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The next 4chan Q&A/PMQ will be held on /q/ at 8:00PM ET on Sunday, May 12th.

I'll be spending the night answering questions/listening to feedback this coming Sunday. Don't know what a PMQ is? It's detailed towards the end of this news post.
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If you can't make it Sunday night and have a question/comment, feel free to send it to moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT.

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Stupid technology stories?

>Be known as computer geek in family
>Stupid cousins all around
>"Hey anon, can you order an HDMI to vga cable for me?"
>No do it yourself. Plus that cable won't even work, you'd need a converter.
>"No you're wrong. I saw the cable on ebay. Just buy me it ill pay you later"
>Look, HDMI is a digital signal. VGA is not. You'd need to convert VGA to digital for it to work.
>"anon I saw the cable you're not fooling me, you're just bad at this stuff admit it."
>>33675548 (OP)
"Then why didn't you buy the cable?"
>>33675548 (OP)
you're just bad at this stuff admit it
>>33675548 (OP)
>admit it
>no longer considered geek
>peace and quite (to some degree)
>my dad wont let me use his card to buy things online pleeeasse buy me it please Ill pay you back i promise
I work at Radioshack and NO ONE gets this. Holy shit I've explained this like 400 times and every time it's someone who thinks they know better.
>>33675548 (OP)
Actually, HDMI-to-VGA adapters do exist that don't require any powered conversion and are relatively cheap, like 20-30$. They still need to buy aVga cable though...
It's always a kid with a laptop trying to play games out of his vga port onto his TV, isn't it?
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Just admit it bro, you're bad at this stuff.

Pic related.
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>>33675548 (OP)
>this shit
>people thinking they are better at tech than me
>they still ask my advice, ignore it, then blame me for all their problems
>I'm a fucking Project manager for a telecommunications company
with an IT degree
another time
>Hey anon can you fix my computer?
>Sure I can? Whats up?
>I added new RAM and it won't turn on
>Uh.. did you try the old RAM?
>Yeah it won't turn on either help me fix it
>Are you sure its charged?
>Yes anon what am I stupid?
>Well tell me, where did you add the RAM? Your room?
>Yes my room
>on.. did... did you wear a static wristband? You have a carpet room
>The hell does carpet have anything to do? Its a computer not decoration
>Look, you killed your mobo with the static.
>Anon you're full of shit, I'm asking someone else

He paid at Geeksquad 70 dollars for a diagnoses, the mobo was fried.
Anyone want another?
How do you guys have any of these stories I'm the tech faggot for my family too and they all support my input and never complain...
>have family party
>despise them all
>6 y.o niece asks to see my phone
>asks why my 'iPhone' looks different
>told her I have a Windows Phone
>looks at me blankly
>'it looks silly anon'
>walk off back to my room and play skyrim
>aunty asks to see my phone since she wants a new one
>show her
>'oh anon this isn't an iphone, is this one of those android phones?'
>tell her that google doesnt respect my freedom and I refuse to be part of the botnet
>asks what it is
>tell her its a Nokia Lumia 920 with WP8
>'oh wow it's quite heavy isn't it?'
>tell her to stop being a shill and promoting her shitty locked down laggy OS
My family, and a ton of other families, think they can 1Up you on everything. Unfortunately, they've never been able to 1up me in technology.
I have a few other stories, one of them which made me feel really bad, it was recent too.
I lel'd
>Have to fix familiy's and friends' infected Windows PC's all the time
>work as linux kernel developer
yoou a are, what we call here,a FANTASMA
>anon how do I download more RAM?
Did you make her install Gentoo afterwards too?
Because you have a family that knows how to take advice when they are sure they don't know about something rather than being bitch ass stuck up fucks who say "you can do it, so that means I can do it better now I'm smarter than you"
>work as linux kernel developer
Don't call your hobbie bullshit work anon
>Can't spell "hobby"
Go back to school, kiddo.
Go on
Then I guess I'll be thankful for that shit, these stories sound stressing..
my point still stands
>Not knowing how to download RAM

Are there really people like this?
>be EE
>people still try to explain their incorrect beliefs about how technology works and why I'm wrong
>know the most about technology in my family by far (I browse /g/ after all)
>everyone still goes to dad for help because he thinks he's the best
>works as a tradie
>mfw he bought a 3 year AVG subscription
>mfw he bought a HTC One
>mfw he uses IE10
>mfw he types google into google
>mfw he always reminices of the days with 512 mb hard drives and 16 mb RAM
Same unfunny fag.
I think you're just butthurt.
that was a terrible story
I never used those wristbands and never had a problem.

>Uncle who's very kind calls me
>Hey anon, my son has been on some really weird sites.. can you fix my computer? I think I have a virus
>Oh yeah! Of course! see you at your house!

Why was I so excited? Because that certain uncle has a perverted 12 year old son who's ALWAYS infecting that computer with weird shit. Last time I fixed it, I looked into the downloads folder. I found star wars porn, some weird alien porn, and goat porn.

>Look at desktop
>pretty late, so i unplug it and take it back to my house
>at my house
>turn it on
>Holy fuck, fake "FBI" virus
>boot into recovery partition
>restoring OS
>halfway done
>HDD stops spinning
>"what the fuck oh no"
>HDD ded
>have to explain to a very excited uncle why his computer will cost the cost of a new HDD to be fixed
>dissapointed face
>"Its okay anon.. was pretty old anyways.."
>never get called again
>Always see his new computer with Geeksquad stickers service stickers on it

Feels bad man..
>implying the HTC One isn't superior to anything else.
>customer comes in wanting to buy AppleTV
>ask if their TV has HDMI
>"what's that"
>The flat upside down rhombus
>What DOES it have?
>"It has that 6 pin connector..."
>tell him to buy another TV
>he owns a 50 inch plasma

why you do dis
I'm the second one, and know, you're wrong.

>Mismatching samefags

Why did you fuck up his computer dude?
>mfw he bought a HTC One

whats wrong with htc one?

which phone should he buy?
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Plasma had the best image quality
well that sucks but why did the HDD stop spinning all of a sudden?

Where else are VGA and HDMI even relevant than on laptops and TVs, respectively?
not when it's 10 years old and only has S-video and component
Computer was a very old Athlon HP desktop. So the drive was going to fail soon anyways, I'm guessing when I restored the OS, I pushed the thing to it's limits and it just noped the fuck out of itself.
projectors, tablets, special medical equipment, etc.

well I guess DB9 would be the more obvious for medical...
>10 year old
Do plasma tvs even last that long?
He bought it because its new and flashy and he doesnt use any of the functions of the phone, nor does he put video or music on it. Doesnt have facebook, doesnt use email, doesn't do anything that would make a smartphone worth it, when he could have just bought a device made 10 years ago to fulfill his needs
That's some pretty terrible luck
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>>33675548 (OP)
>im that guy
No it doesnt, I actually work as a linux kernel dev for a company that does embedded systems and the like.
>implying linux isnt programmed by professionals
>implying 60% of kernel devs are not employed and paid by Intel
being this stupid must surely hurt
and you post the feel meme with a v-shirt variant.

yet again this confirms that shit is for cancer
>>33675548 (OP)
is he trying to run a crt or an lcd

crts need the rgb and ground pins and another two pins

hdmi consists of three sets of tdms pins
They rated at about 100,000 hours as of 10 years ago approximately...
having any feel picture or 'meme' designates you as cancer
It's closer to 10% for Intel, I thought.
It really depends on the air where you live. I live in Hawaii, and static isn't really a problem here. I think it's in drier places where you need a wristband
So the problem isn't that he bought an HTC One, but that he bought a smartphone he won't use?
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its going to be okay. soon you'll be dead and you wont have to deal with the "epic fail" internet cancer
ok so you fucks want to hear some real horror stories? this will probably be a multi-parter. happened 3 days ago.

>be PhD student, studying microbiology and ecology
>2nd year, getting shit together, fuckyes.jpg
>its my responsibility to train our 1st year PhD student in our lab, teach her how to do the computer shit that we do.
>sits down with me, asks me to show her how to edit chromatograms, which are the results of DNA sequencing. you have to proofread them because the computer kind of sucks at calling the bases
>she finishes editing her chromatograms, assembles contigs per my instructions. I tell her to export those contigs to a text file (CAUAGACUAGC et cetera)
>"what's export mean anon"
>i look at her like she's from mars
>"click file and export, and choose fasta (generic text format for dna/rna sequences)
>she just clicks ok until its over. every window that popped up. ok. ok. ok.
>"why did you do that? those were important!"
>"I just wanted to be done. computers are hard, anon".
she exported them as interleaved instead of sequential, left them in the default directory which was /usr, and saved them as noname.fasta, with no tags for each sequence.
>"but isn't that good enough anon?"

who wants to hear about me teaching her to use regular expressions? no, even better, command line programs? or "what is linux, anon?"
>IBM encouraged employees to purchased expensive watches and cars to reflect their company
Your dad wants to project his position.
why is a stem autist like you in a biology field
My Dad was /g/'s nightmare, not just because of what he'd do, but also his attitude.

He used to print every email, even spam. He'd print it so my mother could read it too even though he'd beg him to stop wasting ink and shed come over and read it in a minute, but nope had to print it and throw it away, didnt recycle either. Couldn't change the ink himself so every single fucking time I would have to, attempts to teach him to lift a lid and snap something out and were met with general "you're stupid, just do it"

Anytime he'd ask for my help he'd be such an asshole about everything, I couldn't minimize his IE windows because he'd freak out and yell at me and even hit me when I was a teen.
Never let me change the channels on the TV or the settings if it wasn't the remote, he 100% believed it would break it, couldn't even press eject on the DVD player without screaming involved.

I used to fix every tech issue he would run into, but somehow my advice couldn't be trusted and I was a retard for suggesting maybe not clocking random pyramid scam ads.
It's sad some Spanish terms have no proper translation.
This is why I always check the SMART table on my clients harddrives just in case.
>computers are hard, anon
Said every girl. Ever.

There's a reason that no women are in tech, and it's because they suck ass at using it.
biology is just applied computer science these days. its called bioinformatics. if you're doing biology and you aren't writing code to do it, your degree is worthless.

also, it's where the money is currently. gonna get a job at monsanto, poison some indian children so your tomato sandwich tastes better.
>>"I just wanted to be done. computers are hard, anon".
>>"but isn't that good enough anon?"
Any student or trainee with that attitude needs to be put in his place.
what an asshole
should be a reply to
God I kind of feel bad for him. Technology must confuse him so god damn much.
Still, thank god you actually decided to learn something about technology.
YES. the girl in my story is not alone, there's another girl in our lab with the same symptoms. every guy in the lab is fine with it, we each have our own little battlestations (mine has 48 cores and 256 gb of ram... grant money is a helluva drug), but the girls just won't do it. they just want to get answers, without working. whatever, don't compete with me, i'll do your work for you and get twice the pubs.
Just another, cause I love these stories.

>Anon can you help me? I wanna upgrade my computer
>his computer is a laptop
>Oh okay, sure! What is it you wanna upgrade? your memory, your RAM?
>I wanna upgrade the CPU
>uh.. okay.. to what?
>To an i5 Core 2 Duo
>What the.. it's just Core i5. And your computer won't take it, you have an AMD processor right now
>Anon they sell this laptop with either an AMD one or an intel one so obviously it'll fit
>No dude, right now you have an AMD socket. You'd need an Intel socket
>Whats a socket?
>It's where your CPU goes. It either has an AMD or intel one, you have an AMD one.
>Anon. They sell this computer with the AMD and Intel CPU. You just choose what you want, so I want the Intel now. I just have to open it and replace it with the Core i5 Duo
>..Oh dude! Yeah! I totally forgot you can do that! Tell me how it goes in the end okay? I'd love to hear how fast your computer is gonna be!

>mfw he bought the Intel Core i5
>mfw it didn't work
>mfw he couldn't assemble the laptop back together
>mfw his parents paid me to put it back together

God damn I love technology
>EE thinks he knows everything about technology
top lel
That actually happens? I always take precaution because my papa told me to since we started tinkering with computers when I was like 8, but I'd never heard of it actually happening to anyone in the 21st century.
My house is so fucking dry that when I get out of bed in the morning I hear my duvet come off and shock myself awake when I brush past the bed corner. And I've never used one either. It's not fucking hard to touch the case before you touch the components.
Generalizing is fine when it's true.
I'm an engineer at one of the big silicon valley companies. My dad still kind of tries to talk to me about computers, and I just have nothing to say to the guy except "that's nice" and "ok".

Like, he gets this new computer and asks me stuff like what hard drive to get or what RAM is best or something and I say "I don't know." And he will press for more info and not believe that I don't know. And I will try to explain to him that I really *don't* know consumer hardware anymore. I couldn't even tell you how much ram a desktop computer should have anymore without looking it up on the internet. 32 gigs sounds pretty small. That's about right, right?

Or, what is the best router to get? I don't know dude. I haven't seen anything smaller than a Force10 in years. Get a WRT54G I guess? I can't give you my opinion on Windows 8 because I have never seen it. No, I don't know how to fix your Excel spreadsheet. I have never used Excel. What do I use? Uh, a few programs to parse flat files and work with databases? What programs? Sed, awk, uh... python? No, I don't use Word either. I use a program called Vim. Yes, I do have Windows 7 but I don't really do work with it... no I don't know how to install a printer any better than you. My windows machine is like an xbox, you turn it on to play a video game and you turn it off when you are done.

No, I don't really know about smartphones either. I have a Galaxy Nexus that my employer gave me. No I can't help you with your website. No, I don't know what antivirus is best. I'm sorry but I can't help you install Ubuntu. I don't even know where to start. Just Google it, I am really not the guy you want to be talking to about this.
so she's going back to her country of origin for the summer (it's the mexico of europe) and she asked me if these programs were freely available for her to use, while she was away. I told her flat out, with your level of technical knowledge, you will never compile these from source. you might be able to install the precompiled ubuntu version. but let's face it, you hadn't even heard of linux until this week.

i have no idea how she got accepted into the program.
>48 cores
>256gb ram
Fuck you, fuck you so much.

Seriously though nice job, my aunt is a micro biologist and she's told me how hard it is to get funding.
Bit of a dick move letting him fuck up his computer.
But he kind of deserved it.
>CAD intro class
>Adds textures to my final project
>Had no idea until later that it required shitloads of RAM even in fast rendering
>Scene corrupted
>First comment the teacher dropped: "Hm, maybe it's because of these old monitors"
>I browse /g/ after all
le laughing face.picture
>Being so good at technology you suck dick at techology.
Teach me your ways.
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Okay, bro. You can go ahead an believe that.
oh it is hard. I've tried to get my own funding and it's impossible. i'm just spending my advisor's money, he's a god at writing grants, which I hope rubs off on me. it's a skill i need to get better at. we blew $5K on that machine like it was nothing, but the year before they bought a $15K mac that has 12 cores (2x 6 core xenons at 3.6ghz), it's such a piece of shit compared to my machine. mine has 4x 12 core opterons.
Hory sheet that sounds like beautiful computers.

So basically these girls are the ones that are "OH MY GOD I GOT ANOTHER A" femanons that will have no idea how to actually apply the knowledge to real world once they get their degree.

Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. The ratio of guys:girls that I have ever thought "They'd make a decent programmer!" would have to be somewhere along the lines of 20:1, if not more on the guy side.
I was offended, I mean, I usually fix his computer for free when he fucks things up, and he was being really rude about me telling him it wouldn't work.
So I just let him spend the money on the CPU (which as you know, Intel is not cheap), and let him find out himself.
Can't tell if you're stupid or a douchebag.

..Or both.
>use regular expressions?

please god no.
My family upgraded their desktop recently and were looking for a new mouse because the one they have is old so they were asking me what to get
>anon what type of mouse do you use?
>a track ball, logitech
>no anon, those are silly
>they are more precise and faster than the usualy ones
>well marys mum said those were the worst and clunky

mfw they didnt get a trackball mouse or the other grip mouse I suggested
>I should be a biologist
>$15K computers
All this want.
>"OH MY GOD I GOT ANOTHER A" femanons that will have no idea how to actually apply the knowledge to real world once they get their degree.
YES. so as a grad student I teach some classes (labs) and this attitude is rampant among girls, especially pre-med girls. it gives me pleasure to give them their Bs, because they couldn't think outside of their box and answer my quiz question that required conceptual thinking instead of memorization. but a lot of guys do this too, it isn't limited to girls.

total failure of the modern educational system.

But anon, generalizations are never true!
Any non tech savvy person who knows me seems to be convinced I'm a hacker just because I use Linux.
>tell him he burned his mb
>have no proof
>didn't even look at his computer
>he rightfully tells you to fuck off
>takes it in to geeksquad
>he says "my friend said MB is burned, pls check it"
>they're idiots so they believe it too
>they don't do full diag
>quote him price on new MB
it just went like this until I gave up:
>anon, i don't understand why you searched for ., and what is the star for?
>i told you (12 times already) . matches any character except for blah blah blah blah
>sorry i wasn't listening

socket 7 is nice like that
none of the brand whoring

computers are disgraceful at this time
I work with low level hardware bringup and the largest clusters of computers in the world. When I come home I want to just relax and browse the internets. I have been doing such as writing drivers for hardware in C and running tests to validate new hardware designs and I just do not give a fuck about the next intel desktop whatever

I know what I have, I know what I use, but if you aren't on this level I'm sorry but I just don't know where to start

where would I even begin to teach a man who looks at a computer screen like it's wizardry? There just is no common ground here.
>Recommending a track ball to a tech illiterate family
u wot m8?

I mean I know you might like them, but they definitely would not be a go to if someone needs a mouse.
Oh I'm sure that happens among girls and guys. That's something that's definitely not gender-specific, but when it comes to tech... it happens moreso.

Though I must confess I am one of those people that think there might, just might, be a reason why women aren't in as may leadership positions, in tech, etc. etc. other than "OH THE SEXIST MEN" so maybe I am just sexist. It's the same reason not as many men are nurses or teachers, but you don't see campaigns like "Women for Tech" as you do for "Guys for Nursing." Feminist whores.
His room is a very thick carpeted room.
If he was changing his RAM, nothing else BUT the modules for the ram could've broken. UNLESS, static was involved.
lol sure sure, you new here summer freind
>most honest post on /g/ in years
>fucking moron calls him a douchebag

yeah keep pretending to know everything, you tool.
>mfw yet another passerby sees VIM open

I know your feels.
His decription didn't seem very detailed, might just not have plugged the RAM in completely, thus disabling the computer.
Yeah this. The fact that people are willing to cheat on exams to get a better grade should tell us people give more shits about what grade you get rather than what you know.
What helps you in life isn't how many fucking A's you got. It's what you can do with the knowledge you've learnt.
Geez I typo'd.
Sometimes I do feel sorry, dudes old. I'm 20 and he's 72 now. But then I remember what an abusive ass he as and the sadness goes away a little bit.

I'm almost glad my Dad like that, the perfect role model of what never to be. It's thanks to him I adopted habits like researching and cross referencing everything + being money savvy as well as just a greater sense of always trying to learn more and try new things.

Unfortunately for me its not just him in my family who felt the urge to annoy me with tech questions and when I failed got chastised I'd for it. My sister for example ignored me when I told her to not use limewire. She'd get viruses and would buy laptops that died in months constantly even though it'd just stay on a table always for some reason.
Now that's stupid
>I mean I know you might like them, but they definitely would not be a go to if someone needs a mouse.
Why shouldn't we recommend our favorite pointing devices?
I prefer a clit mouse, so I recommend one.
I asked him if he checked the other modules, he said yes.
My older family members seem to love them.

I don't see how they're any worse than a regular optical/laser mouse (except for having to pop the ball out and clean the bearings every once in a while.)

Using your thumb instead of your wrist is just a matter of getting used to it.
i know what you mean. my theory is that it it's just cultural, there's a stigma against girls getting into computers, because it's solitary. men are just the solitary sex, it's evolution. girls are incredibly more social. my girlfriend has like 15 friends that she sees weekly. i have maybe 1.
Surely you can't be that stupid.
I prefer not to get corrupted by
>look how good muh mouse is
>know the most about technology
>everyone still goes to dad for help (he programmer)
>dad refers them to me as he just knows code
:) <3 dad
>Abusive ass
Beginning to feel less sorry.
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so annoying to clean
stupid rollers
To anyone who hasn't seen this yet, this is gold
Please tell me you don't describe them as "clit mice" to tech-illiterates.
Because although some people can adapt I don't think my family could get used to it. Most people don't have the patience.
>The computer has been looked at by several experts
>none of them can resolve the problem
>15 friends
God I'm lonely. I don't know how girls can stand this much social interaction.
Or feel like they need to have 'x' amount of friends to be happy.
Personally I even enjoy being alone on occasion.
That samefagging

>Dec 02, 2001
Well, I didn't even know this wouldn't work OP. Thank you, you taught me somehting.
Honestly ain't, didn't even check the link
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sorry, no.
The problem is that they're not smart to begin with, just good workers. In high school, I worked with this Filipino guy in my Robotics class. We could all tell that he wasn't that smart, but damn he could work. He eventually got accepted into Oregon state and is working on an engineering degree, and I reaaaalllyy fucking hope he can survive as an engineer, because it'd be a sad story if his lack of intelligence caught up to him.

>not recognizing a troll.

Really niggers?
I god damn respect people like that though. People who don't give a fuck they aren't the smartest and still work as hard as they can.
My bro is like this, and I suppose I am a bit as well (although I don't work as hard). He's not as smart as some of his friends (he's an engineer) but fuck does he work hard.

You're a moron for drawing conclusions based on hearsay from a non technical user.
>not being able to instantly and accurately diagnose any computer problem after hearing one sentence from non-tech users

lord the plebians are overwhelming tonight
Okay, he put the modules in, they clicked and didn't work.
He tried the old modules in, they clocked, and didn't work.
He has a carpeted room, he wasn't using a wristband.
When he upgraded the RAM, nothing but the RAM slots and modules were exposed.

So whats your hypothesis on what happened?
Need for social interaction does not depend on gender.

I say this from personal experience, some people are genuinely much happier with very little human interaction.
In my case I do not have any friends and my attempts to correct this just led to depression because I started to think I had to be fucked for not wanting friends and acquaintances. Turns out I just like doing things alone a lot more.
ram in wrong slots
You're ignoring the fact that every single person on /g/ is an introvert.

But still, I agree full heartedly. I have 2 friends that I actually enjoy hanging out with weekly; besides le girlyfran, of course.
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Of course not.
RAM doesn't have a specific slot it has to go in. Only thing that matters when doing something RAM related, is the DDR value on the board matches the one on the RAM.
herp derp found me a dumbass
Yup, this exactly but maybe more extreme, aside from my permanent roommate I have 1 friend I know irl and whom I see maybe once a month mostly to appease them, every minute being with them is uncomfortable and annoying and I end up just wanting to lay down for a long time afterwards. It's like I'm only capable of enduring one persons existence and I already spent it.
Cool, I'm gonna put my DIMMs in PCI slots from now on.
> Dad has computer problems
> Explain how to fix/avoid these problems
> He doesn't always get it but he tries his best
> Install IDM on his computer so he can download videos (watches a lot of embedded/youtube footage of sporting events)
> Literally thinks he's king of the world
> Phone rings, dad answers
> Annoying, ignorant, tech illiterate extended family on the end of the line
> "Is anon there? We can't get on the Google"
> "No he's at work, I'll ask him for you when he's home"
> Hangs up
> Hi5, kick back and watch a movie

By the time extended family ring again, they've forgotten they had a computer problem. Never have to do phone support, awyis.

student or professional electronics engineer

they do such things as build, test, and validate computer hardware, microcontrollers, fpgas, and related assorted electronics
Something I've wondered for a while
You can get vga to dvi cables that work fine without a converter and you can get dvi to hdmi cables that work without a converter
Does this mean that dvi can carry a digital and analogue signal?

>Father man hooks me up with comps that are getting disposed at work.
>Have business class PCs for the entirety of my life
>watevs, was enough to play AoE and Starcraft
>get into linux and stuff during highs school
>majoring in EE, hands on practice with all the computers back home makes me a wizard to those around me (went to lib arts school to force myself to socailize)
>constantly asked for advice for purchases
> Can't recommend computers or anything because I've never actually purchased one

Whenever I buy anything for myself I spend months researching it because I can't trust myself to make a good decision. Being autistic about purchases has made me a good consumer. I pretty much never regret any purchases I make because I don't buy it until I'm rock solid on it.
yes, and you could have learned this by googling "dvi analog signal"

there are dedicated pins in a DVI cable for analog data

I am too lazy to look but this pins might be dual purpose and might carry digital data when you use the dual-link digital component of HDMI
Then why does it work?
If vga is analogue and hmdi is digital why can you adapt both to dvi with no converter?
DVI has lines dedicated to analog.
They're both digital. A DVI>VGA cable would be converting the signal somewhere along the cable.
>the dual-link digital component of HDMI
I meant "the dual-link digital component of DVI"

can't type tonight just keep typing random shit
Usually no, modern components are damn hard to zap even when you try your hardest. Usually when people blame static it's something else, like forcing something in place that puts too much strain on the teeny tiny traces.
The issue is that VGA isn't written in unicode, which is about 90% of all networks. It's still based on some ancient version of NT so its sockets don't always match Unix ports. DVI is based on Mac, though, so it's compatible with both.
Graphic cards have DVI-I connectors usually, which carry both digital and analogue signal.
Silly mouse. Only DVI-D is digital-only. Then you have DVI-A which is just analog, and DVI-I which carries both signals.
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Boss does not know what a firewall is. Uses IE. Bought AVG but never installed it. Has an AOL subscription and a cable internet subscription.

>"Something went wrong with my computer. It's because you are using the same hookup. (ethernet cable - only one from cable modem so it has to be plugged into one PC at a time)

>Come home to see boss's disassembled desktop, taken apart down to an unplugged monitor. "From now on you can't bring your laptop in the same room as my desktop so it doesn't transmit viruses."
>Me: Let me at least take a look at it...by the way I do this for money and know what I am doing...
that's not true. hdmi is electrically compatible with dvi in some respects but not others. hdmi cannot carry analog video signals but can carry digital audio. dvi cannot carry digital audio
How do these even work? And if they don't, then why do those chinese bastards sell them?
I thought he asked about HDMI caring analog, sorry.
Yeah, I was wrong. I'm sorry.
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Get another job you fucking best buy nerd herder.


Google is your friend
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>know the most about technology in my family by far (I browse /g/ after all)
>system engineer for a job, but tell no one
>everyone still goes to dad for help because he thinks he's the best
>he's been out of the field for at least 20 years
>I encourage everyone to go my dad so they don't bother me with their petty computer problems
>he hates my guts for it
Trust me you don't want them to think you're good with computers
>Reassembled my PC on a carpet at least 5 times
>Didn't wear an antistatic wristband
>No problems, ever

Top lel
>Hey Martin! Can you fix my computer? It's not working.
>*fixes the computer*
>All future problems are now my fault because "it worked before you fixed that other thing"
that happens in my case too.
I just want to say that I appreciate you as a person. Thank you.
>Hey Anon! Can you fix my computer? It's not working.
>*fixes the computer*
>all the neighborhood come to me to fix their computer for free , my father refuse to take there money
you're welcome I guess
>implying you actually leave your mom's basement to have human contact with anyone
lolz :3

You pesky swedish shithead.
Doesn't he have to leave to get his meals from his mother?
please cuckold me
ever 2 years the gas starts runnign out so you have to fill it back up, but other than that they last forever aslong as you keep doing that
I haven't been in my room (which is in my mom's basement) for several days now.
As a plasma screen television produces images, it uses electricity to burn xenon and neon gas in order to illuminate phosphors. Because of this, many people believe that the gas will run out over time. The notion of having to "recharge" your plasma screen television is a myth. The amount of gases consumed in normal use is minuscule, and they will last throughout the normal life of the screen.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/929889
>My old man on the phone
>"hey anon my computer is slow"
>driving 25 miles, once arrived lots of stupid garbage (you know the shit you have to unmark when installing software). Remove 8 gb of bullshit toolbars and multiple anti virus trial software
>computer is faster
>tell him he should use firefox and read carefully what he should install.
>Offered my Dinner and we chat for the night with some liquor.
>next time i come over he uses Internet explorer 6 and has 5 toolbars installed
>offer them to make his pc faster.
>trying to remove toolbars
>"don't do that anon it's handy. Look at all these free emoticons and screensavers i got"
>finally convinced him he should remove that crap
>He offered dinner (i brought some wine) and spend the evening talking and stuff.
>a few weeks later i got called again
Ad Infinitum
He is a really really nice man but his tech illiteracy really makes me cringe.
he even introduced me to computers and learned me to build pc's.

He wants to spend time with you, you thick cunt.
I was just trolling, I'm suprised you replied
>i work at walmart
>we actually stock a vga-hdmi cable for these kinds of people
>i have personally seen it returned over 20 times.
the typo in "running" was really well placed
we spend lots of time together even when he doesn't screw up his pc.
I always come over after work (I work in the same city he lives)
maximum lel
I just woke up, sorry if my spelling isn't up to your standard ^_^
ESD doesn't always cause a an immediate catastrophic failure. That said, you can approach the effectiveness of wrist straps by touching case, etc, you just have to be more vigilant. Depends a lot on environment, too.
It's not like it's their job to design it or anything
I have this issue with my grandmother.

Just say you want to have dinner and talk. I enjoy being alone and have my few close friends that I associate with when I want to. Don't expect me to initiate contact. I know you love me etc. but because of the way you and your son raised me I'm the first one on your side of the family who even went to college. It also made me a closeted autist who can't even relate to members of the family who don't live in the same house.

If the 20 page packet I made you on how to put files on a USB drive doesn't show that I care, I don't know what more you want from me. If you want to sit down for an awkward, forced conversation with me, be my guest.

>burning noble gases
Pretty sure neither xenon nor neon combine with oxygen.
similar happend to me:
> be ee student
> brother thinks I can fix all computer problems magically
> he is 24/7 CoD and LoL gamer
> one of his gamer friends has custom highend gaming pc
> somehow runs far too slow for the hardware inside
> brother manages to get his pc to our parents' house so I could fix it
> okay.jpg
> start pc, crapware everywhere
> software that describes its functionality as "speeds up your internet connection and downloads"
> spend 15 minutes to figure out what harddrive is inside, open the case, no harddrive
> wat.jpg
> 250G ssd only, and the pc is still fucking slow
> remove all crapware, install firefox, uninstall avira and replace with essentials
> reboot, magically everything is as fast as it should be
> photoshop "do not install crapware" on his wallpaper
> he probably can't remove the text ever
> he won't understand it either
My roommate always leaves his comp unlocked. He always has text in his wallpapers so I edit in gay text and see how long it takes for him to notice. It sometimes takes weeks.
I just shoop in folders on his wallpaper, hilarity ensues.

my fucking sides
"donotopen" folder
this happens to me too with an old man i know,he always falls for the java update which changes the initial page of chrome.
he actually knows how to browse the net but sometimes falls for the most stupid shit.
the other day i asked him why he doesnt use skype,convinced the benefits of it but then he couldn't make an account and he got so pissed he didn't want to know anymore of it. thank god i discovered he was having problems registerring or else he would never use skype on his life.
he also has taken a 2 year course on win xp but he just fails on the most stupid shit
wre also smoke tons of hashish
maximum overlel
>mexico of europe

Romania? Ukraine? Hungary?
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Always related.
every. fucking. time.
What happened to all the oc that would be posted in /g/ story threads?
This is shit
Another le epic windows prank is to change some sound effects... to sounds with a period of silence, then an unrelated noise.
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>Have very thick synthetic carpet
>Wear synthetic clothing that makes my hair make static noises when I change clothing
>Don't wear any wristbands or other shit
>Touch CPUs, ram, hdds, etc by their pins or otherwise bare PCBs
>Have been doing so for about 15 years
>Never ever did something produce the magic smoke on me

You people are just full-on retarded blaming anything you can't fix due to your own incompetence on static electricity while 99% of the time it's some stupid cable that you forgot to plug in.

Assembling a computer is like building a damn lego castle. IT'S NOT THAT HARD. The cables don't even fit anywhere or any other way than the way they're supposed to
they pull the power from the HDMI port and thus infringe the HDMI standard as they generally use much more than the 50mA specified for HDMI. This may damage the device you're using the converter with. It's better to use a converter with external power supply.
>The cables don't even fit anywhere or any other way than the way they're supposed to

With enough force that anyone else but /g/ would consider nothing almost any thing can plug into anything, and the worst part is that they have no ability to think "hey this feels like a bit to much force)
Sucks to be him.
>Friend's laptop hard drive fails
>loan him shitty 80gig drive I have laying around and throw Linux Mint on it so he has something functional
>get hard drive back
> he didn't wipe it, nudies of gf on desktop
> fap, wipe and reclaim drive

Kid has gone through a laptop a year from dropping them and wailing on the power cords. Fucking worst case of the cookie crumb virus too
>"hey this feels like a bit to much force)
I think you've forgotten what it feels like installing a CPU
I think I've heard a similar story like yours.

Except it involves an i7-3970x instead of an i5.
>i have no idea how she got accepted into the program.

Fucking quotas, how do they work?

It's kinda sad because women get pushed away from technology in childhood, then thrown in the deep end with shit like this.
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The sound ... Oh Lord the agony.
I don't understand why that is be directed at me
most people outside of /g/ have little recognition of force and need for delicacy
Do you even clear CMOS?
That looks to be real converter?
I've got 2,
>Finished University
>Back home and have a part time job just having a break
>Working at a retail store
>We have this laptop
>Everyone at work is retarded with tech
>"Anon, do you know anything about computers? "Nah, not really"
>About a week before I quit my job
>"So anon, what kind of computer do you have? Mac, Dell or HP or something else?" "Oh I built my own computer"

Second one
>Talking to a friend of mine who also knows his shit about computers
>Complaining that he has to fix this guys laptop
>Tell him we should put a virus on it
>Fixes the laptop
>We're watching this guy do shit while fucking with him
>muh crysis
I have built 5 PCs from the ground up on the carpet floor in my moms basement and never had an issue. I dont think this shit happens
I've had stuff fucked up by static but clearing the CMOS fixed it. *shrug*
>Fingerblast 360 and use cotton swabs on it to get off shitty thermal paste
>still works

>fondle the insides of many computers
>still work

Myth busted

If things were really that sensitive I would have fried something by now. I feel like things couldn't exist if something as trivial as a little static could kill them.
>Every other month get a call from mom
>Laptop is slow
>Has every spyware ever made on computer
>So many things start up with windows
>Fucking live wallpaper of goldfish swiming
>Re install Windows every time
Because the wording of the post I quoted was fucking horrendous and I misread that.
I was working on a pc whilst wearing a wooly jumper, finished up, took it off an heard like 10 straight seconds of crackle
I was scared to shit that I had broken it but there were no ill effects, I'm not saying static damage is BS in general but I've always been quite reckless with it and never had anything happen.
answer you fuc king nerds

where should i buy a USB hub

how much should i spend
>tfw that never occurred to me
Thanks, OP.
>Anon my internet isn't working!
>go over(1 min walk, including putting on shoes so meh)
>plug power into modem
>walk away
Fantasma stands for "ghost".
>"Son, your the games you are buying..."
Nope, nope, nope, not once, nope, never.
I wish someone would ask me to fix their computer :( all my friends use macs
ficking hepl

lucky boy
For me it's

>Drive to mother's house
>Break down door
>Kick down door to living room
>Alright let's see this piece of shit
>No internet
>CMD ipconfig /release /renew
>Walk away
I always found this very strange but shouldn't programmers know at least some basic troubleshooting skills.
I mean they need to be able to find possible faults in their programs and whatnot.
For me it's

>Drive 40 minutes
>hold BS conversation
>stomp down hallway to office
>unplug computer
>take computer home to update AV and Windows (refuses to upgrade from dial up, yep still get to hear dat modem dialing)
>install whatever needed to be installed
>drive 40 minutes back
>plug in computer
>reconfigure to use modem and disable ethernet port
>almost fall down the stairs to the front door trying to escape
It's a different style of problem-solving.
In all honesty, most (common) programming tasks don't need knowledge about hardware, and the software people bring onto their computers are all locked down.
Perhaps he knows that most of the errors people run into aren't covered by his area of expertise.
>Family isn't retarded
>Friends, every once in a while, go full retard
>Happy day
I recently taught my mother and grandmother how to upload books to their eReaders. I supply them with the books. <3
>Don't hang out with non-techies
>Family's good with computers
>Don't strain myself forcing others to use my preferred software
Every day is a good day, and I don't get where all these other people get their troubles.
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all of them with all the cash

I have a feeling that it has to do with the way they present themselves. If you don't give off the impression you know what you're talking about (credibility), then of course no one is going to listen to you.
>>33675548 (OP)
I understand the difference between digital and analog, but if it won't work, seriously, why they make them ? Milking money ?
can't run a crt off that cable

so much ignorance
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>renting a room in a house with some other people
>one of them comes in my room to talk
>I have irssi and some terminals open
>get reported to the landlord for "hacking"
What was the consequence?
nothing directly. But it added to his case for not reimbursing my deposit ( I left early )

You can connect the vga to the TV, I don't know the name but the end for the TV port is HUGE and pretty long, the same as the Nintendo 64 used.
>>33675548 (OP)
So why aren't you just buying him the cable, add a surcharge and sell him a wlan cable while you're at it. Everybody wins.

>Wearing a anti static wristband

nice try shill, just touch your radiator before you do work on cour computer and it will be fine
>>'it looks silly anon'

Oh shit! I can't use phones that look silly! I better buy an iPhone!

If I met anyone this fucking retarded I would insult them until they walked away.
Just seems silly to me that someone who is pretty much a wizard and can make programs cant troubleshoot simple problems with windows.
On the other hand I have no fucking clue about programming.
Feel tempted to try python though.
Post those nudies here pls
Wiped them when I wiped the drive. I live with the guy and it turns out he's going pretty long term with the girl so it felt weird hanging onto them.

[spoiler]Also this is a SFW board[/spoiler]
I agree to some level, but Windows isn't the only thing that can fuck up in a computer.
Even if Windows is the source, the guy who wastes his days using the OS looking at cartoons will probably know it better.

>Feel tempted to try python though.
You should, having experience with programming is a good thing.

>mine has 48 cores and 256 gb of ram

Are you a ruseman?
I'm probably going to start in a couple of days, getting an rpi too so I have something to make stuff for instead of just making calculators for now real reason.


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