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oznzb Usenet Indexing Community


For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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Stallman-sama has a message addressed to us:

Nobody cares

The FOSS movement is retarded shit made by hobos who hate money anyways
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>>34826375 (OP)
>Gentoo steers the user towards nonfree programs, which is why it is not one of our recognized free distros
How is the pay at the NSA?
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Install Ututo.
>>34826375 (OP)
>Specifically targets Android as non-free
Based Stallman
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>Copywrite 2013

Toppest lel!
His website looks like shit
RIP Gentoo
It's intended to be viewable on any browser. Even poorfag nonfree dumphone browsers.
It's the price of Freedom!
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>looks at recommended distro list
>haven't heard of a single one

>mfw I'm not as autistic as I first thought
It looks great in lynx.
I guess if this was 1998, the actual last time I legitimately used Lynx because I had to, that would matter.
>not using lynx to check screen reader compatibility
Do you hate the visually impaired?
You're right - why would anyone use <noscript> tags...

I never check with lynx my sites are always compatible.
Users of /g/ have said this for years.
I've been annoyed by Stallman+Gentoo images all the time.
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>The latest Intel PC processors are useless in the Free World
Nvidia and intel confirmed for jews and enemies of freedom.
>not knowing what sage is used for
24 June 2013
The day /g/ got fucking told.
This is not reddit. sage is not downvote
If you don't like a thread and have nothing to contribute, just ignore it.
/g/ as a whole did not get told.
I've been posting most of what Stallman just wrote for years. It's all very obvious.
>Regarding graphics accelerators for PCs, ATI mostly cooperates with the free software movement, while nVidia is totally hostile. ATI has released free drivers.

>He calls them graphics accelerators rather than graphic processors
go back to redddit you smelly scum
That's how they were called back in the day.
Graphics co-processor, of you prefer.
I'm browsing /r/kerbalspaceprogram :3
u amd lel
>Thus, paradoxically, if you want to be free you need to get a not-very-recent nVidia accelerator.

Freetards confirmed for both figuratively and now literally backwards technologically.
Does stallman have comments on any other hardware manufacturors? monitors have firmware blobs. are any free? do any wired or wireless networking ICs have free firmware? do i have to buy an AMD motherboard? because they don't make any far as i know.
what distro is rms using?
>implying I'm a developer
>implying your site needs to look like it's still 1995 to be compatible
>copyright 2013
There's free firmware for Titans now.
gNewSense, because it was pre-installed on his remote oolong.
inb4 bulldozer is actually a 4 core cpu due to the gimped microarchitecture
>anti-semitic propaganda

> they require a proprietary program to initialize the memory and a signed proprietary blob in the northbridge chip.
>ATI uses nonfree microcode

So, how does this kind of thing benefit intel and ATI in any way?

Do companies really think people will be able to clone their graphics cards while they're still profitable to sell?
What's anti-semitic? He's just calling intel fanboys ugly neckbeards.
No, Stallman is a hypocrite. I'm betting he has non-free firmware in his HDD controller or another device.
For motherboards:
>do any wired or wireless networking ICs have free firmware?
Some Atheros do, e.g. ath9k
>What's anti-semitic?
Are you serious?
Some people still buy old shit like GeForce 5200.
Just because not every type of device can be had with free firmware yet doesn't mean we shouldn't maximize our freedom.
who gives a fuck if gentoo is non-free.
i don't have to pay anything to use it, so i'm happy.
Nope, Stallman's lemote yeelong has only free software on it.
shut the fuck up kike, you are only upset because you think it might be true.
>Refrain from submitting images that involve real life space disasters
Is there a kerbal subreddit that respects my privilege? Or should I go to /vg/?
trading jewish backdoor for chinese backdoor
Where can you download the source code for the HDD fw?
Are they even manufacturing those?
Go back to >>>/pol/ please.
No see there is this other definition of freedom. If you use gentoo then you are a slave with no rights whatsoever, and this should be the absolute most important issue in your life.
I don't know, but you can still but them from newegg.
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>What's anti-semitic?
The use of this guy in the bottom portion of the image and the "goy" use, it's claiming that it's a scam orchestrated by the Jews and that "de joos are out to get you!"

>>34826375 (OP)
nice web page highjack faggot
Please can we have more Intel are the jews pics and AMD is the good guy...
Email him about that
Install gNewSense
JIDF fuck off back to your stolen kikeland.
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If you have installed gentoo at any point, you got tricked harder than anyone else ever.

>who cares if i'm giving my freedoms away, i'm happy
1984 here we come
It doesn't. Non-free drivers and firmware are pointless practice.
I'm not sure what exactly Stallman uses. He could have wrote it himself or he may use something like this.

You can email him and ask him.
witch is a Gentoo based OS
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I'm not even Jewish.
I used it in 2002 :(
Hah, they're standing in order of intelligence. High-to-low, left-to-right.
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good goy, defend your masters.
He uses Leemote Yeelong. This laptop's motherboard firmware is supported by Coreboot however there are other replaceable firmwares used in such device such as the one in the HDD.
But they are! /pol/ told me so! ;_;
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I thought his leemote was stolen, and he's using some thinkpad now?
install gnewse-

no. i'm sorry but i can't be that mean
but thinkpads aren't free as in freedom
If that was the case, the jew and asians would all be in a line to symbolize being equally smart and equally evil.
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seeing as some guy is mad about it, I'll have a look
would bang that yellow girl
Obtaining the source code to a piece of software isn't a god-given right you fucking autists, we only recently developed this technology. And you have no freedom, faggots.
I've definitely seen recent pics of him using a thinkpad, so I assume there's at least one model that can run with free firmware.
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>Perhaps the goys will believe me if I insult them first!

JIDF pls
It's much easier than gentoo. It's like Debina/Ubuntu, without nonfree repositories.
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The truth is Raid spray to web gnatzis.
Coreboot is supported on the T60
Those images are not recent. I think the Yeeloong was recovered.
>implying god is a thing
>bullshit about natural rights

Nothing is a god given right. You can only take precautions against people having things and people not having things.
His position is that non-free firmware that's in ROM is okay because it isn't really software at that point, it may as well be a hardwired function of the chip, which is freely available for all code to use. It's right there in the OP link.

I think it's mostly that they can get a tiny cost saving on each card by not needing the extra ROM.
Intel shill status:

Told [x]
Not told [ ]
>CPU store

D-D-do those exist?

Trisquel is the new one that the FSF supports, if you become a member they give you a credit-card-shaped usb flash drive with Trisquel on it.
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I can feel the reports from here.

maybe one more
It's right next to the Power Supply Store and the Keyboard Store
He used that Thinkpad until he got the Leemote about 8 years ago.
I've never been in contact with the JIDF. I don't like the way they do things, but that doesn't mean I endorse /pol/ neo-Nazis.
It's clear you don't understand freedom. I don't think that people should be forced to release sourcecode or anything like that, but users should be able to have control over their computing and what their software does.
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hitler will rise again!
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almost as good as Kelly

>trying to imply people don't have natural rights
>hurr let me just go shit all over all philosophy since the Enlightenment thinkers
>wearing a fedora
>leaving reddit
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fucking kikes
Both of you faggots are supporting kike loving kikery.

VIA processors are the only ones that value your freedom.
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>Disgraceful JIDF photoshop of Ben's work
Hi got his laptop back. The local police found it in a pawn shop.
Is windows xp stallman approved?
I love how these "diversity" pictures never include a white male.
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Don't count on it. All hopes of Nazism died on April 30, 1945. Hitler is in the grave, and so is the Reich.
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that's all
Oh, I never heard that. Interesting.


>pawning that shit-tier laptop

What nigger country was he speaking in that someone even bothered to do this?
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This. It's Gentoo without the package manager that frequently recommends non-free software.
Who is taking the picture? The only one who can do that.
>fell at CP
damnit he should have resisted the cheese pizza.
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I dont know about you but I like free beer
>fell at CP

Hitler was a pedo?
I know (though stupid, the face you can't freely replace the software doesn't mean it's not harmful).
I'm not talking about ROM. HDDs have EEPROM often, as do other devices.
you contradicted yourself, and all users have the option of only running open-source software.
I am an athiest, when i say "god-given rights", i mean rights that everyone other than communists can agree every human is born with, such as freedom of speech, right to self-defense, etc.
>born with rights
What a silly concept. Some born with hair. But with rights.
Good. He was a retard when it came to economics and didn't have access to the technology needed for an effective eugenics program.
we don't take kindly to retards and fedoras here
Some South-American one.
Another example of the blackest country doing what they do best.
we don't take kindly to folks who don't take kindly around here
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Stop hijacking Ben's stuff, nazis.

Sad that Stormfront has to resort to framing someone to push their agenda, but they're neo-Nazis, so it would probably be unwise to expect any decency out of them to begin with.
>you contradicted yourself
How? By using proprietary software, you cannot control what that program does.
what about anti-abortionists and abortionists? the middle ground between them is how many days it takes before a baby is considered human. anti-abortionists want it to be 0 days. abortionists want it to be a few months. they can't really agree.

How can a human be born with rights?
Ben Garrison is one of our best soldiers against the kikery. He has to play it off to the media and pretend he isn't behind it when he actually is.
Freedom: requiring software developers to allow competitors to use their source code.
richard dawkins, while very smart, is a filthy leftist cunt.
Humans were naturally born in a state of anarchy, until we formed government and the Babylonians developed the first written code of law
great, i am neither
You are contradicting yourself because you said that no one should be forced to release source code, but users have to have control over what their software does.
The answer is easy. When a baby is born it is considered 0 days old. Why aren't babies considered 9 months old at birth?
>users have to have control over what their software does.
I didn't say that at all. I said that the "should." Learn english.
I live in Hawaii and make $750k a year as a sys admin.

It's good.
>Why aren't babies considered 9 months old at birth?
Because they aren't.
what kind of things do you do at your job normally?
It's up to the users whether the source is shared.
such pseudo-intellectualism!
it spews forth
we needn't you
Read the constitution pls
>implying everyone live in your country
>>34826375 (OP)

No, more like:
>Proprietary software: Because stifling the competition is more important than making good software that people can adapt and learn from
>abortionists want it to be a few months
yeah right

every UN country following the rules has the human rights
The problem is that while Nvidia generally tries to provide usable nonfree drivers, AMD has completely phoned it in and gives us shit.
ATI has never written drivers. nVidia has always written millions of conflictingly useful drivers.
My country, France, don't care about the UN human rights.
Exceptions do not make the rule. Full term abortionists are an extremely small minority.
It looks great. Grow the fuck, retard.
If you disagree with me, at least come back with a decent argument.
Well, no, you can visit AMD's website right now and download a standalone executable installer for x86 Linux distros.

What constitution? Constitutions aren't an inherent force in the universe.
It's morally irrelevant whether you kill a fetus at 4 months pregnant or a baby who was born yesterday.

>They contend this justifies what they call ''after-birth abortion'' as long as it is painless, because the baby is not harmed by missing out on a life it cannot conceptualise.

There are two options, either you believe that abortion is wrong, or you believe killing newborns should be legal.
They are in established nations, which damn well exist if we want them to.
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do you guys think he was referring to this picture?
>you believe killing newborns should be legal
I believe that killing non borns (only if the fetus has not been developped more than 3 months) should be legal.

Exceptions for some special case.
There argument that life begins at conception is highly debatable, but not objective fact. It's a political issue for a reason.
>wah wah, muh feelings
Humanity as a whole is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, but here on earth the argument is that we have an unlimited amount of freedom by default, until an outside entity takes it away.
The US constitution does a great job of outlining the freedoms that must be preserved by individuals to have a free, yet organized / civilized society.
He was referring to emails probably.

A country can have a society that recognises rights and upholds them. That doesn't mean every human is born with rights.
>There argument that life begins at conception is highly debatable
I don't agree. The heart works, the brain too. A fetus is alive, it's a fact.
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fucking abortionist man you people are insufferable
I wish rms would post in 4chan
Sorry, but as someone who's been using PS for years, yours looks horribly manipulated. The watermark removal on his forearm could have been done a lot better, the text on the fly next to him was obviously done with no effort, and his scalp is ridged compared to the original drawing. The paper he is drawing on is ruffled in the original, but your version doesn't even have an outline. You can see the original colour of his shirt in the outlines. The pencil with the text "100% white pride" could have used the same font as the rest of the pencils.

Sorry, mate.
Rights don't exist naturally, we were rather born with freedom (no outside entity such as government attempting to restrict what we can do).
"Rights" are all about politics.
Why do you believe killing a fetus is OK, but killing a newborn isn't?
Not at conception, dingus. Takes at least a few weeks for that to happen.
There's also the fact that a fetus isn't fully developed until just before it decides to come out.
Of course, I still wouldn't care even if a fetus was a person the moment a chick gets jizzed in. We don't need more babies, societies with available abortion are proven to prosper.
I think abortion should be legal because that's what all the cool kids say, and everyone else is a stuffy old man like my dad!
by that logic, jacking off is genocide
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He tried once.
Lol if I got my birch pregnant I would smack her face and make her get an abortion
So you basically admit that being anti-abortion is the cool hip way to be a contrarian?
No it isn't. Do you jack off on egg cells?

that's why god doesn't like it

how? the sperm never reaches the egg
also swallowing is cannibalism
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Does that mean that funtoo is also not ok in the eyes of Stallman-sama.
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That's why I wear one of these :3
He only visited. He knows about 4chan and even serves some artwork we made for him on his site. He also makes it clear on his site that anyone claim claiming to be him is an imposter
Yes, yes it does. The list of Stallman-approved distros has existed for years, for fuck's sake.
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>Lol if I got my birch pregnant I would smack her face and make her get an abortion
>If i got my birch pregnant i would smack her face
>If i got my birch pregnant
doesn't matter, the potential to be a person is not a person in itself, it's like saying seeds are plants
if a bitch doesn't want a baby the baby will have a shit life
we do not need more and more fucking retarded useless leeches on society
The artwork was removed after the links broke. Maybe someone finally saw the text? Someone post it

I'm saying it's the viewpoint of choice for mature adults.
Adoption exists.

Fertilized eggs aren't potential people, they're people. Just like babies aren't potential people, but people.

I think it's repulsive to think that you support killing people just because they could possibly be a leech in the future even if you don't know this.
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>nitpicking Ben's artistic talent
Here, have some more redpill my semitic friend
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Maybe there is a slim chance that he doesn't know it is gentoo improved and fun too.
>>34826375 (OP)
>Being THAT autistic over free software

I'm sure his hdd or wlan controller or some other tiny ass item is running non-free firmware. What a faggot.
Cancer cells are people, are cancer treatment murder?
>abortion debate

lol, murrika.
How does it make you feel that RMS emailed this text to an intern (free as in beer), who then updated his site because he can't HTML.

Can you taste his tears as he talks about the most popular Linux/Linux distro, android, which is GNU free (free as in HIV- means free from AIDs).

His rejection of Intel CPUs is the greatest endorsement they can get. Parrot rapers use AMD apparently. Does that mean he got rid of his free Chinese (free as in the Chinese have any freedom) shitop?
>Cancer cells are people
People are living creatures , which is made possible by the beautiful formation of billions of molecules together in certain patterns
What a terrible argument.
>beautiful formation of billions of molecules together in certain patterns
But this doesn't correspond to a fertilized egg.

>we were rather born with freedom

In what way? One pre-historic human could restrict the freedom of another pre-historic human from birth without the need for a government or society at all.
yup, a fertilized egg isn't a single molecule, dumb fuck, the thing that separated it from other objects with the same mass is the arrangement of the molecules.
>tfw going to install trisquel later
Which is exactly what i said, but we naturally live in a state of anarchy, UNTIL and IF that happens.
trisquel is shit, just install ubuntu.
Thank God.

What scenario can a human be born into where they are completely free from somebody or something limiting their freedom in some way?
Masters are not responsible for the freedom of their slaves.
because the universe is going to spontaneously combust if you have a single discrete piece of proprietary software running on your machine?
Because I care about freedom.
The first humans were, I don't understand what exactly you are arguing?
It's just the way it is that humans naturally have no government ruling over them, and have freedom of choice
I happen to dislike botnets and Amazon shills
wow that shitty system doesn't ruin people's lives forever
>cells are people
It's the principle. Nonfree software should be purely voluntary, not a necessity.
Use debian then
>People are living creatures
Cancer cells fit that definition - in fact, they are exactly like other cells in your body, just unwanted growth.
>hich is made possible by the beautiful formation of billions of molecules together in certain patterns
Cancer cells contain your DNA.

You didn't answer the question.
Guys, is crunchbang okay?
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Debian's Social Contract states the goal of making Debian entirely free software, and Debian conscientiously keeps nonfree software out of the official Debian system. However, Debian also provides a repository of nonfree software. According to the project, this software is “not part of the Debian system,” but the repository is hosted on many of the project's main servers, and people can readily learn about these nonfree packages by browsing Debian's online package database.

There is also a “contrib” repository; its packages are free, but some of them exist to load separately distributed proprietary programs. This too is not thoroughly separated from the main Debian distribution.

Previous releases of Debian included nonfree blobs with Linux, the kernel. With the release of Debian 6.0 (“squeeze”) in February 2011, these blobs have been moved out of the main distribution to separate packages in the nonfree repository. However, the problem partly remains: the installer in some cases recommends these nonfree firmware files for the peripherals on the machine.
Sure, why not. If you ignore the non-free programs, you'll be fine.
that does not make the cells human, rather an unwanted part of a human, so you are murdering nothing of importance.
Just use an approved distro you loser.

Crunchbang is a great distro, don't listen to all these freefags, small amounts of proprietary software will not hurt anything.
>>34826375 (OP)
my sides
>that does not make the cells human
So you are saying the definition of 'human' is not strictly biological, that there is something else to consider as well?
>rather an unwanted part of a human, so you are murdering nothing of importance.
see: abortion
quit being a dumbass, you know exactly what i mean and you know exactly what a human is, all you are doing is twisting words.
A human is the full being not just the heart, leg , you need the whole thing obviously.
LEL moralfags i am inlightend by my intelligents

- Abortion advocates
/g/ - what is life & your operating system is a piece of shit
>you know exactly what i mean
I don't.
>and you know exactly what a human is
My definition of human would be the taxonomical and genetic one - in which case cancer cells fit that definition, and I have no problem with that.
>A human is the full being not just the heart, leg , you need the whole thing obviously.
Someone born without a leg is not human?
What makes you human is your brain and the way we are able to think.
Once again, you are just intentionally coming up with this shit and over-complicating things, cancer is seen in several different species.
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Who is that figure
In silent meditation
Free as in freedom
>killing useless cells to prevent a life threatening illness is medical science at work
>killing useless cells to prevent a profound financial burden is EVUL N STOOPAD
>muh feelings
I'd like to clear up some erroneous information about where I stand that is circulating on 4chan and perhaps elsewhere.

I have a low opinion of Gentoo GNU/Linux.
Gentoo is a GNU/Linux distribution, but its developers don't recognize this; they call it "Gentoo Linux". That means they are treating me and the GNU Project disresepectfully.

More importantly, Gentoo steers the user towards nonfree programs, which is why it is not one of our recognized free distros.

See the GNU distros list for the distros that I do recommend.

The latest Intel PC processors are useless in the Free World, because they require a proprietary program to initialize the memory and a signed proprietary blob in the northbridge chip.
I don't know how much better the current AMD processors are, but they are surely not worse.

Regarding graphics accelerators for PCs, ATI mostly cooperates with the free software movement, while nVidia is totally hostile. ATI has released free drivers.
However, the ATI drivers use nonfree microcode blobs, whereas most of nVidia's products (excepting the most recent ones) work ok with Nouveau, which is entirely free and has no blobs.

Thus, paradoxically, if you want to be free you need to get a not-very-recent nVidia accelerator.

I wish ATI would free this microcode, or put it in ROM, so that we could endorse its products and stop preferring the products of a company that is no friend of ours.

Android is not, in practice, an entirely free operating system. It has problems , larger or smaller depending on which product. The problems of nonfree driver libraries, and the universal back door in cell phone radio communication software, are imposed by the hardware and are not directly the fault of Android, but that does not make them ok.
There are two different licenses that some refer to as "the BSD license". Both are free software licenses, but the difference has major practical consequences. To avoid confusion, please always say which one you mean — don't say "the BSD license" as if there were just one.
If you support the idea of free software, how about helping our work? Most of the movement's work is done by volunteers, and you can be one of them. See gnu.org/help for a list of suggested ways to help. It is not necessary to be a programmer, because there are other kinds of help we need too.
So I suppose it would then be fine to kill

mentally disabled people
elderly people
etc. ?

Those are useless cells aren't they?
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fuck off stallman
ok lets drop the abortion argument it's off topic.
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May this become the new Slogan of /g/.
Sorry, I like my operating systems from the developed world.
>installing an argentinian distro

yeah , how about no.
> if you want to be free

free of what?
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teaching the mudniggers how to install gentoo
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But install Gentoo is our slogan...
Install gNewSense just isn't the same.
Neither is install Trisquel.
or install Ututo or install BLAG.

We need something new.
Yeah... Yeah indeed.
He lied. He fucking LOVES Gentoo.
He really, really does.
It just... everything I knew was wrong... No...
He loves Gentoo, I know he does.
>However, the ATI drivers use nonfree microcode blobs, whereas most of nVidia's products (excepting the most recent ones) work ok with Nouveau, which is entirely free and has no blobs.

Stallman-sama has spoken. AMD does not know how to make good drivers.
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>>34826375 (OP)
If you support the idea of free software, how about helping our work? Most of the movement's work is done by volunteers, and you can be one of them. See gnu.org/help for a list of suggested ways to help. It is not necessary to be a programmer, because there are other kinds of help we need too.

/g/, why are you ignoring this sentence? I think it's one of the most important ones.
Why aren't you helping the FSF? Stallman needs our Help /g/. We can help this old man.
Okay, that works better than expected.
Time to cancel my order.
I still have an old 8800gt lying around.
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>If you support the idea of free software, how about helping our work? Most of the movement's work is done by volunteers, and you can be one of them.
Nothing cries 'freedom' than doing unpaid work for someone else's benefit.
I gave them $10 for a pack of stickers and an additional $5.
>>34826375 (OP)
Stallman is getting on my nerves. Too much blappering about "free", "use x because y" and "proprietary".
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Then do it yourself, Zionist pig.
The BSD rule is stupid, either the person is referring to the enemy of our freedoms one, or they are referring to the one 0 people use because if you actually love freedom you'd use GPLv3 which offers the most protections.
Install Trisquel
Install Gentoo started as an ironic way to tell someone to RTFM. A default answer to idiotic questions. Gentoo requires following the handbook, seeing as how they aren't capable of following directions, its a joke.

It isn't a "trick".
It's for the benefit of everyone.
You have all this time browsing shitty threads on /g/. Imagine all the things you could've done for the Free Software Movement.

It's a great feeling to do work that matters.
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>It isn't a "trick".
Freedom here means that communities are free to come together to help one another when they wish. Proprietary software restricts communities from sharing software, restricts sharing detailed knowledge about it as well as restricting improvements made to the software. In other words, the community controls the development of the software and not a proprietor.
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butthurt sandnigger detected

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