue)20:31 No.352958
    the fuck are you a renaissance man or some shit

    how do you know all this crap, holy geeze
    >> Anonymous 11/02/10(Tue)20:53 No.352960
    go send these to the folks who make Hetalia, heh.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/10(Tue)21:54 No.352962
    They'd hate it because they're not gay men and have more than a vague passing resemblance to their countries
    >> Anonymous 11/03/10(Wed)04:23 No.352997
    Wow, Bulgaria is hawt

    Shame that no fur hat, tho
    >> Anonymous 11/05/10(Fri)10:22 No.353181
    this is awesome! Keep it up! Fun! Educational! A little arousing!
    >> Anonymous 11/05/10(Fri)21:05 No.353214
    >> Anonymous 11/05/10(Fri)22:22 No.353219
         File1289010143.png-(153 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    153 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 13 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 11/06/10(Sat)15:49 No.353277
         File1289072977.png-(214 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    214 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 25 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Source: >>353276)
    >> Anonymous 11/07/10(Sun)07:14 No.353345
    Holy damn I would like to see something like Denmark :V
    >> Anonymous 11/07/10(Sun)10:36 No.353361
    Holy damn I would like to see you doing 4chan board anthros V:
    >> Anonymous 11/07/10(Sun)17:55 No.353394
    I'm.. going to bookmark this thread for later, who knows i might get a UK/Britain/England or something!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/10(Sun)18:06 No.353395
         File1289171200.png-(215 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    215 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 16 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 11/07/10(Sun)18:20 No.353398
    How many of these are you planning on doing? If you do Ireland you should base her costume off of Irish dancing dresses.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)06:06 No.353467
    This is even better than chocolate.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)09:35 No.353471
         File1289226934.png-(365 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    365 KB
    To do

    Oekaki post (Time: 30 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:23 No.353474
    Finnish girls are pretentious assholes for no good reason, just so you know.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:25 No.353475
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)13:10 No.353482
    this, so hard
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)17:11 No.353495
         File1289254306.png-(178 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    178 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 15 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)18:22 No.353500
    Don't forget that "12 Months'' in Estonian sounds like "Cocks taste good"
    >> Anonymous 11/09/10(Tue)03:43 No.353544
    Wait... does this mean you don't plan to draw a new pin-up for already existing girls (e.g., England, France, Germany, etc)?
    That would be very sad ;_______;
    >> Anonymous 11/09/10(Tue)04:10 No.353546
    Looking forward to Sweden-tan.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/10(Tue)10:08 No.353554
         File1289315288.png-(151 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    151 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 8 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 11/09/10(Tue)11:05 No.353555

    Anti-whaling? I thought they loved killing whales!
    >> Anonymous 11/09/10(Tue)11:33 No.353556
    Say one thing, do another.
    Hypocrisy's the human way, you know.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/10(Tue)13:29 No.353565
    Are you going to do N.F. board teams/countries to?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/10(Thu)10:52 No.353767
         File1289490722.png-(193 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    193 KB
    I hadn't planned to - I'd just finished the W/i/rld Cup review pic before I started on these. Take a look at my blog for the oldies.
    Not anti-whaling, anti-whale.
    Perhap. Only when I've finished all the others, though...

    Oekaki post (Time: 10 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 11/11/10(Thu)10:59 No.353768
    We finns ride polar bears, you know. All of the time.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/10(Thu)13:08 No.353774
    these are great when are you adding them to your blog?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/10(Sat)13:40 No.353967
         File1289673604.png-(194 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    194 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 0 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:40 No.354333
         File1290004831.png-(202 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    202 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 0 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:01 No.354341
         File1290013284.png-(152 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    152 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 0 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)20:07 No.354365

    >> R !WkU96Tibbg 11/17/10(Wed)21:09 No.354369
    Hey man, what about the Lords?
    Never forget the Lords.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)19:00 No.354437
    As a hungaryan, I approve of this.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)20:28 No.354450
    Enjoy your red toxic sludge.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)05:08 No.354716
    Icelandfag here, I've never been aroused by my own country before.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)14:25 No.355057
    Bump for moar
    >> Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)17:48 No.355091
    Andorra looks like she's 45
    >> Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)18:14 No.355097
         File1290726885.png-(186 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    186 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 0 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 11/26/10(Fri)01:53 No.355143
    Not, OP, but it looks like an empty pot o' gold. Probably because Ireland is broke as hell.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/10(Fri)03:07 No.355164
    Your art reminds me of Kate Beaton...

    Which is a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/10(Fri)03:55 No.355172
    >> Anonymous 11/26/10(Fri)05:42 No.355178
    Its an old joke that Irish people like the smell of their own fart.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/10(Sat)09:56 No.355296

    She needs a bigger, crooked nose. Also piles of money
    >> Anonymous 11/27/10(Sat)13:09 No.355310

    If you're going for accuracy, only half of her needs a big nose and lots of money. The other half is war-torn and poverty-stricken.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/10(Sat)14:16 No.355313
    Waiting with bated breath to see more Brazil.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/10(Sat)17:57 No.355344
    Oh hey, it's w/i/rld cup guy/girl.

    Love your stuff, keep up the good work :D
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)01:08 No.355387

    They actually have their own internationally recognized national football team
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:35 No.355557
    bump, just cuz I can and I will
    >> roothands !!O4yiZo9A9tK 11/30/10(Tue)01:36 No.355597
    But their football team isn't in UEFA.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)12:33 No.355623
    cant wait for turkey
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)12:53 No.355626

    They're in AFC
    >> Anonymous 12/03/10(Fri)17:15 No.356034
    can't wait the anime.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)20:31 No.356325
         File1291599109.png-(202 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    202 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 14 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:26 No.356519
    next up Latvia! The.... least interesting of all the Baltic states!
    >> Anonymous 12/11/10(Sat)07:54 No.357087
    bumpity bump because this deserves a bump
    >> Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)18:43 No.357502
         File1292370232.png-(180 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    180 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 45 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)20:26 No.357523
         File1292376370.png-(167 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    167 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 40 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)01:49 No.357563
    i have no idea where this is going but its awesome
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)10:13 No.357598

    Very regal, I like she short hair
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)17:39 No.358246

    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)07:59 No.358297
    Still hoping for Sweden-tan!
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:42 No.358301
    anyone shown /int/ this?
    not that they wouldn't go into
    in like 5 seconds
    >> Anonymous 12/23/10(Thu)17:13 No.358853
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)19:00 No.359911
         File1293926422.png-(193 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    193 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 1 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Source: >>359900)
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)19:27 No.359914
    Lithuanian Dad would be proud.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)21:42 No.359925
         File1293936124.png-(203 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    203 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 27 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/02/11(Sun)20:58 No.360073

    capes make everything better!
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)01:11 No.360154
    where is germany? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:01 No.360305

    He's already designed a Germany girl, all the countries from this year's World Cup has a girl already
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)14:59 No.360383
         File1294171176.png-(206 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    206 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 37 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)20:53 No.360437
         File1294192395.png-(206 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    206 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 20 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Nadia !!tv0+217l+zH 01/04/11(Tue)21:04 No.360440

    I like this ones face.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)21:31 No.360443
    Still teasetastic
    >> Ricecake !!QSvwrQMMkoH 01/05/11(Wed)00:47 No.360466
    could you draw European girl with cross bow?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)12:04 No.360522

    I'd play doctor with her also nice Henry VIII picture on the blog, I can almost make all the wives out but some are harder than others, maybe you can have a little : From right to left caption with the names?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)05:26 No.360740
    bump for moar
    >> Indexer !t1.kaRtHUs 01/07/11(Fri)06:26 No.360742
    wait a second, where's italy?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)14:16 No.360770
    OP, do you use tablet for drawing or are you doing this by mouse?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)23:58 No.360836
         File1294462737.png-(232 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    232 KB
    Thanks - they are, from R to L: Catherine of Aragon & Mary I, Jane Seymour & Edward VI, Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII, Catherine Howard, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Parr & Elizabeth I
    1st column, at the bottom.
    A tablet. Just a little one, though.

    Oekaki post (Time: 37 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/08/11(Sat)05:42 No.360870
    awesome thread
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)16:07 No.361063
         File1294607270.png-(209 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    209 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 24 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)19:15 No.361080
    I just noticed Monaco isn't on there ;-; why you leave out
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)21:33 No.361102
         File1294626795.png-(288 KB, 600x600, northern ireland.png)
    288 KB
    Upload failed.

    I've been going though the members of UEFA - Monaco seems to be the only European country that isn't in there. Apart from Vatican City. I'll have to get to them later on...
    >> Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)21:55 No.361106
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)03:08 No.361139

    Montenegrins are so laid back that you forget they're from the Balkans


    Cute and feisty! The only thing I would point out is that the IRA used mostly American supplied guns, most famously the Armalite AR-18. The gun in the picture is an AK
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)06:04 No.361158
    Heh, why does N.I. have a more skimpy dress than Ireland? What's the significance of this cleavage disparity?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)20:25 No.361227
         File1294709149.png-(221 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    221 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 19 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)23:02 No.361245
         File1294718578.jpg-(71 KB, 500x375, death,metal,for,te(...).jpg)
    71 KB
    lol awesome, but it isn't actually death metal, it's norwegian black metal. It's actually a pretty big difference.

    Best cheesy black metal vid ever
    >> Anonymous 01/11/11(Tue)05:20 No.361289
    I've been waiting months for Norway <3 Iloveyousomuch
    >> Anonymous 01/11/11(Tue)05:24 No.361290
    Oh, man. That damn garbage...
    >> Anonymous 01/11/11(Tue)06:37 No.361294
    Enjoying that Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber son?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/11(Tue)06:50 No.361297
    Metal and pop aren't the only music genres, fucknut.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/11(Tue)06:51 No.361298
    Let me clarify. Music should be about the MUSIC. Not dressing up. Not money.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/11(Tue)08:42 No.361306
    is this some potshot at black metal?

    black metal is one of the most underground genres ever, it never makes any money
    >> Anonymous 01/11/11(Tue)13:55 No.361331
    Dressing up. Why? Just seems like a cry for attention.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/11(Wed)10:12 No.361437
         File1294845134.png-(240 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    240 KB
    Oops - my mistake. Apologies to Black Metal enthusiasts (and ho ho at 4:00).

    Dressing up is fine by me.

    Oekaki post (Time: 18 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/12/11(Wed)12:54 No.361454
    Fuck yeah Poland!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/11(Wed)12:58 No.361455
    Can she into space?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/11(Wed)23:49 No.361507

    Silly Poland! Thats not how you hold a sword!
    >> Anonymous 01/13/11(Thu)12:37 No.361555
         File1294940226.png-(200 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    200 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/13/11(Thu)13:09 No.361557

    looks like she bit her tongue, there's blood everywhere :V
    >> Anonymous 01/14/11(Fri)18:58 No.361665
    romania, Dracula, Vlad Tepes and all that..
    >> Anonymous 01/14/11(Fri)20:02 No.361675
    Why do these oekakis all have fucked up times?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:08 No.361994
    >1939 'Winter war' - invaded by soviet union
    We had our pride in the war. We [temporarily] managed to invade a note-worthy piece of the soviet union (due to the fact that all the soldiers were down fighting Germany).

    >Sampo (?)
    Is a mythic machine that could produce salt, gold and wheat out of nothing.

    >Finnish girls are pretentious assholes
    Some are. And most of the guys too. And we're shy.

    We also have a swedish-speaking non-swede minority. The finnish-speaking ppl are mostly pissed of by them due to no apparent reason. We have two offical languages: Finnish and Swedish.

    Great work otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)10:30 No.362080
         File1295364637.png-(237 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    237 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 22 h 7 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)12:02 No.362084
         File1295370171.png-(158 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    158 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 29 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)12:25 No.362085
    Today's Russians are much less interesting than the Soviets. Siiiiigh.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)13:23 No.362086

    can't wait to see how the Russians do hosting 2018
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)13:24 No.362087

    The World's Oldest Republic, neat!
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)18:53 No.362132
    > you can start the time over
    Why would you do that? Is the artist embarrassed by how much time is going into this?

    > Stop worrying
    Worrying? About what?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)19:53 No.362155
         File1295398422.png-(195 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    195 KB
    Partly, yes. Also, back-forward & restore temporary applet image seems to avoid some of the 500 errors.

    Oekaki post (Time: 17 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> R !WkU96Tibbg 01/18/11(Tue)21:13 No.362165
    Alright then, stop bitching.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)00:16 No.362180
    badump bump
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)10:18 No.362218
    Irn-bru is great for hangovers
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:12 No.362224
    Can you do Canada? :)

    These are amazing, and I'd love to see a Canada one, haha.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)11:44 No.362306
    That sucks.. You stopped :(
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)17:55 No.362318
         File1295564144.png-(218 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    218 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 17 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)19:30 No.362327

    Yay! I've been waiting all day for you to come back.. These are addicting!
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)21:17 No.362336
    Aww, swedish porn is the worst porn.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)21:24 No.362337
    Don't mind my asking, but what's Sweden eating there?

    looks yummy.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)21:29 No.362339
    Meatballs! ^_^
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)21:34 No.362340
    looked like chocolate to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/11(Thu)21:38 No.362342
    Chocolate meatballs O.o?

    Huh, must be a swedish delicacy or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)10:21 No.362401
    Oh yeah, finally! Good job there.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)17:03 No.362443
    I thought it was chocolate, because Swedish are known for their high quality chocolate, but then again I could've been thinking too much into it.(Meatballs was not the first thing that popped into my mind, just saying.)
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)21:18 No.362478
    Köttbullar, motherfuckers! So amazingly tasty.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)08:29 No.362698
    You forgot about Notch and Minecraft.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)16:30 No.362775
         File1295818252.png-(233 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    233 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 44 h 9 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)21:46 No.362816

    I know its bubbles from a bath.... but it also looks like she's farting.... which I'm totally cool with
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)21:47 No.362817
    Think both.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)14:21 No.362889
    He's only doing European countries.
    Whether you like it or not, Canada is still in North America.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)17:39 No.362916
    94 doesn't know how to post, so here you go OP. Bumpity bump, these are amazing.

    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)20:25 No.362933
         File1295918758.png-(201 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    201 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 26 h 17 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)20:41 No.362937
    We need to have a boobie pageant.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)10:40 No.363005
         File1295970032.png-(188 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    188 KB
    UEFA - done. Sgorio!

    Oekaki post (Time: 14 h 4 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)14:23 No.363015
    that is fucking awesome!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)16:54 No.363030
    GJ this was fun! The countries that got IN to the world cup never really got their own fun profiles though, I know you've already done the designs but it would be neat to see them to
    >> Nadia 01/25/11(Tue)17:46 No.363032
    Congratulations on finishing it. It was pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)17:48 No.363033
         File1295995700.png-(242 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    242 KB
    CONCACAF NAFU - done, eh?

    Oekaki post (Time: 6 h 56 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/11(Tue)18:05 No.363035
    You are the best person, OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)01:57 No.363088

    >trying to imagine playing soccer in skates
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:21 No.363089
    I am offended! You forgot the reindeer that we ride on a daily basis.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:01 No.363096
    op you are the best <3
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)06:42 No.363199
    Stickied thread, on /i/? Well deserved.
    Nice one, Hardwork-anon
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)09:36 No.363203
    A sticky on /i/!?!?!? Magnificent! Good job! Congrats!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)10:34 No.363204
    >/i/ mods doing something good instead of just deleting oh nose immoral loli drawings in my christian 4chon

    unheard of
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)12:43 No.363210
    First sticky in the history of /i/?
    Well, it is a truly magnificent thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)12:56 No.363211

    There was one last year.

    But this is the probably the first one with art.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:03 No.363212
         File1296151404.png-(210 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    210 KB
    Oh my.

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 36 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Kevyn 01/27/11(Thu)18:18 No.363229
    Awesome sticky get, OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)19:15 No.363238
         File1296173744.png-(181 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    181 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 h 7 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)21:05 No.363253
    A sticky AND Miss Monaco I was waiting for! It is a great day! She turned out well :3
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)21:19 No.363258
    Can you do any non-European countries, like Australia, Japan or US?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)22:05 No.363261
    >>363238 abusing choirboys
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)01:44 No.363269
    Forgot AnT and Kimmo.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)19:49 No.363329
    Am I the only person who realizes the OP pic is like years old?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)23:05 No.363356
    And that matters why?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)01:24 No.363385
    Oceania totally needs some love. The islands too.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)21:05 No.363608
    Does anyone have the World cup girls? I loved those pictures. In fact, any more stuff by OP would be great. I think they also recreated famous pieces of art in this style too?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)00:36 No.363616
    world cup girls are here
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)03:51 No.363634
    I really love OP's work. It is really funny and inspiring to be honest. Please don't stop OP
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)13:15 No.363658
         File1296497756.png-(199 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    199 KB
    It seems churlish not to.

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 1 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)21:50 No.363693
         File1296528654.png-(211 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    211 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 8 h 32 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)04:55 No.363726
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)10:24 No.363747
         File1296573857.png-(229 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    229 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 12 h 20 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)14:50 No.363755
         File1296589824.png-(198 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    198 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 4 h 20 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)17:14 No.363766

    If there were laws on being too awesome you would have broken it so many times you'd be sentenced to death! Keep up the great work!
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)13:41 No.363816
    As a German,
    I cannot help but enjoy this.
    Keep up the amazing work.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)14:16 No.363817
    No universal Tellus creature yet. I'd like to see you give it a try.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)17:51 No.363834
    Any work progress on non-europeon countries yet, OP? I would like to see an Australian one if you may.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)13:35 No.363911
         File1296758140.jpg-(362 KB, 700x1917, EngineercomicNT07.jpg)
    362 KB
    Reference picture
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)13:54 No.363912
         File1296759277.png-(213 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    213 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 58 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)15:51 No.363918
    Yay op is back.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)17:58 No.363928
    French chicks are the best and you do them justice.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)20:57 No.363939
         File1296784673.png-(212 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    212 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 10 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 02/04/11(Fri)07:56 No.363982

    Wow, you actually drew Pederasty!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/11(Fri)10:19 No.363995
    The guy has already designed an Australia-tan
    >> Anonymous 02/04/11(Fri)13:38 No.364010
         File1296844681.png-(194 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    194 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 7 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 02/04/11(Fri)15:30 No.364017
    Cool rolling paper hat, man
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)08:50 No.364395
    I can't wait for America to come up with its history and culture shown but then tossed out in favor of fat and football
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)19:49 No.364600
         File1297212575.png-(197 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    197 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 56 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)22:36 No.364642
         File1297222585.png-(241 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    241 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 8 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)21:23 No.364927
    >accidentally click on /i/
    >discovery best thing I've seen all week

    You're a good one, OP.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)08:16 No.365129
    Oh boy Id sure like to see my homeland Argentina in this list.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)18:19 No.365197
         File1297639150.png-(202 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    202 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 44 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)20:50 No.365212
         File1297648209.png-(201 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    201 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 12 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)22:15 No.365224
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)03:25 No.365259
    USA's a cow. You'll likely be disappointed.
    >> Cartoons are for kids !!OW0D0b+Urdz 02/14/11(Mon)05:00 No.365267
    >> whatwhatwhy !Yhjd.d0WJY 02/14/11(Mon)05:02 No.365268
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)08:15 No.365276
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)09:28 No.365279
         File1297693737.png-(212 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    212 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 14 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)18:28 No.365330

    So happy she won last year :3
    >> Anonymous 02/15/11(Tue)16:17 No.365384
    >> Anonymous 02/15/11(Tue)19:19 No.365392
         File1297815582.png-(214 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    214 KB
    Europe - bërë, կատարած, görülən, egin, зрабіць, направи, fet, učinjeno, provedeno, gjort, gedaan, done, tehtud, tehty, fait, feito, გაკეთდეს, getan, γίνεται, נעשה, kész, gert, déanta, fatto, darīts, padaryti, направено, jsir, zrobić, făcut, сделать, врши, vykonalo, opravljeno, hecho, yapılmış, зробити, wneud and dusted.

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 16 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Rage 02/15/11(Tue)20:55 No.365398
         File1297821306.png-(24 KB, 207x183, hmmm1-1.png)
    24 KB
    Didn't know /i/ mod's even pinned threat here. :) Congratz OP.
    >> Mr.Dick !!8BX1fZgz15d 02/16/11(Wed)01:34 No.365428
    >pinned threat

    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)09:32 No.365442

    Dohoho, this is adorable
    >> GmasterRED !!7iuitgeYmwp 02/17/11(Thu)06:46 No.365535
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)10:12 No.365551

    he's an idiot, it's pretty much already established.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)13:00 No.365559
    Now you are too, captain Obvious. Good for you.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)13:17 No.365561
    сделать = "to make"
    сделано = "done"
    Should be "сделано".

    Apart from that, YOU MOTHERFUCKING ROCK.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)14:14 No.365569

    Same shit with ukrainian
    "зробити" = to make
    "зроблено" = made
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)02:11 No.365953

    Do it now and stop being all eurofaggish.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/11(Tue)04:07 No.365968
    Poor baby feels left out.
    >> R !WkU96Tibbg 02/24/11(Thu)00:47 No.366100
    I happened to notice a lack of dark skin girls :B
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)01:37 No.366105
    Please, draw the African girls!
    Your Ghana is so hot!
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)21:32 No.366171
         File1298601148.png-(224 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    224 KB
    Damn you Google Translate. You lied to me.

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 39 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> R !WkU96Tibbg 02/24/11(Thu)22:39 No.366176
    Thanks, btw only in extremely rural areas do people wear sombreros and ponchos any more, most urban areas are full of people wearing american brand clothing. The streets are dangerous due to cartel violence and there is an invisible division between north and south. The north accounts for all of the repetitive mexican music(which is a rip-off of european polka) and most of the drug trade. The south
    is known for witchcraft, sticking to old traditions, and cumbia. Many cartel members are satanists or worshippers of saint death and judas tadeo.
    Sorry for the wall of text
    P.S. Lucha libre and Chuntaro style
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)15:08 No.366223
         File1298664485.png-(247 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    247 KB
    Your long wait is over.

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 h 34 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)16:09 No.366229

    haha... how could I guess...
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)16:09 No.366230
    Japan's bound to be good.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)20:42 No.366252
    someone please kill this thread
    >> R !WkU96Tibbg 02/25/11(Fri)21:21 No.366256
    If you don't like it, hide it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)21:52 No.366257
    The crowd goes wild with disappointment and then commits mass suicide
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)23:45 No.366265
    Scratch that, the crowd has a sense of humor and enjoys it immensely!
    >> Anonymous 02/26/11(Sat)03:28 No.366278
         File1298708919.jpg-(41 KB, 600x415, roflbot-8hEC.jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/26/11(Sat)07:21 No.366291
    America is so hawt.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/11(Sat)09:21 No.366296
    >saint death
    Damn, I like your Mexican brand of Catholicism :)

    Also, OP, wonderful thread!

    P.S.: Draw USA-tan nekkid, pls
    >> Anonymous 02/26/11(Sat)13:44 No.366308
    Holy shit! the World Cup dude!!

    Eagerly awaiting for brazilian trap.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:11 No.366392
    most likely american
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)17:17 No.366455
    not even gonna lie, I'd fuck mexico, from here till sunday.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)22:24 No.366488
    i'd fuck any of these hotties
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)09:10 No.366524
    You'd fuck anyone. Come on.
    >> Ziggeh !Ziggy7E/bA 03/02/11(Wed)12:28 No.366602
    Oh wow this thread got stickied. Awesome, it deserves it. :D
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)19:27 No.366620
    read my mind.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/11(Wed)22:15 No.366626
    What about Macedoniand?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/11(Thu)11:25 No.366669
         File1299169522.png-(251 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    251 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 15 h 59 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 03/03/11(Thu)12:18 No.366671
    More middle-eastern.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/11(Fri)10:36 No.366788
    fucking perfect
    >> Anonymous 03/07/11(Mon)03:56 No.367046
    Korea and Japan Please, you've gotta love those wasbie kimchi eaten bitches
    >> Anonymous 03/08/11(Tue)13:06 No.367152
    Huh... slowpoke here, barely realized this was about Soccer all along.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/11(Tue)20:54 No.367181
    Y U take so long! besides that this is fucking awesome
    >> roothands !!O4yiZo9A9tK 03/12/11(Sat)18:43 No.367505
    /r/ Mexico and USA porn
    >> Anonymous 03/12/11(Sat)19:52 No.367512
    /r/ America and Canada mooning at North Korea.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)15:13 No.367695
    RIP sticky

    RIP thread
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)19:29 No.367709
    Dear god no! Nnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo!!

    You were the best sticky ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)04:41 No.367743

    still hoping for African girls
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)13:52 No.367767
         File1300297938.png-(212 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    212 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 23 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)15:17 No.367772
    RIP sticky
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)11:12 No.367839
         File1300374721.png-(197 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    197 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 20 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:42 No.367887
    Mayyyne, this premature unsticking SUCKS!

    Bookmark'd and F5F5F5F5F5F5F5'd.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/11(Sun)06:56 No.368015

    >> Anonymous 03/20/11(Sun)16:34 No.368036

    Gasta El Salvador is awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/20/11(Sun)19:12 No.368044
    Wow you actually did El Sal, nice, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/11(Thu)01:10 No.368269
    Can you do Peru dude?
    >> Derp !MMBlY1dpso 03/25/11(Fri)10:09 No.368355
    >> Derp !o9DiUCt4vQ 03/25/11(Fri)10:11 No.368356
    >> Rage 03/25/11(Fri)15:17 No.368382
    Congratz, OP. :)
    >> Anonymous 03/27/11(Sun)20:23 No.368588
         File1301271829.png-(221 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    221 KB
    I'm going in the right direction.

    Oekaki post (Time: 7 h 3 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 03/27/11(Sun)22:06 No.368601
    I am looking forward to your picture.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/11(Mon)19:26 No.368686
         File1301354794.jpg-(27 KB, 304x313, americahellya.jpg)
    27 KB
    >just spent the last 2 hours reading through this thread and viewing every entry

    my life is so lame and strangely i'm okay with this
    >> Anonymous 03/28/11(Mon)23:41 No.368693
    How could you OP ;^;
    >> Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)19:08 No.368758
         File1301440081.png-(254 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    254 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 22 s, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)06:43 No.368785
    Do New Zealand
    >> Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)09:34 No.368793
    >> Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)10:50 No.368795

    you draw the craziest bras sometimes OP
    >> Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)19:15 No.368812
         File1301526901.png-(223 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    223 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)19:44 No.368813
    You are the ultimate tease. Goddamn, did you go to some famed tease school or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/11(Fri)02:04 No.368882
    2009 has a coup and not a constitutional crisis
    >> Anonymous 04/03/11(Sun)20:42 No.369079
    Do you support any football clubs?
    Just very very curious
    >> Anonymous 04/05/11(Tue)18:01 No.369204
         File1302040860.png-(233 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    233 KB
    ¡Viva la descripción equívoco!

    I do. Yes I do.

    Oekaki post (Time: 6 h 35 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 04/08/11(Fri)02:40 No.369336
    See "independence of judiciary"
    >> Anonymous 04/08/11(Fri)14:13 No.369361
    edival pleasure
    >> Anonymous 04/08/11(Fri)14:14 No.369362
    I've seen kill bill too many times
    >> Indexer !t1.kaRtHUs 04/08/11(Fri)15:07 No.369364
    You know who's missing?

    Libya and Tunisia.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/11(Fri)18:01 No.369369
    Downloading them all. Nice work fo real.
    >> Politico !GTF.di4eXE 04/09/11(Sat)16:09 No.369419
    Posting in a sticky.

    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)07:33 No.369520
    hahaha, the many times you changed the woman, oh god, that was great.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/11(Mon)19:46 No.369549
         File1302565579.jpg-(1.61 MB, 3628x1847, One Hundred Trillion Dollars.jpg)
    1.61 MB
    Do Zimbabwe!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/11(Tue)14:00 No.369591
    please OP, do Chile! we need more south america going on this thread!

    gotta love how Op actually researches, even if slightly to come up with these.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/11(Tue)14:01 No.369592
    OP, please PLEASE PLEAAAAASE do more South American countries!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/11(Tue)14:55 No.369594
         File1302634545.jpg-(395 KB, 1170x764, 1276605635173.jpg)
    395 KB

    >> Anonymous 04/12/11(Tue)15:51 No.369596
    How about Egypt, OP?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)06:06 No.369635
    OP's now named Bro. For obvious reasons.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)21:37 No.369777
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)12:42 No.369974
    What the hell is this i dont even
    >> Anonymous 04/19/11(Tue)16:24 No.369980
    Do Cuba!!
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)00:52 No.370076

    Do... something!?!!? Where did you go!?!? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)14:23 No.370100
    No, no, no, no, no! Don't unsticky it, he just takes his time with stuff
    >> Mike 04/23/11(Sat)05:10 No.370191
    I'm from El Salvador and I approve that.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)06:30 No.370193
    ;_; but this thread can't die
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)13:17 No.370382
         File1304011028.png-(219 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    219 KB
    I'll get to CFU later.

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 h 19 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)09:47 No.370421
         File1304084871.png-(204 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    204 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 14 h 20 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)13:42 No.370425
         File1304098963.png-(257 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    257 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 h 46 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)04:20 No.370508

    i d'aww'd.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)09:11 No.370516
    ooooh you're back! That's baller!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)10:58 No.370576
    You're jumping to CONMEBOL from CONCACAF, what about all those Caribbean countries?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:58 No.370594
    Is she supposed to have a nutsack on purpose, because it's Brazil?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)02:52 No.370603
    compare to other /i/ threads.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)02:21 No.370624
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)11:12 No.370631
    Do Sealand please.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)11:19 No.370632
    /r/ Romania please. We have cool folk costumes to go on.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)11:38 No.370635

    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)05:26 No.370669
    See >>361555
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)05:44 No.370866
    Do Uruguay plox.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)11:13 No.370872
    I like Brazil's nutsack.
    Well played.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)09:11 No.370935
         File1304946684.png-(213 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    213 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 29 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)09:35 No.370938
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)13:08 No.370948
    File deleted.
    Mordor plz
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:53 No.371157
         File1305219196.png-(253 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    253 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 23 h 51 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:28 No.371170

    Wow! That's some really nice shadow effect there! GJ! Keep it up!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)09:17 No.371218
    Hockey's on. Any interest, OP?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/17/11(Tue)21:31 No.371462
    You are AWESOME! What's next after South America? Would you do Africa or Asia first?
    >> Anonymous !6MVtGFrRdA 05/19/11(Thu)21:26 No.371576
    >> Anonymous 05/23/11(Mon)17:34 No.371862
    Sovereign Military Order of Malta?

    You should consider doing some unrecognised states too.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/11(Sat)04:50 No.372173
    >Biting into the earth like a broken egg.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)13:50 No.372321
         File1306864209.jpg-(243 KB, 800x571, ....jpg)
    243 KB
    >Time: 33 s
    >Time: 12 s
    >Time: 16 s
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:47 No.372379
    Of course, there's a bug where the time resets.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)12:54 No.372383
    Or the images were saved and then edited...
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)18:50 No.372397
    but you can see the full animations...
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)02:42 No.372424
    You just don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)11:06 No.372584
    Refresh button bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)23:59 No.372609
    thats pretty awesome, nice handmirror
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)10:32 No.372629
    Does anyone of you actually draw by using your mouse?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)21:45 No.372650
    Used to ^
    >> Anonymous 06/09/11(Thu)13:26 No.372784
    is it ok to draw fanart?
    >> Onatashi !oFUBhmBL1I 06/11/11(Sat)22:46 No.372914
    >> Anonymous 06/12/11(Sun)15:04 No.372950
         File1307905458.jpg-(70 KB, 400x320, thsmd..jpg)
    70 KB
    Ah too bad my two nations don't have football/"futbol"/soccer teams...
    >> Anonymous 06/13/11(Mon)07:21 No.372977

    >Puerto Rico

    There's your problem
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)11:00 No.373040
    not getting into it about what it is, but there's enough rich history to warrant having a nice fact page and pretty/ugly gal with dress
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)11:34 No.373102
         File1308152054.png-(213 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    213 KB
    Please do. The more the merrier.
    Wohoh but they do. The CFU's next on the list.

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 31 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)21:46 No.373120
         File1308188799.png-(212 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    212 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 47 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)23:31 No.373198
    Hooray! New content!!
    >> Anonymous 06/17/11(Fri)00:42 No.373203
    Neet. =D
    >> Anonymous 06/20/11(Mon)10:02 No.373374
         File1308578556.png-(216 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    216 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 20 h 29 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/20/11(Mon)10:33 No.373375
    Dat llama
    >> Anonymous 06/20/11(Mon)12:20 No.373379
         File1308586809.png-(239 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    239 KB
    Except with a smaller head and a bigger horse.

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 12 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/20/11(Mon)13:23 No.373382
    I'm loving that horse's face.
    >> roothands !!O4yiZo9A9tK 06/21/11(Tue)20:33 No.373457
    >>Valderrama hair

    OP I think I love you
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)12:43 No.373504
         File1308761024.png-(199 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    199 KB
    CONMEBOL - terminado.

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 h 47 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)17:39 No.373515
         File1308778745.png-(205 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    205 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 39 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)23:45 No.373541
    Wow, starve us for a bit then BAM! New stuff everywhere!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)20:28 No.373598
         File1308875291.png-(204 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    204 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 26 h 43 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)23:08 No.373612
    Can't wait for more, great stuff.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)21:03 No.373697
         File1308963789.png-(189 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    189 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 27 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)11:54 No.373740
         File1309017254.png-(215 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    215 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 28 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:18 No.373762
         File1309040310.png-(203 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    203 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 4 h 47 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)20:24 No.373769
    never thought I'd say this... but I'd fuck the shit out of barbados
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)20:33 No.373770
         File1309048415.png-(158 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    158 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 43 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)00:34 No.373780
    In Honor of the CONCACAF Gold Cup you should draw Mexico beating the US
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:14 No.373804
         File1309094094.png-(342 KB, 500x750, Oe.png)
    342 KB
    Or something to that effect.

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 10 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)12:36 No.373808
         File1309106187.png-(190 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    190 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 h 18 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)13:21 No.373810
    Jeez, you're a machine!
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)09:53 No.373853

    HAHAHAHAHA! Oh wow!
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)21:02 No.373875
         File1309222940.png-(410 KB, 800x620, Oe.png)
    410 KB
    A bad idea, poorly executed.

    Oekaki post (Time: 7 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)22:11 No.373877
         File1309227116.png-(3 KB, 300x300, Oe.png)
    3 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 6 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)10:27 No.373908
         File1309271270.png-(9 KB, 243x284, 1306071363749.png)
    9 KB


    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:11 No.374216
    >First time ever on /i/, ever
    >This thread
    I'm impressed
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)00:07 No.374302
    Are you going to be doing anything for the Copa America?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)18:14 No.374444
    Uh. Israel?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)19:21 No.374448

    There was Israel but now its gone! :/
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:06 No.374467
    Can someone decipher the text on these? It's completely fucking undreadable.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:09 No.374468
    Why does Portugal looks like a Bolivian? It should have brown hair and lighter skin.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/11(Tue)17:23 No.374553
         File1309901011.png-(4 KB, 300x300, Oe.png)
    4 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 4 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)16:27 No.374619
    what the fuck man? I remember Israel being girl riding a turret of a tank... JIDF agents on /i/, too?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:07 No.374660
         File1310018865.png-(191 KB, 600x600, Israel.png)
    191 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)04:07 No.374670
         File1310026069.png-(2 KB, 300x300, Oe.png)
    2 KB
    although im not a very patriotic pinoy irish chink (chinese) do the phillippines next!!!

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)04:12 No.374671
    fucking adorable
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 07/08/11(Fri)07:18 No.374768
    SEA Games contestants, please :D
    >> Anonymous 07/10/11(Sun)19:51 No.374895
    >making usa fat
    fuck you
    >> shut up fatgringo 07/14/11(Thu)03:42 No.375073

    Obesity statistics
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)05:36 No.375077
    Wow, there are still people out there that take this piece of shit "measurement" seriously?
    >> roothands !!O4yiZo9A9tK 07/16/11(Sat)21:57 No.375191
    LOL @ butthurt Israeli hating mods
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)17:29 No.375237
    Nadeshiko Japan has defeated America! PLEEEEEEEEASE DRAW IT!
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)17:48 No.375239
         File1310939331.png-(175 KB, 400x400, moushindeiru.png)
    175 KB
    Loose Sockets
    >> roothands !!O4yiZo9A9tK 07/17/11(Sun)19:05 No.375242
    Ahahaha what an embarrassing game
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:15 No.375243

    what's he saying? my weeaboo levels are too low
    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)11:25 No.375276

    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)11:36 No.375305
         File1311089791.png-(198 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    198 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 43 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)12:46 No.375306
         File1311093962.png-(83 KB, 300x300, Oe.png)
    83 KB
    So does this shit lag for anyone else?

    Also.. RARARARAR Get off my lawn.

    Oekaki post (Time: 10 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)18:17 No.375317
         File1311113866.png-(232 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    232 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 h 3 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)20:55 No.375324
    seriously? people are still bitching about the USA drawing?

    i certainly hope you people are just trolling.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)20:57 No.375325
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:01 No.375354
         File1311163318.png-(5 KB, 344x341, Oe.png)
    5 KB
    Corrected for appropriate stereotypicality.

    Oekaki post (Time: 8 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Source: >>375318)
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)11:41 No.375363
    Ow, my sexual feelings receptors!
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)17:26 No.375376
    And yet, still fuckable... kinda.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)21:38 No.375431
    >oldfag lol lol
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)21:39 No.375432
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)00:07 No.375561
         File1311480466.png-(2 KB, 300x300, Oe.png)
    2 KB
    im sex me yes ^^

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)13:19 No.375586
         File1311527952.png-(188 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    188 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 4 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:18 No.375599
    These are great, OP. Also, do you plan on doing these drawings in 2014 like you did for the 2010 WC? Also, what do you use to make these.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:49 No.375600
         File1311551371.jpg-(19 KB, 469x304, notsureifserious.jpg)
    19 KB
    >>Also, what do you use to make these.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)19:27 No.375720
         File1311722863.png-(227 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    227 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 17 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)02:14 No.375743

    ALL DAT ASS 'N TITTIES. Also you haven't updated your blogspot in forever
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)19:38 No.375775
         File1311809891.png-(213 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    213 KB
    I've been getting caried away. Also, new update alert!

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 26 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 07/28/11(Thu)19:55 No.375800
    ...and then they all got married, pregnant and fat. Blerp.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/11(Fri)17:49 No.375835
         File1311976196.png-(205 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    205 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 21 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 07/29/11(Fri)19:49 No.375840

    Nice work! I thought the design for French Guyana would have rockets or something because of the Spaceport though
    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)08:36 No.375870
         File1312029381.png-(210 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    210 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 13 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Source: >>375835, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)11:39 No.375877
         File1312040382.png-(221 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    221 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 h 0 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 07/30/11(Sat)22:17 No.375897

    Oh wow! You're awesome!
    >> Anonymous 07/31/11(Sun)13:33 No.375922
         File1312133584.png-(198 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    198 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 56 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:45 No.376117
         File1312515949.jpg-(321 KB, 864x594, gasp.jpg)
    321 KB
    >Dominican Republic

    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:50 No.376119
    >no Asian countries or singapore
    >> roothands !!O4yiZo9A9tK 08/05/11(Fri)00:07 No.376120
    >no Asian countries or singapore

    OP hasn't gotten to that Confederation yet. So far they've done UEFA, CONMEBOL and CONCACAF. That's why there's an Israel in this thread and no other Middle Eastern countries (maybe that's why the mod got butthurt and deleted Israel?), because Israel is in UEFA with the all European countries for obvious reasons (like the fact that an Israel vs Iran WC qualifying match would be a literal disaster). When they get to Asia and Oceania they'll get the other countries that have national teams.

    Geez I'm American and even I caught on to this shit.


    8/10 you nearly got me
    >> roothands !!O4yiZo9A9tK 08/05/11(Fri)00:16 No.376123
    Oh yeah and CAF. Forgot Africa. So OP is really only a little over halfway done
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)12:50 No.376216
         File1312649426.png-(745 KB, 800x800, Oe.png)
    745 KB
    An aside. It's not timely any more, but I had to do it before it became untimely.

    Premier League 10/11 - Seaside Edition.

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 h 33 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)20:11 No.376229
    Unicorn anus and balls. This thread is complete.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)05:32 No.376245
    that's a pegasus, dude.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:24 No.376250
    In your eyes maybe.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)20:17 No.376311


    >Remember there will never be an MLS one

    >> roothands !!O4yiZo9A9tK 08/08/11(Mon)23:27 No.376322
    >>Remember there will never be an MLS one

    If I wasn't a horrible artist with basically no ideas I would totally do this
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)12:46 No.376352
         File1312908391.png-(238 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    238 KB
    You should definitely do it. Do it now.

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 22 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Nicholas C !uLOsAkiPQg 08/09/11(Tue)20:18 No.376376
    Where's Jamaica? ;c
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)05:30 No.376730
    Keep doing what you want to do OP and not /r/!

    >Keep doing what you want to do OP and not /r/!
    Asia is far in time there's no use /r/ing it now
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)18:51 No.376807
         File1313621479.png-(226 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    226 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 h 20 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 08/17/11(Wed)21:03 No.376813

    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)13:36 No.377260
    Hey OP, you got all these saved right? So at the end could you upload them in a zip?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)13:58 No.377490
    why am i so disappoint with serbia? :(
    she's the only one i wanted to see and she's all HURRR
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)11:27 No.377565
         File1314890872.png-(97 KB, 400x350, Oe.png)
    97 KB
    She just doesn't want to be alone any more...

    Oekaki post (Time: 11 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)01:00 No.377614
    Looks like a comfy place to stay.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)14:26 No.377638
    Damn it, loony bin. Why can't I live next to you? And why aren't there any big boobed cutesy loonies in real life? WHY?
    You're a cool dude, OP dude.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:44 No.377693
    What about nono-countries like Cornwall,Silesia,Kurdistan,Tibet and Vermont?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)18:29 No.377771
         File1315175393.png-(293 KB, 620x575, Oe.png)
    293 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 39 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 09/13/11(Tue)11:40 No.378170

    I know right?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)13:07 No.378280
    Can't wait to see what Libya will look like
    >> Anonymous 09/16/11(Fri)15:13 No.378336
         File1316200387.jpg-(67 KB, 284x241, 1310594738819.jpg)
    67 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)01:07 No.378465
    I'm Argentinian and i'm white.

    Go search Argentinian on google images and see what the most prominent skin color is.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)19:57 No.378502
    I have a strange feeling that some might find your crazy serbian girl... offensive. Next time, show people in a more neutral but funny way.

    oh and...

    [spoiler]Kosovo is Serbia[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)09:49 No.378762
    Where did OP go ;_;?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)14:55 No.378886
         File1317063304.png-(200 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    200 KB
    She came of her own accord.

    No offence intended. She's based on a negative stereotype, but it was meant affectionately. She's not bad, just misunderstood.

    That's not for you to know.

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 35 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)17:55 No.378889
         File1317074136.png-(205 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    205 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 2 h 58 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)01:39 No.378901
    Actually, is a Vicuña. The vicuña's wool is way softer and more expensive than a llama's.

    PS: OP i fucking love you.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)11:58 No.378928
    fuck u belgium aint fat q-q
    Just because we're known for beer, chocolate, french fries & waffles doesn't mean we're fat
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)12:11 No.378929
    Stereotypes are though.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)13:33 No.378930
         File1317144807.png-(211 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    211 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 1 h 40 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)15:05 No.378936
    File deleted.
    what about the asian countries
    >> Anonymous 10/04/11(Tue)02:31 No.379267
    that's what I was looking for. oh well.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/11(Tue)10:21 No.379278
         File1317738100.png-(203 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    203 KB
    Done and done.

    I'll get round to them eventually...

    Oekaki post (Time: 25 h 40 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 10/04/11(Tue)18:33 No.379305
         File1317767635.png-(251 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    251 KB

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 h 11 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 10/04/11(Tue)20:30 No.379309
    These girls are just too sweet/cute/sexy. Unable to react in a sane manner.
    >> kefka palazzo 10/04/11(Tue)22:38 No.379315
    so awesome, waiting for china and japan <3
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)11:13 No.379668
    >> sA1 10/18/11(Tue)18:14 No.379840

    Love how distinguished Puerto Rico looks. very pretty. Love her beaded necklace too. ^^
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14:05 No.379932

    >sticky since 10/22/10
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)21:03 No.379957

    Can we expect something for the 1 year anniversary for this massive project?
    >> m00h 10/22/11(Sat)14:03 No.380027
    Loving it! awesomely insightful
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:32 No.380078
    Sup Moot.
    >> India? doreet 10/23/11(Sun)12:22 No.380086
         File1319386961.png-(140 KB, 600x600, Oe.png)
    140 KB
    yeah,I hope tis time,I figured out how to get on the thread,and not make a new's hopin.

    Oekaki post (Time: 3 h 14 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Pro, Source: >>351774, Animation: View)
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:59 No.380187

    >brown girl gingers

    FUUUUUUU brb buying plane tickets
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)18:38 No.380327
    holy poop! unstickied!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:53 No.380339
    Wow. The thread has remained for over a year. Quite an accomplishment.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/02/11(Wed)05:03 No.380513
    Bump to keep this front-page.

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