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  • File : 1272893844.jpg-(61 KB, 767x1023, DeepwaterHorizonBuringandGoingdo-6.jpg)
    61 KB Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:37 No.983227  
    Gulf of Mexico: Worst Oil Spill in History
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:38 No.983228
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:40 No.983232
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:41 No.983234
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:43 No.983237
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:44 No.983238
    Cool pics. where did you find these?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:48 No.983244
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:39 No.983303
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:49 No.983311
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:50 No.983312

    Seriously. When the inferno is this bad and you are surrounded by billions of gallons of water... WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF USING WATER CANNONS?!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)11:00 No.983316
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)11:01 No.983317
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)11:17 No.983322
    You better be trolling...
    >> Blame Halliburton! Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)11:27 No.983329
         File1272900462.jpg-(4.25 MB, 2563x1923, 2006-fall-earthsciences-2-Vanc(...).jpg)
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    This whole mess is all Halliburton's fault. They contracted to seal the gap between the pipe and drill-hole. A substance called methane clathrate that is present in the substrate sublimated into methane and petroleum gas, which is why that fucker burned for 3 days. The curing of the cement is probably what raised the temperature of the methane "ice." Fuck Halliburton.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)14:15 No.983483
         File1272910517.jpg-(1.08 MB, 1284x834, fishy.jpg)
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    Oh noes!!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)14:38 No.983497
    Hopi Prophecy:

    "This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)15:01 No.983512
    Haliburton getting government contracts? Say it ain't so.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)19:14 No.983769
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)19:53 No.983789
    that's not funny, you 12 yr. old, pimple popping, dick sucking, cock gobbling, bitch.

    gtfo this thread. your worthless
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)20:02 No.983800
    U mad?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)20:22 No.983826
    H + t P : // a T . k Ì M m ò a . s E /
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)20:25 No.983827
    Y'all niggers can anyways bmx up to best buy and pack your 50" lcd tv home on your handle bars.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)20:30 No.983830
    and yet Obama does nothing. the sea burns, and he sits idle, parroting how he was there "day one"
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)20:32 No.983831

    >implying he can actually DO anything about it


    He can mobilize people to clean it up which he apparently has done. Wtf else do you expect him to do/
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)20:37 No.983832
    welcome to 4chan, and the intertubebuttwebs for that matter.

    now please die in a fire, hon.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)20:46 No.983840
    Obama is blaming this on Bush according to MSNBC.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)20:59 No.983850
    ofcourse, didnt you hear? everything is bushes fault
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)21:03 No.983854
    Obama doesn't yet know how to spin this into his agenda/next campaign/blaim this on teabaggers.
    Give him a min.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)21:18 No.983861
    Anybody know why/how this REALLY happened?

    No pot head theories about Cheney or anything stupid.
    >> !WSCreWsATo 05/03/10(Mon)21:19 No.983862
    Seeing this pics, it makes me want to play Tomb Raider II again.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)22:14 No.983922
    anyone got satellite pics of the oil spill or rig?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)22:21 No.983930
    h + + p : // À + . k í m M 0A. 5€ /
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)22:22 No.983932
    2012 came early
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)22:42 No.983965
         File1272940971.jpg-(3.25 MB, 3264x2448, Rig Fire 014.jpg)
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    Anybody who believes Bush and Obama (and all their predecessors) are substantively different is falling for the con.

    Bush was for this and Obama was for this too.

    Katrina and Deepwater should be seen together as a consistent pattern of behavior, of ignoring the needs, health and safety of the people in order to further enrich the wealthy. (BP and Halliburton are just part of the oligarchy.)

    And while we should absolutely go after the people (not the corporations, the people who own them) who were responsible for this, in general as long as we keep looking around for someone other than ourselves to blame and for someone other than ourselves to fix things for us, we're fucked.

    But we may be lucky - this may just be bad enough that people won't be able to deny it any longer, and enough of us will do something about the way things work in the world that things will change.

    It's like drug addiction at the level of an entire country. An addict only ever commits to change when they're faced with their own death. The trick here is hoping we get close enough to killing the country (if not the whole planet) that we can no longer deny it - but not so close we actually kill ourselves.

    Say a prayer for all the animals who are going to die so that we might see.

    And then wake the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)22:47 No.983969

    Go live in the woods and eat dirt. Your carbon footprint is the cancer killing the planet.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)23:48 No.984020
    * In 1974 with 36.1% of oil from foreign sources, President Richard Nixon said, “At the end of this decade, in the year 1980, the United States will not be dependent on any other country for the energy we need.”

    * In 1975 with 36.1% of oil from foreign sources, President Gerald Ford said, “We must reduce oil imports by one million barrels per day by the end of this year and by two million barrels per day by the end of 1977.”

    * In 1979 with 40.5% of oil from foreign sources, President Jimmy Carter said, “Beginning this moment, this nation will never use more foreign oil than we did in 1977 – never.”

    * In 1981 with 43.6% of oil from foreign sources, President Ronald Reagan said, “While conservation is worthy in itself, the best answer is to try to make us independent of outside sources to the greatest extent possible for our energy.”

    * In 1992 with 47.2% of oil from foreign sources, President George Bush said, “When our administration developed our national energy strategy, three principles guided our policy: reducing our dependence on foreign oil…”

    * In 1995 with 49.8% of oil from foreign sources, President Bill Clinton said, “The nation’s growing reliance on imports of oil…threatens the nation’s security…[we] will continue efforts to…enhance domestic energy production.”

    * In 2006 with 65.5% of oil from foreign sources, President George W. Bush said, “Breakthroughs…will help us reach another great goal: to replace more than 75 percent of our oil imports from the Middle East by 2025.”

    * In 2009 with 66.2% of oil from foreign sources, President Barack Obama said, “It will be the policy of my administration to reverse our dependence on foreign oil while building a new energy economy that will create millions of jobs.”

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)00:17 No.984062
    Im currently down here in Mississippi working on this spill with the C130 planes loading dispersant by the truckload onto them.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)00:52 No.984102
    your work is appreciated
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)01:02 No.984126
    spill baby, spill
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:47 No.985039
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:59 No.985053
    could you PLEASE PLEASE tell me something?!?

    is there any kind of label on these dispersants.!?!
    maybe a BRAND / COMPANY?!?!
    or do you possibly know the chemical components of these dispersants?

    that is VERY relevant to my interesz.
    >> Pigeon on Top !!YMwCS6NQZdo 05/04/10(Tue)18:28 No.985092
         File1273012139.jpg-(2.73 MB, 2287x1827, Oil_platform_Mabot,_Persia(...).jpg)
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    from what i've heard their was a massive failure (obviously) on the platform. small explosions happen relatively frequently from pipe failures, coupler failers, equipment/electrical failures. This one probably just happened in the worst possible place, and may have been slightly larger than normal. the explosion damaged 1 or more pontoons. The heat from the subsequent fire probably weakend the rest of the pontoon structure, and as more small failures from the fire happened it snow balled until it finally sank.

    I've never been on a platform in the gulf, but up in alaska, i've been on a few rigs that have caught fire. nothing major, but their is a reason you sleep with your survival suit half way on.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)18:41 No.985108
    This just confirms what I knew all along, when it comes to serious issues: Politicians are all talk, and little action.

    Why can't they say to the American people that we want to end our oil addiction but we can't because they are too busy sucking the oil companies cock?
    >> REPO STAN a.k.a. '91Bw !jU441s.usg 05/04/10(Tue)19:04 No.985141
    Best picless post ITT so far.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)19:14 No.985150
    ABOT and KAOT?

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