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File: 1337391063982.png-(532 KB, 500x703, asdfas.png)
532 KB
post all the hiddles you have, loki is welcome.
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326 KB
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521 KB
hnghh dat smile
File: 1337394256854.jpg-(291 KB, 1800x1196, SuburbanShootout_still.jpg)
291 KB
still cute even with a blonde fro
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38 KB
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986 KB
shirtless hiddles...not bad.
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982 KB
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218 KB
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have you been loki'd today?
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502 KB
why is he so hot as loki?
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264 KB
i kinda like him this way.
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947 KB

he looks amazing in shades
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82 KB
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398 KB
>>99171 yes, yes he does
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I fucking love his smile.
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472 KB
hiddles thread confirmed as best thread
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319 KB
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115 KB
ahh that smile
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675 KB
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3.48 MB
that feel when hiddles will never give you an autograph with shades on ;_;
File: 1337455048946.jpg-(47 KB, 600x800, Armg5XhCIAMBaZ2.jpg)
47 KB
or i guess i should say "that feel when you will never meet hiddles" ;_;
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73 KB
get your very own loki! appropriate enough handcuffs and a muzzle are included: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIG-KAI-3947&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords
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825 KB
don't look at me like that
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698 KB
File: 1337469255559.gif-(499 KB, 500x273, bZait.gif)
499 KB

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