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The Verge reviews the new Nexus 7

>"it's the best tablet on the market right now"

Why haven't you already ordered one?
>>35545336 (OP)
already own a tablet. dont need the newest one? Plus ive recently bought a laptop. and bonus: it's not available in my country.
>>35545336 (OP)
Does this one also support xubuntu?
>>35545336 (OP)
>Why haven't you already ordered one?

7" too small and my hd+ was half the price

>>35545336 (OP)
I might order it in September, i want to see more reviews and user input before deciding on buying it or other tablet
Not until it's free as in freedom.
The original N7 is free as in freedom, you just need to install a Free ROM and not install the Google Apps. Even the 3D engine in the Tegra 3 SoC is open source now.
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I'd rather buy an iPad Mini
I'm waiting on the iPad Mini announcement. It would be irresponsible not to see both options before buying.

I'm not a frothing brand zealot, after all.
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>using a Nook
>>35545336 (OP)
>>"it's the best tablet on the market right now"
more like
>Thanks for the money google, we'll give your product a good review
there's nothing comparable at the moment for the price sorry m8
but it's just a big Nexus 4
I mean literally
>iPad Mini

Enjoy the same UI from six years ago.
Enjoy iOS 6
Enjoy it's locked box.

While Android, you can change everything.
I would but I'm already committed to the apple ecosystem.
>>35545336 (OP)
I don't like 'em
7" 16:10 seems really small next to the ipad mini
Dat bezel, also all tablets suck (atleast for me).
>>35545336 (OP)
The question here is:
How well will it play my chinese cartoons? And for how long before i have to recharge it?
the ipad wins all the time

google has no beef on it! :D
1 minute
Hey brand zealot, thanks for playing the "I'm too oblivious to spot myself in a crowd" game.
It's funny, because while one tablet makes better use of the physical hardware, the other makes better use of the screen real-estate.
hp touchpad is still going strong thank you very much
>YRF I have a iPhone 5
>Planning to sell the iPad Mini
>Switching to a Nexus 7 v2

;_; I dunno if I should get the 32 GB?
The review says it has a massive bezel, still stutters and jitters while scrolling, and the app ecosystem for Android tablets is still crap.

There are all major sticking points, and they were reasons I never got the original Nexus 7. I'll see you guys next year when you're telling me this one was crap but the one about to come out is good "forreal this time".
My Nook Color from 2010 runs Cyanogenmod 10.1 (aka Android 4.2) just fine. The Nooks are incredible because there's no unlocking bullshit involved - you just boot from removable media like it's the 1980s and you're trying out a new DOS floppy. Combine good driver support for everything except the bizarre USB OTG circuitry (which is fixed in the newer models like the HD+) and you have a damn fine little machine.
>still stutters and jitters while scrolling
It says that about one app, not the whole damn OS. Android 4.2 scrolls pretty smoothly on my 800MHz single core tablet, so I don't know wtf you faggots are doing to make it jittery on modern hardware.
Goddamn that Bezel is super big.
>Why haven't you already ordered one?
Because I'm in Britfaggotstan and I want the 4g LTE version. Can you order it from Google yet?
>it's the best tablet on the market right now
They do not say this anywhere on the review.

Its impossible for this little tablet to be better then a ASUS prime.
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Where can I buy this hat?
>>35545336 (OP)
/g/ was going off on the Verge yesterday morning
This, it mentions that it's the best small tablet in terms of viewing videos.
The device isn't even out yet.
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Under "fighting Moore's Law" he mentions it "when scrolling". He might have meant "when scrolling [within the Google Play Store]", but why is even that okay? Not considering that he could have said "except the aforementioned jittering" or something to point out the previous issue.

And the larger theme of the review was that the Nexus 7 he had last year started great and got dramatically worse over time. I don't want to see so much as a single leak on a ship I plan on riding for 2 years or longer.
>UK reporting September 13th release date.
Fuck. Me.
Of course it doesn't, you idiot. It hasn't been released for Canonical to test yet.
Are they 10bit? It won't.
>And the larger theme of the review was that the Nexus 7 he had last year started great and got dramatically worse over time.
That's because he's an idiot and did no research. The first rounds of Nexus 7 tablets had some horrible flaw in the way the eMMC was configured, but later manufacturing revisions fixed it and there was even an app to un-fuck it. He got a lemon, don't judge the whole model by it.
I'm buying the Nook HD tomorrow unless there is another high resolution tablet with microSD card slot coming out soon.
Oh I didn't read the part where he said that he neglected to do any of that background legwork. Thanks in advance for pointing it out.
And what if they aren't? I am considering switching out my shitty Galaxy Tab 10.1. It's slow as fuck and has about one half decent rom. [spoiler]It was free.[/spoiler] Now I imagine the N7.2 should have little trouble playing bach 1080p 8bit mkvs at the intended framerates, should it?
>not coming out in yurope until fuckknowswhen
What's the best way to get it shipped here
>not buying the plus
I'm going to install Ubuntu touch, bam, lag gone
Because I don't see the need for a tablet.
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>>35545336 (OP)
Already own a tablet, no need for another.

And those bezels are fucking lol worthy. Every time.
Because it's still a tablet.
When will Apple and Amazon come out with new tablets?
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>I'm too stupid to know what Cydia is
Oh okay.
>>35545336 (OP)
That wallpaper is sexy, where can I get it?
if that's a phone, fine

but if its a tablet, how the fuck do you hold it?

And next year you will be making chickenshit excuses as well. so kindly fuck off.

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