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Am I really the only one shocked?
>microsoft in charge of doing anything correctly
Why don't they just die already?
They made so much fucking money in the 80s, 90s, and XP era that they could last a couple years without selling anything.
>>35376359 (OP)
The surface looks like shit and runs Windows 8. I don't know anyone that actually likes Windows 8. All of them complain about how "weird" it is.
>>35376359 (OP)
I hate MS but

>yahoo news

They're scrambling because they can easily lose their foothold in the next couple years. Desktop sales are going down and Android already dominates phone and tablet sales. That means that Microsoft will lose a ridiculous amount of money if they don't get a competitive product.
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gg no re, Microshit.
yeah its funny
casual end users hate windows 8, hardcore end users hate windows 8
only people who like it are weird in-the-middle redditor freaks
What about microsoft fanboys on /g/?
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Indeed you are, OP.

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