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School technology thread?
School technology thread.
What funny shit did you do to your school as a kid?
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It's Brent Rambo time.
I programmed an IR blaster to turn off a teachers' projector/TV.
Shit was funny as hell.
>open up command line
>type in "tree"
>people think you're a wizard
>school bans any foreign .exe
>found out simply renaming any exe to names like mspain.exe opens any exe
oh my what shit secuirty
I got on 4chan
CRT screens
the future is here
You're evil.
mind explaining a bit more ?
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>teacher left room for a good half hour
>friend opens CD tray
>starts slapping it
>it starts making a noise like pic related
>I'm laughing my ass off
>he starts kicking it downwards, letting it slap back up
>it's even louder now, I can't contain my sides
>turns out those things are durable as fuck
>still works even after his assault
>make a .bat file that opens 10000 instances of IE
>make all shortcuts on every computer's desktop open said .bat file
>lose sides as every PC gets a bluescreen and classmates say the PC is broken
8th grade was fun.
forkbombing the computers
you fucker that's not true
bros don't try this, I just broke my fucking blu-ray drive.
It was expensive as hell 3 years ago.
Fuck I hate /g/ and anons
>>34601649 (OP)
made the library computers my seedboxes
>Back in Secondary School (6 or so years ago)
>RM Systems Security
>First find out that executables can run from being run within zips (extracted to temp directory)
>Next find out that even though you can't navigate to C:\Program Files you can extract a folder to there and create a shortcut to it and the program will still run (Example: C:\Program Files\AoE\AoE.exe)
Mr. B if you read this, then you might still remember who it could be.
RM was shit then and i'm glad that i don't have to try and work round it.
I was in high school, and the TVs and projectors in the classrooms were controlled via Infrared remotes. When teachers would be showing something up on the projector, I would randomly turn it off. Announcements were shown on the TV- but you know what? Fuck that. I turned that shit off too. I remember one time there was a teacher showing us a movie (via a projector). I accidentally sent a wrong IR code, and it made some weird shit display on the screen. The teacher got so fucking pissed, she turned it off and shouted at the class "OKAY, WHO'S DOING IT?". She eventually turned it back on to let us watch the rest of it (with that shit still on the screen), but her reaction was fucking priceless. There was also another time when I was at an assembly and they were showing us some graduation video through a projector. Turned that off a couple times as well to fuck with them.

They never did find out who was doing it...
>doing shit you see on 4chan
You don't belong here.
>>34601649 (OP)
Played Oregon trail in second and third grade which introduced me to killing things for profit.
Rofl, how did the teacher find out someone was using another "remote" ?

How are today's projectors controlled ? I'm sure it's by IR.
I've been here for more than half a year, so I think I belong here more than most of you.
Please don't tell me where do I belong, OK?

hahaha you got trolled
>Rofl, how did the teacher find out someone was using another "remote" ?
I'm not completely sure. I think the shit that I displayed may have been some kind of pointer, so that may have given her a hint.
>How are today's projectors controlled ? I'm sure it's by IR.
Still IR.
I have a few, some of them possibly irrelevant.

>In 10th grade
>Library computers, several are having HDD errors. Easy fix
>IT guy is fucking retarded
>They take all the computers away, leave monitors mice and keyboards where they are. I always pretended to be typing and shit.

>Wrote a shit batch file to create 1GB file in directory
>Ran it on their S: drive, where everyone can access it
>Filled up. Teachers and students can't save.

Does anyone want me to continue? I kind of like these threads?
some are controlled by bluetooth
It was an old CD drive. It's 100% true. Computers were usually built like tanks before 2000.
Please continue.
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>Secondary school
>We all use old thinkpads with buttons missing the school own
>teacher leaves the room
>my friend discovers that when he pushes a bunch of buttons at the same time it makes a beep
>I join in
>slowly everyone does it
>teacher comes back confused to a loud orchestra of beep noises coming from all of the classroom

I couldn't contain my laughter at all.
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>half a year
>shared drive with no restrictions on use per person
Go ahead
>half a year
Wow, you sure are an oldfag.
u got me
>>34601649 (OP)
>Be me in HS
>School has thinkpads for students to use
>Be friend with one of the IT guys
>Get 2 free thinkpads when they decide to throw them out
Alright. For the anons who care...

>Wrote a basic batch file (yes i loved those)
>mkdir C:\%random%%random%
>that sort of thing. Makes randomly named folders.
>Got friend to get someone's password
>Ran it on his, he tried to delete it
>Lagged to hell. Teacher sees and is substituting
>She asks what is wrong
>He looks at me and says to the teacher "I got all these random ass files and I gotta delete them
Lucky bastard...
>lelel I'm le oldfag and I totally trollzed you you buttmad faggit? XD
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fuck those things, they never worked.
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Fuck, that reminds me
>mams laptop broke a week ago
>last night she gets me to look at new ones for her
>start browsing through
>get to the Lenovos
>"something like this would be good"
>she asks what the red thing in the middle of the keyboard is
>"That's the IBM Clit Mouse"
>realize what I've just said
She doesn't want a ThinkPad any more
Do you know how could I reproduce that ?
Did you just bomb IR(like 0 - 1 - 0 - 1) in direction of the projector ?

pretty sure if there's a opaque thingy at the top of the remote it's IR.
I'm okay with this
I make hacks of nes roms that were pretty good(text, grafix, some assembly, palettes) and played them on our school computer for everyone to see.
That was in grade 7 around 2001.
>>34601649 (OP)
>Unplug teacher's PS2 mouse, she flips her shit
>"You bastards, now I have to restart and I haven't saved my work"
>Plug it back in it works
>Look at her with a shit eating grin on my face
Next one

>Memorize lock codes for every phone (I graduated just a few years ago)
>Looking over peoples' shoulders
>Either password or the dot screen, I memorized it and wrote it down
>Have a bunch, maybe like 80, mostly popular kids
>Openly gave them away to their boyfriends and shit, all the sexts were found
>Relationship ruined
>Because I watched some faggot put in their password
Not bad.
Most people had 5 character passwords or just simple patterns on the dots. l2security, guyz.
What are you using to send the IR?
So am I.
They didn't expect some edgy faggot to spy on them now did they.
mine is 4dots code, i change it everytime i go to the bathroom or want to sleep though
I use a 9-dot pattern...
The teachers PC had a script on the desktop that disabled the internet on all other PCs in the classroom. Interestingly, it didn't affect live-CDs, so while the others whined, I was browsing away, laughing at them.

Good times.
>Interestingly, it didn't affect live-CDs,
Not really that interesting...
>be 17 yo
>unplug ethernet wire as i enter the classroom
>retarded (female) teacher cant go online
>i offer help
>to to her
>go to addresbar and typ '' www.InternetPleaseWork''
>friend sitting close to pc, pluggs the ethernet wire back in
>connection = made
>internet is fixed
>teacher said she was going to remember


Nowdays in college i remotely shut down kids pc's when they are playing stupid games
>Interestingly, it didn't affect live-CDs
Not really that interesting...
Probably IR emitter + raspberry
I haven't done anything yet
Dude my school at the moment uses RM ahaha, they JUST now blocked running .exes through archives
do they block .scr and .com ? (and other executables)
>play halo online
>teacher sees it on his screen with some program
>turns the game off remotely
>while teacher is away i go into paint and fullscreen "fuck you"
>teacher sees it
Fucking lol.
Why are so many kids assholes? When I was 17 I would've played a trick like this on my teachers. Is /g/ full of psychotics or something?
>It's 1996 and I'm in 2nd grade
>Everyone gets school email accounts and taught how to use them
>A couple of weeks later me and a bunch of other kids messing around with school computers after hours
>One kid decides to write an email full of childish insults like "Your big red ass is so big you can shove the Eifel Tower in it" to the principal
>Sends it to him from the firstname.lastname@schoodistrict.schooname.edu.countrycode email account he was issued a couple of weeks before
>Tells us about what he just did and how the principal will never know who sent it to him
>The one kid who isn't retarded about stuff like this explains to him that the principal will know exactly who it was who sent the message just by looking at the sender's email address
>Kid who sends it pretty much freaks out is brought to the verge of tears
>The next day the kid is nervous as hell the whole day until he's suddenly called into the principal's office at which time he actually starts crying as the teacher who comes to get him escorts him out of the classroom
>Ends up with suspended internet privileges for the next couple of months
Didn't realize how massively retarded that was until it suddenly hit me several years later...
oops, *wouldn't have
grat bat mat
I don't know of .scr but .com yes, this happened months ago man, aha this is great they're such a shitfest...
>>34601649 (OP)
I didn't do it, but there was some funny things in primary.

our teacher told us not to double click on the icon names on the desktop, because it renames the files and break them, then they would have to work on it for hours with <instert IT guy name here> to figure out whats wrong.

In secondary school
>no admin access to computers
>wanted to play cod:uo with mates
>figured out theres a thing called ophcrack
>got admin pass, we used it to make server
>IT staff figured out somehow. changed pass
>break it again, still playing
>after a while they figured again, now put bios password
>hmm what should I do
>applied to be room manager (opens, locks the door, enables, disables power)
>got in there 10 minutes early, took out battery, but it back
>got pass again
>heard from others that teachers are complaining that somebody is using BIOS KILLER programs, and damaging school property
>they changed pass again, and now only teacher was allowed to open the room

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