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Thoughts on Windows 8.1?
Still NSA backdoor'd
Still doesn't respect your freedom
Still has metro
Still shit.
/thread and every windows release to come

Still the only OS that runs games worth a shit
Linux has no games
~B-but Windows 9000 will be a return to true Windows glory!
>muh gaymes
If that's really your only argument, you should install Gentoo or kill yourselves.
Much better than Windows 8, but after putting it into sleep mode my wireless doesn't work unless I reboot.
Do I have to pay for 8.1 or is it a free upgrade from W8
>only argument
>install gentoo

That doesn't even make sense you fucking faggot. You literally can not game worth shit on something that isn't Windows.
Microshit needs to release a Windows with everything stripped so we can play Window vidya on it and not have to deal with all the Microbullshit.

Oh wait, that's Linux.
Yeah, but
>muh games
>b-b-b-b-b-b-but muh gaymes
Kill yourself.
What's wrong with wanting to play games?
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>mfw dependencies
>mfw compiling from source
>mfw command line fuckery to make basic things work

yeah okay
Linux has Doom and Quake and did I mention more Doom and Quake.

Seriously though, there are a few Linux games and most are pretty good.
You're prioritizing games over preventing Microsoft and the NSA from spying on your every move. That's what's wrong.
Every OS is essentially the same useless shit aside from Windows supporting the widest range of game software.
>le obvious FUD face
Go back to bed, Ballmer.

Wow, it's like I'm really in 1998!
Where "a few" is about one one hundredth of a percent of the same games you can get on Linux.

>cant into dual booting

Seriously if the NSA wants to spy on my shitty LoL games they're welcome to.
B-but anon a government takeover could m-make LoL illegal and they'd know that you play it.
Stallman pls leave the premises

Good thing I'm:

A) Not American
B) Not a pedophile like 80% of /g/
Free upgrade for 8.
I really don't give much of a fuck if NSA spies on me, I don't plan on doing anything illegal.
>cries about MS having backdoor
>uses google to search and chrome to browse

Let's see, so last night I thought I'd play some SNES games. Already got the roms out on my NAS.

>Download the emulator
>Play game

>Package not in the repos because HURR WE ONLY DO LE FREE SOFTWARE
>Add the rpmfusion repo (requires command line)
>yum install emulator (requires command line)
>run emulator (requires command line)
>Segfault on startup, something to do with a sound module
>Google the error
>yum install a few more things (CLI)
>same problem
>more googling
>find the right module
>install (CLI)
>start emulator
>Finally! Start game
>Screen flashes every few frames
>Menu screen of emulator is blank
>Have to jump to a tty to kill -9 the process (motherfucking CLI)

[294 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click here to view.]
>he still uses chrome and google

It's because there's no alternative. Linux isn't an alternative because it doesn't support the games. Nor does it run Adobe products and DAW's (at least not native).

I'm sure a LOT of people would change OS if they could actually use the programs/games on it they want to use.

what kind of emulator is that? Most of them are in the repos

the rest is true though
>libre software only
yeah nah
>not American
That just means you don't even have the protection of the US Constitution when our government spies on you. As a non citizen you have basically no rights under US law, and since we're wiretapping the core of the Internet...
ZSNES in the example I gave.
>Fedora has a defined set of licensing policies, which can be found at Licensing. The summary version is that all software and fonts in Fedora must be under a Free license, with the notable exception of firmware.

this. i would switch any day if Linux would run my games, photshop and other for me important programms natively and more over properly.
>but muh games
Shut the FUCK UP about your stupid video games. Adobe couldn't code its way out of a wet paper bag - see how their OS X products still can't install on a case sensitive filesystem - and there are some damn fine DAWs for Linux in the form of Ardour and Renoise.
Using Fedora is part of your problem, use debian or Arch Linux.
My only problem with 8.1 is with the navigation pane. Somewhat arbitrarily, you can only toggle off favorites and then libraries without modifying the registry.

There should be a toggle for all of them, especially Skydrive.
If video game is so important to you why not just use WINE?

What does it say about the protection of the constitution when the government is spying on its citizens anyway?

In any case, I don't really care. There's nothing of interest the US government will find on my computer.
Because WINE is a piece of shit most of the time
FUCK YOU, faggot. Games are a major driver of computer performance increases and a legitimate use case, if you don't like it, tough.

>Adobe couldn't code its way out of a wet paper bag

Then why are all the alternatives to their software dogshit?

Gimp? Renoise? Ardour? TOP FUCKING KEK.
>Games are a major driver of computer performance increases
Fuck yeah summer!
>Games are a major driver of computer performance increases and a legitimate use case
They are childish distractions and do not warrant forfeiting your privacy and security. If you want to play games on Linux, there are some good native ones. It's a self reinforcing cycle - the more people play games on Linux, the more games get ported, and the more games get ported, the more people play games on Linux.
All your arguements are just you being angry, not solving any of the issues I stated. Which is kindof the usual response from Linux enthousiasts.
I was responding to that other fuckstick "HURR 1998" guy. You should not have to jump into a CLI to install what is pretty simple software in 20 fucking 13. Ever.

1998, I'll say, it's where the UX of your average distro is suck.
>hurr durr nothing to hide nothing to fear
Idiots like you are what gave rise to Hitler and Stalin and Mao.
>If you want to play games on Linux, there are some good native ones

Will it play the games I already own? No? Then fuck you, I don't care about your operating system.
That's because your problems boil down to a childish desire for vidya gaems and an almost Stockholm Syndrome like case of vendor lock in. They aren't legitimate concerns, so don't deserve legitimate responses.

Linux usership on steam has been falling consistancy according to Steam stats for the last few months. The true cycle is that nobody uses linux because there are no games and there are no games because developers don't want to waste their time and money on an OS nobody uses.
hitler was a result of a shitty post-war economy and his homeland getting fucked by the french, stalin took advantage of a revolution and mao came to power because jewish communists set the stage

complacent idiots had nothing to do with any of that
You are clearly an idiot, just because Linux shows more of how the system works (Like CLI) doesn't make it inferior to windows.
There's nothing wrong with using a CLI, you faggot. In arch, all I do is type "yaourt pcsx2" and hit "y" or "n." Very easy.

>By using windows you are promoting genocidal dictators

Now that is a slippery slope/false analogy if I ever saw one.
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>this whole thread
If live and breathe games then just dual boot, Jesus. Don't feed NSA everything else you do.
Microsoft has a direct partnership with the NSA. If they aren't the Stasi they're the next best thing.
I am confused, how does using Linux prevent the NSA from spying on you? Don't they get their information from the ISPs?
>childish desire for vidya gaems
not that guy but pardon me for having a hobby.
I dont buy a scooter just to drive to a garage where i park my motorbike instead of driving the motorbike in the first place.
>windows 8.1
I dindn't even use the start button in windows 7, looked like shit so I removed it. Them putting one in windows 8 is so fucking retarded.
Yes, but they would get significantly less data since the OS itself doesn't have a giant backdoor in it. The jury's still out on ssl connections though.
>not having a good enough computer to run games in a vm. Dual booting is a hassle.
Microsoft works with the NSA and actively delays reporting Windows exploits to make sure that the government can pwn systems for a while before they push a fix. Debian and Red Hat and Canonical do not do this.
>waaaaaaah I'm lazy I want my games nowwwwwwwwwwww

Your hobby is less important than your civil liberties.
Seriously a vm is much more practical than dual booting.
but im not even murrican. Is this fact or do we /pol/ now?
Being a citizen of somewhere other than the US means the NSA doesn't have to lube up by asking the FISA courts before they rape you in the ass.
Oh yeah, can't you do a PCI passthrough with a VM or something these days?

Police monitoring you is a violation of civil liberties?

How exactly do they catch criminals in your imaginary, idealistic fantasy land?
You need a motherboard and processor that support IOMMU. I think the Intel-branded name for that is VT-d.
>Police monitoring you is a violation of civil liberties?
Uh yes? Are you being serious right now?

>How exactly do they catch criminals in your imaginary, idealistic fantasy land?
Police don't prevent crimes you moron. They clean up the mess. They need to gather evidence, and obtain a warrant for an arrest.
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Go sleep Alex.
B-but I like to browser 4chan and irc while I muh games.
>Police monitoring you is a violation of civil liberties?
What part of "unreasonable search and seizure" are you unclear on?
What's that from?
>Police monitoring you is a violation of civil liberties?


I don't know about you but if police asked to search my house I would let them. I have nothing to hide and needlessly arousing suspicious only wastes their time and mine.

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