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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

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So /g/
Nexus 4 or Nexus S4?
well, one is 630, the other is 300.
So... one is much better than the other
Galaxy S4 if you have money to burn or you don't mind contracts. Nexus 4 if you don't need LTE or microSD expansion.

Personally, I'm going with the Galaxy S4.
If you can afford the extra 350 bucks, S4 would be awesome.

>removable battery
>sd card slot
>stock android
>full support of google, first in line for updates

Fuck yiss. Otherwise get the Nexus 4. I say this as a happy Nexus 4 owner - it's a great phone, but the S4 is better with it's expandability.
>>33819374 (OP)
Nexus S4. No competition unless price is a problem.
>>33819374 (OP)
S4 if you have the cash... SD card slot, 1080p....
lol @ people thinking there was going to be a new Nexus at I/O. Instead they get the "Nexus Experience" Galaxy S4. That's like one of those "Microsoft Signature Experience" laptops they sell. Don't expect another new Nexus branded phone.
One is also DOUBLE the price.
I think im gonna still get the Nexus 4.

I had an S3 and ran cyanogen on it. Its was good and all I just think the Nexus is better for stock android.
I dont think I could live with myself spending 650 on a cell phone.
Thats some computer parts I could buy, 2 nexus 4's, some hooch, an ipad, or a shitty laptop.

Plus the s4 is gay
Hardly anybody pays the actual $650 up front

Which is why the Google Edition S4 isn't going to sell for shit, it's a Play Store exclusive.
HTC One Dev edition running CM
Fuck you.
Ive got a One.
Its shit just like the S4
Is there a hardware difference between the Nexus S4 and the Galaxy S4? Or is it just a matter of putting different software on it?
Stupid question for a none tech savvy person.
Do all 4G phones have LTE?
Just different software.
Its the qualcomm S4 with stock android.

> paying $100/month for a telephone
So is it theoretically possible to turn a normal S4 into a Google Edition S4?

try 20
nexus galaxy s4

>microSD slot
>better removable battery
>better gpu/cpu

I'll pay the $300 more.
As far as we know
what is cm10.1?
Does that mean it gets updates straight from Google and runs stock Android?
No, but it might as well.
I'll just wait a while, sell my old phone, and use that money to help pay for an S4 on craigslist. Nexus 4 is inferior in almost every way.
Cyanogenmod 10.1
I was answering his question like it was a jeopardy question.
But thanks for the info.
>>33819374 (OP)
It's not a fucking Nexus device. It is a *Google Experience Device*. The S4 is NOT a Nexus device. Get this fucking right retards.

Nobody expected them to announce a new Nexus device. They always announce Nexus devices at the end of the year.
Prove it
Do you plan on purchasing it?
Prove what?
Some people expected an update to the Nexus 7.
I apologize, I was specifically talking about Nexus handsets.
Yeah, because some japanese guy claimed they were going to. Well, this guy must have the biggest grin on his face right now.
>So you can pay $649 for a piece of plastic running stock or... You can wait :) #IO13

No thanks. I'll wait for the new Nexus One.
>Update: Jeff Gordon of HTC just sent us the following message, “HTC is not currently planning a ‘Nexus Edition’ of the HTC One.”
>new Nexus One

What the fuck are you talking about?
Its not a nexus.
Its gonna be sold right next to them, run stock android, get updates from google
If you read the tweet chain it's pretty clear that smug cunt was referencing some kind of sense update
>wasting screen space for soft buttons
>no SD card
what the fuck would a nascar driver know about phones
Im pretty sure Jeff Gordon is a NASCAR driver
What are you saying? That the Google Experience S4 is a Nexus because its going to get updates from Google? Nexus is BRAND. Getting updates from Google does not make a device a Nexus.
I think you mean flash gordon
So its a Samsung Galaxy S Nexus 4 is what you're saying
So if you can Cyanogenmod the One and get all your fancy updates anyways, and the One has a better display and construction, why care about the S4 at all?
Google only announces phones as their flagships. Until the next Nexus, this is their flagship.
Lagsung Lagaxy Lag Lagxus Lag ;)
>No Verizon
>No HTC ONE for Verizon
>No S4 yet for Verizon
>No Lumia 920 for Verizon
Seriously?! Most other carriers already have all this shit, yet Verizon doesn't.
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so the nexus 4 was tossed aside in a few months? LG must be pissed

well then...

Google Edition S4 it is....
Nobody cares or likes Verizon subscribers. Especially Verizon.
Because it'll be developer friendly.
With updates coming out regularly, all devs have to do is implement their changes.
If the HTC One doesn't get company support, the devs would have to build the updates from scratch.
Why does this matter at all?

You're going to root it anyways. You could just install a custom ROM.

In fact, you'd probably do that anyways.
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It wasn't "tossed aside"
I didn't say anything about it being a flagship device. I was simply pointing out that it isn't a Nexus branded device.

Its easier for the devs ie new versions of Android and custom ROMs will become stable more quickly than for the One.
Which they'll do anyways, so is a month wait for the end user for them to do so really an issue?
Verizon is weird. They are the largest network in the US by subscriber and network coverage, and have the highest customer satisfaction ratings (and as someone who had to deal with their customer support I actually can see why, they're very helpful), yet they suck.

Massive amounts of cock.

CDMA so all phones on their network have to be "approved"
They use their position as a big carrier to get bloatware on phones and delay updates(ATT does this as well, but not nearly as badly)
Assholes, the lot of them.
$650 vs $350

I seriously doubt they're going to have any issues selling more Nexus 4s.
It may as well be a Nexus because it's getting the Nexus treatment. What else, apart from slap the name on it, do they have to do?

Nexus S4 or NGS4 is a good reference name.
There are stability issues for literally the first month of nightlies for new phones. Then it's smooth sailing.
Well yeah, it can be an issue if being on the latest version of android is important to you, which it evidently isn't (for you). This device is not for you.
Google's flagship is the Nexus line.

Why wait a month when you can have it the day it's released? After Google drops the phone from updates, then yes you'll have to wait a bit longer while things are being built.
>What else, apart from slap the name on it, do they have to do

That is literally it. They haven't done so, so it is NOT Nexus device. It makes about as much sense as calling a HTC One a Samsung One... its not a branded Nexus, it is not a Nexus device.
>Especially Verizon.
10/10 I lost it.

No but real talk they deserve the praise they get on custom service ratings. I had a bad galaxy nexus, they sent me a new one with 2 day shipping...that one was also bad (fuck that was a terrible phone), so back it went.

This happened 4 times, each time they were very happy to ship me a new one.

After the 5th nexus they asked if I wanted another phone, I said S3 instinctively (it had come out maybe 3 months prior at this time) and they said yes. If they weren't so fucking expensive I'd have stayed

captcha: allicyo robbing
The point is, Google Experience and Nexus devices become reach stable at a faster rate than any other device.
minus the become
Okay let me make it even clearer.

Samsung will do their shitty job of updates for the Touchjizz version of the S4.

Google will update it promptly to their version of the GS4.

Easier to comprehend?
Oh, and that last nexus? They never asked for it back, it was weird. I thought I sent it back but it turns out it was sitting on my desk under some shit, and I found it a month later. Obviously that was an oversight on their part, but no complaints, I sold that bitch for $300.
>calling HTC One a Samsung One
HTC One uses Sense
Galaxy S4 uses touchjizz.
Galaxy Nexus S4 runs stock android...making it a nexus

You can change the name just cause you want to bub
as in can not
but muh enhanced user interface
But it still has an ugly pentile...
>It may as well be a Nexus because it's getting the Nexus treatment.
Is it really? Will the bootloader be unlockable and so forth? Inquiring minds wish to know.

And saying S4 GE would be better, since that's what it's actually called.
>$650 for something that can be accomplished by flashing CM10.1 onto a regular S4
Making it a Nexus and confirming >>33820278
is an idiot.
All Nexus devices run stock android. All devices that run stock android are not Nexus devices. Nexus devices are a BRAND. It this point it has nothing to do with software. It doesn't matter where it gets updates from, Nexus is Google's brand, The GES4 is NOT a Nexus.
But muh storage.
The S4 won't lack the 8 GB Touchjizz eats up.

>implying the normal user knows what the fuck a root is
It ships unlocked look at op
It's huge because the sources for the stock android samsung is using are going to be very polished[read: stable] and can be used to make the nightlies much more stable.
If it is a Nexus device why isn't it listed or available for purchase here? http://www.google.com.au/nexus/
b...but muh google experience...
Stop getting so political about it.
Goodness me, how right you are.
You can stick a 64GB microsd in there anyways and have beau coup memory
They've said it'll be available (in the US) from google.com/nexus

so I'm not sure where you're going with that.
So it's a Nexus device but it isn't being called a Nexus device?
Show some proof bro. It 4chan we can't believe everything the village idiot says.
Inquiring minds should look at OP's fucking image then, or watch the conference yourself.
>both devices are above 4.5"

Sorry, I'll pass. My hands are to small to handle the sheer power.
Its not a Nexus device, but it is being treated like one.
No Nexus is a brand of devices. A device can run AOSP and not be Nexus
True but the internal storage is usually used for apps and stuff.
Watch the fucking keynote? They call it a "Google Experience S4". They never say the word Nexus the whole time...
But this one is being updated by Google itself.
So it's a Nexus device in all but name?
Because its not available until June 23rd and only we awesome red white and blue americans are going to get it.

SUCK IT OTHER COUNTRIES. Go get taken over by someone.
Is it really? Awesome
A bit slow on the uptake, aye?
What color are you getting? :3
No he means it is a Nexus device because google updates it i think
I'm sure it'll be available to buy on eBay or something. Especially considering it's unlocked.
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>Get it from Google Play, $650 up front cashmoney
>Get regular S4 from T-Mobile, 150 down + 20 a month, root it and get the same thing
>Get it from some other carrier, pay 200 and get 2 year contract, root it and get the same thing
Black Nexus 4.
That is literally the point I am making.

There is literally no point in that article where they state it will be available from google.com/nexus. They say it will be available for purchase from the Play store.
>implying regular users know how to root
sorry I misspoke, they said "through the play store", I assumed that meant nexus, my bad.

I'm not advocating that anyone buy it, just keeping facts up to date in the thread.
Yeah if you wanna pay out of the ass for it. And we're not gonna take your silly monopoly money for it either. Only green backs brah
Why would they put it in a different section
............. because it is not a fucking nexus device.
Google weren't involved in the design? Definitely not a fucking Nexus.
10 of my currency is worth like 15 of yours.
It'll be in it's own separate category, like Chromebooks here.
>Monopoly money
>Implying Australia doesn't have one of the most secure types of currency in the world
Have fun with your easily burnable and wettable paper
>welcoming the botnet to constantly watch your every move
Americunts, everyone.

Why is everyone so freaked out about whether or not to call it a Nexus?
They wont put it in a different section. It will be sold right next to the rest of the Nexus'

Why would they sell this Nexus in a different spot?
Because it is not a Nexus. It was not made by Google. It is simply getting software support from Google.
Because /g/ are stupid cunts
because retards are calling it a Nexus device when it is not. It's a Google Experience device.
>Implying the screen simply isn't longer to accomodate soft buttons
>Implying developers don't have the ability to hide the buttons
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Regular users aren't interested in an AOSP experience to begin with.

This is a phone for enthusiasts.

If you care enough to pay upfront cashmoney for "THE GOOGLE EXPERIENCE" then you're knowledgeable enough to root your phone
bad troll
I'm saying it's not a Nexus, but why do people want to call it a Nexus so much?
Google was very involved in the design. The entire user interface was designed by google.
>implying retards didn't buy the Nexus 4, G Nexus, Nexus S, Nexus One, and the G1
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Google designs the Nexus hardware themselves. Google did not have a hand in designing the S4. It is a Google Experience device in software only.
Because that what it is
That's the software that is on every single android phone. by THAT logic I've got a Sensation Nexus/
One guy's getting real mad by it, everyone else is trolling him. He doesn't realise.

It's basically an adopted Nexus, but Google probably have some rights agreement meaning they can't dole out the title so close after releasing LG's 4. It would be a Nexus if it could.
Why the fuck does it matter? I'm sure the next gen Nexus won't have specs compared to the S4 anyways, it never does.
define nexus
I got the nexus 4 about 3 months ago.
The s4 with stock is amazing but the nexus 4 does everything I need it to very smoothly so I dont see the point.
Sorry, I misunderstood. I guess it does get across the same point and calling it a Nexus is easier so people understand what it is. Its just as easy to type GES4 than NGS4
No LG designed and made the Nexus 4.
Samsung designed and made the Nexus S, Galaxy Nexus, and the Galaxy Nexus S4
Just like the Nexus 4 didn't come out with a super fast SOC that took a dookie on the GSIII, right? Wait.
Most people I know who bought the Nexus 4 bought it because it's the cheap alternative to the flagship phones. They think of the vanilla Android experience as a side effect of them not paying extra money for a "premium" phone.
Same, but I am pretty jelly that I got my Nexus 4 a couple of weeks back. Guess it doesn't matter seeing it can't ship to AU anyway
They manufactured it. Google designed it.

Who gives a shit. We know its not a Nexus. I mean if it were a Nexus samsung or LG would have made it.
LG and Google designed the Nexus 4 together. The LG folks were camping over at Google's place for the collaboration.
A phone that runs stock android and designed by google
Everyone else bought it because they thought it was a nice phone. Then the neck beards got it because they wanted to be l33t.
They have specification requirements that an OEM has to meet, based on a balance of performance of price. Samsung's device is made by Samsung, so Google can just rent out the Nexus name to it without being involved in the manufacturing cost. "Google Experience Phone" is a fucking Nexus phone.
Manufactured by other brands though
A brand that Google gives devices that it had a hand in designing. You can interpret it to include hardware or not.
It's a Nexus, but Samsung didn't want their S-line to be rearranged.
So LG did design the Nexus 4 just like Samsung designed the Galaxy S Nexus 4
>I mean if it were a Nexus samsung or LG would have made it.


Google didn't have a hand in designing the hardware. It is not a Nexus device.
>they thought it was a nice phone.

For the price

If it had a $650 upfront cashmoney non contract pricetag they sure wouldn't be seeking it out for "the google experience"
Exactly. Just like the Google Edition Galaxy S Nexus 4
Galaxy S4 Nexus*
If you put a slogan on it of how fast it was then it would have. Idiots pay nice money for "fast and shiny" things.
Just look at the HTC One users.
What's the point of not defining it to include hardware?

Simply by virtue of designing Android, haven't they technically "have a hand in designing" all Android phones' software?
My bad, all these different Nexus phones is getting confusing.
Fucking THIS.
Actually, my definition was a bad one. A Nexus device is a device that runs stock Android and is given updates by Google directly, rather than the OEM. Google has a hand in designing all Nexus devices, including both hardware and software. You're right.
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Google Nexus is a line of mobile devices using the Android operating system produced by Google in conjunction with an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) partner.
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>S4 is more expensive, has higher benchmarks (but so much bloat it's actually slower out of the box) and made out of shiny plastic
>mfw fanboy has the audacity to say this
Does that definition include the Motorola Xoom, the original Google Experience Device?
No. Because it's a Google Experience Device.
>has more bloat than one

No, because it is not a Nexus. It is a Google Experience device.
Why? Because Google didn't produce the hardware in conjunction with Motorola?
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Samsung Galaxy S4 Nexus coming to the Play Store June 23rd.
The vanilla S4 does.
Yes, coupled with the fact that it was released as the Motorola Xoom. Not a "Nexus Xoom".
Fix the bevel you faggot.
see >>33820710
You mean Galaxy S4 coming to your hands to be rooted right now with official Google updates beginning June 23rd
At the end of the day, a version of this will have the exynos.
One stop drop.
No it won't.
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>using inferior phones
I bet you got the HTC One, eh?
>two sets of buttons
Fuck that looks glorious
Gimme a moment.
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>2 sets of buttons
oh god why
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So stretched
Galaxy S4 is an inferior phone? Okay
>that butthurt
Hows your dents?
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Here you go.
Hehe, better. Thanks!
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>implying that I have an HTC One
>implying that I wasn't simply pointing out that you can buy a Galaxy S4 right now, root it and have the same thing as the "Google Experience" S4 that will come out in a month, but with better payment options

Why are you Samsung faggots so intolerable
I want it now

did google literally just GIVE UP on making hardware

is that seriously what happened here
Verizon Has Objectively The Best And Fastest Network
You removed the wrong row for an ideal device.
Why can't we all get along?

I have an HTC One and I can still see why people would want the S4, Nexus S4, Nexus 4, etc

Not iPhone though
Why would you think that? There's room for this and the Nexus 4 and it's successor to coexist.
No there literally is not. There can only be one OFFICIAL GOOGLE NEXUS PHONE(TM) AT A TIME

it would be like having two iphones in simuntaious production
You're an idiot.
luckily the S4 is not a Nexus phone
This isn't a Nexus phone though, and it's selling for $650. The Nexus 4 is selling for $300. Different markets.
They are in completely different price brackets. They are not directly competing products
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Yes it is faggot, it has nexus in the name. It Is A Nexus Phone.
No, This Replaces The Nexus 4.

The Nexus 4 Is Now Deprecated

Nexus 4 = Iphone 4
This Nexus = Iphone 5
Just like there's room for the Iphone 4 and Iphone 5 at the same time

Oh wait

There Isn't.

Only One Is Produced At a Time. Production Of The New Terminates Production Of The Old Depreceated Model
What? It's the Samsung Galaxy S4
Does the S4 have to kill and drink the essence of the Nexus 4's production line to enter production?
This argument was fun100 posts ago.
Its not a nexus. It still sucks ass. lets move along
Because Nexus users are the fucking iphone users of Android. They are delusional because they somehow think 3G speeds and no SD card are superior specs.
3G still runs fast as fuck
>thinking 3.0 mbps is slow
I bet you also think having more than 320 ppi is good.
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If yer some kinda gay or somethin
Lel get mad faggot
>implying I'm not running LTE on my Nexus 4
Stay pleb.
Just nope
Good thing it has HSPA+ and not just 3G.

>needing a SD card

As someone with a 300gb music collection I have no problem calling you a massive faggot.
But HSPA+ is 3G.

Just saying.
>no swappable battery

get a load of all this pleb
Do you use your phone primarily for MUH GAMEZ or something?

Unless your phone gets appalling battery life, or you're a dumb ass and forget to charge it, you shouldn't ever need to swap the battery.

Inb4 dubious claims of the Nexus 4 having shitty battery life.
No, it's not. It's 4G. 4G was supposed to mean LTE but it ended up meaning HSPA. No LTE is just LTE. And if you don't believe me go look at how HSPA phones are marketed. My EVO 3D on Virgin Mobile was marketed as 4G. Guess what radios it had? The regular CDMA phone + 3g... and WiMax.

Marketing won out of accuracy. Whenever, it was an arbitrary thing to begin with.
*Now LTE is just LTE
I use my phone for doing computer things when traveling.

The funny thing about traveling is that it takes time, so being able to swap out a battery and keep going with heavy useage for another 10+ hours is a very cool thing to have.
So then in your unique case you would want a phone that does this. The rest of us are normal and don't give a fuck.
Actually, it sounds like you fell hook line and sinker to T-Mobile's marketing.

HSPA, and all variants of it, are 3G. Sure, HSPA+ may be faster than some carrier's implementation of LTE, but that doesn't make it 4G. If anything, that means the other carriers aren't fully utilizing their 4G.

T-Mobile can slap 4G on their HSPA+ all they want, but it's not true 4G. It's just a very fast 3G.


>HSPA+, or Evolved High-Speed Packet Access, is a technical standard for wireless, broadband telecommunication. HSPA+ enhances the widely used WCDMA (UMTS) based 3G networks with higher speeds for the end user that are comparable to the newer LTE networks. HSPA+ was first defined in the technical standard 3GPP release 7 and expanded further in later releases.
>gave into T-Mobile's marketing
>my example was from Virgin Mobile

Gee, who do I believe, 2 carriers who call it 4G, or some guy on the Internet?

4G is just a marketing term. It means nothing. Quit putting so much importance on it as it does nothing for any argument you might have and just devolves it into pedantic wankery.
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My 10mbps laughs at you.
Now you can load up that webpage even faster!

...wait fuck you can already load it instantly at a third of that speed.

Unless you're tethering I really don't see the point of battery rape LTE
I'd believe the guy on the internet, to be honest. At least he isn't trying to Jew you out of your money and provides evidence to his claims.

Unfortunately, both of you are right and wrong. HSPA+, and even LTE, are still technically 3G, but they are marketed as 4G and even considered so by the ITU.

So, if you're technically speaking, it's 3G. If you're talking sheer speed, it could barely be considered 4G.

Speak for yourself.

>Implying swaping batteries isn't convient.

Have fun plugging your phone and waiting for it to charge, while I swap batteries and charge the other one.
Which is no big fucking deal when your Note 2 battery gets you through the whole day with 20% before going to sleep. Also no big fucking deal when you can easily swap out the battery for a fresh one. Just having the option to, even if you dont need, is great. Why the fuck do we have cars that go over 100 MPH? We certainly don't NEED them to.

Thanks for looking up the org that decides on this. I remember them being pissed that people were already using the term before they hit the speeds they wanted.

Either way, it has nothing to do with if something is faster not, and HSPA+ is fast.

Have fun babysitting two batteries while I'm just plugging in my phone at night.

>Implying that it takes more than half a brain to manage 2 batteries
>tfw live in third world australia
>you will never have an S4 Nexus

Oh well, at least I got my Nexus 4 (after five fucking months of it being out of stock).


People invented this thing called bags. You put the second battery in the bag, and take it with you in your car.
fucking lol
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>Carrying a european shoulder bag with you everywhere
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>mfw Americans call plastic bags you keep in your glovebox or stuff in your backpack "European shoulder bags"
Sorry, but some of us don't even want to bother with the hassle. Why should I have to carry around a battery? You're probably one of those faggots who uses a case, too.

>Samsung build quality

Oh right, you definitely do.

>carrying a bag everywhere just for a battery
I'm completely overthinking this. If you drive, FUCKING PLUG IT WHILE YOU DRIVE.
We dont need proof, everybody knows that a smartphone who is updated by google is a nexus.


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