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oznzb Usenet Indexing Community


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28 KB
Welp, after installing Linux on several of my devices, including my laptop, main gaming desktop, and using on my phone (Android) I can safely come to the conclusion, that Linux is the worst operating system/kernel known to fucking man
It will NEVER become mainstream on Desktop because it doesn't fucking work!
I still have to search the web for kernel modules I have to compile, I now have useless shit in /usr/ that apt-get autoremove --purge wont even get rid of, and then I have to deal with little bullshit problems like the lack of browser control icons in epiphany (see pic related) yes, I did install all the necessary gnome theme packages, and still fucking nothing, most libraries and dependancies are stagnated because when you put a bunch of fucking college kids in charge of an open source kernel, there is no unified standard, some developers choose bias over some other way of doing things as others, its complete bullshit
The ONLY reason why Linux is somewhat useful, is in the fact that its cheap and easy to port to who the fuck knows what
Pic related, I'm running Linux on my Wii, did I really accomplish anything? Not fucking really, I'm just proving my point
m-m-muh freedoms ;_;
Moron and/or troll.

I'm gonna go with moron, because it amuses me more.

Get off Debian shit nuggets(btw, I know why you don't have those icons, but I'm gonna let you go on like that[btw, it's mostly becuase you're on debian]).

oznzb Usenet Indexing Community

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