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>Implying it's not ultra-tacky and retarded to walk around wearing shirts like this

Pic related, my campus's glbtq group is handing this dumb shit out
What, like giving them out for free? Because that seems terribly overpriced.
GSA groups never help anything.


You're right. They should pay people to take them with twenty bucks, two boxes of condoms, an entire bottle of lube and ten bucks worth of the person's drug of choice.
Or they could NOT be retarded and ask for donations to HIV/AIDS cherities. Then the shirt would be bearable.

OR they could just take the money they spent printing out this crap and donate it. Or spend it on handing out free condoms instead.

But no. They have to enable all those edgy college liberals to show how edgy they are.
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>implying it's edgy to support gays
Maybe if you're naive enough to actually believe that all conservatives hate gay people with a passion.
Wow. The emo in this thread

>implying it's edgy to support gays on a college campus

It's not like 90%+ of the other students hate fags or think homosexuality is immoral. Right?
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You keep using that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means.
You're right, it's not.
OR that, too. Fucking liberals ruining everything.

Hey, I remember that... What's it called? I really enjoyed that one.

Or wait-- SAUSE
Some liberal girl at highschool in the GSA called me a homophobe once. I'd prefer a quiet homophobe to an outspoken liberal, honestly.

I'd prefer a quiet anyone to an extremist anything.
Yeah, that's true for most cases.

It's a well known fact that heterosexual liberal females are gayer than most gay men, you heteronormative fascist.
I liked "Legalize Gay" when Prop 8 was going around.

Also, my school had a better version of this. It was:

...fine by me.

Which I feel lent some sarcastic humor.
If I'm fortunate enough to see her again in life I'll dress up like a peacock and superglue a dildo up my ass so her pristine gaydar can get a clue.
Homophobes ARE extremist. "Quiet" or self loathing who cares? These G.S.A.'s are trying to help gays, AND self-loathers

Being obnoxious is usually the best way to go about this.

Oh wait, it isn't. Any and all GSA's or GLBT groups are cancers.

The one at my uni is actually terrific. They run a program that trains professors in how to deal with LGBT students that need safe places, and they focus on education about sex and sexuality more than anything else.
I don't wear any clothes with writing on them. Nor do I have bumper stickers on my car. I find it tacky.

any clothes with writing on them? so like, most clothes normal ppl wear?

where do you go to college? that shirt looks familiar but i can't remember where i've seen it before

Reminded me of, just porn.
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Oh delicious exploitable religion...

Now tell the one about the Jews!!

not OP, but those shirts were handed out at ohio state. dunno if they were part of a larger campaign though or something
So what they just run around giving these to people and if they say "fuck off" they're labeled a homophobe?

pretty much, yeah.
What is tacky about this shirt?
a quiet homophobe will take their bigotry into the voting booth moron. Also, there's no such thing as a quiet homophobe. You must be some Log Cabin shithead!

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