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oznzb Usenet Indexing Community


For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

EDIT: The Rotating Banners contest is now over, but we still need more House Ads!

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Why aren't you using duck duck go?
because Startpage is better in nearly every way
I'm not interested in dragon dildos
I use startpage
It looks like cluttered shit and change hurts my autism.
>>34959229 (OP)
search results are less forthcoming
>>34959229 (OP)
>squirrel typing dragon dildos
oh /g/...
>>34959229 (OP)
I'm 22 married and gagging 4 big cock . Call me hun! 0792846930
>>34959229 (OP)
google works better for me
>search dragon dildos
>Dragon this, Dragon that, no dildos
>search "dragon dildos"
>The search engine doesn't support AND, OR or NOT, nor the quotation symbols
Fuck no.
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close enough
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I am. Generally I find the native results are pretty good, and the ! accelerator things get around any shortcomings or let you find HilariousReactionImage.jpg on google images etc.
>>34959229 (OP)
Because I'm circumcised and am not interested in anything sex related since masturbation is damn boring anyways.
What's duckduckgoog? Results from google with privacy of Duckduckgo?
and also bang functionality
having sex with ducks is considered beastiality and is illegal in most us states
don't bang ducks

I use it for the results not the privacy though. Google thinks it has this amazing ability to predict and filter/rearrange my results but I find I get much more useful results when I google through a proxy.

I already alerted the authorities

I don't use it because it has shitty search results, but I don't know how one could say its cluttered.

duckduckgoog is better anyways if you don't care so much about using google search results.
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>giving a shit about football
Here, I found your problem.
Because I have adblock
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>Using that as a defence for awful search algorithms
>giving a shit about tinfoil

I guess you could develop more worthwhile interests
Not hi, but it's kind of unfair to compare Google's search algorithm with DuckDuckGo's one, since one has been around for ~15 years and the other one is relatively new. Just give it time.
isn't this essentially just doing a !g bang?
But now you don't have to type 4 extra keys every time you search something
After that time I'll be ready to move. But for now it's just shit compared to google. I am concerned about my privacy, but I'm ready to type "furry loli futanari scat" in google to get best results.
You must be the laziest person alive.
Wouldn't it just be easier to use a front end which pulls all the data from Google and serves it up to you anonymously?
Keep in mind that your results might be bubbled in google. What was the exact term you used? I want to try that search for myself.

>saying this on /g/
>not using oxford commas

>using oxford commas
How horrifying. Please stop using that goddamn monstrosity and use the real goddamn quote character.
>Keep in mind that your results might be bubbled in google
Oh well at least I've got a good fap. Maybe someday some big man will buy my information and give me thumb up for my taste.
I actually like personalized results. Google knows EXACTLY what I was looking for every time.
I don't see how startpage is any better. It can't possibly be scraping Google results entirely.

and it's not a bubble issue either. I can search for a random term like a forum username and Google will still pull more and better results than Startpage can
I'm not sure how well it works on google, but on youtube I always get bullshit assfaggots video recommendations for some reason.
The thing about results ripped from Google are that they still rely on a shitty, invasive company. We can't change anything until we get rid of it.
I can attest to that, while my Google searches are spot on my YouTube recommendations and searches are nothing but forced horrible garbage. I can;t tell if it's the search being bad, the team being bad (and forcing content) or just the community being bad and actually flooding the site with this shit then watching it. It's probably the last one.
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I don't care if Google knows I've been searching for furry porn
>being this fucking lazy
Yes, but you will never find something new on google.
Can you elaborate a little bit on this? I typically search for information or media content, I don't use Search to find new things when there are other sites for that.
>nothing to hide
Yeah. What happens when it's counted as bestiality?
I don't know what you're Google Talk-ing about. I've Google Searc-ed your post and I can't seems to find what you mean. I even put on my Google Goggles. I'm gonna look at my Google Maps to find my friends and see if me +him can figure this out.
if your traffic isnt being hidden, it doesnt matter
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But I am
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>he uses a dedicated search bar
>tfw that's the actual ad from the page footer

They know their audience.
>having to search for dragon dildos
>not knowing the site's URL
What do they think we are, some kind of casuals?
calling bullshit. post a link to the resource on a 4chan or DDG server.
>He uses Chrome
>Doesnt' realize Firefox has the ability to use keywords to initiate search directly

You must use Adblock then. Right now all I'm seeing are the znzb ads, but the OP is seriously one of the ads that will be shown at the bottom of the page.
I keep refreshing with adblock off in chrome and I just see znzb ads.
OK, in /v/ I see one called "aids", but not "dragon dildos"
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yea aight m8
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OK, holy fuck, it's real
Here's the resource hosted on 4chan servers.


oznzb Usenet Indexing Community

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