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/gd/ - Graphic Design


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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

As with all new boards, these are being added on a trial basis. If they don't pan out or go unused, they'll be removed.

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How about we start an OC thread. You post anything you've made on any program and get other's opinions. I'll start
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>>168 (OP)
It's beautiful, and I thought it was hard to read, but now I don't. so good job.
Also, contribootin
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I don't even know
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just some promo stuff after i got her album
its great
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u lik me oc guize??
I quite like it to be honest. Perhaps do one with a dog/cat next time? Hell, make a series out of that. At least it'd be unique.
Hate Lana Del Ray's music but that is absolutely fantastic. Nice job, anon. The color scheme is ace.
>>168 (OP)
It would be perfect without any blending effects/drop shadow. Still cool though.

I don't have anything fresh to show off, so I won't. I'll try to whip something up in the next hour or so.
Forgot you, oops. Never played the game myself but the artwork was kinda' neat. Same goes for this. Have you ever done anything like this based on other games/movies/in general?
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This is a rather odd piece of work I did once out of boredom.
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This is a zodiac circle I made years ago, back when I had a Deviant Art account. I consider it my best work. Yes I like shiny glowy things.
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Woman was done in hero machine, rest of it was done by me. I made this as a wallpaper since I got tired of staring at the one I had before.
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And lastly, this. I have no fucking idea what it is. A monster? An entropic being? I have no damn clue but it looks trippy.

All of these were done in paint.net
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Honestly I don't think it's very good, but people are telling me otherwise.
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Started this a while ago out of boredom and then realized I didn't know what I was going for. Idk.
What software did you use to make these? I too, would like to make shiny glowy things
Is it a metaphor for literally being young, dumb and full of cum?
Oh god, now I think I know what I was going for.
that looks awesome.
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I make fractal art using Apophysis. I'm not a pro, but I'm definitely not a novice. Also, I've posted some of my stuff on /b/ before. Anyone else make this kinda stuff?
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A wallpaper I did one year ago.
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And something newer I did a week ago.
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I like. Love your use of type, colour and the grid system.

Almost good enough for the Louvre.

Pic is of a valentine's day card I made for my partner. Not perfect, but I think it's decent enough for display. The image and type are too close to the bottom for me. I can't help but feel the need to knock them up a centimetre or two.
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A login screen I made a few years ago. Thought it was pretty nice.
>7.91 MB PNG
>Standard 1080p
Fucking ouch.
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Since we are on the subject of Valentine's cards. I wanted to go a bit further with this one, but I didn't want to risk leaving the comfort zone of Mother 3's default style.
>that filesize
Jeesus Christ, it literally took a whole second to load. I guess it's the gradients fault, but even so I can still see some banding. Animated I guess?
Oh yeah, forgot I had it saved as an uncompressed PNG. Sorry about that.
Not animated.
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I had found a lower quality version of this and wanted a nicer one, so I threw this together.
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like the idea
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Put this one together when Dorner was out having some fun.
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Here was my OC
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Made this for a /mu/ thread, but I am not satisfied with it.

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yeah... I work more with interactive media, but here's another graphic piece
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holy effers, thanks for the compliments
i actually got 2 more to post from that series

just a lil itchy about posting personal work on the 4chain, after all i started on /b/
i like dis
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and this is the last of the series
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I do. This was my latest render.
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anyone make forum sigs?
Pretty good, but a bit uninspired. You seem to have some grasp of composition and technical skills. But I have seen this style too much. I don't know, maybe make it simpler and more impactful? Make every element matter, everything should've a purpose.
i got into this whole design thing by making forum sigs at elitepvpers

damn its been a while
its like you know my mind haha
yeah i tried and i see this work as finished
ill try to do better next time
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This is another dorner one I made. i converted a kony 2012 poster into dorner 2013

Way way back in the day I was on TSR. Back when Delta force was relevant, the good ole days.
Is that fog effect motion blur with multiple layers? I tried something similiar with >>2877, but I'm only starting out with Photoshop right now
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I used to. What do you think, /gd/?
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Repurposed a capitalism hierarchy picture by moving around the tiers.
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just made this
~25min in Ps

any idea what the max size is? till then here it is with some close ups
But why, that very awesome. I reaaly like newstyle, but I kinda never got fully into it.
Cool stuff.
Shrink the CTRL button so it's the same size as I.T. Also play around with the text at the top to make it a bit more easy on the eyes to read.
the "Wake up" cheapened it. The message is clear without the text, it's just redundant.
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A very, very long time ago yes, takes me back.
used to make Video Game boxarts too.
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Thanks. I got banned from the only forum I was on and dropped it when I realized I had nobody to show my sigs to. I may start again now that this board exists.
Thanks for the feedback.
burn/dodge the render a bit and that's really good man, kiu.
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I tried to copy the look of the old Japanese sonic boxarts, actual drawing not withstanding
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I didn't like the font that much. It's too decorative and removes attention from the girl, which should be the focus.
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here is the original logo

iv been makeing them a flyer and i wanted to play with some new fonts to find the right one

so i made that

will change the "i.t." font back to the original and keep it in the original ratio
the logo and i.t. as a whole lines up with the top and bottom of the business info

cheers mate
I really like the style and how it blurs reality.
obvious cutouts
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Last one I'm posting, I don't like being in the spotlight.


That is... not very good.
I personally felt as though that was what they were going for.
Thanks man, still not 100% done with it yet.

I think the lighting on the bear and the blocks are a little bit off but still pretty happy with it so far.
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I only ever made about 3 sigs, I was never that good at them
>implying that has anything to do with capitalism
>implying the elites don't brainwash you into pretending it's capitalism
The original was labeled as capitalism, and I didn't make the original.
To be honest I have really just started doing graphic work so if it looks a little rough I am not really to fussed.

I am sure the more I do, the better the cutouts and overall quality will be.

Just out of curiosity, any tips for improving selections to make it look less obvious then?
use really HD images
and use refine edge in cs5-6
its perfect for hair and fixing most things

good luck bro
Thanks man
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Rather old sig made for a SOTW competition yet one of the last I did. Always loved rather large signatures to piss everybody off.
to have the perfect result, you dont do photoshop at all and actually shoot your picture the way you want it
or if you have crazy fantasy kinda stuff you shoot the girl or whatever, and add your crazy shit afterwards that you ve shot before also

do i make sense?

its like cutting out hair, you should never get into that situation in the first place, shoot the girl before the desired background
Good because the illuminati hates capitalism and tries to fight against it.
Yeah in photoshop 100% realism is impossible, if you want something to look 100% it has to be 100% and since this is made up of several compositions it was never gone to look perfect.
Background looks fantastic, but that type is pretty gross.
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oeeeh time ago! This got me started!
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This was for a packaging assignment last semester.

I'm just a hobbyist but this looks a bit overdone and crowded to me.
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Pic is an Album cover I made for a friend's album with PS.
yeah its too much
one of the hardest things to do in design is to keep it simple and clean

try something minimalistic
and when you do it , think about every single asset you add, does it make sense or not, does it help the composition or not

if not, delete it, and in the end you might have something really clean and empty looking but people will notice that its not mindless whitespace, it is in fact mindfull whitespace
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Ticket Mock-Up!
Seems off balance to me. Looks like it could have text in the upper right hand section as is. If the stuff was centered, it'd be okay.

also, dat filename!
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Another album cover

Yeah, I had things centered and it looked kind of silly but I will definitely think about reverting to that. I had some text on it in the top center but I disabled the layer because, well, this is 4chan.

Ur awesome tho bro i've never had anyone comment on my work 8)
I use Aphophysis too, but mostly for textures or graphical elements to fill up my stock. I'm not very good at it, perhaps you know any good tricks or tutorials?
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I made this Album Cover 3h ago.
I made it for unreleased Deadmau5 tracks.
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I do photo manipulations

>obvious cutouts

This. It ruins it. I like what you've done so far, but make everything blend in.
Loving everything except the font.
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me neither
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I was hoping you would enjoy my work, /gd/.

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Man i really need a tablet to i can start drawing shit.
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Bûter, brea, en griene tsiis; wa't dat net sizze kin, is gjin oprjochte Fries
I get the feeling something's missing. Right now it's kinda boring with all the background space only containing a two-colored gradient.

The focus is evenly divided between the middle and the background. Chose what you want to show instead: put more weight on one thing instead of everything in the image.

It looks good though, especially the background which in my opinion can be made so much better. Keep it up!
Thanks for the feedback
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made this in a noobish design class i have in highschool. My teacher didn't really like it because it sin't really modern...
all the other kids made their logos in word and ms paint...
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I'll never understand the appeal of this.
Whimsical. Not too bad, I quite like it really.

Your teacher is stupid.
Because it's like surreal in the real world yo.
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thank you, i quite like also, the vector effect on this isn't so good. But im still a noob.

Here is a poster i made. It looks like a cheap paperback cover, in that regard I like it.
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I made this for a freelance client.

He asked for a label for his bleach product. He had very little guidance: needs a bleach bottle, needs warnings, needs to say "whitens, disinfects, removes stains."

So I took his guidance and I made this and he was super happy and impressed.

The 2x stacked on top of the bleach text annoys the FUCK out of me

it's not striking but it'll do
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Been doing it for a few months, still learning!

Yeah I know it's not very good.
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99.9% Pen tool OC ;D
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another one of mine
Nice, would purchase
my thinking was to emphasize the 2x to make it appear more powerful
you need to work on blending, The town and the guy both looked fake, as in, an MS Paint style of fake, otherwise, a clever concept

I'd say it's mediocre but obviously u have potential keep it up
the lighting is off. the guy looks out of place because he is lit incorrectly. he also looks like a paper cut out man. needs a smoother pixel border.

Yeah thats good and all but you should have some space between the two lines. Also I think it would help the composition if you used a lighter (friendlier) orange and a more babyish (friendlier) blue
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old something i did

ehh was bored skating through class at the time

Cuz u kno, products and shit, gotta seem all friendly and shit for the niggertits that buy them, and clients like that shit
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Made in SAI. Please don't tell me this is /ic/ stuff, because I really d-don't want to go back there.

Critique/validation that I belong here and not /ic/ wanted please.
>but you should have some space between the two lines
that's fair

he did request the aqua blue and orange. forgot to mention.
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blending as in how, is that just an effect? sorry for asking.

i know, he is actually standing in the plane with the houses on it.

here is another thing i made, dont ask me why i made it.
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Thanks. Here's some other stuff.
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nice lines, good use of color, good anatomy. I like it.

He did? what a pleb
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speed painting o:
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Some medals for an online game.

>Yeah thats good and all but you should have some space between the two lines.

Says who? It's a design decision, both ways are fine.
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Yeah budday
i like it.
No it's fine, asking questions is the best way to learn, how else would you learn?

By blending I mean what >>3504 means, the Lighting is totally different to the background lighting. The pixellation/blur is completely different too, although that might be intentional. the Colours also find themselves too bright and too.. clean.

>nice lines

Thanks! That's good to here, a few weeks ago some people said my linework was shit so I've been working on that.
Thanks for the C&C
Thanks, I did it a while back, have to brush up on my PS skills again.

It's a design decision, obviously, but is it informed? it's irritating to look at.
to me that font just doesn't work. its very basic and boring. and it needs more style than just a stroke and a vignette box
I like the colors your chose. icon could be cooler or more unique though.
Can we put sprites here?
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What I am working on right now
why not.
Everyone has different tastes and annoyances
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this is so 2005

That's, like, your opinion, man. I don't like how overused the "no space between lines" thing is these days (I'm afraid it's pretty much the Call of Duty of text in design), but there is nothing inherently wrong with it and he made it look pretty classy. I vote for keeping it that way.
Smoke looks poor
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No, you're just being a nigger, go read books on composition and typography. And don't give me that "there are no rules shit". If you don't know what the rules are then you don't know how to break them.
Its HAL 9000 in blue?
Alright, calm down you're ruining this board with your quick-to-insult attitude. Is it so difficult to accept other peoples opinions? Maybe he's an amateur and hasn't read every graphic design book in the world

>go read books on composition and typography

Hoo boy, here we go. Time for no fun allowed. This is going to be /lit/ all over again.
getting a little upset there, are we?
dude. go back to /b/.
I don't know, every web design from a few years ago were filled with these orbs things

I'm not insulting the guy who did it i'm insulting the niggertits who's critiquing my very own criticism.


deal with it

Do you want to fucking fight me?
would you mind pointing out which images in this thread are yours?
there are also a shit ton of gaming icons all over the web with this kind of style...
>Insulting Critique because it's different from your ideas

Oh boy here we go
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I'll drop a few things I've made.
Photoshop and boredom

Your precious "rules" are irrelevant. People like fonts with a twist. The product is not being sold to people who read graphic design books.
could you provide a basic overview of how it was created?
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another one. First attempt in anything like this.
Saved, thats epic friend
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what'd you do to create the splatter?
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That is nice
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Downloaded texture with fisheye in 'warp' mode

Did you really make this? That is fucking amazing.
Thanks man, it was a school project. "Make a movie poster"
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very very cool

You must go to a much better school than most of the people here. Also your image made me notice the new filesize limit.
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Urfh. I am a bit too tired to write a guide for you.
You can find about 20 000 tutorials online on how to make planets.

The stars are simply a monochromatic 11% noise filter with "levels" values set to something like 70, (whatever was default in mid), 99.

The nebulae are cloud / difference cloud renders, with another difference cloud as overlay I think.

And one more. This one is a WIP, and sort of accidentally turned into a collab with someone who can draw. Waiting to get money so I can buy a stylus for my tablet and finish this.

Thanks ^^
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also this:
dude, you are really good.
Thanks for your explanation. I didn't mean to be bothersome or to ask for a guide. I just like to hear how people do things, as it gives me new ideas for my own stuff.
I used to make signatures for some Runescape (lol) forum back in 2006ish. Shame I didn't save any of them since I recall being alright.
Wow, really good work man.

The Enter the Void poster is ridiculous on another level.

Any pointer on doing that with your text? I've been mulling it over it just seems foreign to me for some reason.
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That's really damn awesome mate.

Nah, you are not being bothersome at all. If I had more time, I would explain it to ye in more detail. Have to leave to the airport in an hour to drop a friend off, so all sorts of things going on.

Hmm. I will put one more thing up. Just a silly picture i made. insomnia and boredom make funny ideas.
good job
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this is bad, but it reminds me of my space art days
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Just write random stuff and rasterize it in photoshop and warp it to your liking. I found a face i liked and separated it into 3 different colours with posterize, I think it was(?) You can see it better without the gradient map
>pic related an early version of the method I used

Dem colors bro. 10/10 art.
those fucking jpg fragmentation in the bg
File: 1363621357339.png-(328 KB, 1280x1480, Site.png)
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328 KB PNG
In considering doing a degree in design, I decided to see whether or not I could do a website in less than a day. I think it worked?
File: 1363621526408.jpg-(13 KB, 245x329, 1349962222.jpg)
13 KB
jpg compression <3
can't read shit captain
File: 1363621576357.gif-(415 KB, 380x461, glitch2.gif)
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415 KB GIF
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323 KB JPG

Fucking A. Thanks anon. Just clicked for me.

Made this earlier for shits and giggles. Needed a new background.
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758 KB JPG
Needed a wallpaper. This pic was bad resolution. First used illustrator tracing and then added the background with Photoshop
This is so deep and abstract
I'm sure you've spent hours on this
my prejudices aside, the character is too static and I don't like the color combinations
Probably a little late to the party but I would remove the inner shadow.

Looks tacky.
File: 1363622034693.png-(205 KB, 2196x1220, wall.png)
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205 KB PNG
Ehh, was just fooling around in AE. Nothing special.

Here's something I made a year or so ago after looking at a lot of menu design in Masahiro Sakurai's games
I contributed to the halo general images on /vg/ before somebody else took over. I never finished them. Will post pics later,

Anyways, I made the backgrounds for this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqi-P4_plIc
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186 KB PNG
Wee thing I did for an EP I put together. No print work or anything, just something to go with it.
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174 KB PNG
original design for music/art
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110 KB PNG
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746 KB PNG
Made a small set of wallpapers from that /gif/ that usually gets posted. Haven't got around to finishing them all though.
hard to read the text on the buttons, and the vectoring feels cheap because it's so over done by everyone else
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7 KB
Logo for a friend of mine's bandcamp page.
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2.22 MB JPG
I made this in Illustrator
can someone explain the difference between photoshop and illustrator?
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589 KB JPG
I dont even know
Illu=all vector
photshop=not vector
>>168 (OP)
Holy shit OP that fucking sucks. Did you learn to use C4D yesterday?
>glitch hop
>flying lotus
nigga wat
u tripin?
thats cool
my school just launched an info graphic class
i didnt get into it ,_,
>no lolicore
shit infography; won't read.
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3.69 MB GIF
Does 3d count?
File: 1363623923113.png-(40 KB, 942x341, btandmslogo.png)
40 KB
Logo design for a friend's webcomic.


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51 KB
Paper, paper everywhere
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2.23 MB PNG
I did this thing 2 days ago for /mlp/
I don't know what else I could share so I'll just leave this here
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1.97 MB PNG
I don't do /gd/ often. Just when I want to mess around in photoshop every once in a while.

I made this out of a basic, flat cyan/pink/black image.
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1.46 MB
1.46 MB PNG

Another Protomen image I made for fun.

I was just messing around with filters and basic shading.
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992 KB JPG
Cover design for a game name generated from that video game name generator.
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284 KB JPG
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286 KB JPG
Oh, hell. You don't live in Knoxville, do you? I haven't been seeing your Protomen posters all over the Old City, have I?
I don't like the shadow too much but I like the grain and it has a cool look...
Also, neat subtle Starglow

Nah, I'm in Dallas area.
I really like dirty textures. What'd you do to make the paper-like effect?
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151 KB JPG
I've got a couple

This one was just for fun
I wasn't really sold on the shadow either, it's a bit of an old bad habit I'm working on dropping. Thanks for the feedback.
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4.47 MB JPG
It was a texture I had saved on my computer, I just played around with the opacity and layer modes until I got something I liked. Pretty lazy, but I was just messing around.
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4.48 MB JPG


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