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anyone have the WD 4TB black, how is it?
>>35775931 (OP)

it has a big dick
so no one has this?
the highest-capacity drives are always less reliable than slightly smaller ones, it has been this way since forever

if you can use 2 GB disks instead, do it
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i see what you did there.
but i have a lot of MKV files
I suggest buying retail packaged only drives.

I'd also throw out that HGST drives are better
raid 5 nigga
Do you have space left only for 1 drive?
Do you need them all accessible without swapping drives?
Do you REALLY need to keep four fucking terabytes of chinese cartoons?
buy multiple small disks and raid them to more storage

raid 0 if you want speed and dont care if you lose everything
raid 5 if you want some build in protection against hw failure
raid 6 if you want more protection than raid 5

and dont use your motherboard's raid, it's shit. look up mdadm instead. it's linux only, but that should be okay, since you're running linux already (right?)
If you're storing files get Red drives not Blacks
>Linux for your raid
>Raid 6

Enjoy your write hole.
red don't go up to 4TB
>chinese cartoons
i don't watch chinese cartoons, these are for my blu ray and DVD rips
They go up to 3TB, which should be fine. They're way more reliable too, which is important in this application.
It's nice.
he'll be using a ups, as we all should be
Why not just use an OS and filesystem without write hole issues?

>>35775931 (OP)
It has five 800GB platters. If you can get the seagate 4TB drive cause it has four 1TB platters.
it says RED is for NAS systems, what is that?
Network Attached Storage

They're for storage servers
oh im not running a server
It's not like they won't work in your computer, they're more reliable drives and if you are using them for storage you want reliability
reds are just greens with different firmware.
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inb4 dubs

>horey shit
Ummm. h-haow?
worst get ever
Our saviour has arrived!
can anyone else confirm that reds are the most reliable, or that just his opinion?
True words from the wise hex get.
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horey shit
I have a 1TB green drive with http://support.wdc.com/product/download.asp?groupid=609&sid=113&lang=en
Is there more I can do to extend the life of my drive?
Check your privilege, anons
>- 1.57% Western Digital Caviar Green (WD10EARS)
>- 1.15% Samsung SpinPoint F3 (HD103SJ)

I have both of these drives.
But that's wrong
blues are superior for storage.
and avoid greens for anything.
Get reds plus they have good warranty.
greens fail like crazy

[citation needed]
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who /v/ here?
that thing that stops head parking? Not really any thing else you can do. Just keep an eye on the SMART data.


this is interesting if you want to read it.
Well, I know for sure the 3tb greens fail like crazy. I also know the burden of proof is on me but learn to do your own research. I don't care if you buy a hard drive that shits itself after a month of use or is DOA.
no one is going to read all that shit
but >>35778044 this >>35777924 says other wise.
The number of completion.
b-but I d-did
I wish ihad taken a screen shot of the smart data I had from a trio of 500gb Greenpower drives, each with smart reporting 1.25 million head load cycles and no problems running 24x7 and for a bout 40k total power on hours before they were supplanted
WD RE4 for your computer (DATA)
If you can afford it, Intel or Samsung Pro SSD for system data.

If you have a NAS, why the hell would you put a spinny disk in your computer?
More things should have spinny disks
virtual machines, for example. Without iSCSI without a very (very!) fast connection to the NAS, it will be painfully slow

In general, you work on the computer disk (audio, photoshop, etc) then you send it to the NAS.
[*] iSCSI without
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>3 in a row

it's habbening
i'm a network novice. how much better is iSCSI over something like plain ol' full-duplex gigabit ehernet?
so green or red? which is best?
>>35775931 (OP)
>Buying over 1TB
>Buying Black
Red, but Green isn't bad with firmware.
Red has great warranty.
>Red has great warranty

Keep in mind all harddrives are going to fail, the 3 year warranty on the reds keep you the safest.
iSCSI runs OVER ethernet, or another medium.

with iSCSI, you have a disk over the network. Not a shared folder. A disk (you must partition it, for example). Better performance.

With a NAS like a qnap, fo example, you can allocate part of the RAID to be a iSCSI disk (i.e. this "network disk" is not necessary a disk from the array, can be part of it

For a home setup, its more easy to have a fast, big disk on the computer for these tasks than a very fast connection to the NAS (more fast than Giga Ethernet).
Not him, but you are saying an OS would see this as a drive, not a folder? So you could literally plug it in over your NIC and it would pop up as a drive?

why blue
Yes. The disk admin from Windows (or another OS) see it as a physical disk

That's iSCSI.
>>35779062 →
Cool. I knew about mapping network folders to drives manually, but I didn't know there was such a thing as it just "being".

What's the difference between reds and blacks?
so only red come with a 3 year warranty, not green?
better performance than a shared folder, because you don't have layers of protocols to read/write data.

Obviously, one computer mapping the drive. But then, you can add storage to a server then share this storage to clients.
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blacks are for performance and have a five year warranty.
its still a 7200RPM drive
reds only have a three year
holy jackpotget
what color do u suggest?

If it ain't white it ain't right.
whatevers cheaper, everyone loves blues atm
but blue only comes in 1TB
Just get a WD Green and disable head-parking with WDIDLE3.

Or you can get Red if you want to waste your shekels.
have no idea what u just said
thats all you should be getting, past that the risk of platter failure goes up exponentially.
but i have so many MKV files
>failure goes up exponentially

not really
With 64mb cache dual processors and a motherfucking 5yr warranty.
>but i have so many MKV files
and what advantage does that give it over something like a velociraptor
cause i rip my DVDs
If you want a storage drive get a WD Green or 2 and remember to disable head parking.

This isn't difficult.
>disable head parking
what is that and u disable it?

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