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    File: 1334275357.png-(269 KB, 856x2193, 21f85c7401bbb227c6539739cbdb585a.png)
    269 KB Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)20:02 No.1510363  
    Hey /hr/

    Does anyone have a higher Res version of this pic?

    Also, I guess Info pic thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)21:41 No.1510398
    No but I would love to see more of these
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)05:28 No.1510581
    This is one of t1he most awesomest things i've read all week. Thanks OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)08:06 No.1510622
         File: 1334318793.jpg-(326 KB, 901x2205, Android-Is-Taking-Over-Infogra(...).jpg)
    326 KB
    Sorry OP, I got nothing.

    Dumping 1/?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)08:09 No.1510626
         File: 1334318983.jpg-(1.45 MB, 2500x2419, avp-large.jpg)
    1.45 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)08:11 No.1510627
         File: 1334319103.png-(2.91 MB, 6740x4768, bi.png)
    2.91 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)08:14 No.1510628
         File: 1334319258.jpg-(979 KB, 2000x1640, big-largestbankruptcies.jpg)
    979 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)08:16 No.1510630
         File: 1334319378.png-(909 KB, 1450x1433, how-much-time-wasted-infograph(...).png)
    909 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)08:17 No.1510631
         File: 1334319437.jpg-(370 KB, 1280x1600, infographic-01.jpg)
    370 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)08:25 No.1510632
         File: 1334319929.png-(279 KB, 2000x1440, infographiclarge_v2.png)
    279 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)08:26 No.1510633
         File: 1334319995.jpg-(1.03 MB, 2000x1174, threetrilliondollarwar.jpg)
    1.03 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)08:27 No.1510634
         File: 1334320038.jpg-(586 KB, 1433x2037, worst-oil-spills-infographic.jpg)
    586 KB
    >> KNDY 04/13/12(Fri)10:40 No.1510678
         File: 1334328021.jpg-(958 KB, 3861x1706, space missions.jpg)
    958 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)12:51 No.1510703
         File: 1334335912.jpg-(4.92 MB, 10000x5000, WORLD MAP.jpg)
    4.92 MB
    Slightly bigger, I think it is just because the white around edge hasn't been chopped off.

    Yeah a infogram thread, I haven't seen one of these oh /hr/ for a while.
    Starting with my biggest...
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)12:56 No.1510706
         File: 1334336160.jpg-(7.38 MB, 9184x6912, F1 cars.jpg)
    7.38 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)12:59 No.1510708
         File: 1334336347.jpg-(7.93 MB, 9141x9137, 1325140922441.jpg)
    7.93 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:11 No.1510714
         File: 1334337111.jpg-(1.78 MB, 6378x3250, golf.jpg)
    1.78 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:15 No.1510717
         File: 1334337305.jpg-(7.51 MB, 5968x6042, Nurburgring.jpg)
    7.51 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:17 No.1510720
         File: 1334337461.jpg-(5.58 MB, 5700x3900, Future population.jpg)
    5.58 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:18 No.1510721
         File: 1334337520.jpg-(1.68 MB, 5000x2574, Elements.jpg)
    1.68 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:20 No.1510724
         File: 1334337625.jpg-(982 KB, 3357x2350, Cocktails.jpg)
    982 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:22 No.1510725
         File: 1334337735.jpg-(1.85 MB, 3614x3037, Facial exprestions.jpg)
    1.85 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:23 No.1510730
         File: 1334337822.png-(1.05 MB, 3370x2385, internet.png)
    1.05 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:25 No.1510731
         File: 1334337901.jpg-(971 KB, 3149x2322, 1328192241592.jpg)
    971 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:26 No.1510734
         File: 1334337978.jpg-(865 KB, 2986x2001, 1966 mustang.jpg)
    865 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:28 No.1510737
         File: 1334338089.jpg-(804 KB, 2970x2376, 1328192202277.jpg)
    804 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:29 No.1510738
         File: 1334338174.jpg-(679 KB, 2696x2023, differential.jpg)
    679 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:30 No.1510740
         File: 1334338253.jpg-(592 KB, 2677x3401, Emotions.jpg)
    592 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:32 No.1510741
         File: 1334338363.png-(1.91 MB, 2472x3496, Chlorophorm.png)
    1.91 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:33 No.1510743
         File: 1334338421.jpg-(1.95 MB, 2423x3632, Frecency o.jpg)
    1.95 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:34 No.1510744
         File: 1334338453.gif-(500 KB, 2420x915, Ages.gif)
    500 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:36 No.1510745
         File: 1334338573.jpg-(622 KB, 2321x1426, Better or worse.jpg)
    622 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:38 No.1510746
         File: 1334338683.gif-(1.81 MB, 2272x2783, women.gif)
    1.81 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:38 No.1510747
         File: 1334338737.jpg-(374 KB, 2269x1392, Worlds Minerals.jpg)
    374 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:40 No.1510748
         File: 1334338830.png-(591 KB, 2160x934, Gravity.png)
    591 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)13:42 No.1510749
         File: 1334338970.jpg-(508 KB, 2008x2124, Sleep.jpg)
    508 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)14:09 No.1510755
    thx for all the pics, sry I didnt contribute its just I dont have any hr information pics.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)14:16 No.1510756
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)14:39 No.1510760
         File: 1334342374.png-(2.36 MB, 2000x1434, Aeroplane engine.png)
    2.36 MB
    Yeah just had my tea, back now.
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)14:41 No.1510761
         File: 1334342465.png-(227 KB, 2000x2000, Boot failure.png)
    227 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)14:41 No.1510763
         File: 1334342519.jpg-(367 KB, 2000x2000, Creep.jpg)
    367 KB
    Not sure if this works
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)14:45 No.1510767
         File: 1334342755.jpg-(464 KB, 2000x1309, electricity.jpg)
    464 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)14:51 No.1510772

    It used to but I think that fb changed the way the link appears so this isn't possible. Haven't tried it though so I could be talking shit.
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)14:51 No.1510773
         File: 1334343084.png-(212 KB, 1998x4240, Music Vs interlect.png)
    212 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)14:54 No.1510774
         File: 1334343240.jpg-(2.78 MB, 1923x2032, 1314303707745.jpg)
    2.78 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)14:55 No.1510775
         File: 1334343306.jpg-(707 KB, 1920x1200, Download.jpg)
    707 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)14:56 No.1510776
         File: 1334343387.jpg-(1.22 MB, 1920x1200, twinsturbo viper.jpg)
    1.22 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)14:57 No.1510779
         File: 1334343476.png-(613 KB, 1904x836, Meditating and shit.png)
    613 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:00 No.1510781
         File: 1334343620.jpg-(1.19 MB, 1852x1882, Top films.jpg)
    1.19 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:01 No.1510783
         File: 1334343677.jpg-(1.16 MB, 1852x1882, Top TV shows.jpg)
    1.16 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:02 No.1510784
         File: 1334343775.jpg-(278 KB, 1814x1209, 1328192160904.jpg)
    278 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:05 No.1510786
         File: 1334343901.jpg-(177 KB, 1703x1037, Undersea Cables.jpg)
    177 KB
    Fibre optics that go under the sea
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:08 No.1510787
         File: 1334344097.png-(1.22 MB, 1664x941, Watch, brazzers.png)
    1.22 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:10 No.1510790
         File: 1334344232.jpg-(181 KB, 1633x1275, The future.jpg)
    181 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:11 No.1510792
         File: 1334344284.jpg-(867 KB, 1600x2428, AutoIndustryFinal3.jpg)
    867 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:12 No.1510793
         File: 1334344336.jpg-(221 KB, 1600x1200, Turbo.jpg)
    221 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:14 No.1510795
         File: 1334344492.jpg-(247 KB, 1600x1200, Valves.jpg)
    247 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:15 No.1510796
         File: 1334344530.jpg-(575 KB, 1600x2133, X-ray.jpg)
    575 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:17 No.1510798
         File: 1334344641.jpg-(321 KB, 1600x1280, zr109_eng31600.jpg)
    321 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:18 No.1510801
         File: 1334344686.jpg-(563 KB, 1586x3505, Vagina.jpg)
    563 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:19 No.1510802
         File: 1334344753.jpg-(279 KB, 1576x2031, poker.jpg)
    279 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:20 No.1510804
         File: 1334344849.gif-(228 KB, 1567x1045, Oil.gif)
    228 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:21 No.1510806
         File: 1334344908.png-(637 KB, 1524x960, The white union.png)
    637 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:23 No.1510807
         File: 1334344984.jpg-(548 KB, 1500x988, Fixing empire state building.jpg)
    548 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:23 No.1510808
         File: 1334345034.jpg-(425 KB, 1500x1296, tor.jpg)
    425 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:25 No.1510809
         File: 1334345100.png-(314 KB, 1450x1450, Consumption.png)
    314 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:26 No.1510811
         File: 1334345207.jpg-(685 KB, 1440x3297, DONT BUY A MAC.jpg)
    685 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:28 No.1510813
         File: 1334345289.jpg-(1.48 MB, 1420x4742, Knowlege.jpg)
    1.48 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:30 No.1510819
         File: 1334345455.gif-(615 KB, 1377x1782, Study.gif)
    615 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:33 No.1510822
         File: 1334345582.png-(774 KB, 1342x1007, Free internet.png)
    774 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:35 No.1510823
         File: 1334345757.gif-(137 KB, 1288x2588, How to run long distances.gif)
    137 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:38 No.1510825
         File: 1334345936.jpg-(910 KB, 1280x800, Pi.jpg)
    910 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:39 No.1510826
         File: 1334345998.jpg-(1.43 MB, 1280x8149, Sky.jpg)
    1.43 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:40 No.1510827
         File: 1334346038.jpg-(141 KB, 1280x770, Williams Renault FW19.jpg)
    141 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:55 No.1510831
         File: 1334346902.png-(241 KB, 1214x1680, Rob a bank.png)
    241 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)15:56 No.1510833
         File: 1334346976.jpg-(345 KB, 1191x842, 60seconds.jpg)
    345 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)16:07 No.1510840
         File: 1334347676.jpg-(70 KB, 1151x796, 1303197124928.jpg)
    70 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)16:10 No.1510842
         File: 1334347847.jpg-(215 KB, 1146x1084, How to steal a FB page.jpg)
    215 KB
    Again not sure if this works
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)16:11 No.1510843
         File: 1334347913.png-(88 KB, 1134x1333, radiation.png)
    88 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)16:13 No.1510845
         File: 1334348002.jpg-(1.08 MB, 1125x1500, Strength arms.jpg)
    1.08 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)16:21 No.1510848
         File: 1334348487.jpg-(193 KB, 1067x1045, Metal.jpg)
    193 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/13/12(Fri)16:27 No.1510852
         File: 1334348867.jpg-(672 KB, 1024x3000, Drug.jpg)
    672 KB
    Last one for now
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)16:30 No.1510853
    Best kind of thread on 4chan
    So much knowledge I feel like Einstein right now
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)17:43 No.1510902
    Moar plz
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)18:08 No.1510909
         File: 1334354925.jpg-(2.91 MB, 4800x4400, 1326862842086.jpg)
    2.91 MB
    inb4 tears.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)18:22 No.1510918
         File: 1334355745.jpg-(1.78 MB, 1500x2268, 1306045873903.jpg)
    1.78 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)11:43 No.1511345
         File: 1334418199.jpg-(164 KB, 1024x767, Graph chose.jpg)
    164 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)11:44 No.1511347
         File: 1334418270.png-(101 KB, 1024x768, Knowledge.png)
    101 KB
    and I forgot my tripcode
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)11:45 No.1511350
         File: 1334418326.jpg-(94 KB, 1024x768, North korea.jpg)
    94 KB
    Not a infogram just funny
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)11:53 No.1511354
         File: 1334418817.jpg-(1.18 MB, 1000x2000, 8 bit songs.jpg)
    1.18 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)11:54 No.1511355
         File: 1334418879.jpg-(969 KB, 1000x3316, 1326812997617.jpg)
    969 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)11:55 No.1511358
         File: 1334418954.jpg-(223 KB, 1000x1100, Body language.jpg)
    223 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)11:57 No.1511359
         File: 1334419051.gif-(225 KB, 1000x1213, Nuclear power.gif)
    225 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)11:58 No.1511361
         File: 1334419136.jpg-(280 KB, 1000x1560, OzqFq.jpg)
    280 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)12:00 No.1511363
         File: 1334419221.png-(265 KB, 1000x3172, Passwords.png)
    265 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)12:01 No.1511364
         File: 1334419289.jpg-(321 KB, 1000x1100, Proxy.jpg)
    321 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)12:02 No.1511366
         File: 1334419347.jpg-(120 KB, 998x994, Fb hack.jpg)
    120 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)12:17 No.1511377
         File: 1334420239.jpg-(495 KB, 990x2218, smoke grenade.jpg)
    495 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)12:21 No.1511379
         File: 1334420493.png-(244 KB, 989x1177, Google hacking.png)
    244 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)12:26 No.1511380
         File: 1334420773.jpg-(776 KB, 900x2790, porn.jpg)
    776 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)12:27 No.1511381
         File: 1334420832.gif-(128 KB, 900x1300, Real men...gif)
    128 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)12:27 No.1511382
         File: 1334420870.jpg-(431 KB, 896x3147, Hollow book.jpg)
    431 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)12:29 No.1511384
         File: 1334420979.jpg-(1.38 MB, 896x1280, Mini burner.jpg)
    1.38 MB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)12:34 No.1511388
         File: 1334421251.jpg-(307 KB, 875x1125, Beef.jpg)
    307 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)12:34 No.1511389
         File: 1334421282.gif-(43 KB, 868x1154, Relations.gif)
    43 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)12:36 No.1511390
         File: 1334421364.jpg-(359 KB, 853x1530, 1308922673538.jpg)
    359 KB
    >> !tsGpSwX8mo 04/14/12(Sat)12:38 No.1511391
         File: 1334421528.png-(751 KB, 842x1191, MANual.png)
    751 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)12:39 No.1511392
         File: 1334421548.jpg-(2.13 MB, 1790x1501, middle-east-military-and-oil-m(...).jpg)
    2.13 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)15:33 No.1511501
    anyone got any more?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:30 No.1512912
    Resurrection bump
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:47 No.1512954
    Fuck it's dead
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)20:01 No.1513013
    Mighty bump!
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)20:08 No.1513020
         File: 1334621314.png-(315 KB, 900x2216, 1268723577033.png)
    315 KB
    eh, a little bit bigger. not too much.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)01:30 No.1513222
         File: 1334640639.jpg-(1.11 MB, 1586x2441, caffine.jpg)
    1.11 MB
    I got content, but doesn't appear to like me tonight :(

    2nd attempt
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)01:35 No.1513224
         File: 1334640907.png-(5.98 MB, 9999x6666, income.png)
    5.98 MB
    same fag... Contributing what I has gotten before

    Seems to be from 2010/2011, but I would be interested in newer versions.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)01:38 No.1513228
         File: 1334641100.jpg-(3.1 MB, 4961x3508, polution.jpg)
    3.1 MB

    I am glad to have helped, but wish others could contribute a small amount... last one till morning or after work

    Again, 2010... would like to see what's changed in a couple years.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)01:44 No.1513231
    Coffee has shown health benefits. Soda, never.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)03:56 No.1513249
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)04:07 No.1513259
    Anyone have a better quality version of this?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)05:57 No.1513275

    from xkcd
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)17:28 No.1514712
    What bothers me the most with these kind of graphs are the lack of sources.

    A vast majority of them has none listed at all. And then I'm not counting all the pseudo scientific ones.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:49 No.1514862
         File: 1334879372.jpg-(1.28 MB, 700x2856, image.jpg)
    1.28 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)04:58 No.1518814

    Has anyone a version of this that is fully readable?
    Thanks in advance.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)12:10 No.1519860
    You are all awesome, I have saved almost every image in this thread. Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:22 No.1519889

    I'm shocked to read that in the US 75 children are shot each day, and of them, 6 die.

    In my country (40million population) , if just one child dies because of a firearm, it would be news nationwide, it does happen, but it's quite rare, maybe once in several months.

    The fact that a civilian weaponized society has such figures means that weaponizing civilians is definitely NOT the way to go.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:28 No.1519909

    where are you from? argentina? poland? who else has a population of 40 million
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:36 No.1519920
    I know I might be starting a flame war here but you must know.
    Every country has to be taken into different consideration based on their borders and people groups. A ban in the US would not solve the problem.
    I admit the US (the World) can be a dangerous place to live but only because of the intentions of evil men. Disarming people like myself would leave me and my family defenseless against those who would not comply to a ban and in effect have more freedom to commit crimes without the fear of resistance from their victims.
    I wish there were a way to keep potential murders and the irresponsible from owning firearms while still allowing their sale for public sport or defense but there just isn't. Hell, I wish there were a way to feed all the starving people in the world but there just isn't a practical solution to some problems.

    Besides, that statistic is being misconstrued. Roughly 80 people die from gun shot wounds per day, not children. It does not change how tragic that number is, however. One is one too many, in my opinion.

    Be careful how much you take from these charts. Just because information was laid out in an informative manner does not mean that it is factual.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:05 No.1519951
    90% of all men think that astronomy is bullshit?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:56 No.1519980
    AAAHHH this is so terribly wrong, it frustrates me every time people think this is the kind of password to use

    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)20:18 No.1520057
         File: 1335658688.jpg-(385 KB, 1388x768, 1335072453623.jpg)
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    the usa has over 300 million people. your 40mil is 13% the size of the usa population wise, do the math and you probably have a similar % of kids dying, in relation to your own population.


    pic no related
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)03:31 No.1521910

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