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  • File :1239181412.jpg-(2.2 MB, 3303x2484, P1000261.jpg)
    2.2 MB 4channer Rooms archive Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)05:03 No.595645  
    I have compiled a little over two hundred pictures of various 4chan user's rooms that have been posted here over the past year. Enjoy!

    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)05:08 No.595647
    you are the creapest mother fucker i have ever been a witness to
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)05:21 No.595651
    "creapest", eh?

    In any case, pictures get uploaded up here and *gasp* sometimes they're _saved_ to other people's PCs!

    Imagine that.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)05:27 No.595654
    Sweet, i was looking for this.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)05:31 No.595658
    This is now a post your room thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)05:37 No.595661
    Haha I do this too, I have a huge "Workstations" folders...
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)06:05 No.595666

    Wow, some of them are really goddamn dirty, while others are spotless.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)06:13 No.595669
    Megaupload has the most annoying captcha ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)06:17 No.595671
    Try a visit to the optometrist.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)06:19 No.595672
    Probably neccesary.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)06:33 No.595673
    methinks OP has OCD
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)06:53 No.595679
         File :1239188007.jpg-(270 KB, 1007x765, 4chan room 98.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)06:53 No.595680

    what is captcha?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:06 No.595693
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)08:39 No.595706
         File :1239194378.jpg-(231 KB, 1024x768, 1236470517531.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:34 No.595771

    so ronery
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)11:08 No.595794
    u guys have shitty rooms. mine is decorated with antiques, rococo etc. and other fancy stuff you fat wankers don't know shit about.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)11:11 No.595797
    You're probably a closet homosexual.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)11:12 No.595800
    and you probably have no taste for interior design

    lol no female would ever step into that room
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)11:13 No.595802

    still living with the folks?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)13:18 No.595869
    OMG! Found AKG headphones!
    "4chan room alt 2" which series is it? (akg-k601?)
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)14:15 No.595883
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)14:34 No.595900
    Honestly, this is exactly what I expect. A bunch of fags living in their rooms with a bunch of gay shit strewn about.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)14:45 No.595909
    So where's your gay shit at? Hm?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)14:50 No.595913
    wonder if mine's in there
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)15:34 No.595982
    mine's not in there. not that that's a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)16:46 No.596060
    green businessman lamp is a necessity
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)17:17 No.596081
         File :1239225472.jpg-(1.2 MB, 4000x2256, 4chan room 120.jpg)
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    Oh wow I rememeber when I had my room like this,

    I will take a new picture when I get home. . .

    Other than that thanks OP
    >> sage 04/08/09(Wed)17:47 No.596104
    It's called a Banker's lamp
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)18:02 No.596110

    No problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)18:34 No.596125
    looks like my room :/
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)18:54 No.596140
    I wonder if my room is in there
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)18:59 No.596147
    Go ahead and take a look.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)19:08 No.596155
    I sometimes forget there are people out there that actually live like that. Thanks for reminding me there's losers much more sad than me.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)19:28 No.596181
    There's nothing wrong with being a geek: just remember cleanliness and hygiene.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)19:47 No.596194

    desk reeks of OCD
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)19:54 No.596198
    What kind of antiques do you think he has?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)20:29 No.596228
         File :1239236957.jpg-(439 KB, 3111x1420, desk03.jpg)
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    Mine was in there (#77) and needs updating. Here you go.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)20:31 No.596229
    You probably have everything mashed together in a clusterfuck of ugly, don't you?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)20:34 No.596233
    I had no idea anyone else did this; everyone I've mentioned my "nerd rooms" folder too has told me I was fucking creepy.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)20:52 No.596242
    Thoroughly entertaining... though some of the weeaboos are just fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)21:13 No.596251
    this is a cool idea, g. Thanks
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)21:26 No.596266
    "4chan room 175" has a nice floor.
    >> 7eAL !!tllRoBnU1Sb 04/08/09(Wed)22:05 No.596297
    The fact that Anon refers to his possessions as "fancy shit" suggests that he lacks the requisite respect for them, and for the social and cultural significance of art and art movements.
    It also suggests that Anon holds what Anglo-American sociologists recognize as an Anglo-American middle-class attachment to expensive material possessions as a symbol of status and wealth.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)22:16 No.596308
         File :1239243400.jpg-(111 KB, 1000x700, booooooiiiiiii.jpg)
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    >Anglo-American middle-class attachment to expensive material possessions as a symbol of status and wealth.

    Yeah, because the niggers never do anything like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)22:26 No.596312
    lol, retard.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)22:31 No.596317
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)22:33 No.596318
    what a jerk
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)22:34 No.596319
         File :1239244442.jpg-(621 KB, 1818x1228, yacht02.jpg)
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    white collar niggers are the worst
    >> 7eAL !!tllRoBnU1Sb 04/08/09(Wed)22:37 No.596322
    Anon has provided an excellent example of acculturation between coloniser and colonised: that an oppressed minority assumes the behaviors and symbols of the empowered majority in an attempt to gain status and power.

    Though one should point out that obsession with bling amongst black people seems most predominant amongst lower class black people rather than the assimilated middle and upper class black people.
    >> 7eAL !!tllRoBnU1Sb 04/08/09(Wed)22:39 No.596324
    The obsession with yachts, vacation houses, private islands and villas, on the other hand, is fairly evident amongst African rulers and warlords!
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)22:43 No.596326
    gtfo nigger

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