Anything from Inception?
do it
you can have my confusion from the storyline, and amusement at the ending. Take them, I don't want them.
I was just about to make a veiled request thread for some Inception /hr/.Good thing I browse past the first page before I start threads.Bump for moar
And that's about all the /hr/ stuff I've go so far, mostly from the loooooooong and rage-filled /tv/ threads.MOAR is needed
aS_PrevioUSly MENtIONEd, THeSe mESSsAgEs wILl cONTiNue UntiL YOU PErMAneNtly STop ATTACKinG aND_FUckING With_WWW.aNoNDeRpTALk.se_(REmove tHe DERp), remOvE_aLL IlLEgAL cLOnEs of_it AND LiES AbOUt_iT aND doNATE_at leASt_a MiLliOn usd_To_SysoP As_ComPEnsAtioN_For_THe_MASsIve damaGE_YOU REtArDs_HaVe cauSeD.fsdxoj immdqj noavx mtayqikc acm alh bhljghfyvrc r
Inception was fucking mind blowing.
such an awesome fucking movie
i fucking loved this movie
alright, i've taken the posters and made some wallpapers, all of them are 1600 x 900i shall commence dumping
>>1082273Bump for interest.