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My dad got me into a 4 month, two days a week intensive course about linux/vmware/solaris-10. He said that IT jobs are where the jobs are (even though I got a BA degree in Government and Politics), and this course can get me a job in anywhere related to linux/unix administration.

Here are a sample list of lessons out of 27:
1. Solaris 10 and Linux OS Directory Hierarchy
2. Managing Solaris and Linux OS File System
3. Managing Local Disks and Devices
4. Installing the Solaris 10 OS Environment for SPARC

What am I expecting? And will this course actually help me a getting a job?

Also, is Unix administration really a cushy job? And Command line style OSes, I heard that you have to deal with command line style of use when it comes to linux server maintenance, is it true. Because I'm used to windows for years.
Short answer, yes.

IT is all about certifications, at my small company, we have a few people with no college degrees (and no certs) but are among the brightest.
They built credit from freelancing and helpdesk jobs during the .com bubble, but I believe these classes will help you achieve the same results.

Best advice is to develop a genuine interest outside of the class. Figure shit out on your own. Look at some intro hacking stuff on the web. That'll force you to learn some of the underlying workings of running services, how they break, and how to prevent mishaps.

If you know what you're doing, somebody will give you a job. From there take more cert classes in whatever niche you think you can succeed in most (Cisco, cissp, vmware).

Worst case, you would get a helpdesk job (employees just hit you up with problems -email not working, mouse is broken, monitors not configured, and server maintenance) and work your way to administrator from there.

Good luck.
I didn't know solaris was still active, although could be my region.

Anyways, if the jobs were there then most of /g/ would be employed instead of basement dwellers.

That being said most IT firm just look for something that shows you that you can learn. Every company has a different way of doing things and if you really think that you will learn IT from a course this short you have another thing coming.

Honest advice, stay out of hardware until you get experience. Otherwise you will be replacing ram for the rest of your life.

I work for a Microsoft partner. Every day I come home my linux desktop on work on my linux servers. One day I hope to escape, but the market isn't there in my area. The nice thing is that it is like a crystal ball. See something in Linux. See MS attempt a shitty clone in 6 months.

Oracle built their entire platform on top of Solaris and is pretty much the only large scale database solution
You want a two-year or four-year degree for that shit. CCNA cert bullshit really doesn't get you far. IT is one of the most crowded job markets there is.

Adding skills to a resume is never a bad thing, however, and having specialist knowledge always goes a long way.

I haven't seen Oracle taught on Linux for years. Mind you I haven't seen many decent DBAs either.

If I see another faggot thinking MS-SQL enterprise can be tuned in the same way I am going to punch them in the throat.

Anyways, good to know.
>most crowded job markets

where do you live?
Our company is screaming for people, with bonuses for bringing somebody in. Although we are in a remote area
I have a master's degree in robotics. I just know enough to stay the fuck away from the IT sector. Your company probably wants someone with far more experience than a four-month Solaris admin course.
IT is supreme in terms of jobs. There's literally nowhere to go but up.

CLI is easy to get used to if you're mentally capable of it. It actually feels really nice because things are interpreted much more exactly with a CLI. Depending on where you are/where you're getting a job, they could be looking for certs and/or college degrees, but either way, you can suck dick all the way up the ladder in IT.
>it major
>halfway there
>still no certs

Shit, I'm wasting my time. Though, I've started reading the USAH. I want to get into the sysadmin area, and casually I've been helpdesking on college for funds.
my company make fun of the people with CS degrees (including myself).

We have hired people with interest. Right now our helpdesk would honestly take somebody 2 months at best buy.
OP here, I actually live in the DC area.
>>35311247 (You)
oh. fuck.

Good place to be for what you are taking. Just keep studying and remember 1 day off a week. You should relax before you get a job.
got any material OP? slides? pdf book ?
can you upload it?
That's my plan - Take one weekend off a month.I got three anime conventions to make sure of that between august 1st to September 20th.

It will take me a second
>>35311450 (You)
I meant one weekend off a week. My brain isn't functioning right.
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>>35311450 (You)
Here you go.
Solaris is active in enterprise server, not so much your average business administration. It's like java, once its deployed even if the tech is gone it will be legacy for at least 10 years.

>>35310440 (OP)
You are in a good position OP, you should be aiming for CIO at government department.

You could also easily hit project manager in business enterprise or senior development manager

A couple certs should get your foot in the door, you want to do like 5 years of front line tech before you aim for a managment role.

You want to do good front line tech though, if you nare doing support you want to do like level 3 or up, support developers or something, not users.

Supporting developers is the next step to managing them.

If you get into managment doing level 1 support you will end up a helpdesk manager of some type, you'll be jockying help desk monkeys and yeah fuck that.

Production support i think would be your ideal position, if you can get into a good production support role of a large oracle database running on solaris... then you could end up senior engineering manager for the lot, development and production support.

There is more money in enterprise but its not as cushy and laid back as government. But yeah if you make it in enterprise you can always head to gov when you have had enough.

As a newbie starting out the politics in government did my head in and i left for enterprise as soon as possible but with your degree you might thrive there.

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