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owning a iphone 4 at the moment.
thinking about replacing it with a nexus 4.

what does /g/ advice, should i buy it, or should i keep my iphone (still working perfect and in extremely good state) and use the money on something else?

already owning a tablet and a laptop.
If the iPhone is working fine then just wait for the next line of phones. A Nexus 4 (2013) or w/e will likely come out in October for the same price (or so) as a Nexus 4 now. Buying a phone without LTE in Q3 2013 is not a great idea.
is LTE of such a significance in daily use?
>phone, tablet and laptop
wow, the tablet isn't redundant at all...
it was before i bought my laptop :P
Depends on the tablet you have.
and i bought my laptop for use with school
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acer a500
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Aside from the blatant "IF SOMETHING DOESN'T MAKE SENSE TO ME IT IS OBJECTIVELY REDUNDANT" fallacy you're making, see pic.
Get the Nexus 4. You'll love having everything constantly synced between your tablet and your phone.
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Hey OP I'm getting an iPhone 4 gifted soon.
Is it really laggy or is it still usable for today's standards?
thought about that, but then also considered selling my android tablet and buy a ipad mini
Why not the Note 8, since it is almost equally priced.
it is surely still useable for todays standards.
i use whatsapp a lot, and it was laggy, but since the latest update for whatsapp, thats gone. i now use it without noticing the lag. when loading some things (app store) the lag is about 1-2 seconds, but i think that depends on your connection speed with the internet.
Thanks, cool to hear, my ipod touch is laggy as fuck when loading shit like Facebook, but I derped and forgot the iphone has better specs.
so much choices, so many options, so many ways i could go..

i am still trying to figure out what i want, so maybe some suggestions

i actually had the note 8 in my hands a couple of weeks ago, it looked really nice and also its feel, but as i said, still looking around trying to decide what i want :P
thats true, my sister has a ipod touch 4, and compared to my iphone 4 it is noticable more laggy
so you should be good with it ;)
I thought moto x was this year's google release phone.
I understand. I'm looking for a tablet myself, and the N7 is slightly too small for my needs, and a 10 inch is a bit on the large side. Now the iPad mini seems perfectly sized, but the screen resolution, and iOS itself stops me from buying it. The Note 8 seems like a good device, a good entertainer, the only downside is 1280*800 res, but on the other hand it will probably handle everything smoothly with a quad core
yeah i am hoping the new ipad mini has a retina screen, and i assume it has ios 7, and i expect that to be hacked so jailbreaking that tablet should be possible, if so, customisation should be no problem...
How is that an argument against what he said?
OP here again, anyone some suggestions on what to do?
Buy an iPhone 5.
its more expensive than the nexus 4..
another suggestion?
Buy an iPhone 4S.
HTC 8X/Lumia 720
not seeing the point in that, since it doesnt offer some "real" difference between my iphone 4
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Double the speed and Siri aren't "real" differences to you?

No wonder you want to go from an iPhone to Android. You were never "one of us."

now tell me when you actually notice the difference in speed
with daily use ofcourse
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Enjoy your boring flat black and white no transparet effect in your iLag 4 iOS7
>I won't update to iOS7 then
> it doesnt offer some "real" difference between my iphone 4

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