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what a qt
wuts dis
Why is everything Android ugly as fuck
>Says nexus on back

no physical keyboard, no thanks.

cause you don't pay $2000 for a sugar pill to make believe its an amphetamine

They do sell chromebooks.
>dat horrific top and bottom bezel...
>>35437012 (OP)

damn those bezels are fucking huge. Why cant they make them at least a little bit smaller.
Can you get a nexus 7 with the old back?
Because that'd be great

why don't you learn proper English ?
I was waiting for this

time to buy a Nook HD...

>Implying no other tablets have branding
Thinner bezel has to be made from stronger internal and external material, thus push the price higher.
Did you ever try to read a considerable amount of text using a bezelless tablet?
Either your fingers start hurting from holding the tablet like a polished piece of glass or you start scrolling up and down unintentionally.
>Tablet has Nexus written on it in a big font
>Some faggot asks what it is
>Some other faggot replies by pointing out that it has its name written on it
>You rush over over defending something no one was complaining about
Relax, shill.
I was hyped as shit for it, but then

>Snapdragon S4

They could've at least have gone with a Snapdragon 600. What we have here is last year's hardware in a new tablet.
For fucks sake I just bought a Nexus 7

32gb near enough new for like £160 I'm happy
Why do they advertise it standing up?
All tablet optimized apps are best in landscape, and the branding even indicates that it's a landscape device.
The bezels are ginormous and useless if the device isn't landscape either.
Android tablets want to be landscape.
Not 7" tablets.

7" tablets are best used in portrait, usually for reading or browsing the web.

The only time you use landscape on them is if you're watching a video or playing some games.
I just bought a Nexus 7 about a month ago. Should I keep it or attempt to exchange it for the new model?

Is it really worth upgrading?
It supposedly has 4 GB of RAM versus 1 GB.

And, as a current Nexus 7 owner from the first batch, I can say that it is lagging like hell because of the lack of available RAM.
Funny mine isn't laggy at all.
>back facing speakers
no buy
Give it half a year to a year, and it will.

Mine was smooth as fuck when I first got it too. Now, nothing I do can stop the lag.
again with that huge bezel, C'MON
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There is a difference between "bezel-less" and the fuckhueg bezels this thing has.

Utterly disappointed... again.
Everything is smooth for a short period. Even my Galaxy Y.
resembles a iPod touch a lot, except the iPod had buttons.
Why would performance degrade like that?

Memory doesn't just turn to shit after half a year of use, or rather it isn't supposed to.

Do you run a lot of apps at the same time or something?
What's the thing by the button?
Looks like an SD-card slot.
The iPod touch has never had a plastic back or retarded bezels.
>dat horrific top and bottom bezel...
i agree, i used to think bezel was the ugliest, most disgusting thing ever but it doesn't bother me now.

The only alternative i'd like to see goog play with is intelligent "dead zones" on the corners of the screen when you're reading, browsing, watching media
by the bottom* sorry.
Lower-left side.
I don't care how my tools look, as long as they get the job done.
smaller device = smaller bezel
moly moly moly moly

>what is software finger rejection?
in fact, maybe there's an app for that. anyone know?
>The only alternative i'd like to see goog play with is intelligent "dead zones" on the corners of the screen when you're reading, browsing, watching media

Sim tray
>getting upset that a cheap as fuck Chinese tablet is made cheaply

Fucking buy a premium device if this is an issue.
Why not the HD+?
Also, I myself preffer the hybrid over the emmc version since the nookOS got google play support in the last update and it's mostly ok except for lack of root which you can just install it by updating through a .zip file in recovery.
>software finger rejection
what this guy said
Bezel criticism isn't about "looks" you pleb.

Screen real estate should always be maximized as much as possible for increased efficiency.
Buy a Padfone infinity for specs and nobezels
Is that the new one? If so, stats? Link to announcement, anything really...
still don't like the all glass front

after using my nook hd+ for awhile i've started to appreciate a real bezel, glass fronts get dirty and feel like shit to hold

anyone with a hd or hd+ will know what i mean
where to hold the phone ?
>Screen real estate should always be maximized as much as possible for increased efficiency.
If you want 10 inches buy a 10inch tablet.
This isn't a fucking hard concept.

The bezels on this are too big, even for a 7-inch tablet. see>>35437554
Oh, that could be neat.
If's it's a 7"er it's a 7"er. Saying you're prefer it be an 8"er is something else.
it's a leaked pic
rumored specs:
Snapdragon S4 Pro or Snapdragon 600
7" 1980x1200 IPS display
5MP rear camera, 1.2 MP front-facing camera
Wi-Fi a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0
4000mAh battery
Android 4.3
He's using Android as an adjective. Are your English skills lacking or something?
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>it's a leaked pic
That shit has been leaking for months now and there's still no announcement.
>tfw waiting for months for the new 7
typo? I copied that
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because it's lagdroid

if you want something smooth, get an ipad
I'm gonna cum all over the MotoX
The virtual buttons are part of that number.
most people are blaming the shitty SSD/flash/whatever storage Asus used to cut costs that degraded really fast
What if I use Cyanogenmod instead of stock lagdroid?
>4000mAh battery
How long will that last?

don't want a 10 inch tablet.
three minutes and six seconds
>What if I use javalagdroidmod instead of stock javalagdroid
nexus 7 looks better how did they manage to do this
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Some guy at the verge said that the leaked pic may be streched so the bezels aren't THAT bad.

Pic is old nexus 7 pic over new nexus 7 leaked pic.
Really? That can't be true...
buy HD+ and put CM on it
incredible price and incredible screen
It's a lot, you can read a whole email in that time you know?
Dude, I've had this thing for a month and never owned an Android device before that, you seriously expect me to know anything about it?
no shit, sherlock
In all honesty, Cyanogen is way better than stock.
Snapdragon processors have a TDP of ~3 watts

Find the voltage of the battery and you'll find your answer
but the screen is the major power draw
But what if I received a really long email?
Was the old one the same way? How did it sell if so?
>Being this slow
>>35437012 (OP)
>way better

More like marginally better. I used nothing but custom ROMs for the past 3 years. On my Nexus 4 there's really not much that CM offers compared to stock that would be worth it.
They're wrong, android central has actual pictures of the device, the bezels are FUCK huge.

I think the old one has near the same battery capacity so it's up to the screen and processor efficiency.
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Bezel is 100% wasted space. That's his point.

This tablet is a 7" screen in a 9" body.
clearly says "SAMSUNG" at the bottom
>clearly says asus
clearly it says HTC on the upper right, faggot.
people say this as if the nexus 7 hadn't had huge bezels too
>100% wasted space

How the fuck do you hold your tablet?
The press shot's bezels are way bigger than the pics from android central, just compare them.
some things that bezel is good for:
-more space for internal circuitry
-more area to hold onto without inadvertently interacting with software
-more space for structural components
-more space for battery
People gave the Nexus 7 a pass because it was the first of its kind in that price range.

Its been a year since then, people expect there to be improvements.
a 7" 1920x1200 screen is a pretty big improvement :\
What's a better 7" tablet in that price range?
There is none
Are you retarded? they're the same.


Resolution is one thing, but they didn't need those retarded bezels.
That's a mirror you retard
The problem with that argument is that they could have fit in all the same components and size but used a larger LCD with thinner bezels.
huge fucking bezel

the ipad mini 2 will have almost no bezel

why is google going backwards?
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The same way I hold onto everything else, the sides.

Why doesn't the iPad Mini have super-huge bezels? Oh that's right, they wrote 5 lines of code to negate the small bezels and stop accidental touches on the screen.

No, you're retarded.

All a tablet IS is a fucking screen as far as the user's concerned. Either shrink the bezel or stretch the LCD to the edges.
maybe they needed those bezels to fit a bigger battery to power that ridiculous resolution
No they didn't. WE HAVE FUCKING 1080P PHONES.
1080p phones are >$600
the Nexus 7 is around $200
What fucking difference does that make when it comes to power consumption, you stupid nigger?
What is your point?

LTE/other radios cost a lot. It also costs more to produce phones than tablets because of size, and the engineering design that you need to make all those radios work together.

>implying theres a difference in GPU power consumption between a phone and a tablet. They run the same shit.
>Pictured, new Nexus 5 with 3 inch 1440p screen.
higher density batteries in a phone are more expensive
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>hurr if i make an obviously stupid statement it will look like i was trolling all along lol xDDD
>higher density batteries in a phone are more expensive
Well good thing we're talking about tablets and not a phone right? Your train of thought makes no sense in the context of this conversation.
What were you expecting? It's not a high-end tablet; it's some outsourced Chinese garbage. How else could they sell it so cheaply?

Why do you even care? The device itself is irrelevant when it comes to posting homescreens on /g/ all day.
Relatively speaking its above a mid range tablet, much closer to the high end. The reason why its so cheap is because first, yes they do obviously make cuts here and there. Secondly, they're not making much or any money on the tablet. They're pretty much breaking even and Google is taking a hit by subsidizing the cost so that eventually they'll make it all back with ad revenue.
never in my fucking life have i ever encountered such severe autism. im shaking right now.

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