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The other day i saw a doc on 19th century graveyards in europe.
My mind was fucked
Will be posting some stuff from Milano, Genua, Laken, Paris, Lissabon, London...
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starting with Genua, Staglieno, Italy
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>>1637515 (OP)
Thats it for Genua, but ive kept the best for last..
Angel of the Oneto family grave
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isnt she a beaty?
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tomorrow ill post some stuff from Milano graveyard
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Cemetries here are boring holes with bricks on top.

pic is from Paris
Would OP be kind and name the documentary?
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2.04 MB
Name: A Rivederci
Its a Belgian (Dutch spoken) documentary film from 1989. Nowhere to be found on the net..


Here you can watch a short piece of it about the jewish graveyard in Prague
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contributing some angel statues
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5 star thread.

I can contribute with some scans i made some time ago of Ariès' book on death.

This is truly a fascinating topic to read about.

>sorry for the shitty quality
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Jewish cemetery in Prague
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Graveyards were not always there... they used to store the bones in crypts.
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This "decoration" is made with human bones.
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Great pics.

A picture of that one >>1637540
was used for the cover of Joy Division's album closer.
This is fantastic. Thank you. <3
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continuing with Milano
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This is amazing
Laeken, Brussels

Soldier died during WW1
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what is this?
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Last one from Milano
This is the crypt of the Campari family (campari beverages)

The Jesus(center) represents Campari himself.
And the Judas looking alot like campari's arch rival: Martini..
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Spring specials

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Pere Lachaise, Paris.

I once found some good ones from there on Panoramio.
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Continuing with Laeken, Brussels
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Statues that weep are so hauntingly beautiful... This thread is a triumph of /hr/.
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Not strictly related but it seems like it belongs here. One of my favorite pics. Great thread OP.
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This is from Romania, Sapanta. The Merry Cemetery

here is the english translation for that text.

"I am Dioca Ţăhu, here I lie in the shadow of the plum tree. If you stop here, you will get to know that I was a column of my house which I have left crying and mourning. Since my childhood I loved to work, I loved very much to take care of the horse and sheep. None else in the village had such horses and sheep like me. I loved very much the horses, and they were also the reason of my death. For while sitting on the haystack on my coach, I fell down and this is how I found my death."
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Highgate London
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shes only taking a nap..
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2.96 MB
Tom Sayers, English bare-knuckle fighter
and his dog
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grave of a coachman, with whip and trumpet
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1.99 MB
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6.53 MB

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