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  • File : 1246242092.jpg-(3.22 MB, 975x4724, BIGFOUR.jpg)
    3.22 MB Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)22:21 No.674174  
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)16:03 No.674811
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)16:46 No.674857
    OP is an ignorant weaboo faggot. China the world's sweatshop at number 1 huh? Go fick yourself.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)16:48 No.674858
    I liked it
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)17:30 No.674903
    You are an ignorant newfag.
    America the world's fattest ugliest gayest retarded shithole number 1 huh?
    Go fap you fat fucking looser.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)17:49 No.674915
    WTF is "Largest building" and why Russia's column is empty if there is 540 meters high Ostankino's teletower?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)17:51 No.674918
    this sucked so bad.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)18:02 No.674920

    no, even the suckage was mediocre...
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)18:07 No.674921
    It said largest not tallest.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)18:48 No.674956
    fuck you ignorant faggot!

    But seriously wtf is with usa category Impact in culture, animals, movies, and heritage. It's like you were either blind or not fucking trying you fucking cunt! How the fuck is a panda ranked higher than a fucking kodiak bear you shit in anon's clothing? And 2001 and godfather was the best you could come up with you stupid hack?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)18:52 No.674957
    wtf is with the muslims and fags spot man? You rank the countries that shoot everything better than the guys who exercise tolerance? GTFO MY /HR/!
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:01 No.674962
    Everyone likes pandas and no other countries have them. They are cute, and you see them everywhere: youtube, tshirts, cartoons etc etc...
    And can you name better American films than Godafather and 2001?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:03 No.674963
    Tolerance of mental illness=havoc and instability.
    Fuck off you muslim loving faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:20 No.674974
    oh ok
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:26 No.674975
         File : 1246317974.jpg-(569 KB, 2000x3000, 23641_Celebutopia-Jessica_Szoh(...).jpg)
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    Statue of liberty beats the GREAT WALL OF CHINA?


    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:47 No.674987
    the picture counts the number of tourist visits,
    otherwise yes, great wall of china beats the FRENCH statue of liberty
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:47 No.674988
    In what dimention is Pentagon largest than and why is it so cool to built a house with square of small district and isn't cool to built tallest building in the world (on date of building)? Also why isn't there AK brand if Acer is in china?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:50 No.674990
    OP here,
    thanks glad you liked it
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)19:54 No.674993
    Russia is not known for its brands.
    China doesn't really either, although there are many major banks and other stuff, it is nowhere near the number of American brands, therefore china gets 1 point and america gets 5
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)20:07 No.675001
    At least brands of Rosoboronexport are well-known, most of Sukhoi's and Mig's production is produced for export, with AK's and RPG's a lot of muslims, latinos and other people are fuckin' american army and civillians. Also there are vodka's brands - at least they are known as Alienware or Reebok. Also - why is "The adventures of Huckleberry Finn" worse than boring "War and pease" and "Art of war" or russian food worse than that chinese food made from everything that can move? Pathetic snob detected. Also who made this list of inventions? I bet that each country from this list can proud by inventions outside of this list and shame some inventions within it.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)20:45 No.675041
    1. All 4 countries export weapons, not just russia.
    AK47 is awesome and probably the best gun made so far. AK47 is even on the flag of Mozambique and Hezbollah! It is in many video games: COD4, GTA etc etc etc...this is why AK47 was mentioned in culture and not brands lol.
    2. Not everyone in the world drink vodka. Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol, and also people under 18 probably don't know anything about drinking. Kids and Muslims however will be able to recognize a reebok logo.
    3. "War and pease" plz lrn2spell faggot.
    How can anyone call Huckleberry Finn(which is a stupid bullshit story) better than the legendary Art of War?
    4. Chinese cuisine is the worlds best.
    5. How can you be ashamed of any of the inventions mentioned?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)21:02 No.675070
    How are this the big four nations of the world.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)21:15 No.675094
    Biased Bullshit as Penn and Teller would say.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)21:27 No.675107

    you = wog

    us = not so much
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)21:27 No.675108
    Did you not see the pictures on the top of OPs pic?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)21:39 No.675122

    That's what revealed you as a troll. Overall, good effort. 6/10
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)21:40 No.675124

    China is big, but entirely irrelevant. They are a cultureless sweatshop. OP is a huge faggot. Very ignorant post. I'll have to make one that's a little more accurate.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)21:41 No.675125
    I agree with OP 99%,
    All four countries have many differences, some being better than others in certain categories...
    China is the only country in the world that has survived and continued for thousands and thousands of years.
    The Tang Dynasty (look that shit up!) was the worlds greatest part of the world at the time and lasted 300 years. The USSR didn't even last 100 years!
    Roman Empire - no such thing anymore,
    Greece - now a christian country, owned by Turks before
    Egypt - now an "Arab Republic", owned by brits, turks, arabs, romans...
    India - owned by muslims and brits.
    America only having around 300 years of history has achieved all these things in such a small amount of time, therefore deserves a place.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)21:46 No.675129
    made in china.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)21:49 No.675131
    Many people may be poor in China but aren't there poor people in the west? At least the poor in China are hard working, atheists, and speak read and write in an ancient language. Not to mention, the number of rich people in China are larger than whole countries. Hong Kong (just a tiny island) where everyone is filthy rich, has a larger population than Finland!
    enjoy your poor chavs, retarded christians, illiterate wiggers, faggots, and muslims.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)21:50 No.675132
    In reality, it is immensly large. Besides going about 6 stories into the air and being basically a small city. It also goes 14 floors down into the ground.

    But then again, Langley is a larger facility spanning miles underground.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)21:53 No.675133
    "300 years of history has achieved all these things in such a small amount of time, therefore deserves a place."

    huh? The US had an ascendancy from WW II thru the end of the century. Prior to that we were much like Australia or Canada.

    We owe it to people like Ford maximizing industrial production. We had a big boost from the web but that's pretty much over soon.

    - 67
    = 233, not 300
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)21:54 No.675134
    I think the whole point of OPs pic was that we are all better than niggers, turks and spics, who have contributed nothing to the world.
    Why do you think there wasn't any African, Turkic, or Latin American countries in the picture at the bottom?
    USSR, China, Japan, France, UK, USA but no niggers, turks and spics.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)21:58 No.675140
         File : 1246327138.jpg-(3.61 MB, 3600x2400, art.obama.headshot.jpg)
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    Ottoman Empire
    Spanish Empire
    Discovery of New World
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)22:05 No.675154
    1. Ottoman empire - stole Islam from the Arabs, Stole land from Armenians Greeks and Kurds, Hated by Europe, no discoveries or inventions.
    2. Points for Spanish empire, but lol at spics today.
    3. Any good points for Africa then?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)22:20 No.675178
    The Ottomans are one of the greatest and most powerful civilizations of the modern period. Their moment of glory in the sixteenth century represents one of the heights of human creativity, optimism, and artistry. The empire they built was the largest and most influential of the Muslim empires of the modern period, and their culture and military expansion crossed over into Europe. Not since the expansion of Islam into Spain in the eighth century had Islam seemed poised to establish a European presence as it did in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Like that earlier expansion, the Ottomans established an empire over European territory and established Islamic traditions and culture that last to the current day (the Muslims in Bosnia are the last descendants of the Ottoman presence in Europe).
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)22:21 No.675179
    >>675154 Any good points for Africa then?
    Africa peaked in the Ancient world.

    They're like the Ancient version of China - used to be King Shit, until they decided they were too good to worry about continuing development and forgot almost everything they knew. China invented clockwork, but thought it just a useless novelty until Europeans arrived hundreds of years later, whereupon they were amazed at these amazing time-keeping inventions.

    Africa did the same, but unlike China never bounced back. If we continue to spread our way of thinking into the old world they may one day rise to our level, but that's a long way off.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)22:22 No.675181
         File : 1246328566.jpg-(1.05 MB, 1200x1503, MARSH_GRAPHIC.jpg)
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    chalk up another neocunt goose egg
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)23:35 No.675224
    Until forced at gunpoint to stop the US was a slave holding country till mid 19th century.
    Great Britain killed thousands to ensure profits from opium.
    The Balkans are 5 centuries behind the rest of Europe.
    Germany killed millions while under the leadership of a sexual deviant with short dick syndrome.

    Forgive me if I missed the part where someone's shit don't stink........
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)23:39 No.675228
    Liberal butthurt demands anti-Americanism. It's their religion. They rape history the way Obama's wife use to snort coke off a communist manifesto.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)23:50 No.675235
         File : 1246333838.png-(642 KB, 990x1052, IKEA-HIJAB.png)
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    a bit overmuch don't you think silly boy? No one buys your jingoism and you'll be laughed out of /hr/ just like in /n/.

    Your hijab is showing.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)23:54 No.675238
         File : 1246334043.jpg-(707 KB, 2040x2640, fat-dood-on-scale.jpg)
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    better yet! Let's hear the world's cheers for giving them 8 years of Bush and half destroyed economys.

    HOORAY FOR THE RED WHITE & BLUE .......for a duck may be somebody's................
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)23:55 No.675240
    God, I miss the days when /hr/ was good and not a fucking dumping ground for everyone's hi-rez porn and political bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)23:57 No.675242
    And memes! Don't forget memes!
    >> neocon art? Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)23:58 No.675243
         File : 1246334312.jpg-(795 KB, 1832x2776, cocaine_cowboys_poster_01.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)00:01 No.675245

    guilty on baiting the lame but I have contributed over 100 hires images today. None nude or drug based....much.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)00:07 No.675253
    how the fuck do rate symbols, Fathers of Nations,Philosphers...
    How Do rate space and Empires... The US has the Largest economic Empire the world and was the only nation to go to the moon....

    How did these items get rated?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)00:12 No.675258
    Japan has the world's lowest infant mortality rate. The US is 29th. Not everything is reduceable to numbers but much is.

    Good behavior rather than capitalistic bullying might be a fine start.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)00:30 No.675271
         File : 1246336218.jpg-(797 KB, 3000x1999, anita-dark-016.jpg)
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    4chan - another cultural appropriation but porn is universal.... Thank you, hamerica, for helping to unite the planet with porn.
    Thank you, Rarry Frynt, Hu Hefna and Mister Guccione. Thank you
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)03:13 No.675373
    >>675041 Good troll, take a pie.
    1. All 4 countries export weapons, not just russia.
    AK47 is awesome and probably the best gun made so far. AK47 is even on the flag of Mozambique and Hezbollah! It is in many video games: COD4, GTA etc etc etc...this is why AK47 was mentioned in culture and not brands lol.
    2. Not everyone in the world drink vodka. Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol, and also people under 18 probably don't know anything about drinking. Kids and Muslims however will be able to recognize a reebok logo.
    3. "War and pease" plz lrn2spell faggot.
    How can anyone call Huckleberry Finn(which is a stupid bullshit story) better than the legendary Art of War?
    4. Chinese cuisine is the worlds best.
    5. How can you be ashamed of any of the inventions mentioned?

    1. AK is a good, not a symbol but item which is sold and copied by giant parties. Why isn't it brand? Also Russia have MTS (mobile network, over 87 million customers), Vimpelcom (mobile network, over 50 million customers), Alfa group (banking, insurance etc.), VTB-bank and Aeroflot. All of them are known by bigger number of people than Alienware or Cathay Pacific, but damn, according to this table Russia haven't brands!

    2 I don't drink vodka but I know that it is serious business with billion profits, and export is very large so vodka's brands are as known as liquor brands for example.

    3. pathetic snob is sooo pathetic - I am russian and I can read "War and peace" in original - it is nasty bullshit in four chapters. Also all these books are too different to compare.

    4. Damn, you think it's world's best, I think it's not better than fastfood. Chinese are poor people and some kinds of delicious food don't represent whole cuisine. In this way russian cuisine must be shown as caviar and british by something else. There was very tasty food in pubs, not cereal and bacon with peace.

    5. For example there is nothing to proud in alcoholic drinks, chemical and biological weapons etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)03:40 No.675384
    america getting a 1 for literature is the most hilarious thing i have ever seen

    btw, name another good chinese book(mao's little red book doesn't count)
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)04:43 No.675402
    >AK47 is awesome and probably the best gun made so far.

    no, just no.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)04:50 No.675407
    This doesn't make sense at all.
    Do more research about countries before you go shouting around like a troll.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)05:05 No.675415
    obvious troll is obvious
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)08:18 No.675484
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)08:30 No.675493
    1. Smirnoff is a brand of vodka now owned and produced by the British company Diageo.
    2. Russia has no major stock market.

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