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based stallman
He supports Snowden?

What a fucking traitor.
care to elaborate?
>exposed treachery
Obama pls go
>replying to troll
>>35776034 (OP)
Mom: Who is that man?
>/Put right answer here/
Snowden is a piece of shit traitorous cunt. He's young and bound to stupid things that put the world at risk with the information he has. There is no doubt in my mind that the Russians are torturing him to extract information. If Russia ever finds out what they're looking for from Snowden, then WW3 is imminent. The whole world will be blown the fuck up by nukes before I even get a chance to play 4k resolution.
>he's a fat hobo terrorist that hates america

the cold war is over you twat
I said_ he is creator of the computer as we know mom

This is why /g/ sucks.
Pat riot act
love you stallman
he is scary right
Doctor Richard Mathews Stallman, the creator of the best text editor known to man.
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>facebook's not all that bad?
>Yes it's horrible

>i know people who have been saved by the mere tap of a share button, it's a good thing, no? that people are connected throughout the world
>starts laughing
>>35776034 (OP)
That's one ugly shirt. I guess we should start a kickstarter to buy him some proper clothes.
he should've worn his trademark red polo
s/creator/initial author/
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Oh wow a list of disapproved words. Linux cult status has been elevated to extraordinary levels
You must be new here.
best part
>le funny meme
I want reddit to leave.
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He warned us all, but we didn't listen.
Holy shit, she's such an idiot
>>35776034 (OP)
old as fuck
what does "based *" mean??

that was also my face when he started laughing

No she wasn't, she was fantastic.

She asked all the questions the average retard would ask, so RMS could demolish them. I bet right now some of the retards who watched that interview have started trying to install a GNU/linux distro.
Lolno. Instead of doing the right thing and reformulating her retarded questions such as the facebook one, she preferred to use nonsense to make a false point, making sure to properly load the statement.
He made the point that most computers come ready to go with proprietary software.
Why is this so when free software exists?
Because companies get paid to ship computers with Winderps.
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this fucking laugh

I love it
I stopped watching the video when that dumb cunt was like "mhm" and just nodded her head.

Makes me rage so much that they had an unintelligent female to interview Stallman.

Did she learn english from a 13 year old girl?
That's how the news is these days. You have to throw on a borderline hooker just to get some ratings.
Well I watched the video and realized how autistic stallman is and his voice is annoying but he does make some good points. They also need to fire that dumb bitch.
>autistic stallman
There's those buzzwords again.
Really? I love his voice. It's comforting.
you know what that is right?
Daily reminder that Tox is literally stallman-approved
"Stallman" is a buzzword?
Me too. I can feel the freedom coming from his voice.
Yeah you know what that sound is? Wisdom. Wisdom and years of knowledge.
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What the fuck happened?

what what is?
That is richard Stallman mom.
I ...kinda like him. Not as a role model... I want... a relationship with him, but it breaks my heart because he's appearently straight...
Umm, it doesn't matter what he says, if someone sees Stallfat in all his "beauty", he decides to stay away from all software this man has ever come in contact with.
They didn't laugh at your words, Richard.
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[To any NSA and FBI agents reading my post: please consider
[whether defending the US Constituion against all enemies,
[foreign or demoestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example.

Ι'd јuѕt lіkе tο іntеrјесt fοr а mοmеnt. Whаt уοu'rе rеfеrrіng tο аѕ Linux, іѕ іn fасt, GNU/Linux, οr аѕ Ι'vе rесеntlу tаkеn tο саllіng іt, GNU рluѕ Linux. Linux іѕ nοt аn οреrаtіng ѕуѕtеm untο іtѕеlf, but rаthеr аnοthеr frее сοmрοnеnt οf а fullу funсtіοnіng GNU ѕуѕtеm mаdе uѕеful bу thе GNU сοrеlіbѕ, ѕhеll utіlіtіеѕ аnd vіtаl ѕуѕtеm сοmрοnеntѕ сοmрrіѕіng а full OS аѕ dеfіnеd bу ΡOSΙX.

Mаnу сοmрutеr uѕеrѕ run а mοdіfіеd vеrѕіοn οf thе GNU ѕуѕtеm еvеrу dау, wіthοut rеаlіzіng іt. Τhrοugh а ресulіаr turn οf еvеntѕ, thе vеrѕіοn οf GNU whісh іѕ wіdеlу uѕеd tοdау іѕ οftеn саllеd "Linux", аnd mаnу οf іtѕ uѕеrѕ аrе nοt аwаrе thаt іt іѕ bаѕісаllу thе GNU ѕуѕtеm, dеvеlοреd bу thе GNU Ρrοјесt.

Τhеrе rеаllу іѕ а Linux, аnd thеѕе реοрlе аrе uѕіng іt, but іt іѕ јuѕt а раrt οf thе ѕуѕtеm thеу uѕе. Linux іѕ thе kеrnеl: thе рrοgrаm іn thе ѕуѕtеm thаt аllοсаtеѕ thе mасhіnе'ѕ rеѕοurсеѕ tο thе οthеr рrοgrаmѕ thаt уοu run. Τhе kеrnеl іѕ аn еѕѕеntіаl раrt οf аn οреrаtіng ѕуѕtеm, but uѕеlеѕѕ bу іtѕеlf; іt саn οnlу funсtіοn іn thе сοntеxt οf а сοmрlеtе οреrаtіng ѕуѕtеm. Linux іѕ nοrmаllу uѕеd іn сοmbіnаtіοn wіth thе GNU οреrаtіng ѕуѕtеm: thе whοlе ѕуѕtеm іѕ bаѕісаllу GNU wіth Linux аddеd, οr GNU/Linux. All thе ѕο-саllеd "Linux" dіѕtrіbutіοnѕ аrе rеаllу dіѕtrіbutіοnѕ οf GNU/Linux.
>Snowden fights for by seeking Russian gov help
>Stallman talking about freedom in RT
Russia, where the current gov is so popular they won the election in Chechnya by 120% of the popular vote.
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That's a poor edit. That makes it seem like Stallman is reporting that a homeless man was arrested.
hahahaha fuck you my sides oh my god what the fuck hahahahah
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