>> |
05/26/10(Wed)14:20 No.315596 File1274898027.png-(7
KB, 500x500, Oe.png)
>>315586 >Apostle
Ah yes...
Good old
Apostle, he was a very interesting person.
Very weak minded and
foolish, I must say that you have indeed tickled my fancy to tell this
little story to you, boy.
I am the reason of Apostle's death, as
you see I helped to expose the tracer that he truly was.
everyone started to question him, he became soft and flew town. He
couldn't even man up and tell others that he was a tracer. That Amy rose
and Rogue the bat picture was what I used to crush him....and I enjoyed
every minute of it.
Now back to you.. I see that you fear me by
calling me a nerd, you do know my dear boy, that nerds are intelligent
and can use their knowledge to take down the strongest fighter. Are you
scared of me, @$$?
I must say, that this ball is growing, it even
has the ability to whisper these words about you. "..Dirty Liar.."
post (Time: 7 min, Painter: Shi-Painter Normal, Animation: View) |