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Stupid questions thread, since I didn't see one.

How do I bind my play/pause, next, previous buttons to ncmpcpp?
where's the chapstick?
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What's wrong with mini-atx builds?
Where is the /g/ accomplishment chart?
(the one with 'don't use social media' etc.)
I'm making one and final bigass chart

Nothing, as long as you're fine with the obvious limitations a mini-ATX build will bring (Smaller size = fewer expansion capabilities)
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hi, i'm new 100% now to linux. and i need help to rice it up. How do i change the wifi button color, the volume control color and the scrollbar colour and size? Thanks

Icons are managed globally by your set icon pack.

Scrollbar is part of your current widget theme for your window manager.
menu > Settings > User Interface Settings
menu > Settings > Openbox > GUI Config Tool
can i put a 3.5 inch drive in a 5.25 inch bay securely?
I've got this
and am wondering what the most recent linux distro I could put on it is. I'm guessing something modern like debian is out of the question because
but windows 3.1 is silly. Also, she's got no ethernet port or CDROM drive so I'm at a loss as how to install whatever I decide on. It does have a PCMCIA and a parallel port so I'm wondering if there's an adapter I could buy to get either of those going, and where the hell I'd look (ebay I guess?).

actually, any info at all would be helpful, I don't even know what type of memory this fucking things takes, but I'm guessing it's not DDR.
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it seems that electrostatic drivers aren't good with bass

so what would happen if you mounted a tiny noctua-spun rotary subwoofer right behind each cup in a stax earspeaker?
Crunchbang may also be out of the question
Puppy Linux maybe? Or DSL?
When I play flash videos full screen on my laptop, it plays unbelievably slow and there's a lot of tearing. Are there any workarounds apart from using pepperflash? Running Crunchbang with a Radeon 3200
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puppy is out of the question, as they recommend 256MB for a good experience. DSL might work but I think I'm going to have to upgrade the memory. speaking of which it seems it uses some sort of proprietary memory standard (picture very related). I assume based on the check mark boxes that it can handle up to 32MB


I may get this and chance it, despite not listing the 355c as being compatible.

I don't suppose the processor on these behemoths can be upgraded.
Can you post your wallpaper plese
so lets see

>Run light enough to power a 486DX with 16MB of Ram
according to wikipedia the 486sx in what I've got is a 486dx with a disabled FPU. so maybe it'll work...maybe.
I _just_ saw that one /w/, I hope I can find it again

Please keep us informed
Best File System for Linux?
Depends on a lot of things. In general ext2/3/4 is fine depending on what you want.
I have everything i Need to start my build, apart from the ssd, it will come tomorrow, should i start now and put the ssd in tomorrow or should i wait ?
General use mainly. (Office work, internet browsing, music, etc)
wait, more fun like that
My power supply is making a sound like an electrical arc whenever I turn it on. Guessing it's fucked.
Anyways, wondering what I should be looking for.
I have a FX-4170, 2x 2tb's, a 3tb, a ssd, and a 5770.
What's a good brand, and how many watts will I need?
I'm pretty much limited to these: http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=15
Installed Mint yesterday

Freezes several times a day ...rebooting...
good core monitor?
additional suggestions are welcome
depents. e.g. xfs is reliable and good for huge files, reiserfs is good for A LOT of little files. jfs is someting in the middle.
btrfs has support of cow, snapshots, multiply tomes, etc
for general purpose just use ext4
>>35515068 (OP)
I'm not sure what do you want, but you can make global mpd hotkeys with xbindkeys and mpc.
How do you get that ASCII about window? - mint
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I think you'd like these scrollbars
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Pens are technology. What are some good pens?
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yeah thanks
ok, so here's the final plan
buy kingston 32MB memory upgrade, pray it works
buy a parallel port CDROM drive and pray it works
stick DSL on that baby and see if she'll deal with it.
then find a way to get ethernet (or start a trial with AOL like I'm 10 again and use the (what I assume to be) 56k modem.
i'll go with ext4 then, thank you
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Something like this?
I've got a COM modem connected to a controller on the other side of the country, I use this modem to access the controller trough teamviewer.
I'm curious about a few settings on said unit, how do I go about configuring it over telnet? I've tried accessing the gateway, but it fails, I presume it's because it is transmitting data...
What for rice do you have there on 4chan?
who the fuck would hack ubuntuforums and why?
there's really no reason
Appchan X
Which give better quality speakers or headphones?
Broken link
how & why do i need to restart cinnamon/settings in order to change the position of the bar - this is fucking gay
>who the fuck would hack ubuntuforums
Depends on what they were after. Kids would just break things for fun. Others might want info or other things.

They might have done it just for wrecking havoc, or they wanted to remove content / get information.
Arch users.
Looking at Appchan X, I think I'd rather stick with seeweedchan's 4chanX + oneechan.
Oh, sorry.
Will my external hard drive die faster if I leave it plugged in all the time instead of only plugging it in when I need it?
If you do a lot of torrenting, it will die faster. If you don't mount the partitions on it and just leave it in there, it will be better than wearing out the connector by (un)plugging it everytime.
Apparently DarkComet's latest version is just teamspeak with extra features. And the older versions aren't hosting on the site anymore.
Anyone know where I can get 5.3 clean?
So they're selling a thinkpad x200 which would not boot anymore when there was a blackout during a bios update.

Do you think that replacing the motherboard would fix it?
me again, I cant seem to get that annoying wireless icon to change, it stays black an near invisible. Changing theme did nothing.
How to change your icon theme
Download your new icon theme and extract the contents to either /usr/share/icons for all users or ~/.icons/ for your own use. Select your new theme from Preferences > User Interface Settings (under the Icon Theme tab, naturally).
Seasonic.. you don't need an excessively big power supply probably a 550W would do but buying a supply with more wants guarantees you that you can use it in the future if you upgrade your GPU or any part of your equipment to something more power hungry
>>35515068 (OP)
>How do I bind my play/pause, next, previous buttons to ncmpcpp?
# Examples of commands:

control+shift + q

"mpc toggle"
Mod4 + End
"mpc toggle"
Mod4 + Home
"mpc prev"
Mod4 + Prior
"mpc next"
Mod4 + Next
"mpc seek -00:00:10"
Mod4 + Left
"mpc seek +00:00:10"
Mod4 + Right
"mpc volume +10"
Mod4 + Up
"mpc volume -10"
Mod4 + Down
"mpc stop"
Mod4 + Delete

would control mpd via mpc using the super key (windows key) and the insert,delete,home,end,pgup/down cluster
as well as arrow keys for volume and seeking.
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i did it like that, Didn't make a difference.
Probably a certain icon is missing in the pack, try downloading an other one.
I was wondering why my wireless icon didn't change with crunchbang recently, it only changed after a reboot.

restarting openbox didn't update it, I don't know what it's tied to.
Guys, would you look at this thread for a minute? I missed the stupid questions thread, and created my own.
>>35518823 →
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Hello /g/
> I asked this question in a previous thread but it 404 when i left the house

I have this computer case right now


It's ok but dust is getting in there pretty easily, it did not come with any dust filters. Do anyone have any recommendations on a case that i don't have to clean in every 2 weeks.

I have 16 fans, 2 cd drives, 6 hard drives, atx mobo, zalman CNPS9700 & a 7970 so you get a idea of how it looks inside. I plan on getting another 7970 in the future

I have a price range of $400 I would prefer to have some kind of filtering system for dust like dust filters. I only got the case in the link cause of all the fans I could add to it to keep cool, not for ricing and sounding like a jet engine.
What is a thin client? How would I go about gaining access to one? How would I then use this thin client on GNU/Linux to access windows applications like Microsoft Word etc?
I have an old phone (lg optimus l7) and i wanna get a new one. I've been thinking of getting 920 since Im tired of the androids mini lags everywhere. Should I get it?
The Lumia 920 is deprecated, please think of the 925, 928 / 1020 if you are remotely serious.
Do you still have the old link?

> I sure do, here you go
Here you go
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I have a question. Is it possible to 'take over' programs in linux? Say i've got irssi running on my computer, I connect through ssh, I want to use that instance of irssi. Can I do that?
I did it via obkey, just set your media keys to ncmpcpp toogle, ncmpcpp next, ncmpcpp previous or however the commands are called.
But all of those lumia's have the same processors and similar specs and i dont need a 41mpixel camera.
Get a deprecated phone then. Hell if you want to switch to something new most of the time you want to get something recent. It would be like iOS fags switching to Android and getting a galaxy nexus.

Ok, how does that help me? Someone asked for the link it was provided.
You said it 404'd when you left the house, reading that thread may have had some helpful responses.
Okay then, what phone would you reccommend?
My bad, I thought that was the non-archive link. But anyway, there you have the archive and I assumed you haven't read it.
Lumia range is the only one worth getting, seeing as they have a shitty update support life the newer the better. I doubt Microsoft will try to make a surface phone, so best to stick with Lumia 925/8 or 1020 if you want updates for a while.
I installed fresh copy of win 7 on friend's laptop and after installation asus wallpaper was automatically set on his desktop. How is this possible? I removed all hiodden partitions from the HDD before install.
Thanks, what about android phones? is huawai ascend p6 any good or should i look at something better?
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Did you install from a provided ASUS installation DVD?
Of course not, that shit crawled with bloat i used my own clean version
The wallpaper might be included in a driver package provided by windows update. Or maybe you installed the drivers manually?
Which pins on a USB connector are solely used for
power? Would removing them still allow for data exchange with a device that has its own power supply, say between phone and laptop?
Jesus mother of shit. Please tell me you aren't a chain smoker next to your computer or trolling.
>16 fans
What's the point? Get two main large ones, one for pushing air in, other for pushing it out. Have only those two fans covering the only main entry points for air. Cover the rest up with something.

A cheap filter you can make by cutting up a womens pantyhose, and stretching a few layers of the material over the fans where it won't get caught/hooked on a stra fan blade. Get black ones for >dat ricer look. You'll barely spend 5 bucks if that.
I wouldn't fuck with that, but Wikipedia will have the answer.
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>that picture
>command line diskpart
>not rightclick -> format
we 1337 h4ck3r now
>>35515068 (OP)
best terminal emulators for OS X?
What are good books to learn MySQL ?
Just built a system a couple of hours ago with an i5 4670k and a Noctua NH D14. My temps are idling at about 38 degrees celsius. Is this high?
I just installed a new HDD and I can't use it.

The device manager spots it just fine and tells me everything is great, but nothing else even seems to know it's there.
What the fuck is mini-atx?
>Jewcum CPU

Probably not.
Depends on your room temperature.

In general, everything beneath 40-50 is acceptable. If you idle above that, you may need to worry.
It's like ATX, but smaller.
Do you have any evidence or are you just assuming that 40-50 is some kind of breakpoint for idle temps?
Nope, it's fine.

You did format it, right?

Do you mean micro-ATX?
what's the advantage of having Linux as your working PC, as opposite to Windows?
Do I? Or do I mean mini-ITX?
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