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Why hasn't someone created a new internet /g/?

It would cost billions in laying cables and shit, but why hasn't it been done?
>Which do you want your kid to have?
because it would actually cost trillions in laying cables and be a political nightmare
>>34419790 (OP)
What the fuck do you mean "a new internet"
>>34419790 (OP)
The American people already own the cables. They have just been stolen.
>white girl holding a gun to protect murka
>chinese kid is responsible for its downfall
And here I thought the NRA can't be any more racist.
>Internet2 is a not-for-profit United States computer networking consortium led by members from the research and education communities, industry, and government.

>Government led

A new mesh network of gigantic proportions.
A better thing to do would be to connect wireless routers so you would have a huge, decentralized mesh that operates beside the normal internet.
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It's a shop of an anti-gun add, in each one the white kid is made out to be evil and the minority is good. Can't you tell it even says "/k/" right on the image
How does an internet work again?
What if there was an internet that was entirely p2p?
but there's already lots of them
Why would you need a new internet? You can use existing cables and just use different protocol. Alternatively use massive attenaes that transfer wireless signal.
I'm happy that my 15-year-old is learning how to properly use a rifle hands-on. At least she doesn't just think that guns are cool and awesome and whatever these summer action movies say they are, but rather they are tools, a means of defense, and very dangerous if handled carelessly.
google's working on this for second and third world countries using wireless networks connected together suspended by blimps.

Do you want all her classmates to bring rifles to class with them?
Why a rifle? She can't carry that around in her purse.
No, but classrooms would be safer if every teacher carried a gun.
>very dangerous if handled carelessly.

and when handled correctly they're safe as fuck
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The original ad campaign is a faulty argument; here's one.

>We already banned shit for stupid reasons
>Let's ban more shit for stupid reasons! It's obviously the way to go!

If someone breaks into my house, I'd consider my house much, much safer with them dead or immobile.
>dat latency
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the second one
Wait what, little red riding hood is banned?
That girl looks pretty badass with that gun, give her a cigarette and sunglasses and she'll be the coolest kid in class.
vore is not age appropriate.
If you weren't a pussy you could immobilize someone without a gun
>parent teaches kid how to use a gun
>soon every kid knows how to properly use a gun
>teacher has one
The united states of America is a ridiculous country and everyone sane person knows this. They are literally as bad as North Korea.
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>dat trigger discipline

because of some stupid shit.

At least /k/ fixed it in theirs
I guess our entire military are pussies, as well as our police force.

Yea nah, it's cool if you don't want a gun. When push comes to shove, I've got the advantage.
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Yes, good goyim.
Spread fear, uncertainty and doubt.
The teacher needs to be responsible and make sure their gun is in a safe location.
This isn't rocket science. When you own a gun, you need to take shit like that into consideration.
I have better things to do with my time than learn jui jitsu
Tell me about it, libs want to centralize power in the gubbermint, just like NK!
>>soon every kid knows how to properly use a gun
where's the problem?
Yes members of your military and other armed forces are pussys
They fight in illegal wars because they are told to.
They are too cowardly to think for themselves.
I pictured you as one of those weaboo virgins who buys a katana and spends hours daydreaming about having a real sword fight with someone and how dark and edgy everyone would think you are.
Exactly. If a student knows how to properly use a gun, there is no problem.
>following orders
Hows life in Britistan?
Protip: Don't go into a gun fight unarmed.

I just spotted a pleb
I really don't see how this could end wrong.

>Parent/schools teach you sex ed
>Soon every kid knows sex ed
>opposite gender classmates everywhere

Because of the sex ed, a lot of people wont be getting pregnant. Same thing with the gun, since the kids know they are dangerous and not toys, it will prevent a lot of deaths.

The girl in the pic isn't 15 though.
And 15 year olds are still too immature for guns.
LRRH is not banned what the fuck? And even if it was just because you ban one stupid thing doesn't mean you should ban more stuff
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Regardless of your opinion, my rights shall not be infringed.
Me too, I'm quoting him right now
You'd be surprised, kids can act mature with a firearm in their hands.
I think it is (was?) banned in commiefornia of all places.
When SOPA was passed some fags at reddit wanted to create a wifi based network where every connection is literally P2P. Of course, like any internet project it never saw the light of day.
where did i say my military aren't cowards?
where did i say i was proud to be British?
I guess it's also a strawman argument as well

I wouldn't say that every parent should be like me; I feel that my daughter is old enough to learn about guns.
Every person is different; I'd happily let the parents decide.

I guess it's also an argument based on false premises as well
>It's written somewhere and everyone told me it to be true so it must be true
So that's how americans work, be it religion or politics.
That is nothing more than a promise made by the governemnt. If you claim citizenship, it doesn't apply.

Can I join the plebspotters? Is kevin the leader?
>When SOPA was passed
Tell me more about the land of make believe
Wait, Kinder egg is banned on murica? Thats stupid.
>my rights shall not be infringed.
yes they shouldn't
so why don't you take some other lines for that old thing and shutdown your government for the other things it does that go against the constitution
>No, but classrooms would be safer if every teacher carried a gun.

I doubt that very much.

What "hurr ban all guns" retards and "hurr arm all teachers" retards have in common is ridiculously overestimating the danger that school shootings actually pose. When it happens it gets a lot of press and it's very sad, but from a purely rational, statistics based analysis, it's not even worth worrying about. Compare school shooting deaths to car accidents, for example.

So introducing guns into the situation is adding a dangerous element to prevent something that doesn't really pose a threat. I would bet anything it results in more deaths than it prevents. Just like, in general, you are dozens of times more likely to accidentally shoot someone than to successfully use a gun in self defense.

Don't get me wrong - I think you should be allowed to own whatever guns you want. I just think it's totally irrational if you're owning them out of fear, rather than for recreation.
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>written somewhere
A written constitution isn't just 'written somewhere'
But I guess a brit wouldn't know...
>>34419790 (OP)
because you would probably come into a lot of legal problems to make it really "international" lots of countries would not let you in, until we can do something with shortwave signals and stuff like that (which anyway can be jammed if they want to) there is no way to do it
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Liberal "progressive" shitstains like to ban everything.
>>34419790 (OP)
If internet is so good, why hasn't anyone released internet 2? Your move, atheistfags.
It was one of those shitty cernsorship bills, or it was about to pass or whatever. I don't follow american politics that closely.
>Freedom haters spotted.

As evil as the American government is, the constitution is not "rights given to us by the government", they are "God given rights, defended BY the government"
>Being this delusional
Sorry to break it to you, but it wouldn't be.

Can't wait for all the school shoots if teachers have guns.
>Teacher breaks up student fight by murdering student
>Teacher flips out during class, shoots student
>Teachers gun is stolen, it could be anybody who took it

No, but all adults are responsible right? Especially teachers? Right? If an armed person entered a school, surely staff would take action right? Since of course you would "shoot that commie bastard in the head..." without hesitation? Since you know, people don't panic, accidents don't happen, and all students and teachers are safe and responsible.
I know what SOPA is, I was pointing out that it never passed.
if you weren't such a pleb you'd know that Brittan has constitutional law.

Stop trying to make this a uk vs usa argument
Too bad that camera, and everything that person is typing on is tapped by NSA.
And I was pointing out I don't know exactly what is was, but it was some kind of censorship bill that either got passed or almost passed.
>defended BY the government
What part of "proper training" is too difficult for you to grasp?
No properly trained gun owner would whip out a gun in any of those situations.

I've never read something so fucking stupid.
Kill yourself.
>Absolute worst case scenarios

Most of your scenarios are faulty anyways, if the teacher wanted to shoot up the school, he could do it regardless if there were school-issued guns.
>shut down
Not quite, but I'd love to do just that

>an unwritten constitution
>can be cempletely overridden by an act of parliament
Libertarian genocide best day of my life.
>where did i say my military aren't cowards?
Nowhere, which is the problem
>where did i say i was proud to be British?
when you claimed the military are cowards
>Shall not be infringed
And if the government breaks that 'promise', we have the means to retaliate
Do you know what this word means?
Yes, join the IRC
No, I am the leader
Protip: Most shootings happen in "Gun Free Zones"
Alrighty then.
Everyone who is not here to discuss the second Internet:

It's grown out of control, it's extremely hard to stop now.
>>can be cempletely overridden by an act of parliament
so can yours
what's worse is that the public lets it be disregarded without any act of law/senate
But unlike the UK, the US citizens won't take kindly to having a govt body do that.
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>Libertarian genocide best day of my life.
Statist genocide best day in the history of humanity.
>So can yours

As long as true Americans sit in congress, it will never happen.

School shootings don't happen because of guns, they happen because the US is a downright vile and violent society.
Well, I sure as hell wouldn't rape a woman with a penis.
are you been serious?
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Liberal delusion general.
You wouldn't rebel against injustice? You'd just bend over and take it in the ass?
Britain, everybody.
That's cute considering classical liberals are the original leftists.
That not even equatable. A penis can't be used to defend yourself in rape.

Most shootings happen when the victims are not allowed to own guns.

Let me ask you something, do you think someone would try to shoot up a gun club or a child's hospital?
>so can yours


I personally don't like common law and the whole "living document" and "spirit of the law" and how rights and government needs can "outweigh" one another, but the entire common law system is essentially a jury rig for no written constitution we inherited from Gay Britain.
>You wouldn't rebel against injustice?
i would, i do.
You wouldn't, the American public doesn't
>the meaning of words doesn't change

Yes, they do.

Who cares, how is this relevant at all?
>Liberals = Libertarians

Please tell me you're joking. Please tell me you're not this dumb.
Protip: Whining on your blog about taxes isn't a rebellion.
"Removing" the corrupt is.
With that logic, every gun owner is a properly trained one. Every gun owner is trained, and would act completely correct. Guess what, they already don't.
You are the fucking stupid ones if you believe that.

Then again, if they were licensed and trained to use a gun, they would never incorrectly use it, right? No, that never happens.

If teachers had guns, I bet you anything the school related gun deaths would only go up. Maybe, but unlikely may stop one or even two school shootings. There would most likely be more deaths from accidents alone than normal school shootings.

Being harmed during a violent or criminal situation only increases the danger. Two people having a fist fight, is just a fist fight. If one of them have a gun, the chances of a shooting goes up.

Then again, all gun owners are never in the wrong. They never make mistakes, or do something wrong. They would just shoot all those commie terrorist bastards in the head without hesitation, saving the day.
>Protip: Whining on your blog about taxes isn't a rebellion.
i don't have a blog

tell me when you last rebelled against your government
You have the originals? I'd like to see the before and after
>mfw libertard in denial
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No you don't. Jiu Jitsu is awesome. Go train.
>>34419790 (OP)
Because it would cost billions in laying cables and shit
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>mfw butthurted statist
Either you're trolling or you're clinically retarded.
Why isn't the internet build like a real network? Meaning every PC is connected to every other PC and there are no hubs like ISPs?

I mean I know why it isn't. It would be cool though.
And bitching about how you are the correct one, and you are the one who fights for the difference all on 4chan, isn't a rebellion, or even a notable effort.

Then again, democrats aren't known for getting off their couches. They'd rather shoot things, eat corn bread, be racist, and fuck their same sex cousins, all while bitching about the gays, the commies, and the muslims.
Explain how libertariarism has nothing at all to do with classical liberalism.
>the commies, and the muslims.
But these things are objectively bad.
Are you actually defending communists and muslims?
Because it would be difficult to connect me to every other PC in the world.
However I don't see how it would be too difficult to connect local neighbors and connect through other people's computers to get to further away connections.
Should get a /g/ group and hook our computers together.
The /majority/ of gun owners act as they should. Only about 0.15% of gun owners will ever break firearm laws in a violent manner.
A teacher isn't going to take the gun out of wherever it is kept and start playing with it because they're bored. Nor will the gun go off on its own.

And if those two people having an altercation both had guns, it wouldn't have escalated to the point of physical violence. Would you punch a guy with a gun?
>getting dems and repubs confused
European spotted

We don't revolt every time someone pisses in our cereal, but when it gets serious, i.e. blatantly abolishing rights and killing citizens, then its time to put our hobby to good use.
He's a liberal, what do you think?
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Not him, but it's pretty close but differs on a bunch of stuff.
Once again, all gun owners are wonderful people who never make mistakes.
Since you know, homes with guns don't have higher rates of shootings.
I guess it especially wouldn't happen in schools, filled with hundreds of people, and a bunch of teachers with guns.
Have you ever taught before?
pictures 3 and 4 ITT

>If one of them have a gun, the chances of a shooting goes up.
If the one with the gun suspects the other has a gun as well, the chances of a shooting plummets.

>all gun owners are never in the wrong
Most of us are never wrong.

>they would never incorrectly use it, right?
Most of them would not, no. And if there are those who would, most of them would be discouraged by the ones who would not.

I think you fail to realize that most humans are not evil dicks, and if you give them the means, they can quickly contain the destructive actions of the evil dicks.
You think your government has done right by you and upheld your constitution since then?
That's what I meant, a mesh of being interconnected. Requestion pages would be a bit tricky but we could figure something out.
Can't anyone in the US become a teacher?

And you want to give those people guns?
>Can't anyone in the US become a teacher?
No, only marxists are allowed to be teachers unfortunately.
That picture has nothing at all to do with what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about "liberals" as it is used today as a pejorative for social democrats.
Again, not all but most, yes.
Homes with pools have a much higher rate of drowning than homes with guns.
Do you want to keep following that logic?

And why oh why do the worst shootings happen in no gun zones?
>>34419790 (OP)
>asian kid holding sign
>precious white, blonde, american girl holding rifle


>homes with guns have higher rates of shootings
Like upstanding citizens shooting criminals on their property? I fail to see the issue here.

>I guess it especially wouldn't happen in schools, filled with hundreds of people, and a bunch of teachers with guns.
Nope, because only an insane teacher would open fire surrounded by other guns, and he'd be put down in seconds. Unlike if the shooter was the only entity there with a weapon.

>you will now say he wouldn't have opened fire without access to that gun
If he's batshit enough to open fire surrounded by guns, he's batshit enough to obtain one
Theres quite a bit of training involved.
>THOSE people

Be careful how you word your posts, you racist nazi.
yeah I know its just the only picture I had
Yes "anyone" can be a teacher just as "anyone" can own a gun.
There are checks in place for both so you don't like crazy people have guns or teach peple.

to use
>anyone can teach
as an argument to not give guns to teachers is stupid.
Read the bottom of the images.
The reason is explained.
>Homes with pools have a much higher rate of drowning than homes with guns.
Homes with pools have a much higher rate of drowning than shootings in homes with guns.

my bad
>God given

>this is what amerikkkans actually believe

how can you be this stupid and be able to use a computer just amazes me
Let's not get too euphoric now your fedora might fall off.
what makes you think belief is limited to stupid people?
Some of the most intelligent people in the world believe in things
I can't believe nobody has thought of just hosting a separate dialup server. Its slow as hell but it could be done a lot cheaper than broadband
Not him, and I don't think that someone who doesn't exist can give rights.
Stop >implying that he said that the constitution was god-given.
It was written by people who felt that we should protect these rights (god-given, inherent, whatever) by setting them into stone--or rather, parchment.
It would still use existing phone lines that are controlled by... Yep, you guessed it.
> I don't think that someone who doesn't exist can give rights.

How many derailments have we had so far?
guns, god, the definition of "liberal", what am I missing?
It would be simpler and better to just confiscate and nationalize the current infrastructure.
The companies would still exist, but they would be limited to telephone, television, and everything else.
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>Some of the most intelligent people in the world believe in things
Funfact: nearly all of the great geniuses believed in immortality.
Hate to break it to you man but, while 'a god' or 'many gods' may exist, Yahweh doesn't.

You may want to have a sit down, perhaps breath into a paper bag or something.
>It would be simpler and better
technically, yes; go on...
I'm guessing you did not read the thread...
Armchair politicians and leaders of rebellions go to

>I don't think that someone who doesn't exist can give rights.

Hey! We're all waiting for you over at Reddit.com!
Guns aren't the problem.

Look at Switzerland, everyone has a gun but there is almost no crime and no shootings.
wow, how can you be such a shitstain

1. I wasn't talking about "believing in God" as retarded, I was referring to thinking that constitution was somehow "inspired by God" as being completely retarded

2. sorry, but argumentum ad auctoritatem doesn't rustle my jimmies
And look at the UK, no guns and alot of crimes and shooting
I wasn't even talking about god(s) and the like.

anyone who's not a retard and believes in a god has to except that to say
>x doesn't exist
is true, if it hasn't been proven that x does exist
that's why they believe it and not know it
stabbing not shooting
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Oh Horn Loaded, how I hate you in /g/ threads... but you're the best tripfriend on /k/.
I don't even post in /k/
but it was inspired by god
Hey, he's the one who derailed it. I'm just adding fuel to keep derailing this thread.
Besides, redditors would rather stick to the subcirclejerks they agree with than actually argue or provoke.
>believing in fairies and unicorns
More like a child shooting themselves, their parents, or siblings accidentally.
Or an angered person grabbing a gun, and shooting someone.

Fuck you're delusional.
Thanks saw those afterawards
I didn't, as I saw the trend towards OP's image.
I'm not particularly liberal, but some modern industries have tended towards abuse and rights infringement (e.g. telecom, pharma, food) and therefore either need to be restructured or nationalized. Restructuring didn't work 40 years ago (AT&T/Bell), so we should give nationalization a try.
Ah fuck, didn't see I was on /g/. I'm a dumbass.

Love you still.
yes, because all those guns are locked up in lockers and people are taught from youngest age to leave them the fuck alone

those are guns for defending the country, not for shooting at ducks, fiber cables or kids in local elementary school

the Wild West ended a long time a go, time to grow up 'Murrika!
Not even non-euclidean geometry can hold all those edges.
this is bait.jpg
>More like a child shooting themselves
Training and we never said the children would have access to the guns, only know how to safely operate them
>Or an angered person grabbing a gun, and shooting someone.
People who are that irrational won't have access to the gun

Pretty sure you're the delusional one.
Love you too anon
>all those guns are locked up in lockers and people are taught from youngest age to leave them the fuck alone

Source on this?
>Or an angered person grabbing a gun, and shooting someone.
or an angered person grabbing a knife and stabbing someone
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I would feel safer with a gun.
ITT: We point to examples supporting our claims and extrapolate them into generality.
>yes, because all those guns are locked up in lockers
It's not uncommon to see people OCing long guns
The founders put that in there because God was supposed to be above man's authority. Of course, seeing as a bunch of people don't believe in God these days, you can see why that bit of protection isn't as effective as it was supposed to be.

That's the irony of not believing in [insert deity here]. You may be free from religious control, but you can't really use "God's protection" when you don't believe in him at all. Which means you need to come up with other reasons why our rights should be protected.
The reason is: Either you agree with this or we cut your head off.
What the fuck /g/

Why did this thread turn into a mix of /k/ and /pol/?

Read OP's post again.

They are not locked up.
an easy mistake to make

I feel that instead of being treated equally, they get a lot of exceptions that we don't; e.g. MTA goes on strike (their contract ended, they had no obligation to work) everyone gets fined, union leader imprisoned.
You can't purchase many, many chemicals either outright or without heavy tax (like alcohol) unless you're a company in a certain industry.
I'd rather level the playing field, let comsumers choose who they give their money to, and let the market sort it out.
>All the retarded pseudo-intellectual sanctimonious libertarianism in here

For fucks sake people, when did we become /pol/?
Because OP comitted imageboard mistake #1:

>never post an inflamatory picture that is more interesting than your post
what the hell are you on about?!

all the people involved in writing the constitution were declared atheists

or you really think that "separation of church and state" was just a little slip up on their side?
>implying non-euclidian geometry exists IRL
>implying that the dimensions we can comprehend aren't curved in perfectly euclidian hyperspace
>Opinion I don't like is /pol/

Is this a new meme?
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>For fucks sake people, when did we become /pol/?
Wait, are you actually fucking pretending we were never libertarians on here?

Fuck off reddit disinfo agent.
>>34419790 (OP)
>It would cost billions in laying cables and shit
/g/ already has "cables and shit", it would cost as much as nechbeards going from one to another and connecting each other together
You don't know shit.

>implying numbers exist
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>>34419790 (OP)
>10 year olds running around with guns are going to result in fewer people getting killed
so you think that because people don't think that a character in a book was real, they can't be inspired by it?
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>make the racist tea partier redneck FOX NEWS watchers go away mommy
what I meant was "locked in a hidden cupboard, in a way that kids can't get to it"

unlike amerikans "let's hang it over a fireplace" attitude
Source on your claims?
are you stupid?
you could put something in plain site or hide it away.
Unless you teach a child what it is they are going to be curious about it.

But that's still wrong, you can have your gun wherever the fuck you want, in the kitchen, over the fireplace, under your bed etc.
Half of Switzerland are so inbred, they are missing both the mental capacity and the fingers to pull a trigger.
I didn't imply numbers exist
>implying math isn't just a mental construct created by humans who can never understand the universe, because their brains are contained within it and operate under its laws.
The sheer level of confirmation bias is amazing
golden rule is unrelated to religion

just because different people came up with the same thing doesn't mean they had the same source for it
>Half of Switzerland are so inbred, they are missing both the mental capacity and the fingers to pull a trigger.
I accept your defeat.

Learn to argue next time.
I agree with that in principle, but it doesn't always work in practice. Because I live in NYC, I can't choose who supplies my electricity: I have to use ConEd. Sometimes the best thing to do is use the government's regulation powers to dismantle an unfair system.
>>All the retarded pseudo-intellectual sanctimonious libertarianism in here

It's something i've noticed to be common among IT types, the sorts that dominate /g/. They have this idea that there is some evil "leftist" monster working against their warped ideals all because of some insipid internet argument, and in response they energetically throw the most hole ridden and vacuous of arguments against this invisible enemy to convince themselves that they are the one who stand on the moral high ground.
>>10 year olds running around with guns are going to result in fewer people getting killed
>10 year olds running around not armed are going to result in fewer people getting killed....from school shootings
lol australia
If you say that, why did you say

>non-euclidian geometry exists IRL

when it's obvious that nothing in maths can 'exist IRL'

I didn't say that.
>I just think it's totally irrational if you're owning them out of fear, rather than for recreation.
And that's where you fucked up.
>10 year olds running around not armed are going to result in fewer people getting killed....from school shootings

Well, yeah.
of course they can

the thing is they don't

because they have a healthy relationship with guns

most of amerikkkans still think that they live in the Wild West and that the nearest law enforcement is a sheriff two days away by horse
>implying nonhuman

Same here; and I have no choice over the private company that collects my "transportation fee" or whatever it's called. Check your bill, you pay more to a private company (which may differ) than to ConEd.
Meanwhile, I get 50Mbps from RCN for $36, because they're afraid I might switch to Time Warner or Optimum.

Stop talking shit please, I actually am Swiss.
A healthy relationship with firearms is knowing how to use them and be prepared to do so.

It's a fact that police will never be there in time, has nothing to do with wild west.
>why did you say
>>non-euclidian geometry exists IRL
I said it because the other person implied it; if you notice, I didn't agree with it.

>Con Edison
>not unfair
Shit, it's in the name
not the other anon, and I agree with you about everything else, but

>It's a fact that police will never be there in time, has nothing to do with wild west.
That is EXACTLY what made the wild west the "wild west"
Nice man. Most ISPs here provide the same speeds, but Earthlink gives me a pretty good rate. Considering switching though.
How does

>Not even non-euclidean geometry can hold all those edges.

imply 'E.G exists IRL' (whatever that may mean) ?
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>A written constitution isn't just 'written somewhere'
Yes it is. There's nothing special about constitutions.
Comparing gun laws of US and Switzerland makes sense because those countries are very similar.

Ofc it was the same in the wild west, but it still is true.

There is no way for police to be there in time. I live in Zürich and my neighbor has an alarm system, which once went off by mistake and it took the police 15 minutes to show up, and keep in mind this is in the biggest city, it's way worse in the countryside.

That is 15 minutes you are alone with whoever just broke into your house, I just don't want to be unarmed in such a situation.
fucking ###rekt###
Every few years, I call to cancel my service and they always give my discounts.
They appear as "loyal customer discount" on my bill.

>implying something that doesn't exist can hold edges

It's as special as the 650 people who decided to call themselves "MP".
I agree with everything you said, I'm just saying that when you said
>It's a fact that police will never be there in time, has nothing to do with wild west.
it DOES have to do with the "wild west". It's not wild, and it's not the western US, but both the west and Switzerland have a lot of guns for the same reason.
>there's nothing special about constitutions.
politician detected
that job just attracts the worst of humanity, it really does. politicians are scum
Don't look at them, look at the people who vote them in.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

>inb4 people who don't understand the spoiler effect start talking about how 'they' control who you vote for
Most liberals are against bans on those things you dummy
>>34419790 (OP)
Because it's not possible. One cable from Internet1 to Internet2 and Internet2 becomes an extension of Internet1.
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Shh, he's hating people, don't interrupt him.
You're not okay with teachers carrying knifes that are designed to kill people to school, are you?
>what are emotions

Still, what the US really needs is not more anti-gun laws, it's less pro-gun people. Laws can't fix cultural problems.
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you are 100% correct
your facts seem to be wrong
>knife crime in UK.png
Guns aren't a problem though.
>it's less pro-gun people
less pro gun people?
how about less pro murder people?
>facts hurt my feelings
>Source: 2011 FBI Crime Statistics http://www.fbi.gov/
That isn't a very precise source.
>>34419790 (OP)
Why don't you use commotion /g/ ?
Lol u mad.
>implying everyone has the emotional capacity of a liberal
Okay, the line above isn't serious, but even when I get emotional, the worst thought I've had of someone was "it would be better if they didn't exist", not "I should shoot this motherfucker".
I've never reached for a gun to hurt somebody in my life, but if I ever do, it will only be to incapacitate someone who is a threat to someone else--not because I got pissed.
Again, most people in the world are quite civil, and most gun owners who know how dangerous they can be will second guess themselves every time they reach for a gun, which I think is quite healthy.

Also, by your argument, let's ban knives in kitchens, because people regularly argue in their kitchens.
>facts hurt my feelings
>Source: 2011 FBI Crime Statistics http://www.fbi.gov/
But I can't find any of these statistics on the FBI website.
>people are stabbing and bludgeoning each other to death instead of shooting each other
so not only are you liberal, you're retarded also? you really should consider suicide.

Lol u mad.
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>Most liberals are against bans on those things you dummy

Please be a troll, you can't possibly be this dumb.

Being liberal implies retardation.
Austria != Australia.

lrn2 yurop
what's wrong with being liberal?
I thought americans were all about liberty
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American liberals are against liberty.
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>living in a third world country like the UK, australia, etc
liberal in America != liberal in other countries.
Don't confound us with your fancy word play, you pinko!
>Democrats are against democracy
>Republicans are against republics
The link you just gave doesn't have any statistics for crime in the UK.
because the federal bureau of investigation for the UNITED STATES is going to have stats for a third world country, right? get fucked, commie.
there's lots
but as it's not the usa it doesn't matter
what matters is crime in the usa
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Fake statistics are fake
>new internet
That sound like something Apple could sell.
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I think leftists should just kill themselves.

That or move to north korea. There's a lot more statist bootlicking going on over there.
But.. but you posted a picture where it said the source was...

True actually.

Both parties are social democrats. Fuck them both.
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>end all be all of the internet
yes, some random image is a much better source
>hur these statistiks r tru i fownd them from the fbi website!!
>does not specify which page on fbi website
>not a single page on the fbi website containing relevant statistics indexed by google
okay buddy.
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Mad faggot is mad.
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>>34419790 (OP)
murrikans are so fucking stupid they need a caption to explain the picture.
>$2780.4 on food

what a fat fuck
>>does not specify which page on fbi website
I'm afraid you're gonna have to elaborate on your point dear sir.
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USA general.
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>dat inferiority complex
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>all this librul yuroshit rectal pain
feels good to not be retarded AND live in a first world country

>social security
>welfare/social programs

The military spending and interest on debt do suck though.
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Yurp slaves general.


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