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>Now 16, the self-possessed teen from Tigard will graduate Sunday from Portland State University with honors in computer science
>computer science

Why don't you have a CS degree, /g/?
Is it just me or is she unusually well developed for a 16 year old?

I mean from an educational point of view.
>>35265112 (OP)
I would a mile of her shit just to see where it came out of.
>>35265112 (OP)
shit, I thought she looked 40+
Because I'm not a grill
>I mean from an educational point of view.

You ruined my boner there.
She gets all the guys.
omg it is a home school freak who is really smart.

I hope she gets locked up in a lab for her sake.
Her parents sound like fruity helicopter parents. Not trying to undo her success or anything.
>>35265112 (OP)
I find this hard to fap to.

It's a shame that intelligence often ruins physical appearance.

Grace Hopper
Anyone who developed UNIX or C at Bell Labs
Oh! So that's why I'm ugly.

Thank you.
no that is your soul coming out.
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You gotta have a downside too.

>tfw no intelligent qt 3.14 gf
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>intelligence often ruins physical appearance


The laugh.


Who dat girl
That sounds like electrocution torture sound effect in movies.
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I do. Ass burgers.
She has a github

She's the CEO of Yahoo. I wouldn't call her intelligent, just business-savvy.
>Ruby, JavaScript, Shell
this girl is clearly a lesbian.
Thats nothing, I dropped out at 24
>>35265112 (OP)
We always hear about these "genius savant kids" graduating college early in life, destined to "change the world."
And that's the last we've heard of them.
Good for her?
The fact that she made the news means that she dun goofed.
>>35265112 (OP)
>Swiss Army™ backpack
She may be graduating, but she still has the brain of a child.
I thought there were no boys on /g/...
Every time I see an attractive woman in technology, she's a dyke with fake red hair, as well as a professional social justice crusader. It's awful.
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She just got added to every government watchlist known to man.
>maximum autism
But I have a BS in computer science and a MS in robotics

but no internship experience

so I might as well not have a degree
When was the last time you acquired a Swiss Army backpack?
I guarantee the answer is, "in high school."
Correlation != causation.

Ugly people are esteemed less by society. This causes them to pursue intellectual careers as anything else is off-limits to them. Pretty people get by on their looks.
Maybe, I'm not at all sure. Is there something wrong with that sort of backpack? I've never paid any mind to backpack brands, just bought whatever could hold my books without crushing my laptop...
>pretty people

You mean girls? Looks doesn't do shit for guys.
I hope she can avoid the child genius issues that they usually have, like burnout.
It does socially.

When I put a suit on I look like a photoshopped living advert walking in slow motion. Women throw money and panties at me
Being attractive gives you a head start in anything you do. Even straight males find attractive men more agreeable. If a tall, chisled-jawed man with a 5 o'clock shadow and a fat, greasy neckbeard applied for an entry-level job somewhere, you can bet your asymptote that the more attractive person will be hired.
Pretty much the same thing as far as anyone cares.
I don't know. I don't really pay much attention to backpacks. I definitely don't pay attention to the backpacks of sixteen year olds.
/g/ being /g/, man.

You must have nice suits. When I wear my pleb brooks bros or j press suits I get treated like an office worker. The way to get pussy is to look like you don't work for a living. So you must have such expensive fucking suits that you were born with money.

British or Italian?
I wouldn't call her that. Pretty clear she just was hot the right place.

When she hit google, they bounced her immediately then she started the church network.

>hey look, our userbase is old Christians
>lets tune the site that way
>Ima hot CEO
Also it's more the parent's doing than the child's.
She knows C. Stop being a buttrager.
As Linus said once: Talk is cheap, show me the code.
Browse her commits ya faget
I have a BS in computer science, almost 15 years experience in the field, but since I'm 40 and didn't specialize in any one thing, I'm unemployable.
The fuck are you talking about? Who gives a shit what make her backpack is?
I have a Wenger/Swiss Army/whatever backpack myself and I bought it because it's got loads of space. Fucking hell cool your autism
>other people dislike his taste in something
>call them autists
oh /g/
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>says wenger backpacks are for children like that opinion has any merit
>not autistic
Sperg apologists are the worst
Because its a brand name, fashion over function. Paying extra for purely a brand name is apple tier. That's illogical and stupid.
Oh you mean this trash? https://github.com/TescaF/GUInform
Most of it isn't even her own code.
The logs for that thing also show that she doesn't even know how to properly use git, too.
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>Paying extra for purely a brand name is apple tier

But Apple makes good stuff. Have fun choking down generic beer because you're too poor to afford anything good.
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>tfw you will never be a genius
>You will never be a talented h4xx0r
>You will never be important
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IDK about swiss army in particular, but generally backpacks and messenger bags from famous brands are actually better than cheap chinese shit.
>>35265112 (OP)
>Why don't you have a CS degree, /g/?
Because it's not about computers, or a science, for that matter.
>570$ for a 24" monitor
>>35265112 (OP)
>Why don't you have a CS degree, /g/?

Er, I do. And I got mine at the correct age, so in addition to having the degree I have three years worth of top-notch friends, memories and experiences.
> Not using decent monitors
Why do you hate your eyes?
It's all lies, truly. I did a degree in "Multiplatform Software Development" and all they taught me was Java, Python, Visual Basic and SQL. Oh, and we only used Windows.
It is both. Unless you're graduating in web design, then it's code monkeying. Fortunately, code monkeying is IT and not CS.
>I did a degree in "Multiplatform Software Development"

How long did it take for them to mail you your degree?
>l33t programmer
>joined github one year ago

That's common sense, anyone who is voluntarily a neckbeard/fat can't be trusted.
>grace hopper
>Fortunately, code monkeying is IT

No it isn't. There's no such thing as "code monkeying" - that's just something /g/ NEETs tell themselves to justify wasting their time writing fizzbuzz in haskell rather than bettering themselves.

IT is concerned with information technology - not programming. Maintaining networks, systems and operations, particularly in a corporate/enterprise context. Most IT staff will never write more than a few batch scripts in their whole career.

[And IT is still a sub-discipline of CS, dwi]
You're both fucking retards fyi.
>100 boxes of pop tarts

You ever wonder why you have bad skin?

Yeah, I'll bet you do.
That's good, because most CS people will never write more than 50 lines per year.
Apple products are rarely better than their competitors, functionally speaking, and in fact usually worse (yet more expensive). They look and feel nicer, I'll give you that. If that's what you care about then good for you. But this is /g/ not /fashion/
look at this NEET
I wish her the best of luck.
Or a gene responsible for intelligence has an effect on face shape. Our brains only grew because of a mutation that decimated the strength of our muscles, giving you the weak jawed animals that barely look like apes we call "humans".

Further mutations could result in high hairlines, short faces, larger eyes, and neoteny in general. At least if the correlation between looking like an infant of your species and either being smart or having downs syndrome means anything.
I'm not finished yet. But I have to keep on going because heck, I need a fucking title on something or else I won't be able to get a job.

Such is life in Asspainia.
Look at this java monkey!

Mind if you can elaborate on that a little more? The "burning out" part I mean.

It's a completely separate operating system. Do you also consider Windows and Linux to be functionally identical or do you only reserve that kind of bizarro analysis for talking about technology that you can neither torrent nor afford?
>>35265112 (OP)
I do have a Bachelor and Master. Fuck your American degrees, she wouldn't stand a single fucking minute in Yurop with her shit diploma.
>derp herp u can't afford a mac

>>35265112 (OP)
other proof it's shit, if you have a CS that DONT MEAN SHIT!

It's the only possible explanation considering you only seem to be capable of comparing tech on the basis of muh mega hurtz.
I didn't even say anything about raw power. Do you know what the word functionality means? Look it up.
>implying that american universities are not the best in the world
>>35265112 (OP)
Because I went to school for 3 year networking. Got a job fixing computers in a plant. Moved on to being a full sys-admin. Realized everything I thought I wanted was not actually what I wanted. Don't know what I want to do with my life. I exist for nothing.
>American degrees
>General educational requirements

tbh, this.

"I have a four year computer science degree!...

...I spent over half my time studying english and chemistry and history."
my eyes? i've been using a cheap asus 21" for 160 euros for a year now and i don't have problems

I seem to know a little more than you, kid. Go post a rate my build thread.

>No US universities in top 10

>MIT in 14th with a bunch of no name third world schools
>herp u 3 poor to own a mac
>I know so much more then u

jesus christ I hope you're trolling
>not using ARWU for your university rankings

We got that idea from european schools actually

>hurr well rounded human being that can have interesting opinions
I do, admittedly, use Java in my daily work, but I also get paid a tidy sum and have a more comprehensive understanding of CS in its totality than you could ever hope to have xoxo
That really depends on your built-in panel type. If you go for a cheap IPS prepare your ass for cancer whereas there are somewhat decent'ish TN displays in the price range you meantioned.
>We got that idea from european schools actually
Wat? European Universities don't do that...
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>We got that idea from european schools actually
Yes, in the 18th fucking century. No university in europe does gen ed any more. It puts students at a significant disadvantage in technical fields - a 4 year US degree will cover as much on its major topic as a 3 year european degree will cover in its first eighteen months, with less large-project experience.
he should probably install gentoo

>Using arbitrary rankings based on prestige and reputation instead of concrete, tangible results

Seriously? People like you are why our education system is going down the shitter and countries like Russia and China are destroying us in STEM. ALL that matters is results.
XxXCodeMonkeyYOLO420XxX claims to know anything about CS? Grand. I can smell the butt hurt from all the way over here. How does it feel to drop out of CS and become a janitor instead of doing science with the big boys?
I know, 18th century europeans were idiots.

Things changed when they all went to the Americas.
>drop out of CS
I didn't drop out, I have a first class honours degree. And a job. Why are you so mad that the things /g/ has told you are all lies?
>Using arbitrary rankings based on prestige and reputation
u wot m8? ARWU is an objective measure based on nobel/fields/etc. prizes, high-impact researchers, high-impact research and research power slightly modified by insitution size
>>35265112 (OP)
a CS degree is pretty worthless though
Just one more semester
u wot m8?
>LEGO mindstorms robots only support visual blocks
That's not true though, you can use at least C and java.

The classic example is some asian kid who got her Ph.D. at like 15 or something. She retired from research at 21 or so and cited "lack of childhood" as the reason. It's one of the reasons you never hear of child geniuses accomplishing much. Slamming a kid through school usually fucks them up emotionally without any benefit. She'd still be really smart if she had gone through classes normally, she'd just be really smart and also HAVE FRIENDS

Feynman wasn't a boy genius. Ritchie, Kernighan, Pike, not boy geniuses. Gauss is the only one I can think of. Galois doesn't count.
Gauss was also crazy and known for hiding his results.
Yeah, I regret not choosing philosophy when I had the chance
Everyone has them
You smell that? It smells like remorse! Why do you have to lie on the internet about having become a janitor because you couldn't keep up with real classes?
Most tech jobs have been outsourced
>prizes and awards
>researcher reputation


Results are the only objective measure. If US schools were truly as great as people claim, they would be destroying other countries in these competitions. They would be destroying these other countries in tangible innovation and contributions. They don't.
>tech jobs

Everyone is looking for a graduate with a 45GPA
I was put into college at 16. Community college at that. Everyone said I was really smart.

After a year my GPA started dropping from 4.0 and 1.0 and I took fewer math/science classes and more bullshit

wherein i failed because I became increasingly unable to focus on writing bullshit essays

now i hate myself

i could have been something if stress didn't fuck up my delicate, developing autistic psyche for all eternity
So work for the outsourcer? You'll get better perks and career prospects anyway.

If "everyone" has a degree, that would make it more important for you to get one. Short of sheer natural and *proven* brilliance, what does not having a degree say about a person who lives in an environment where "everyone" has a degree?

Besides, degrees exist on a spectrum of quality. There's web development 101 courses masquerading as "CS" degrees and then there's properly comprehensive transistors-to-software top-to-bottom courses than give you a grounding in all areas and a specialisation in one or two.

RMS wasn't that bad when he was younger
>by COMMUNItY college

oh man

don't feel bad, it's not your fault. You were smart enough to get people to throw you into college, I'm sure with some time to yourself you'll make it back there again
who said anything about reputation? it measures the frequency of citation by literally counting the number of times a thing is cited. ARWU is the only objective ranking measure.
bullshit is cited all the time, *yawn*
He was 16, this is exactly the shit we're talking about. Burnout. Teenagers aren't mature enough.
It was really easy, but there was too much going on. I didn't know anyone and was surrounded by creepy looking rude people, and to add to that my only friends left because of "distance".

Maybe if my parents could have afforded a real university with a civil student body, competent professors that taught instead of assigning ten pages of homework a day, and a willingness to pay for many semesters with few credits instead of incredibly condensed semesters to save on tuition


fuck everything.
How is it more objective than a competition? I'm talking about STEM here, where your performance can be objectively measured, not some bullshit "research only" discipline.
This tbh. The same also goes for holding kids back in school, sending them ahead a grade or even homeschooling. The most important part of a child's academic development is their development of proper social skills. Everything else can be corrected. Throw a child into an environment where they're not with their peers and they will be rejected and they will suffer significant distress and permanent damage.
the S and M in STEM cover a shitload of research only fields
>How is it more objective than a competition?
Because a competition only has a discrete and limited number of participants, the participants change year on year, the requirements change year on year etc. etc.

do you even scientific method
And despite these variables, the same countries consistently come out on top, indicating an obvious trend.
>social skills
Exactly. The best engineer/artist/basket-weaver is useless if he's a drooling autist or a NEET type.
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That's not true at all.
It's completely correct that Carmack is the Best Engineer, hallowed be his name, but he's not a total autist or a NEET.
Too bad he's just another Zenimax drone now.
pffft carmack does id as a hobby
He definitely seems to be a lot more assburger than your average /g/ent. Have you ever heard him speak publicly? Ever read any of his ramblings on anything tech related? His social skills may not be useless, but I'm sure he's certainly no Tony Robbins.
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he was doing CS too
Say what you want, but codemonkeys are a thing. No one can deny that...
I started dual enrolling at 15 in a community college, then university. It's not exactly the same as just skipping high school, but it worked out great for me!

All the benefit of that child genius bullshit, none of the downside, because I was still going to school with people my age and having a social life...
>>35265112 (OP)
>tfw shes smarter than every single /g/entooman.
Is she writing an operating system from the ground up with no previous knowledge at all?
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She goes to my school. I'm in the CS program. Never heard of her.
Who is this guy? I need to give him a hug and tell him we're all gonna make it...
... Are you?
Sorry to sound like the stereotypical attention whore tripfag but.. have you been living under a rock?
I am actually, I've spent 40 days on it so far. 600 more to go since everything is being written from scratch.
idk but im sure nobody on /g/ done that. /g/ consists of enthausiasts/supporters with some technical skills, /g/ are not scientists.
/sci/ on the other hand, comes very close.
I 'make everyone Anonymous' so I don't accidentally pay any attention to the likes of you. You sound like a cunt though.

The most famous examples are probably Kim Ung-Yong and William Sidis.

Kim was a physics university student in Korea at age 8 and was invited to America by NASA at age 10. He worked with NASA and got his Ph.D. by 15. He suffered from burn out, talking about how his lack of childhood and being pushed too hard academically put him on the verge of suicide. He returned to Korea. Unfortunately, the Korean media labeled him a "failed genius" and his American degree weren't seen as legit, so he had to complete another degree(this time in civil engineering) all over again.

Sidis was born into an academic family. His father, Boris, was a psychology professor, and essentially used his son as an experiment to see how much a person could truly learn. Sidis could reportedly speak 8 languages by age 8. He was an avowed atheist upon first reading the Bible at age 6. He enrolled at Harvard at 12 and graduated with honors with a degree in math. He enrolled at Rice University for graduate studies, but hated the fact that at age 17, most students he taught were older/bigger than him and made fun of him. He later enrolled and dropped out of Harvard Law School. He later got arrested for being involved in a violent socialist rally. At one point, he talked about how humanity wasn't worthy of the intellectual contributions he could make. He pretty much died a NEET neckbeard @ 46.
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he goes by Obviously Jesus, he makes/used to make youtube videos. Mainly about philosophical topics or video games.
eh that kinda describes me well.
Christ, fuck off.
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>uploading .DS_STORE
>using macs

Kill me now.
Provided those languages are used correctly, there's nothing wrong with them.

Same with every language
I cringed reading this
You are right. But still, the readme is empty and I have no idea about what are her projects
Because I don't want a technology-related job.
>>35265112 (OP)
Because I'm going for a CompEng degree so that I don't end up being a code monkey for the rest of my life. Don't mind me as I make sure there are no hardware glitches as you think your programming 'skills' have anything on me.
Because I wasn't given the extraordinary set of circumstances and events that lead up to her being able to go to college at 12.
College is a waste of time and money anyway.


Essentially, every child prodigy(from the academic perspective anyway) comes from a highly educated, upper-middle class family.
You sound jealous
I have a degree, but does anyone else feel like it doesn't matter now since there are so many women in universities? I mean, if they can all do it, then it's really not anything impressive at all.
>come from rich family with lots of connections
>are able to have 24/7 care from hired help
>are able to live a soft sheltered life where your only worry is what's for dinner not if there will be dinner
>are able to attend a fancy private school with a loose grading system, so you are able to move much faster than the ordinary gifted student who is cursed to conventional schooling
>have supportive parents
>have supportive teachers
>have access to the latest technology

hurr she did it all by her self rite guiss? Gurrl powah!~
To clarify, it feels like I just learned to cook or do laundry. Something that wasn't worth my effort.
>all this mad
Why would I? People who go to college here rarely end up as anything other than street cleaners.
>Why would I? People who go to college here rarely end up as anything other than street cleaners.

... what? You mean on /g/?
So because people in your vicinity don't benefit from college, college as a whole is bad and a waste of money?

There's a reason people hate tripfags so much...
Not very impressive.

I'm actually disappointed.

For example my brother just turned 17 and he has written much more complicated stuff than that.

Like a simple webserver from scratch.

And a very very basic minecraft type game in C that uses geometry shaders to render the cubes.
I mean on Spain, mostly
>implying there's any relation
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>living in spain
I wrote an embedded web server from scratch when I was 16. :T
me 2 xD
Yeah, I'm mad, why wouldn't I be? I had all the same qualifications he does, but I was forced to attend some shitty catholic school then move into an ethnic youth public school after I got expelled for asking too many questions about God.
>getting a degree
lolno. Community college dropout with a $25/h job in the field i dropped out of(industrial riggin), full benefits, work solong as rope and chain need to be made or tested, cant export the job to india due to safety and cost.
>just filed for two patents related to touchscreen systems
>have a startup on the side.

Lifes alright.
> I had all the same qualifications he does
You had a delusional belief you "had potential", just like every other failed abortion.

>I was forced to attend some shitty catholic school

>then move into an ethnic youth public school after I got expelled for asking too many questions about God.
So instead of dealing with your situation you decided to be pointlessly difficult. *Shockingly* you then suffered consequences.

Boy, what a *tough* life you had.
>he talked about how humanity wasn't worthy of the intellectual contributions he could make
Sounds like he wasn't very smart, just great at memorization.
And now you've found yourself on /g/ arguing with an Anon about how college isn't worth it.
>>35265112 (OP)
I'm an Oregon-fag too.
Definitely not jelly. I'm probably one of the few greatest neck-beard faggots in Oregon too.
Stay mad jelly tits.
I don't know how I came off, but I know I had it pretty good, I do well for myself now and all, I just wish early on I could've developed a bit better schooling wise. It's just that early on I got good grades and had a very high reading level, but all that really got me was a "wow how cool". As far as the getting expelled bit, I'm not an atheist, I was just genuinely curious, and my teachers really gave me no indication that I was crossing any lines. I don't mean to whine or anything man, I just wanted to point out that this girl's success isn't terribly surprising. No need to go into insults
There are 20 female-only grants in my university for the CS department applicable to undergrads. There are a grand total of 10 women in the entire department, including professors, grads, and guests.
>Like a simple webserver from scratch.
I've done that.
In Common Lisp.
Using IOLibs and bordeaux-threads
When I was 14.

>And a very very basic minecraft type game in C that uses geometry shaders to render the cubes.
How basic is 'very very basic' exactly?
I'm mad too

>Come from poor family, single mom providing for me and my sister and Alzheimer's demented grandmother
>Have to do most things around house by myself
>Go hungry at least two nights a week
>Work my ass off to do well in school so I don't end up like this in 30 years
>Parent is burnt out, doesn't relate to me
>Teachers don't know who I am
>Using 2007 laptop to this day

hurr why aren't you just paying your tuition anon? Don't you want to be successful?
But I do, and a successful career in computer security as well
> I just wish early on I could've developed a bit better schooling wise
"How come no one spoonfed me knowledge at all times?"

>It's just that early on I got good grades and had a very high reading level, but all that really got me was a "wow how cool"
"How could they fail to recognize the prodigious intellectual prowess of someone as *amaaaazzzzing* as myself?"

>my teachers really gave me no indication that I was crossing any lines
"I was an obnoxious little shit who played dumb when they called me out on it"

>I don't mean to whine or anything man
You're not very good at that either

> I just wanted to point out that this girl's success isn't terribly surprising
"Pfft, I totally could have done that, it's societies fault I'm not starting my PhD at 16"

>No need to go into insults
You sound like you deserve them. Please go back to reddit and start a "DAE GENIUS BUT UNMOTIVATED???" thread
Yeah, you came off sort of whiny in your first post, this cleared things up
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Did I hit a nerve?
>How basic is 'very very basic' exactly?
If I remember well he stopped working on it after he got collisions, block placing, block removing and basic lighting from torches working.
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>u mad?
Oh shit, sick burn.
I am motivated though, I don't think you're understanding me, I got all A's and got into a good university, I'm blaming no one, I'm just fucking saying that this rich chick had it a bit better. Chill out
>So instead of dealing with your situation you decided to be pointlessly difficult. *Shockingly* you then suffered consequences.
Not the guy you're talking to, but this is just plain fucking annoying.
>Why are le atheists so persecuted?
>Why can't I disrupt class and suffer no consequences?
Sick crab mentality bro
I fucking wasn't though, it was during the specified lesson time for religion, and I wanted to learn more about my fucking faith, I'm still Catholic, I'm not an atheist by any stretch. I just asked some questions and the teachers got all pissy with me
Like what?
Option one: your teachers were crazy fascists who kicked you out for wanting to learn
Option two: you were an obnoxious little shit who caused problems


She was probably a little busy with getting her Masters degree.
Still worth a mention, then. I couldn't get past a bug in my full dynamic realtime lighting system and kinda gave up on muh 3D (non-minecraft) game at this point myself.
Fucking hell, reddit ruined atheism and tumblr ruined feminism. People really think these ideas are invalid just because they associate them with insufferable prattling teen bloggers. It's pathetic.
In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test.
My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan).
I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is.
A bunch of things, in 5th grade which was my last year, I asked why miracles don't go against the tenet of free will, that one the teacher just sort of flushed and got needlessly aggressive with me and started accusing me of being an atheist
>Opinion one: What you said
>Opinion two: What I said
Neither seems inherently more or less likely. Get over yourself you prick.
Hang on I'll keep shitposting once the Zimmerman verdict is read
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One time when I was really little I asked a question about dinosaurs in Bible class and the teachers didn't have an answer so they spaghettied all over the place and obviously, even to us kids, started making stuff up. It was something along the lines of "Satan placed dinosaur bones in the ground to shake our faith in God." I wasn't trying to be counterproductive, I was just curious, and at the time genuinely interested in Biblical teachings. In those sorts of environments, asking any question is akin to being a disruption and attempting to refute biblical teachings.

I don't have anything against Biblical teachings, but there's a lot of questions that followers are programmed to avoid from birth.
shit nigga they're reading that shit?
Lemme know how it went, /paul/.
Really? I would've guessed a light manslaughter charge.
Alright now that the verdict is in:

>"If two people say two different things they must be equally likely!"
What are you, a creationist?
Legally speaking it was the right call. There just wasn't enough evidence to convict. Florida law is pretty clear about the rules.
I'd like to disclaim before I continue that I have literally never been to reddit in my life:
No one should have to be fed blatant horse shit like that as part of their education just because some medieval cunt feels threatened by scientific thought. It's retarded. We should know better by now. You're right, that sort of crap leaves you at a huge disadvantage compared to the girl in the OP.
People like you are a dime a dozen. You scored in the 99.9th percentile? So did 7 million other people world-wide. You've invented things other people have invented? A lot of technological progress has happened since then, and our ways of thinking about science and the world have changed too. This facilitates our ability to reason at a higher level than our ancestors. Come back when you've invented something that nobody has invented before.
Considering what he's replying to...
Where are you getting this from?
It's very important to mention that many scientific items we have today that we consider the inventors or discoverers of as geniuses, an average child could literally figure out.
Reliable news sources:
That's copypasta from le reddit
How lax is SYG there?
Still relevant and legit.
Yeah, it was shitty for me, but now our children are going to have to put up with the reactionary redditors who think that Atheism is flawless and that anyone who believes in God or a God is the scum of the earth. They're no better at understanding logic than the creationists.
Thank God. I'd be ashamed to know someone like that frequents this board.
Which one, >>35268656
or >>35268546
Good. I'm glad it's fucking over. Shit was really annoying. Now we just have to wait for the leftist buttrage to blow over.
>tfw in the ETSII and no future.

I guess my only hope is to keep playing with Atmel microcontrollers and have a good idea.
Oh boy, now do we get to see some riots?
>We're going to riot if you people say he's not guilty! You bitch jury members better watch your back!
>Jury members are quarantined for the duration of the trial, have no idea people are actually saying this shit
>Welcome back, every black person wants to kill you!
>Have to go into witness protection
>"WTF I just got put on a jury, I was just doing my civic duty!"
What do economics have to do with anything?
Buy FGPAs and design lisp machines for the future!
I wrote the "dime a dozen" thing. He's referring to >>35268564
Oh, OK. I was confused for a second.
What do they do?
What are their advantages?
That's a shit method of ranking and I want everyone to know that. Oh that's great MIT was in 14th... guess what? Probably a handful of students were just in the area, ACM is that kind of competition. Look at the other US universities in that ranking, there is Stanford (have their fingers in every competition) and just a bunch of unknown universities. Know body really cares about ACM, it's a US community college level (ok maybe CSU level) competition.
No, it's not that, it's the opportunity cost you have in America.

Prepping for something like the ICPC takes a TON of time. In bumfuck nowhere, that might be your best bet to get some recognition. At places like Stanford, MIT, you have a lot of other options.
>White geniuses get beaten up by nig and beaners and racetraitors in shitty public schools with no computer education and math curriculums which literally regress students
>kike kids get private schooling and bribe colleges to let them in early
Oy vey white people why don't you keep up?
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Goddamn I hate prodigys so much. All my primary schooling I was told I was smart because I would top the class in just about every assessment and there's some bitch qualifying for university as I was entering highschool. Fucksakes.
FGPAs are, in a couple of words, programmable hardware. You use hardware description languages such as VHDL or Verilog to design circuitry and they form what you request of them.
Lisp machines were machines optimized for lisp operations. Some had machine-level instructions for common lisp operations, and they included registers specifically designed to hold list components (so-called car and cdr registers, for example). Possible hardware-level features may include hardware-side garbage collection. A good lisp machine should be able to run lisp code orders of magnitude faster than c code runs on current hardware now.
Really, read it if you want an understanding.
So I suppose I'm not sure I understand. Does it run Lisp code without compiling?
>get As in all your classes
>they don't let you go to higher classes because of social skills
>there's some bitch qualifying for university
I was confused about this too, most of us just aren't given that opportunity (ie, unequal opportunity at play here). Turns out it was community college, considering you called it "uni" you might be Australian, so consider it the same as TAFE. You don't need high school to apply for TAFE/community college, but generally they don't accept people under 16. She probably got in because lol, why not?

I have friends that skipped VCE/HSC, went to a technical college and went straight into a bachelor degree, skipping the gruelling, frustrating VCE/HSC bullshit. If our government didn't force students to attend high school until 16, they could have applied for technical college at whatever age they're capable and then found themselves with a bachelor degree 6 years later, or a PhD ~10 years later (if they were really good).
Schools are communist communities with totalitarian rule.
Reading this now, thank you.
>higher classes because of social skills
All my sides if this is now a reality.

>anon is bright, has above average marks, sometimes shows excellence, but...
>... but he doesn't play well with the other kids, so he doesn't meet the good goyim requirement. I'm going to recommend he stays back a year
>Oh... okay.

Why would you expect them to be otherwise? Children are deemed too irresponsible to make their own decisions, so until this thinking of them changes, the best system for them is totalitarian rule.

Likewise, certain leftists, liberals and Marxists believe that even adults are too irresponsible to make their own decisions, so we have nanny states and people who want nanny states./
It runs lisp code in hardware. Lisp code is compiled to machine code, of course, but the machine code already resembles the lisp code such that the compiler doesn't have to do most common-place optimizations today. The hard lifting is done in hardware instead.
you aint giving no one a hug you fucking creep...
get away from me guy
>All my sides if this is now a reality.
At the grad level it sure is.
>>35265112 (OP)
>Why don't you have a CS degree, /g/?

I didn't want one and computers are just a hobby for me
>mfw when i work with a girl who's in a CS program
>she exhibits awkward behavior, not a social butterfly
>suspect sure she's a /g/entooman
>face is a piece of work, but above average body

not sure how to tackle this
How do you expect children to become responsible if they are never allowed to make their own decisions?
I think leftists are correct in believing that many adults are incapable of being responsible for themselves, but I think it's because no one is taught how to be responsible for himself as a child.
Maybe if you had social skills you'd understand his point:

>Should we put him in a higher grade?
>No... he'd be even more awkward and excluded
>Let's keep him where he is and at least give him half a chance of having a social life
Ironically, the people that make decisions about education are arguably the least responsible of everyone involved in education. They're usually detached from the system and real world function of said system; for example, schools still don't embrace that data processing is more valuable than data retention.

Being a Britfag, all state-funded schools have uniforms and a strict curriculum; it strikes me as stifling that we (as in England) use a system that encourages merging into a monolithic entity rather than enjoying your freedom of mind. What's worse is kids in the UK start taking standardized tests at 7 years old to 'test how the teachers are doing'. What kind of insane system conditions children into one way of thought because the people teaching them need to be tested?

It's absurd on so many levels. I completely concur that children need guidance and that it's the job of adults to provide guidance; but I see a difference between guidance and railroading them.
Ask her on a date. Talk about /g/ stuff. Make her laugh. Do lewd stuff later.
People aren't responsible for themselves because it's easier to elect an official who "we like" to make all the decisions for us.
Then, if he does a shit job, we can blame him. The electoral process at this point is just a scapegoat generation system.
If people realize there's nobody to clean up their mess, they grow up and assume responsibility.
>If people realize there's nobody to clean up their mess, they grow up and assume responsibility.
And the school system does this how?
>Don't worry if you mess up; we'll just give you another year to get it right, and another...
>Should we put him in a higher grade?
>No... he'd be even more awkward and excluded
>Let's keep him where he is and at least give him half a chance of having a social life
>Stay awkward and excluded, by choice, anyway
>Get to college
>Find a whole bunch of friends because a higher percentage of people there are interested in and capable of discussing academic concepts
>Free from the social caste system the kid despised
>Coursework is challenging and stimulating, leading to engagement in school and decreasing misbehavior
So is there any advantage to this other than running Lisp code (which isn't that common in the first place) running faster?
>How do you expect children to become responsible if they are never allowed to make their own decisions?
I don't. I don't claim to know or understand what's "right," I'm not a politician, I'm not even a philosopher.

Maybe you're right in that second sentence, but it's none of your concern. If you can understand that you're responsible for yourself, and that you're entitled to make your own decisions about yourself, then you can understand that it'd be equal to view others in that light as well.

>Ironically, the people that make decisions about education are arguably the least responsible of everyone involved in education
Welcome to politics.

There are decrepit, +60 years olds legislating about a digital revolution they know only the minimum about. Likewise, education ministers aren't school children, they don't even talk to school children.

Start with an ad hominem, create a non-sequitur, finish with an emotionally driven (as opposed to logical) argument. Classy.
I'm wondering whether to go for a BS in CS or a BS in MIS.

The city I'm in has a large IT sector, so the MIS degree might help me. But I'm still not sure.
>There are decrepit, +60 years olds legislating about a digital revolution they know only the minimum about. Likewise, education ministers aren't school children, they don't even talk to school children.
Pretty crappy huh?
A minister of education appointed by a government a good chunk of the country (likely - as was the case in Britain's last election) didn't vote for, providing a curriculum for adults without a voice to teach children without a whisper.

Just look at SOPA and why it was rejected; the people in charge of passing such legislation didn't understand the consequences or even the basis of the bill.

How could we even begin to replace such a system though? Catch 22 I guess.
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But I do, OP.
I was never held back a grade, but when I went to a different school they immediately bumped me up... only in reading. In fifth grade I literally had to spend much of the day on the computer or I would be disruptive(they had fast internet/computers at the time, 2000). In middle school I took all AP classes, and my grades started slipping because fuck to god I hated it there so fucking much. Living with a hoarder didn't help either. High school I passed all my AP classes, though they deteriorated over the years, until I got a 40 in AP physics because of refusing to do SQ3Rs and got -20 on the first two labs because the teacher was a motherfucker, but a 4/6 on the college credit exam. Dropped out in 11th/12th combined because I couldn't fucking deal with anything, Couldn't pass AP US Government and Economics because the rote memorization shit killed me.

4 yearsish later after my GED I'm in college, and once again the classes I'm failing in are entirely rote reading and writing, but I get straight As in math and science.

Fuck them, even 30-40 years ago I would be fucking excelling, but no, be good goy, fit in goy.
i suspect she's a virgin, and i have a rule of not taking chick's v-cards

oddly enough, my attraction to here is purely intellectual
>i have a rule of not taking chick's v-cards
>The future is none of your concern
It's not.

Allow the human race to progress naturally. You're one person, and even if you were the most important man alive, you're not going to drastically change anything by bitching and feeling like shit.
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It's not that he's inherently bad looking. He'd probably look normal if he shaved more than once in a decade.
>coursework is challenging
Choose one.
No. The point would be, beyond the exercise in hardware design, that you would make lisp code viable for any task instead of only 90% of tasks. If you were a multi-billion company, that means you could then convince people to start writing lisp code.
well not speaking from personal experience, if the girl loses it to a guy after a certain age, so around mid-20s or older, she's going to be hella clingy, or use it to entrap the guy into a serious commitment

and that's if she's willing to fuck you early on. I dated a girl who kept stringing me along, yet kept telling me i was the object of her masturbatory fantasies (i still am).
MSc in CS or BSc in MIS. MSc in CS is pretty pointless unless you want to code monkey up the food chain. MSc, on the other hand, is very useful and fun to boot.
>Allow the human race to progress naturally.
It will progress "naturally" without me, but not with me? Who is qualified to be involved with the "natural" progression of the human race?
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Could you imagine it /g/?

Making sweet love to a red headed loli while she recites code in your ear? Can you feel the love?
It's more challenging than "Hurr durr quadratic equation every day until you love it"
She doesn't even dream in code, what's so special about her?
Not until grad-level it's not.
Why would a multi-billion dollar company do this?
Also, is it possible to use a FGPA to design a trustworthy software compiler?
Something to solve this:
>"Hurr durr quadratic equation every day until you love it"
My theory is that this approach to mathematics (and literacy in recent years) is directly derived from imitating east Asian mathematical "success." East Asians generally coming from cultures that promote rote over creativity or problem solving.

Most educators have these horrid sociological degrees in which their professors push cultural Marxist theories that glorify non-whites and demonise whites, so everything good about non-whites is used and everything good about whites is ignored. If it was the other way around, maths class would be a problem solving class, just as it was in the ancient Greek antiquity.
>tfw no trivium (Grammar, Rhetoric and Logic)
>tfw no quadrivium (Math, Music and Science)
>tfw no Socratic seminars
>tfw no thought
Because i'm more fond of building shit like engines, general propulsion systems, and just shit in general.
I'm 20, and I won't have a college degree until I'm 22. At that time I'll continue onwards to university.

What I will have at that point, however, is 9 years of work experience and basic military service. When I graduate from university at age 27, I hope that to be 14 years of work experience.

Am I wrong for feeling better about my situation that I would if I were in hers or any other young graduates?

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