Hey /bif/Does anyone know why all of the boards aregetting spammed? I haven't actually checkedALL of the boards, but the ones I frequent (/b/,/x/, and /mu/) are all filled with the same spam.
I think /a/'s got it the worst.
Since sunday /b/ has been getting raided by pictures of characters from A Clockwork Orange. They tried to figure out who did it, they raided 99chan, the Furries, the Ebaums, took down loads of sites, but it was none of them doing it. Now whoever is doing it has started raiding the other boards aswell.I think it's moot, no one else could do this except him. And if it wasn't him he would of sorted it out by nao.
Since sunday /b/ has been getting raided by pictures of characters from A Clockwork Orange. They tried to figure out who did it, they raided 99chan, the Furries, the Ebaums, took down loads of sites, but it was none of them doing it. Now whoever is doing it has started raiding the other boards aswell.I think it's moot, no one else could do this except him. And if it wasn't him he would of sorted it out by nao.That or newfags downloading infected spam.
/k/ is fucked up, too