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Where do you guys get your tech news from?

Please don't say pic related. That place is a liberal shithole that tries to introduce liberalism into tech.
Hacker news

i don't read the articles i just look at the article titles
I use Twitter, sadly.
>>35039043 (OP)
engadget is a whole lot better now that the verginas have gone and made their own website

>A study at University College London in the UK has found that conservatives’ brains have larger amygdalas than the brains of liberals. Amygdalas are responsible for fear and other “primitive” emotions.


>Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.


>"General intelligence, the ability to think and reason, endowed our ancestors with advantages in solving evolutionarily novel problems for which they did not have innate solutions," says Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics and Political Science. "As a result, more intelligent people are more likely to recognize and understand such novel entities and situations than less intelligent people, and some of these entities and situations are preferences, values, and lifestyles."

>Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) support Kanazawa's hypothesis. Young adults who subjectively identify themselves as "very liberal" have an average IQ of 106 during adolescence while those who identify themselves as "very conservative" have an average IQ of 95 during adolescence.
How much better?
conservitard status: #rekt
>>35039043 (OP)
I look at a shit load of different ones. Verge included. Its really not that bad.
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>being a fag enabler
>being proud of that
Lol look at this buttmad liberal thinking that liberal colleges will tell the truth about liberalism.

>have bigger muscles, and higher testosterone levels
>implying this is anywhere near as useful as intelligence in modern society which lives overwhelmingly sedentary lifestyles on average
>The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is the frontal part of the cingulate cortex, which resembles a "collar" surrounding the frontal part of the corpus callosum. It consists of Brodmann areas 24, 32, and 33. It appears to play a role in a wide variety of autonomic functions, such as regulating blood pressure and heart rate, as well as rational cognitive functions, such as reward anticipation, decision-making, empathy, impulse control,[1] and emotion.[2][3]

No wonder liberals are typical a bunch of scum who can't make anything except emotional arguments
well they don't randomly throw in articles about how android is contributing to global warming, if that's any indication.

tbh, the in-depth articles are well written and relatively unbiased, the android articles are about android, the ios articles are about ios, and the winmo articles are about as common as microsoft's market capture.

For pure newspaper-type journalism, engadget is perfect. For more indepth i turn to phoronix for linux, omg-ubuntu for ...ubuntu, and a handful of tech-related subreddits for link aggregation to the wider internet
also, developing...
>Young adults who subjectively identify themselves as "very liberal" have an average IQ of 106 during adolescence while those who identify themselves as "very conservative" have an average IQ of 95 during adolescence.

I'd love to see that IQ test. I bet thsoe questions were just perfectly rational to use.
You're postin on it.
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>being out of shape

pick 2, top kek
Too bad most liberals don't use that brain power.
>>35039043 (OP)
I have the verge on my feedly.

come at me op.
>implying modern society won't eventually fall due to the fundamental flaws of relationship between technology and humanity

Hope you can learn to hunt, cub.
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yes hes a shill

but he has good information and informative reviews. every other tech site besides him and /g/ has shit opinions.
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>those books

What the fuck
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>implying this is anywhere near as useful as intelligence in modern society

You liberals claim to be smart, and what do you do for the modern society? You write feminist trash, literature review, and pornography. You're useless to a modern society. Most of you can't even find a job because your brain could only get you a degree in History at best.
I've never seen a liberal going for degree in a science. It's always and art.

I have spoken to many liberals that think psychology is an absolute science, though.
This right here.

Why do I see so few of these "free-spirited" liberals in STEM fields?

People take history degrees?
libtards can't into rationality

only emotionality
So wherever you guys are getting your news from.
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Because they have a high IQ, duh!
why get a boring job that will actually give you a return on your money?

I'd much rather spend 4 years on my parents / governments / mintory scholarship's money. Then I can pursue a useful job with my history degree
the idiots go into petroleum engineering and geology

the commoners go into civil engineering

the sorta smarts go into power engineering

the geniouses go into EECE, CS, Physics, Math, Biology, Chemistry, and Medicine
>>35039043 (OP)
pic related
Might want to invent a good spell checker then.
That's changing though, more people are coming to CS and CE for "jobs" and "sexy startups" rather than for the field and the theory itself.
could you imagine someone getting an arts degree in computer science?

i'm gonna cry if that's a thing.
sorry, too lazy to right-click->geniuses

don't remind me...
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Because engineering, technology, science, and math are for people with LOWER IQ's you ignoramus!

Politics, art, literature, gender studies, ethnic studies, and art are for people with HIGHER IQ's.

Don't you get it? The data about IQ matches up with what we see in reality! Sheesh!
My brother got an Art Degree
Is now an Auto-body mechanic
He spends 90% of his day engineering.
His buddy went for CS
Designs websites all day for a company, does most of the art for the website.

The irony makes them both laugh.
I think some uni's already offer that, a few basic CS courses mixed in with some psychology and "perspective" bullshit.

I can't imagine it ever taking off, though.

Not exactly right, but I see your point. Sometimes, people don't get to do exactly what they want to in life, and have to improvise.
It's good that they can laugh about it, it shows that they're at least somewhat happy doing what they do.

Some people are very qualified in their field, but they just get a degree because in this day and age you kind of have to whether you're great at what you do or not.

If I was good at what I did but everyone wanted me to get a degree, I'd probably go for an art degree because it'd be easier.

Libtards seem to take it like it's some sort of higher understanding of things.
Oh I'm officially registered for a BA in CS at my university. When I switched over from a different major I didn't have the math for the BS track. I'll finish a BS in 2 years but haven't changed the name on paper. Thanks for the reminder
>>35039043 (OP)
>Where do you guys get your tech news from?
Sweet man, good luck with that.
Thanks. What would you even do with a BA in CS?
Hope to god your life doesn't reduce to shambles, I guess.
>>35039043 (OP)
I don't think the Verge is really pro liberal. I think its more "write about X because X brings in the readers". That just happens to be liberal topics these days -- feminism and the tech industry is a crazy hot topic for example.

Anyways, I tend to get my news from Ars Technica but it seems like they don't update as often as The Verge. The Verge is more 'tabloid'-esque -- I don't feel their writers are really journalists, but more like bloggers. Some of their articles are basically just links to other sites.

What I check out for news:
Ars Technica

What I check out for tech related things people are talking about:
The Verge

What I check out for the geek in me:
Hackaday (closing down? D: )
Makezine (gone to shit recently)
Sparkfun Thursdays and Fridays
UniverseToday for spess news

If anyone has any suggestions for cool hacks/robotic/electronic blogs/sites, links would be most appreciated.
I dunno, but the median starting salary for University of Illinois grads in CS is $90,000/yr.

So who takes science degrees then? Can't be conservatives.
Not to mention all the "journalists" are jews or women.
Smart people.
Scientists get more funding by voting Democrat.
maximum pc
Also the planet only being 5000 thousand years old is also a bit hard for a REAL scientist to swallow
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Pic related
and yet all race data is racist junk science, right?

but of course having a life outlook that reflects Darwinism relates negatively to intelligence is true, right?
way to tell da fundies man!
I don't subscribe to the stormfriend philosophy that what you are is more important than what you do.

I could care less who writes the article since I have a brain and can filter out shit that's useless or just there to get views and shit that's really interesting and a good read.

I kind of pity that you can't do the same; its a pretty common human trait. But hey, since you're ARYAN MASTUR RACE, not being able to judge content based on what it says instead of who wrote it must be one of those superior traits from those superior genes. Go Hitler! Woooo!
I like how the word "Liberal" is all it takes to start a political shit storm.

You guys are idiots, no one is going to change their opinion on anything, no one is going to concede victory to you in an internet argument, it's the most fruitless waste of time you could possibly do today. Why don't you go tidy something up, or continue work on a project you've been working on? It would be a better use of time and you would be a better person for it.
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>reading anything but hacker news
plebs, all of you.

So tl;dr, you're being dumb by choice?
So are you telling me you believe the universe is only 5000 thousand years old?

I don't care if you are liberal or Conservative... that's fucking retarded.

Believing in a invisible man in the sky... is retarded.

And giving massive amount of tax payer money to large groups of people who add nothing to the GDP is also fucking retarded.

But on a scale of retardation, invisible men and taking an religious text as FACT is far more retarded.
irc :3`\
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Hacker news seems to violate their own advice. top kek
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please don't tell me this is real
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>not reading the real hacker news
>not knowing the difference
>hacker news
go to any barnes and nobel (or other book stores) and look in the magazine section. There's always something like this. I think they just change the order of the articles around every month, just like college textbooks.
>That place is a liberal shithole that tries to introduce liberalism into tech.

I remember when the word "liberal" actually had meaning.
What the fuck is she looking at?
>muh platitudes
Shut up faggot.

It's fun to insult entire groups of people and you know it.

There's no shitstorm here.
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Shlomo don't you have somewhere else to go?
>>35039043 (OP)

The Register
>>35039043 (OP)
>>35039043 (OP)
Look what you've gone and done now OP. You just had to say the fucking L-word. Now this whole thread is /pol/-tier shit flinging.

Go kill yourself.
You nigga's are funny...

But ya ignorant
This is you.
That's mean and hateful. Why would you want to do that? In the end are you really gaining from that or is it slowly doing damage to you as a person?
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Hahaha, oh my sides, they're out in space!
I can't help it, I fucking loled.

The Universe is 13.4 billion years old.
>>35039043 (OP)
TechDirt, Daily Tech, Phandroid, OMGubuntu mainly
GrokLaw if you like boring legal copyright stuff.
Also, some gamedev stuff, but doesn't really apply unless your a gamedev
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Hahahah, oh shit this is cash :')
It's not hateful or damaging.

It's fun.

Nobody really cares.

Now are you going to keep being a stupid libtard who's sick of all us great big meanies or are you going to relax and stop taking life so seriously?
There's hate in you that you would find enjoyment from verbally attacking another person. That's only going to lead to misery. I just want you to be happy, anon.
There's nothing verbal about going online, and typing words that form sentences to express opinions you don't actually have.

You're the one who seems unhappy and mislead, buddy. I love you.
Because hippies are not all liberals.

STEM fields are overwhelmingly socially liberal.
>>35039043 (OP)
>liberal shithole
needs more explanation...
My sides are floating in a most peculiar way.
>>35039043 (OP)
>educated literate news
>not liberal
pick one.
>dat appropriation

you can't name a better page that literally will have anything important to the modern internet generation at the very top

get fucked
how about educated literate news without politics and unnecessary social commentary

You could try just not being an insecure little faggot.
Caring about what gay people are doing.
It's like you want to be one.
Back on track...

What's up with Gizmodo?
>tfw stem fields are socially liberal and you're a cunt
>tfw your ass-backwards perception of liberalism won't matter soon because your kind is dying out
>conservatives dying out
That's not how it works. Each generation finds new ways to be conservatarded.
Usually I'd agree, but after seeing a pro-life bill in Texas being destroyed, anything can happen. Plus DOMA and the recent rise in support for gay marriage.
>Ctrl + f
>Only one mention of Ars Technica
I shiggy.
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Doesn't he run mostly Intel?
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This is why I hate that "Le happy merchant" shit, it almost always devolves the thread into /pol/ shit. You wanna talk about race and liberalism? Take that shit to /pol/.
That pic was well said.

I wish polfags would stop shitting up every board with their NIGGERSANDJEWSAREBADNEWS bullshit.
It is a thing. At my university (UBC) the only difference is that BA students take more English and learn a second language instead of taking chemistry, physics, etc. in first year. The math and cs requirements are the same.
I read Ars but I quit lately because their journalists have been raging faggots - basically doxing their users (snowden) and their security articles are usually shit tier. Other than that they're great

XDA has pretty good reads sometimes. Slashdot. Androidandme gives good benchmark comparisons of phones that are usually accurate to real world performance. CNX-software for the best news in embedded systems.
>your kind is dying out
top lel
>this study shows that conservatives have a lower average IQ than liberals
>this proves that conservatives are inferior!
>all these studies show that blacks have a lower average IQ than whites
>hurr durr racist, nazi, stormfag, etc.


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