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>tfw this has became the generic clipart image of the Devil, with most having no clue what it originally stands for
B- but I am in church.
I am not Christian. What would I do in a church?
Nobody is in church for the entire day. I've already been.
>>34080281 (OP)
>Wasting your life instead of spending quality time with your family
You could go to church with a christian friend to make them feel better.

You could go and throw breadcrumbs at the priest/vicar/whateverthefucker and call him a pigeon of fictitious and seditious materials.
Would I cuddle with them afterward? :3
>you could lie instead of sharing your opinion
Does anybody have that story about that person who thought that FreeBSD was invented by Satan or whatever?
>>34080281 (OP)
Its cause I'm at work, and even if i wasn't at work i still wouldn't be at church
>>34080281 (OP)
Sorry im intelligent. I dont go to church
also summer is here.
You don't have to be a dick by shoving your opinions in a Christian's face. It's not as if you're going to change their mind.
Cause I don't like getting up on Sundays
Not using FreeBSD?

You're the devil.
would you say the same thing if someone believed in pixies or psychics or santa claus or the tooth fairy when age 20+
Go back to /r/atheism
why, everyone is born an atheist. dont dodge the question

are you mad that im highlighting how ridiculous religion is?
>It's not as if you're going to change their mind.
How do you know?
It's like telling a small child that Santa Claus isn't real (assuming that you're not their parent); no matter how many times you tell them that he isn't real, they won't believe you. And why would you do that anyway? You'd be spoiling the fun for them.

Having faith in something is a way to feel safe in life and feel as if there's always someone there for you.
...Did you just quote the Fable of the Swan?
Are you >implying that I'm a good writer?

If so, thank you. :3
I'm not a Christian and nor I am religious.
religion....fun....something always there for you which isnt real...


having faith in something aka religion is not a good thing and is holding us back as a scoiety
>>34080281 (OP)

>not being part of muslim master race

Ignorance is not bliss
Well I read something similar to that yesterday; it was along those lines, but then extrapolated and expanded upon them by saying "you have to push their ideas, like asking how Santa could fly so far in one night". It's just a bizarre coincidence I suppose :3
America was built by Christians.

Stop being silly.
>>34080281 (OP)
but I work 12 hours today op
>>34080281 (OP)
Going in a couple of hours. Then back at home drinking and watching porn.
America was created by Deists.

lrn2history faggot
And their forefathers were jewish and the jewish' forefathers worshipped snakes.

Your point is?
explains a lot doesn't it.

let me break it down for you another way.

"It is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied"

This sums up my views on religion in many ways.
I would rather be dissatisfied with this beautiful unfathomable world. Than satisfied by the man made web of lies and hate known as religion.

Is this world not enough for you? This beautiful amazing, unfathomable world!

Why do you feel the need to sully it and bastardize it with your God?

and this regardless of the 10 ways sideways that you can prove god is bullshit is why i am am a militant atheist...religion holds us back
Yeah. What's your point?
>not going on Saturday
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>arguing about religion
part of growing up I guess
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yeah as you grow up you realize more and more how its bullshit, you rebel against it, often people just slip into a passive acceptance.
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you still have a long way to go redditfriend
i dont browse reddit.
also im okay with this
oh but you do, if only in spirit
There is no need for rebelion, you can accept it or not and then move on with your life
There is no need for enlightening others or trying to change the world
If you were really islamic you would have already issued a fatwa on all the athiests here.
when religion is stopping progress in stem cell research which could cure me of early onset alzheimer's...then yeah i think i deserve to be able to protest
>>tfw this has became the generic clipart image of the Devil, with most having no clue what it originally stands for

>tfw this has become the generic clipart image of the devil and most people have no clue what it originally stood for

Did you fail English 101?
does noone notice this is the old freebsd mascot?
>Sorry im intelligent. I dont go to church
>also summer is here.

Sorry, I'm intelligent. I don't go to church. Also, summer is here.

Did you fail English 101?
>shaving technology threads get deleted within minutes
>this thread has been going on for 3 hours

Yes, everybody did.
did somebody say rebellion?


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