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File: 1374758535317.jpg-(196 KB, 750x500, google_chromecast.jpg)
196 KB
196 KB JPG
so I can only use this for youtube videos? why the fuck would i want this? xbmc lets me do the same shit
it has le netflix
Get out
>hurr durr i want to convert 4chan to 9fag
Other apps too still progressing.
I can't get mine to work on the WiFi at my university. disappointing, but I blame the school more than Google
When you walk through the garden, you gotta watch your back.
>what is irony
>implying it was irony
>not knowing difference between irony, sarcasm, and satire
joining in the le sage army
Can you explain to me how you're suppose to enter the password for wifi if you need wifi to control it
So it's worthless?

How Google you have done it again!
What is the name of this thingy? I know like nothing when it comes to Google devices. It's like an USB Chromebook?
>implying it wasn't.
So is a chromeboook, a computer that only has google chrome on it?
>>35520907 (OP)
it's only in beta you retarded fuck

and it can do more than just youtube.

also there is an api/sdk, and more content will be able to support this feature

> le
> reddit hate
> laughinggirls
> implying
> implying
> implying irony
> implying not irony
> implying not not irony

You are supposed to use the cloud for storing all of your data and "web apps" aka. bookmarks for functionality
Another useless innovation brought to you by Google

Thank you based botnet
is this what google did yesterday?
Ironic shitposting still shitposting etc etc
1/3 the functionality and 1/3 the price of the apple tv. nothing great, nothing bad. it just is
Waiting for jailbreak and xbmc
use plexconnect on an apple tv. no jailbreak needed. i doubt this dongle would ever run xvmc, though it does do 1080p so who knows
miracast was better

chromecast just sucks

still a decent htpc/xbmc build is better then both of them.

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