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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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sfbsrgbwrtb yes
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>See thread reposted for the 652nd time
>Acknowledge that it's a repost
>Bump it anyway
who's the guy on the left? hnnnngggg
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there's nothing i love more than seeing this thread again

and again

and again

and again

and again

and again

and again

and again

and again

and again

and again
Samefagging it up.
nope, I asked the question because OP forgot, and it's an integral part of the meme.

Madison Nicole Lee/Marissa Madison. Is currently a tranny.

Real name: Arvie/Arvin Manahan.
Current location: Irvine, CA.
Previous locations: El Cajon, CA. National City, CA. Bostonia, CA. Costa Mesa, CA.
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i love love this thread!
http://imgur.com/a/Jo2hJ#0 - ah snap, niggas.

http://www.trannydates.com/p/member.cgi?dcb=trannydates.com&mid=156562519_37121&from_view=mc - lel

http://www.myyearbook.com/members/28333575 - Old myyearbook from when he was still a boy.

http://www.myspace.com/arviemadison - Old Myspace from when he was still a dude.


- Those are just three of thedirty.com's posts on Arvie. They hate the guy.

http://www.myspace.com/tsmadisonlee - Tranny myspace.
/hm/ is not your personal army.

I don't know the guy personally and wasn't trying to get people to do anything to his profiles. I was linking to sources for his pictures in case people were curious to find out more since there's a big fascination with him on 4chan.
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Glad you like it.
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b-but doesnt 4chan stop ppl from posting duplicate images??? how r there 2 of these on page 0???
>I linked these sources in a brand new thread because the other people on 4chan are summerfags that can't use Google.
This is a bad thread and you should feel bad.
Oh hai, hunty. My name is Chad. I am the one in the middle, and I feel FFFFFFAAAAAAABBBBBBBUUUUULLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUSSSSSSSSS! I have been on hormones for about six months now, and I have my FIERCE BITCH DIVA running through my fucking veins. Thank you so much for posting my pic again. I ABSOLUTELY LUV IT! I need to post a new pic because I have breasts now. Disturbia, indeed! Can I ask /hm/ a favor? I am having my bottom surgery next week so can you please post some gay porn so I can have a few j.o. sessions before snip-snip. I like to watch butch bears getting fucked by traps. Thanks girlfriendS. TRANS THE FUCKING FUTURE.
OH MY GOD. OH MY FUCKING GOD. After all the discussion and arguing and trolling, we get the final proof. The twink has admitting he is a trap. He has a profile on "trannydates.com". Flame on sister, flame on. Two snaps in a circle with a two piece and a biscuit.

Cannot unsee.

We on other boards knew this since at least December-January, bro.
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nevar change /hm/
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It was me this time!
BUMP omg the blonde is hot
I dunno. These guys just look so unnatural.
Whoaa.. I don't know what to say. And yes, stop spamming dat pic.
What is the joke behind this photo that it keeps getting reposted? Also, the redhead on the right is the only acceptable one.
You hit the nail on the cock, gurlfriend. The blond is sssssssssssssoooooooooooo fucking hot. She makes my man pussy drip like a leaky faucet. If I had no legs, you would call me a she-snail because I would be leaving a trail behind me. I would give my left titty to be plowed by that luv shaft. Unfortunately, hunty, you will be getting no man love from miss thing, because she is a total Barbie. HHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMM, miss thing. She is smooth around the crotch. But I heard the surgery was a success, and her lady gina looks flawless.
dat pic
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I'm rarely on /hm/ I dunno and don't care if this pic is reposted or not, but god, those boys are SO. FUCKING. CUTE! Awesome<3
You are right. Those boys are so fucking cute. I have a puddle filling right now in my pussy. Oops! So wet my chair is getting a stain. I need to change my panties. The good news is that I just did laundry so I have a week's worth of panties. Post more and let it rain. Bitch, let it rain.
its just a troll pic that gets reposted because it pisses a lot of people off. you must be new here.
I know people are tired of this thread, but one thing that has not been mentioned is all the comments by gays against gays. If you are effeminate, you are hated, not by straight, conservative religious righters, but by your own community. We hate you. We find you repulsive. You are putting on an act. Quit going against what your biology made you and be a man.

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