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/gd/ - Graphic Design


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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

As with all new boards, these are being added on a trial basis. If they don't pan out or go unused, they'll be removed.

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Where did you migrate from?
>inb4 /b/tard cancer everywhere
>>1046 (OP)
/3/, /k/, /a/
/v/, /x/, /mu/
/mu/, /fa/, and /n/
/mu/ /vr/

Especially /vr/, board's gone completely down the shitter with all the newcancer.
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126 KB PNG
/fa/ or bust.
>>1046 (OP)
/mu/, /tv/
/v/, /fit/
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32 KB
*especially why I migrated
/v/, /mu/ and /lit/

In that order. Depending on how this board does I might frequent it as much as /v/
Not migrating, but /vp/ drawthread is the only place I find home
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29 KB
/3/, /mu/, /p/, among others.

>t/3/apots represent
>>1046 (OP)
/sci/ /diy/
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21 KB
>>1046 (OP)
>No one actually from /3/, /i/, /ic/, /f/, etc.

/sp/, /ck/
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18 KB

Appears I'm all alone here.
i'm from /fa/
i guess noone on /x/ is into gd either
/ic/, /x/, /ck/...occasionally /mlp/ if there's a new episode. I don't even post, I just watch all the beautiful rage.
/co/ and /mu/


hey guys...

let me tell you about my feels
/v/, /mu/, and /fa/
I'm from /g/.
/b/, /g/, /v/, and /tv/.
>>1046 (OP)

/co/ /v/ /vg/ /ck/ /ic/ /i/ and /hr/
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>>1046 (OP)
>mfw noone admits they also come from /b/
/v/, /tv/, /mu/
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28 KB
I'm from /v/ /vg/ and /lit/
B-But I admitted I originally came from lurking /b/.
>Being 13
freaking /b/ tard go away cancer
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766 KB PNG
/v/ and /co/

I mainly do concept art and stuff but I have terrible digital art skill so I've come here in hopes of inspiration and improving

never checked out /ic/, heard negative things about them
casual as fuck on /g/ /vg/ /x/ /fit/ /b/ in somewhere around that order. Depends on my mood.

feels bad, you'll grow up some day so don't worry
occasionally: /fit/,/r9k/
When nothing else to do: /b/
>>1046 (OP)
/v/, /vg/, /mu/, /r9k/, and /sci/
[spoiler]and /b/... but of course i'm not fucking proud of it[/spoiler]
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834 KB GIF
forgot pic
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/b/ /a/ /co/ /mlp/
>spoiler doesn't work
well fuck
Surprised at all the /mu/tant presence on this board, thought they would prefer /out/ more since they have crazy legs Scaruffi the most epic hiker of them all and shit.
spoiler hmm


What's there to be spoiled on a board like this? Only boards focused around stories can spoiler things.
[spoiler]You're doing the tag wrong[/spoiler]

>not highlighting, then using ctrl+s
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94 KB
Keep that /mlp/ shit on the board you came from partner.
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10 KB

Raging over reaction images

Please read. >>1328
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312 KB PNG
Why? I was just pointing out he did the tag wrong.
Go back to /b/
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18 KB
>top 4 cancerous boards
>reaction images

really I didn't know that about the spoiler tags
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52 KB
/v/irgin here currently studying graphic design and in final year.

Feels goodman

I bet you come with a monthly autism check.
Are you stalking him? What a perv we got here.

I never considered /co/ cancerous not like /v/ or /b/

I do graphic design/layout at my job
/o/ here

get the fuck out you double ricer
straya mayte ain't even ricer.

The game of said image got me into graphic design.
/co/, /mu/, /vg/
1st Year Visual Communication Design student at the University of Newcastle

hello everyone
/mu/ and /a/.

Get at me.
>newcastle university
I bet you want to make vidya gaems
where the hell did UoN get the reputation for being the IM GONNA WORK FOR VIDEO GAEMZ university.
i'm going there because it's the closest to me and easiest to get into.
>posts a riced as fuck car
>not a ricer
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20 KB
/vg/ and /a/
>>1046 (OP)
/m/, /tg/, /vp/, /v/, /vg/, /pol/, /ic/, /co/
/v/, /vg/, /o/
/v/ /p/

/r9k/ went from original content only to people bitching and whining the whole time

/adv/ sometimes
A bit of /g/, a bit of /a/, and a teensy bit of /r9k/.
>>>/k/ yes thats right
I didn't migrate, I came to call you all cunts.
>i dednit mygat. ay cum too cal yuo al cunts
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157 KB JPG
/u/, /diy/, and /ck/.
/g/ and /x/. I do go on /b/ like once a month, only because it was my native board.

Also I think I'm really gonna like this board.
r u viet?
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48 KB
/ic/. /p/ /g/ /k/ .../d//wg//co/pol//mlp/...
haven't tried /out/ yet.

perhaps i should but it scares me.
Y-you didn't make this, did you?

The text is so freakin' jagged.
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68 KB
/3/ and /a/

I mostly use Photoshop for creating diffuse maps
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463 KB PNG
/g/. I expected to see more people from there.
I'm afraid that this board will be a "hurr durr design is a art, I have no idea what I'm doing" board.
ClearType at your service!
/a/ /w/ /wg/ /ic/ /lit/
everyboard but /y/
i wanted to make a media center with the style of Hal9K's UI. then i saw windows8 and hated everything about it...
hey ! welcome aboard !
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517 KB PNG
I'm ashamed to say that I'm a /b/tard.
/v/ . /wg/ . /co/
/g/, /tv/ and lately /mu/

I'm really looking forward to this board!
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3 KB
/v/, /vg/, /co/[spoiler](fuck you, MLPG is still /co/[/spoiler], along with /wsg/, /diy/, /tg, /k/ and /ck/ once in a blue moon.
mainly /p/ but also /k/ and about 20% of /hr/ that I haven't hidden.
Stea-- Borrowing pictures from /hr/ to use in personal work is something you should all do
>Borrowing pictures from /hr/ to use in personal work is something you should all do
I just went there it's all just pictures of half naked girls.
/g/ /vg/(for sc2 general) and /sci/
Adventure Time.

>>1046 (OP)
Where did you migrate from?
>inb4 /b/tard cancer everywhere

Why ask, faggot?
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/gd/ now belongs to my trifecta of home boards including the prestigious /mu/ and /tv/. :3
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Mostly from /v/ and /ic/. A little bit of /x/, /vg/ and /b/.

>inb4 /b/tard cancer everywhere
>implying that 4chan as a whole isn't cancer
/cgl/ /diy/ /co/ and /x/

I'm usually a lurker, but I think I will be posting a lot on this board!
/g/ /fit/ /v/ /diy/
/co/, also lurking /toy/ and /v/. Fitting this board would be created when get into the meat and potatoes of my Web & Graphic program.
/g/ /ck/

I would like to be from /wg/ but fuck them because bad taste

Don't worry, my bawwwing will not spill onto this board I can assure you.
/fit/ all day erryday
/pol/ /fit/ /g/
/3/, Fub/co/
/m/, /toy/, /a/, /evn/ (/vg/)
/v/ and before that /b/

who wasn't on /b/ when they first came to 4chan?
/b/ and only /b/
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/b/ /v/ /g/
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270 KB PNG
/a/ (also /v/, /g/, /k/ to a much lesser degree)
thank god
/x/, /wg/... /b/
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89 KB
/tg/, /co/, /k/, /3/

And right before bed, I come from /d/.

>>1046 (OP)
/q/ and /ck/

I'm here to check in on the new boards and see how they work.

the problem is, the boards are being posted on ALL Boards, rather than just letting people find out about them, /b/ will invade them all and shit them up.
Mostly /tg/ and /wg/, every once in a while I visit /v/, /f/, /g/ and /b/ if I'm really bored. I'll probably add /gd/ to my wandering board visits.
/g/, /3/, /mu/, /b/, /v/ and the wallpaper mod threads on /wg/
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2.56 MB GIF
/co/, /int/, and /k/
/g/ and /fit/
/mu/, /v/, /a/, occasionally /pol/.
>>1046 (OP)
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68 KB
>>1046 (OP)
/v/ /mu/ /co/ /g/

Tho I don't think I'll post very often here. Probably just lurkin
/tv/, /pol/, /lit/ & /mu/
/b/tard cancer reporting in
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113 KB JPG
>>1046 (OP)
>>>/b/ >>>/x/ >>>/a/ >>>/c/ >>>/f/
/mu/, /tg/, /mlp/, /gif/
Migrate? Nah just visiting

/b/ /mlp/
Krautchan /int/
/a/, /ic/, /fit/
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791 KB JPG
/i/ -> /jp/ -> /v/ -> /gd/ now
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51 KB
Install /g/entoo
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Many of us were at some point or other. Now blue your reaction images and enjoy yourself.
keep ya manchild ponies outta here chaps
/g/, /jp/, /mlp/

It's ok, don't be mad.
We're not that kind of people that shit ponies everywhere they see.
I'm a good poster. Ponies go on /mlp/ and not everywhere but there. Damn every asshole who shits out MLP:FIM pictures.
Damn every asshole who shts out MLP:FIM pictures all over the internet.*

>haven't had muh coffee yet
>>1046 (OP)

/mlp/ immigrant. Hopefully I learn more about Photoshop here.
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>in /gd/
>not using clear PNGs
Here, enjoy your all-purpose nazi
>>1046 (OP)
/fit/ /g/ /fa/ /pol/ /lit/
/k/, /pol/

now going to visit /gd/ and /out/ more often.
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376 KB JPG

Also /g/, /mu/, /ic/.
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177 KB JPG
/v/, /pol/

>mfw I'm worse than /b/
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296 KB JPG
/mu/. check dem
See this nigger gets it

FUCK this gets me every time on 4chan, big pet peeve
/3/, /v/, /b/, /mu/, /g/ and /co/
And also a bit of /a/.

1. sucks
2. personal opinon
3. Bravest Warriors
>complains about clear PNGs
>posts a dirty one with rough pixels around the edges
Get that shit fixed anon, change the 4chan theme to Tomorrow and you'll know what I'm talking about
That's my nigga
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872 KB PNG
7chan. org/gfx/
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433 KB JPG
There's a shitton of nor/mlp/eople here. Wow.

>>>/pol/ (sometimes)
>>>/v/ or >>>/vg/ (sometimes)
/g/, /fit/ mainly
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126 KB JPG
/cgl/, /x/, /jp/, /y/, /wsgif/, /b/ and a bit of /tg/
/e/, /h/, /a/ and /g/
Animutard master race.
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1.82 MB
1.82 MB JPG
Not migrating, but I'm just stopping by from /tg/ to see what it's like.

I dick around in Photoshop to make stuff like this, so this board may be relevant to my interests when I run into snags with the program.

yeah but people think that where the troll nor/mlp/eople so the freak out on us.
There's a shitton of t/3/apots in here. As well as i/mlp/iers and /v/irgins.

I'm going to have a fun time here I think.
/ic/, /sci/, /mlp/, /ck/ and (newfoundblob) /vr/
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20 KB
Fixed it because I'm autist as fuck with this sort of shit
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1.07 MB
1.07 MB GIF
Aw shit nigga.
/v/, /a/, /co/ and /o/ here.
/pol/ & /int/
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162 KB PNG
>Not photon

Eat a dick
/v/, /mlp/, /co/, and the shitfest which I'd rather not mention, /g/. Are we doing a survey?
/o/, /3/
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389 KB PNG
>the shitfest which I'd rather not mention, /g/
Come on, they're right about a few things
r u from /g/?
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1.33 MB
1.33 MB GIF
what gave me away?
officialheadphone guide
why isnt there a guide by /g/ yet that advises to buy macs?
Insulting someone over their stylistic preference.

That's a /g/, /v/ and /mu/ thing.
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78 KB
getting computers
Are we doing the "ironic" thing again?

There's probably two, one of which is most likely serious.
Are there any guides or tutorials for that sort of thing?

I'm really interested in how you go about making those.
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467 KB JPG
I don't know why anyone would game on the PC when it costs so much.
/a/, /p/
/x/ and /mu/
Probably won't stay here, I'm more likely to end in /out/ (or /asp/, when I check it out)
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85 KB

I have used my talent to make many original feel images
B-but muh poptarts

The other faggot started it with 'Tomorrow' though.

dump that shit
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120 KB PNG
>Everything in one bar
Yeah, the Cartographers' Guild forum is packed with mapmaking tutorials, mostly for Photoshop but also some for GIMP. They also have general information on how cities form, plate tectonics, all that kinda stuff. If you're into worldbuilding and/or maps it's a great site.
>0 results

/g/, /jp/, /po/, /tg/, /vip/ and /prog/

Not really a migration though since I still plan to post there.
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127 KB PNG
That's how it should be, no?
Also, why are you wasting realestate with that hueg sidebar?
You should be using that space for a screenfetch window or something...
/mu/ /tg/ /ic/ /b/
well, not migrated, just looking around
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37 KB

You can't be serious.
I'm from /po/
And /a/ most of the time.
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1.94 MB
1.94 MB JPG
relax, it's from my troll folder.
Here's the real one if it makes you happy

I actually have a pair of wireless sony headphones and the quality is great.
Is that firefox?
How did you get it so compressed?
/g/ /lit/ /sp/ for years
Any of you people from /fa/?
I haven't seen much /k/ too.
That's a troll pic what's wrong with you?
Unfortunately I'm a noob with CSS/HTML and cannot do it on my own, I only started reading up some books on CSS. My theme is just a slight edit on voshs theme.
Who said anything about migrating? Nothing wrong with just "checking out my options,"
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535 KB PNG
/a/, /g/, /v/, /ck/, /co/, /toy/. Oh and /mlp/.. Please don't hate me
>those delicious pixels

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68 KB
Technically, it's Nightly, but yes.
Stylish and lotsa custom css.
Basically, some css to compress and change the menu icon, some css to shorten tabs and remove favicon bullshit, and some css to shorten the urlbar and remove the star and digital signature bullshit which takes up half the screen.
Then, I just moved everything into the tabbar.

You should see my what.cd browser, (i.e. another independent firefox browser) the menu icon is 1 pixel thick.
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1.04 MB
1.04 MB PNG

I'm either neutral with or like all those boards.
That's bitchin' might sharing some of that CSS, I'm this guy btw>>3765
/diy/, /f/, /g/, and I lurk /b/
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598 KB JPG
/fit/, /ck/, /sci/, /v/, /tv/, /x/

>Using humanized to make sure no one yells at you
I thought everyone on /x/ is into gd
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140 KB JPG
/co/, /mu/, /mlp/ (deal w/it), /g/

Also, rate, hate, comment, suggest, masturbate
/sp/ reporting in

>tfw no flags
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873 KB PNG
Just passing through to see how the board is, hailing from /a/
Overall composition and colors are boring
Individual pieces are not interesting and they look like they were vector traced
That 1px line in the border of the squares bothers me
I don't even know what to say about that logo
>>1046 (OP)
>inb4 /b/tard cancer everywhere

No how you shut the FUCK up faggot.
I don't think YOU realize how important /b/ is.

Hi Alejandro from Mexico who likes to fuck ponies.
I'm from /asp/


/* Meant to be used with URLbar next to tabs */

@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul);

/* ============== */
/* Shorten URLbar */
/* ============== */
#urlbar-container {
max-width: 300px !important;
min-width: 50px !important; }

/* =========== */
/* fix URL bar */
/* =========== */
/* hide identity labels for verified domains */
#identity-icon-labels {
display: none !important; }

/* ================ */
/* Tiny menu button */
/* ================ */

/*hide the arrow of Firefox Button*/
#appmenu-toolbar-button > dropmarker,
#appmenu-button > .button-box dropmarker {
display: none;

#appmenu-button {
min-width: 5px !important;
padding: 0px 8px !important;
background: none !important;
border: 0 !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
opacity: 1;
width: 5px !important;
max-width: 5px !important;

#appmenu-button > .button-box .button-icon {
margin-top: 4px !important;

#appmenu-button > .button-box .button-text {
display: none;

/* ========= */
/* Tab Width */
/* ========= */

.tabbrowser-tab[fadein]:not([pinned]) {
min-width: 50px !important;
max-width: 141px !important;

/* ================= */
/* Hide Tab Favicons */
/* ================= */
.tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) .tab-icon-image { visibility: hidden !important; margin-left: -10px !important;}

/* ====================== */
/* Hide Tab Close Buttons */
/* ====================== */
.tab-close-button { visibility: hidden !important; }
tab:hover .tab-close-button { visibility: visible !important; }

/* ================= */
/* Hide URLbar Arrow */
/* ================= */
.autocomplete-history-dropmarker { display: none !important; }

/* hide tags */
#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .ac-extra { display: none !important; }

/* Remove the Bookmark star */
#star-button {
display: none !important; }

/mu/ but thus far i am a tourist
If /b/ were to be destroyed today, all that would happen would be a decrease in edgy underage b& migrating to other boards.
>likes to fuck ponies

Do i know you?
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489 KB
489 KB PNG
I came from /co/.

Made this. I;m planning on doing some of the other readlists.
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336 KB
336 KB GIF
/tg/, /po/, /co/ & /d/
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46 KB
/int/ and /3/ are the only ones i frequently visit.

Excited to see how this board turns out.

Pure /TOY/ Soldier.

Interactive multimedia Major (graduating super-senior)

nice to see everyone, iill be sure to drop by frequently.
hello baby.
Thaanks a lot anon. <3
How do you apply this CSS?
Yes, that's because it's a starter board. If you are from there, it means you are just starting out. Are you just starting out?
Install Stylish, go 'write new style' in about:addons/stylish and just click save. Alternatively, you can edit the userchrome.css file in ff's root directory, but its too much of a hassle to change/edit/remove code.
I know you from the Orange 8-bit Frog site
/ic/, /tv/, /hr/
/tg/ and /co/
np amigo

Also, .tabbrowser-tab... etc controls the width of the tabs; 141px is the smallest width that will still show the close buttons on all tabs.

urlbar-container's min- and max-widths are personal preference, but fyi, if the browser has too many tabs, first the urlbar will start to get smaller until it hits the min-width, then you'll see the tab arrows.
>if you don't want that, set the min and max to the same thing.
Mainly /co/, and I'm currently majoring in sequential art.

I actually gained a certificate in graphic design a year ago that I'm doing fuck all with. Figured I'd take a look.
>if you don't want that, set the min and max to the same thing.
I already did that in my edit, I don't really need the buttons, since I use pentadactyl anyway, but thanks for the hints.
no problemo; new board, I don't know your power level.
/fa/ /fit/
So glad moot put /gd/ after /fit/
do you even alphabet bro
/v/ /g/ /sci/ /adv/

I'm not staying though, so I didn't really migrate.
I literally cannot tell the difference. Except the colors look different.
>tfw I didn't realised it untill now
>dat feel
>I literally cannot tell the difference. Except the colors look different.

>except not literally
drink some cyanide

>>1046 (OP)
>>1046 (OP)
/sp/ /a/ /m/
hueeee huehuehuehue
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/toy/, /co/, /v/, /mu/, /lit/, /a/.
I am a man of many interests.
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>>1046 (OP)
>>1046 (OP)

All you faggots saying you're "ashamed" to be from /b/, fucking kill yourself and never come back.

Second, that whole btard cancer shit makes no sense. The only thing cancer to this board is the fact that faggots think computer programs are synonymous with actual design. Wrong. enjoy your shitting clone tool board. 9/10 people on here don't know shit about design, nor will they learn anything from it.
>computer programs are synonymous with actual design.

>judging a board before it even fills up with users
>>1046 (OP)
/sci/, /v/, /ic/, /wg/ and I still visit /b/ occasionally only to be disappointed when I remember it is shit
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48 KB
Just a fa/tg/uy passing though, checking out the new boards.

umad joos?
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474 KB PNG
/co/, /mu/, /ic/
/fa/ and /mu/

This is my new home though.


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