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congrats on your ubuntu edge phone funding!
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>>35521495 (OP)

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why the fuck would anybody fund this?
>28 days
>made a mil in a week
>26mil to go
mindless phone enthusiasts who'll buy anything with the biggest numberes
what's hilarious is the screen sucks dick
Because it's going to revolutionize mobile computing
they made 5 mil in four days afaik
no it won't
>Tfw the OS is built in C#
> Screen from Nokia device
> Guy puts a Samsung phone up to his ear
>the screen sucks dick
1280x720 on a 4.5 inch screen. You're right, it's absolutely dreadful.
fuck now I can't get my $600 back!!!!!!!
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>mono phone
>overpriced phone
>underpowered tablet
>phone companies don't want to fund it
>please pay for our useless endeavours
this is not how capitalism works
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good one anon
why not just buy stocks in the company if you believe in their product?
this is economics 101. you get a return for investing in something you think could be profitable.
as opposed to saying: here have this money, i don't want any evidence that i will actually get anything in return.

businesses only ask for money when they can't get picked up by another company for funding (nokia, samsung etc) or the stock market doesn't believe in their product. so you know, the two experts on the topic don't believe in it, why do you?
To build the Linux brand. Soon we'll see custom Linux laptops and Microsoft's desktop hegemony will weaken further.

2008: Android phones
2012-2013: Android tablets
2014: Ubuntu Phone
2015-2019: BlackBerry, Nokia, Palm, WinMbl die
2020: Year of the Linux desktop
Would anyone explain me what motivation do people have for funding this? They basically pay money, so that later they can pay more money? What the fuck? A normal business takes a loan.
they're buying the phone, look at the perks
So it's a pre-order?
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>>35521495 (OP)
it's a preorder of something that may never come to fruition
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>giving money to some jew nigger faggot who's scared to fund his own project
Or they do not want to be owned by the company that invested in them. See indie publishing. If you truly believe what you wrote then economics 101 is the only thing you've taken.

Crowdfunding has major benefits, even though I think it was a mistake in the case of Ubuntu Edge
if they don't reach the goal do they return the money?

>spending $750 on a phone that in all probability will be worse than another phone on release date
>spending $750 on 12 months prior to receiving it
The high sum they're asking for is to make sure that it does come to fruition. You basically made a pre-order with everything that comes with it (possibly VAT and return policy, etc)
he's not made of money, i hear he's only visited space ONCE before
>Crowdfunding has major benefits
for the company, not for anybody else.

like i said, if the industry experts believed in this they would've picked it up. if the creators believed in it they would've got a mortgage or made the company public.

>taking economics.
please, i didnt fail year 12 maths
his worth is in the hundreds of millions
that's the joke
He's essentially asking for 44,137 people to preorder the phone. Good luck.
>1 phone
>100 phones
how does that work

>$10,000 phone
>4 claimed
are you fucking serious?
>muh dpi
A shitload of people believes it does.
It's enough for them.
>mfw the galaxy s5 and htc 1.1 come out with better specs at $650 in the same month
Looks pretty cool.

I don't have 700 dollars going spare though.
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>for the company, not for anybody else.
Some products that can't get funding through normal procedures, such as a video game concept, can become successful and actual be brought into existence through crowd funding.
More products existing definitely benefits the consumer, especially when the consumer gets to choose which products get funded.
I gave money
It's obviously a publicity stunt, and even if natural funding does fail I doubt shuttleworth won't throw in the leftover few million it needs to succeed.
>implying a video game requires a huge production team and facility to create 100s of 1000s of units
stop being an idiot. you're just defending it because you were dumb enough to give them money for something that will most likely be worse than what samsung can create for the same price since they're well established and don't have to pay for facility production
that picture. so edgy.
Excuse me dumb fuck, but I'm defending crowd funding as a concept, not the edginator. Lrn2Read.
crowd funding is lazy and retarded
>crowd funding is lazy and retarded for a phone
ftfy asshole
you are lazy and retarded
In case of software or art, it isn't.
>crowd funding is lazy and retarded for large scale production
that's what i actually should've said
I'll grant you that, for now. As production methods change however, we may see new sources of funding we'd never even considered before become viable.
what, you think they're going to change the production of consumer electronics in the next decade so dramatically that it will cut costs by 50%?
good luck with that bucko
>not 1080p
>no microSDXC slot
>no removable battery
>no notification led
>sapphire screen that can still crack as easily as gorilla glass of dropped
>only 4gb of ram
>only quad core
>no dual band 802.11ac Wi-Fi
>no NFC

all in 2013+1

Full fucking NOPE.
>only 4gb ram
>only quad core
>sapphire screen that can still crack as easily as gorilla glass of dropped
fucking this. who the fuck has ever managed to scratch their screen? the problem is shattering, the screen needs to sit in a small soft rubber mounting or something. or just bend the laws of physics and make a ceramic that isn't brittle

>No removable battery

You autists always complain about this.

When was the last time you ever changed the battery in your phone?
all the fucking time when i'm travelling.
but i get sent overseas a lot for work
He's bullshit.

all the time

>charge my phone and extra battery.
>work for long periods of time without access or time to charge my phone.
>still need to use my phone and it dies.
>swap battery and continue acquiring money.
No freedom to remove battery means no control, NSA probably gathers all of your location metadata (well, at least Wyden has hinted they're lying) so if I have to have my fucking phone to participate in society at least let me be able to control when I have the battery in it (and not have to go through hoops to replace.)
Wow, my Thinkpad is only dual core (well, HT).
Note it's not slowed down by dalvik.
>having a phone with shit battery life
you can just run the battery to the ground right? wont that work?
or are you suggesting theres a secret NSA battery?

a waste
>microSD anything
no one uses it anymore
>removable battery
Who takes out their battery?
>notification led
What is so hard about unlocking the phone?
>only quad core/only 4gb of ram
How much you think people actually need? Those specs alone are better than what's out there now anyway.
>ac wifi
Who has an ac router?
fucking useless.
>fucking useless.
Not when im buying a coffee from my local starbux m8

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07/25/13(Thu)10:52 No.35522201
Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)10:52 No.35522201
He's bullshit.