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oznzb Usenet Indexing Community


For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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>People in the UK need a license to watch TV

Fucking lel, do you take a TV education class too?
You actually have to take a test before you get the license
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>taking my TV license test
>so far so good, instructor seems impressed
>watching show about an interracial family
>accidentally sneeze while the muslim father is teaching his half-paki children about the quran
>hand slips and hits button on the remote, changing the channel
>instructor looks horribly offended
>fails me on the spot for my lack of racial tolerance
>have to wait a year before I can take my test again
>put on public government watch list for racists
wow the uk went way under since teh mudslims took over
They pay a tax to fund commercial-free programming. That's where all those great BBC programs come from. It's like if PBS didn't suck.

oznzb Usenet Indexing Community

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