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Anyone else?
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Brie from Hot Sluts
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more sluts
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sluts sluts
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last of the sluts
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love me some fatfu
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Biggest attention whore in the business right now.
Fuck you, she's awesome
He didn't say she was ugly pal.
But he is right.
How is she the biggest attention whore? Come on bro. There are stars in Hollywood who are bigger attention whores than her.

Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Kim K

what does that even mean? what sort of actress wouldn't qualify as "an attention whore"?

one who's not in movies and shows? so... an unsuccessful actress? being a successful actress counts as being an "attention whore" now?
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She is a working actress and not in the tabloids like them. Completely different.

>what does that even mean? what sort of actress wouldn't qualify as "an attention whore"?
>one who's not in movies and shows? so... an unsuccessful actress? being a successful actress counts as being an "attention whore" now?

It means if you know anything about her off-screen personality you would understand why she is a huge attention whore/try hard.
>'If you know you know' reasoning
>Can't provide any examples to justify it

Uh huh
>implying you know anything about her off-screen personality

I spend too many hours a day on /tv/ to not have seen countless interviews as well as Community behind the scenes features.

I'm sorry if I'm ruining your "waifu" for you but anyone who takes the time to do a bit of research on her would objectively agree.

She's still a babe though.
We must be watching different interviews and features then, from what i've seen she's down to earth.
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Eh, I'll just respectfully agree to disagree. Since I brought it up it's on me to provide the proof but I don't really feel like digging through youtube, my folders, basically wasting any kind of effort to find all of my examples. I'll just drop it.
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I agree that she sometimes comes off as fake in her interviews but that doesn't really make me like her any less.
Liked her before I read that interview where she admitted to slutting it up (and being prideful of it) and doing drugs and shit.

I don't need to imagine girls as virginal saints, but damn girl.
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Would you happen to have a link to that?
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when does the show come back?

I think midseason after 30 Rock is over.
Jan 1st
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February 7th is the new October 19th.
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Thank God! Can't wait!
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you make me so hard alison :3
Any pics of her with her hair blowing?
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i actually know where this guy is coming from. i still love this woman with passion but sheez, go watch a few interviews. her attention seeking comes to light.

she is still bangin, and one of my favourite actresses.
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She got me hard on this
She turned 30 yesterday, shit is crazy
So call me maybe.

Even if she's attention whoring, can't deny how hot she is.
kill yourself
>wearing ripped jeans

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No, I'll post more Alison instead.
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If you look closely, you can see some pubes. It's super hot!
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wow, she looks great in that pic
As someone who's met her a few times, she's a really great person. Very sweet, funny, and a bit dorky.

By the way, she's even more beautiful in person.
where did you meet her?
Nerdmelt, Paramount, and The Viper Room.

First time was "The Girls" show, I asked her to get me into the Community set, and she obliged. So the second one is Paramount. The latest one was "The Girls" again.
You're a photographer?
Nope, just a regular dude.
Wait what... you spoke to her? With your own voice? AND SHE REPLIED? Oh how I wish I was a regular dude sometimes.
Yeah, and she gave me a hug too.
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can you elaborate as to how you managed to speak with her and how the conversation went? I take it you caught up with her before/after her performance or something? I have aspergers
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It's not that hard, she's a normal person too. I went up to her, said something along the lines of "Great show, I'm a huge fan of you and Community." She then offered a hug which I'd have to be stupid to refuse. I asked her about getting into a taping of Community, she got my contact info and bam, done.
awesome. thanks.
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Looking for photoshoots, particularly this one from Antenna magazine
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same dress
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fucking love this one. cute short dress and the way she's standing really shows off her thighs.

the way she's standing I can easily imagine kneeling down and worshiping them, then flipping her dress up and eating her out.
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She's so beautiful omg
>>1659862 (OP)
Why are there no cheese jokes jet?
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I think I'm in love with her, I really do.

I mean, sometimes I'll look at pictures of her and won't even masturbate. If that's not love I don't know what is.
yeah, keep doing that,man. while she "loves" other guys by sucking their cocks and letting them cum all over her little pretty face.
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You guys have seriously strange views on women...
Watched Saved the Date last night and Brie really impressed me. She actually played a character different than what she normally does.

Also goes without saying Lizzy Caplan was amazing in it.
i know that feel.

same happens to me with Emma Stone.

Allison Brie is your waifu.
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she looked great at sundance
I rubbed my penis until I ejaculated. I imagined that I was ejaculating on her breasts.
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It's her smile and eyes that get me. They're incredible.

This is one of my very favourite things.
I'd jew everything to her.
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brie bump
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she will be on letterman this wed.
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I'll bump this (with pictures) every few days if nothing is being posted
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loved her on letterman, looking hot as hell as well.
I didn't really like the dress she was wearing on Letterman, but doesn't matter, was Alison Brie.
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butthurt and johnny-fanboy/girl much
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tonights the night!
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Damn. If some photoshop wizard would reverse the black goo into white goo, then we'd be in business.
just use gooprank . com if you are desperate something like that
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