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  • File : 1271698425.jpg-(935 KB, 3200x2000, enjoy life.jpg)
    935 KB Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)13:33 No.966985  
    More like this
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)15:28 No.967126
    Are those posted in public? That's brilliant.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)15:33 No.967131
    Yeah. It was a little controversial in the UK but most people were amused.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)19:03 No.967341
    Yeah, I have one of the T-shirts it gets people looking.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)19:08 No.967354
    Bloody wonderful. I don't understand why religious people are 100% sure they are right. Only thing I'm 100% sure of is my demise.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)19:25 No.967374
         File1271719544.jpg-(2.32 MB, 1833x2223, Ray Kurzweil photo.jpg)
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    Not if I have anything to say about it, bitches.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)19:29 No.967378
         File1271719744.jpg-(2.9 MB, 3648x2056, Ariane_Sherine_and_Richard_Daw(...).jpg)
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    Richard Dawkins approves of this thread.
    >> k-rob 04/19/10(Mon)19:29 No.967379
    that one was taken on a bus here in canada. i'd love/hate to see what would happen if they ended up in the states. religious civil war?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)19:29 No.967380
         File1271719775.jpg-(390 KB, 1726x794, atheistbusad1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)19:30 No.967384
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)19:31 No.967386
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)14:27 No.968172
    Wow, the Douglas Adams one really hits the nail on the head. All of those are fantastic though.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)14:41 No.968185
    >Implying earth is a beautiful garden, and not a primitive dirtball inhabited by psychotic apes
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)15:43 No.968252
    now stop implying and enjoy your life.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)19:44 No.968475
    i believe Richard dawkins Wrote that one not adams
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)20:00 No.968487
    looking to buy the t-shirt now!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)20:07 No.968495
    bastards are out of stock and nothing in till june 2010 :(
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:17 No.968810
    adams.. "salmon of a doubt"
    >> k-rob 04/21/10(Wed)03:20 No.968813
    dawkins quoted it, he didn't write it.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:06 No.968987
    pic is from Toronto
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:16 No.968993
    That's not Atheism.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:26 No.968996
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:33 No.969002
    What, you're supporting these idiots who claim to be Atheists but promote themselves with an Agnostic slogan?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:44 No.969016
    Would you consider yourself an "a-leprechaun-ist"? I'm going to assume yes.

    You can't conclusively prove that indetectable leprechauns don't exist. But they "probably" don't.

    Yet you still lack a belief in leprechauns ("aleprechaunism"), which is sensible.

    Atheism is the lack of belief in god/s. Ergo, saying "there's probably no god" is consistent with atheism.

    Get it?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)10:47 No.969037
    I agree this is not atheism. Atheism is saying: there are no Gods (just as clearly as religious people say there is one.)

    Agnosticism simply says: I don't know, and we are all too unknowing to lay claim on either the existence or non-existence of deities.

    Saying there probably is no God is more of an agnostic point of view.

    But then again... who gives a fook
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)10:49 No.969038

    exactly. ITT: rebellious teenage retards
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)10:52 No.969041
    "Atheism is saying: there are no Gods"

    no it isn't. It's saying "I don't believe in any gods"
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)10:59 No.969044
    >no it isn't.
    Son, you just went full retard.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)11:16 No.969055
    Did you even read my post at >>969016 ? Dense moron.

    Drop your pre-conceived notions that atheism is somehow a religion and comprehend the following:

    >Atheism is saying: there are no Gods (just as clearly as religious people say there is one.)

    Wrong. Atheism is just a lack of belief in god/s. The same way that you lack a belief in undetectable unicorns - because there is no reason to hold such a belief.

    >Agnosticism simply says: I don't know, and we are all too unknowing to lay claim on either the existence or non-existence of deities.

    If someone asks you if there is a gigantic robotic tyrannosaurus rex currently orbiting the earth, but undetectable by all human means, do you say “I don’t know, and we are all too unknowing to lay claim on either the existence or non-existence of giant robotic undetectable tyrannosaurus rexes in orbit”.

    No, you say “until you provide me with evidence, I lack a belief in gigantic robotic undetectable tyrannosaurus rexes in orbit.

    There is equal evidence for the aforementioned claim as there is for deities. Therefore, I lack a belief in deities. Which is what atheism is.

    >exactly. ITT: rebellious teenage retards

    Nope, just people that apply reason and logic. It’s your problem if it offends your delicate sensibilities.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)11:18 No.969057

    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)11:26 No.969059
    Yeah, tl;dr is a common position that people take when they have no argument.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)11:42 No.969066
    i contend we are both atheists - i just believe in one fewer god than you. when you begin to understand why you dismiss all other possible gods you'll understand why i dismiss yours.
    >> Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:53 No.969208
    Now I don't want to get involved in some huge debate here. But for those that say 'there is no evidence' of a God.

    How do you explain the mathematical order and laws of the universe? Along with the big bang of course. Was the universe created or is our entire existence just random coincidence? (Really...think about that for a second before you answer.)

    Scientifically explain human emotion. Not the happy/sad stuff, but the big stuff like love and self sacrifice. There's a lot more to it than hormones.

    I don't have all the answers, but it seems to me, if you just look around, there's plenty of evidence of a God.
    >> justmeh 04/21/10(Wed)14:58 No.969210
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:13 No.969215
    Obviously a wizard made the universe (maybe you should try thinking for more than a second), spoiler:yes, random chance

    Evolution completely explains self-sacrifice (protection of offspring). Oh wait, a wizard put us all here, nm carry on.

    You cleary don't have ANY answers and of course it seems like there's lots of evidence of God to you, because you're an idiot
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:13 No.969218
    simple answer.....

    I am atheist, swear to god
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:32 No.969248
    this, i'm sorry to say.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:49 No.969275

    Are you retarded? First of all, just because you* can't explain those things, doesn't mean that the automatic answer MUST be God. Once upon a time, things like epilepsy, schizophrenia, bi-polar depression could also not be explained by even the brightest minds, so people just assumed it was GOD or THE DEVIL or SPIRITS or some shit. Now we know better (well, most of us).

    Second of all, there ARE explanations for all those things. Even animals have been documented displaying those traits you listed, so what? Truth is, we're all so egotistical that we can't BEAR the thought that really, we're all just clever beasts who think the entire universe revolves around our lives, that we're SO special, that it all MUST mean something deep. Surely there MUST be a god, surely there MUST be a reason and point to living. Truth is there is no point other than what you make. But most people are too fucking lazy to figure it out for themsleves, so they go copy-pasta what some asshole behind a pulpit said, or what relgions blabber, so we feel so smart and enlightened and better than everyone else without having put any work into figuring out what we should really do with our lives.

    *emphasis on YOU, because scientists / psychologists / sociologists etc. CAN explain it, it's just too boring and long and hard for your tiny brain to understand. Some things can't be compressed into a YouTube or a 4chan comment.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:50 No.969276
    oh btw, hardocre Christfag-turned-hardcore atheistfag here, speaking from 100% evidence. Science, reason, and logic saved me where religion was slowly driving me insane and fucking up my life. True story etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:00 No.969286
    >Science, reason, and logic
    You sound like a typical high-schooler who has no clue about any of the above.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:01 No.969289
    Your all so smart denying another's beliefs to satisfy yourself, why do you care what other people choose to believe in?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:02 No.969290
    Awesome, just awesome. Gave me a boner.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:05 No.969292
    The bible is right because I trust it.

    Trust me and you will be saved.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:07 No.969294
    Angsty manchildren wasting their only life arguing on the internet about things no one cares about. Congratulations, you're retarded.
    >> GS XP !7fDdP8n3is 04/21/10(Wed)16:09 No.969297
    >thinking sage actually does anything
    troll harder
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:22 No.969323
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:26 No.969329
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:47 No.969354

    The bible also tell you to hang out at 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:48 No.969358
    >Not an argument

    As opposed to believing in imaginary friends? 0/10 troll harder.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:04 No.969379

    A theist is someone who believes in a god or gods.
    An atheist is someone who DOESN'T believe in a god or gods.
    A gnostic is some who believes that the truth about gods existence can be known (but doesn't necessarily claim to know it).
    An agnostic is someone who believes that the truth about gods existence can't be know.

    Agnostic theist: "We can't know if god exists or not but I choose to believe in him."
    Agnostic atheist: "We can't know if god exists or not but I see no reason to believe in him."
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:35 No.969418
    I don't see what anything you mentioned has to do with the existence of a god or gods. I have no clue why or how the universe exists, nor why or how it is the way it is. But to say that because it is vast and unknown to us, it must therefore have been created by a deity is just a misstep because it begs the same questions. Where did the god complex enough to create the universe come from?

    To say that the universe is too fantastical to simply exist as it does, so it must have been created by a god who by definition must be more complex than the universe is a fallacy.

    The universe is literally more vast than we can imagine. I have little doubt that out there are entities which are godlike in proportion to us. That some of them are responsible in some way for the creation or order of the things we understand isn't an impossible assumption, but we have absolutely no way of knowing.

    The thought of a specific God of humans such as the Abrahamic one that made humanity in it's image and who specifically micromanages the affairs of a single species on a single planet seems extremely dubious to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)19:00 No.969475
    Thank you, I hate repeating that for people

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